Code of Conduct

Who is bound by this code of conduct?

Anyone taking part in Frogbear-funded field visits.

What are the expectations?   We are all required to

  • commit to a scholarly environment built on equity, mutual respect, and a climate free of bullying and harassment
  • enable free and open discussion and value diverse perspectives while ensuring the dignity of participants
  • not discriminate based on gender, age, race, colour, religion, creed, sexual orientation, national origin, or disability
  • not assign duties based on a gendered division of labour
  • strive for a nuanced and attuned understanding of diverse cultures, including negotiating potential conflicts with care

We are all required to prevent bullying and harassment, sexual misconduct, and expressions of disrespect.

If we witness bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct, or disrespectful expression, we are expected to act as allies to those targeted by offering support and reporting issues.

You may contact the Frogbear Ombudsperson (currently Christina Laffin) at or by calling +1-604-822-4990 and leaving your telephone number.

All concerns will be treated in confidence.

Bullying and harassment

Bullying and harassment is objectionable and unwanted behavior that is verbally, physically, or emotionally abusive, vexatious or hostile and that creates an intimidating environment for learning or working. It may be intentional or unintentional and need not be repetitive to have a lasting harmful effect.

Bullying and harassment includes demeaning or intimidating comments, gestures or conduct, verbal aggression or yelling, threats, ostracism and exclusion, abuse of power, sabotage of work, derogatory name-calling, spreading of malicious rumors, and making vexatious complaints about others.

Bullying or harassment does not include appropriate managerial or supervisory direction, constructive criticism, respectful expression of differences of opinion, reasonable changes to assignments and duties, correction of inappropriate student behavior, and instruction using conjecture or advocating controversial positions.

Sexual misconduct

Sexual misconduct involves a range of behaviors including sexual assault, sexual harassment, intimate partner violence, sexual exploitation, sexually inappropriate behavior, and any other conduct of a sexual nature that is nonconsensual, or has the effect of threatening, intimidating, or coercing a person. Sexual misconduct can be committed by individuals of any sex or gender, and it can occur between individuals of the same or different sexes or genders. It can occur between strangers or acquaintances, as well as people involved in intimate or sexual relationships.

A determination of disrespectful behavior or misconduct is based not only on what the alleged perpetrator and target experienced, knew, or understood, but on what a reasonable person in each circumstance would have experienced, known, or understood, taking into account the full context.

Use of the Funds for Field Visits

  1. Each project participant is allocated funds according to their role in the project. These funds will be used to support, primarily though not exclusively, each team member’s fieldwork in the form of subsidies to his or her airfare and transportation costs, housing and per diems, fieldwork-required devices.  Use of funds must adhere to the Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide, available on line by visiting here.
  2. These funds will be allocated in addition to substantial support that each of our EA partners may provide in the form of travel subsidies and free accommodation for the conferences to be organized during the annual fieldwork period, as well as visiting professorships, which team members based in Europe and N. America may utilize.
  3. Team members are encouraged to bring one of their students (graduate students or senior undergraduates) with them to EA. Funding for student participants may be provided either by a researcher’s home institution, or through funding programs supported by this grant.
  4. Team members are encouraged to secure supplemental funding from external sources, including their home institutions.
  5. Team members who cannot join any part of annual fieldwork projects during a specific year cannot claim research funds for that year. He or she may however, recommend a colleague from his or her institution to participate in the fieldwork.
  6. In case no colleague accepts his or her recommendation, the fieldwork funds will be carried over for one year only.
  7. We understand that not all of our team members will be able to join every one of the annual fieldwork opportunities to be arranged over the life of the project. Team members who may be unable to join part or any of the fieldwork opportunities are encouraged to assist us with training and mentoring, and/or other matters related to the success of this project.

Frequently Asked Questions

 1. Can participants conduct field visits in other months? Some expressed concern that their schedules may not allow for this timing, or that the timing may not be ideal for some field sites (too hot, possible flooding, etc.).
A: Cluster leaders are encouraged to arrange site visits during the summer; however, they may note on the proposal form if this is not possible, and why.

2. Can field visits include destinations that are not located in East Asia? For example, at a library with rare manuscripts and prints.
A: YES,  but only for one year in a three year plan. Cluster leaders must visit a site in East Asia for two years while their cluster is active.

3. Can funds be used to hire research assistants to analyze material that has recently been made available?
A: NO (mostly). If you feel that a request is justified, submit a proposal for review by the Central Steering Committee. These will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

4. Can I use Airbnb instead of a hotel for accommodation?
A: YES. Please ensure the receipt is marked PAID.

5. Can I use some of the funds for buying books related to my topic?

6. As part of my trip to Japan, can I stop in Beijing (before or after Japan) for library research and meeting people? Can I claim the expenses incurred there?
A: YES. This stop is in East Asia and is part of the visit. The sponsor requires that names and affiliations of people you meet with be submitted, along with justification for the relevance to the project.

7. Can I spend my own quota for other trips related to my research? E.g. going to St. Petersburg or Paris to look at manuscripts.
A: NO. This stop is not part of the visit, is not in East Asia, and provides no direct benefit to the project.

8. I will be stopping in another city on my way to the site visit. Can I still claim the airfare?
A: YES, up to the amount a direct flight would have cost. Please ensure you submit a quote showing the direct price, along with your claim.

9. I am over my allocated limit for this year. Can I draw from next year’s allocation?
A: YES, you may use up to $1000 of the following year’s funding to cover expenses.

10. My student has been accepted into the Summer/Winter/Intensive Program. May I use my funds to cover his/her travel expenses?
A: YES, we ask the student to submit a brief report on an aspect of the program.


Use of funds must adhere to the Tri-Agency Financial Administration Guide, available on line by visiting here.

Eligible expenses include airfare, ground transportation, meals and accommodation (if not provided by the visit). No receipts for meals are needed, and are reimbursed on a per diem basis ($14US-breakfast, $16US –lunch, $30US – dinner, or $60US for a whole day). Please do not claim meals provided by the program. We use Travel claim forms (see below) that can be used to submit a claim with all original, itemized receipts (not credit card slips) and boarding passes. If you are missing any receipts or boarding passes, please complete the relevant forms below to show that you will not claim them elsewhere. To avoid any delays when submitting your form, please clearly number your receipts as they are listed on the claim form, and provide enough translation to show what the expense is for including the amount. Unfortunately, we are unable to reimburse participants until they return from the visit. Please contact if you would like to verify the eligibility of other expenses.  For payments made to banks outside of Canada and the US, please also complete the Wire Transfer Form below. It is highly recommended that you scan you claim and send by email.

Travel Claim form

Wire Transfer Form

Missing boarding pass

Missing Receipt Form

It is highly recommended that you scan your claim and send by email before sending hard copies. All original receipts, boarding passes, and the claim form should be mailed to:

Vicky Baker
UBC Department of Asian Studies
1871 West Mall
Vancouver, BC
V6T 1Z2