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What is the FROGBEAR Database of Religious Sites in East Asia?

The FROGBEAR Database is a public database displaying texts, images, videos, and other research content accumulated during the SSHRC-funded research project on Buddhism and East Asian Religions (2016-2023). The digital materials are stored in an open access digital repository housed in the Open Collections of the University of British Columbia Library. This database serves as a unique virtual library of material related to East Asian religions, past and present. It enables interested scholars, students, and the public to discover connections between seemingly disparate geographical and temporal contexts. It also helps to enhance academic interactions both within the project’s research teams and with communities around the globe.

The database consists of records containing one or more digital objects (photographs, videos, audio recording, and other files) related to East Asian religions and accompanied by metadata describing their content and significance.


Users can search archived digital records by selecting “Cluster,” “Year,” “Keyword,” “Location,” and/or “Media” individually, or combining different search terms to create custom search queries. The search bar can also be used to search for records containing the desired text.

Map view

Records that contain coordinate metadata are displayed on the map view. Users can zoom in and out, or move the map to see a location and associated records they need.

Image view (Close-up view/zoom function)

In record view, users can click to zoom in and out to see the details when hovering the mouse over the selected image.

Create an account

Users can create an account to create, save, and share custom lists. Click “Log in” to go to the WordPress site, then “Register” to create an account.


After logging into their accounts, users can use archived FROGBEAR data to create, manage, and share custom record lists.

Export Metadata

Within the account, users can also choose to export their lists by choosing the “Share” option from the My Lists page or when viewing the custom list itself. Selecting this option will prompt the user’s browser to download a comma-separated .txt file, which contains the list title, notes, and the following metadata for each record in the list: i) Title, ii) DOI, iii) URI (Permalink), iv) Latitude (from Geographic Location), and v) Longitude (from Geographic Location).

For more detailed instructions, including a User Guide and additional resources, visit

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