Who is bound by this code of conduct?

The FROGBEAR Project operates under the auspices of the University of British Columbia, and as such anyone taking part in FROGBEAR-funded activities is bound by the institution’s related policies.

What are the expectations? We are all required to

  •       commit to a scholarly environment built on care, equity, mutual respect, and a climate free     of bullying and harassment,
  •       enable free and open discussion and value diverse perspectives while ensuring the dignity of participants,
  •      not discriminate based on gender, age, race, colour, religion, creed, sexual    orientation, national origin, or disability,
  •       commit to shared and respectful division of labour with balanced participation, and,
  •       strive for a nuanced and attuned understanding of diverse cultures, including negotiating potential conflicts with care.

Bullying and Harassment

What constitutes personal harassment and bullying?[1]

Personal harassment is objectionable and unwanted behaviour that is verbally or physically abusive, vexatious or hostile, that is without reasonable justification, and that creates a hostile or intimidating environment for working, learning or living. Personal harassment may be intentional or unintentional. While personal harassment usually consists of repeated acts, a single serious incident that has a lasting harmful effect may constitute personal harassment.

Personal harassment behaviour includes persistent demeaning or intimidating comments, gestures or conduct; threats to a person’s employment or educational status, person or property; persistent comments or conduct, including ostracism or exclusion of a person, that undermines an individual’s self-esteem so as to compromise their ability to achieve work or study goals; unwarranted and excessive supervision or criticism of an individual; abuse of power, authority or position; sabotage of a person’s work; hazing; spreading of malicious rumours or lies; or making malicious or vexatious complaints about a person.

Bullying and harassing behaviour may include:

  • Verbal aggression or yelling
  • Humiliating initiation practices (‘hazing’)
  • Spreading malicious rumours
  • Calling someone derogatory names
  • Cyberbullying – through email, text, and social networks

 It does not include:

  • Expressing differences of opinion
  • Offering constructive feedback, guidance, or advice about work-related behaviour
  • Reasonable action taken by the cluster leader, relating to the management and direction of the cluster, or the field visit

If I experience or witness personal harassment, who should I report this to?

If you feel you have been bullied or harassed, it is important to report the offending behaviour as outlined in the following section.

Reporting Procedure

If you are a participant: If you feel comfortable doing so, calmly approach the alleged harasser and inform them that their behaviour is offensive and unwelcome, contrary to the FROGBEAR Code of Conduct, and insist that they stop immediately.

If you are not comfortable approaching the alleged bully or if the unwelcome behaviour continues: Contact your cluster leader to report.

If the cluster leader cannot resolve the issue, or if the cluster leader is the alleged harasser: Contact the FROGBEAR Ombudsperson.

If you observe another participant being bullied and harassed while participating in FROGBEAR activities: Report what you have observed to the cluster leader. If the cluster leader is unable to resolve the issue, or if your cluster leader is the alleged harasser, then report to the FROGBEAR Ombudsperson.

The FROGBEAR Ombudsperson (currently Christina Laffin) can be contacted at or by calling +1-604-822-4990 and leaving your telephone number.

 Note: It is good practice to keep a journal of each incident, noting the time, date, location, and a brief description. Try and be as accurate as possible. Also, be sure to note the names of those who directly observed each incident.

Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct includes any conduct by which a student gains or attempts to gain an unfair academic advantage or benefit thereby compromising the integrity of the academic process, or helping or attempting to help another person commit an act of academic misconduct or gain, or attempt to gain, an unfair academic advantage.[2]

Sexual Misconduct

Sexual misconduct includes sexualized violence and refers to any sexual act or act targeting an individual’s sexuality, gender identity or gender expression, whether the act is physical or psychological in nature, that is committed, threatened, or attempted against an individual without that individual’s Consent. (Section 2.1 UBC Sexual Misconduct Policy)[3]

 We are all required to prevent bullying and harassment, sexual misconduct, and expressions of disrespect. If we witness bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct, or disrespectful expression, we are expected to act as allies to those targeted by offering support and reporting issues.

Gender equity

The FROGBEAR project recognizes that gender inequities exist in the fields of religious studies, and as such strives support scholars who identify as female by ensuring equitable engagement in all activities in the project.  Those responsible for organizing research, training, and events are asked to aim for 50% of the leading scholars involved to be female, and to ensure it is not less than 30%.


Use of the Funds for Field Visits

  1. Each Co-investigator is allocated funds annually to support, primarily though not exclusively, each team member’s fieldwork in the form of subsidies to his or her airfare and transportation costs, housing and per diems, fieldwork-required equipment.
  2. These funds will be allocated in addition to support that EA partners may provide in the form of travel subsidies and free accommodation for the conferences to be organized during the annual fieldwork period.
  3. Team members are encouraged to provide opportunities for their students (graduate students or senior undergraduates) in fieldwork. Funding for student participants may also be provided either by a researcher’s home institution, or through funding programs supported by this grant.
  4. Team members are encouraged to secure supplemental funding from external sources, including their home institutions.
  5. Team members who cannot join any part of annual fieldwork projects cannot claim research funds for that year. He or she may however, recommend a colleague or student from his or her institution to participate in the fieldwork.
  6. We understand that not all of our team members will be able to join every one of the annual fieldwork opportunities to be arranged over the life of the project. Team members who may be unable to join part or any of the fieldwork opportunities are encouraged to assist us with training and mentoring, and/or other matters related to the success of this project.
  7. Co-investigators may be eligible to claim child care expenses for dependent children. Proposals should be submitted for pre-approval by the FROGBEAR project. Due to limited space and resources, however, children are not generally allowed at the research sites except in the case of special circumstances. Cluster leaders will check with local tour companies, guest houses and/or universities to provide details on appropriate local caregivers, space, and facilities (e.g. playgrounds). Co-investigators are responsible for using this information to make a proposal for childcare expenses.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can participants conduct field visits in other months? Some expressed concern that their schedules may not allow for this timing, or that the timing may not be ideal for some field sites (too hot, possible flooding, etc.).
    A: Cluster leaders are encouraged to arrange site visits during the summer; however, they may note on the proposal form if this is not possible, and why.
  2. Can funds be used to hire research assistants to analyze material that has recently been made available?
    A: NO (mostly). If you feel that a request is justified, submit a proposal for review by the Central Steering Committee. These will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
  3. Can I use Airbnb instead of a hotel for accommodation?
    A: YES. Please ensure the receipt is marked PAID.
  4. Can I use some of the funds for buying books related to my topic?
    A: YES. A list of books purchased (in English) is required, along with justification that they are directly related to the project’s research. This item should total no more than $500 CAD.
  5. As part of my trip, can I stop in another city for library research and meeting people? Can I claim the expenses incurred there?
    A: YES. This stop is part of the visit. The sponsor requires that names and affiliations of people you meet with be submitted, along with justification for the relevance to the project.
  6. Can I spend my own quota for other trips related to my research?
    A: NO. This stop is not part of a cluster visit.
  7. I will be stopping in another city on my way to the site visit. Can I still claim the airfare?
    A: YES, up to the amount a direct flight would have cost. Please ensure you submit a quote showing the direct price, along with your claim.
  8. My student has been accepted into the Summer/Winter/Intensive Program. May I use my funds to cover his/her travel expenses?
    A: YES, we ask the student to submit a brief report on an aspect of the program.


Expenses must be necessary and reasonable. Grant expenditures must:

Eligible expenses include airfare, ground transportation, meals and accommodation (if not provided by the visit). No receipts for meals are needed, and are reimbursed on a per diem basis ($24CAD-breakfast, $26CAD –lunch, $50CAD – dinner, or $100 CAD for a whole day). Please do not claim meals provided by the program. Please submit a list of expenses, and scans of all original, itemized receipts (not credit card slips). If you are missing any receipts, additional information needed to show that you will not claim them elsewhere. To avoid any delays when submitting your form, please clearly number your receipts and provide enough translation to show what the expense is for including the amount. Unfortunately, we are unable to reimburse participants until they return from the visit. Please contact to verify the eligibility of expenses.


[1] Adapted from and