How Zen Became Chan – Panelists

Return to the main conference page.     1. Juhn AHN 安俊泳 (Michigan 密歇根大學) Juhn Y. Ahn is Associate Professor of Buddhist and Korean Studies at the University of Michigan and the author of Buddhas and Ancestors: Religion and Wealth in Fourteenth-Century Korea (University of Washington Press, 2018), Transgression in Korea: Beyond Resistance and Control (University of Michigan Press, 2018), and Gongan Continue reading

How Zen Became Chan – Abstracts

Return to the main conference page.   Juhn AHN 安俊泳 (Michigan 密歇根大學): Sudden awakening makes precepts perfect: Ven. Seongcheol’s (1912-1993) not-so-unorthodox Seon doxography In this paper I will offer a context-driven re-reading of Ven. Seongcheol’s classic and controversial book, Orthodox Path of the Seon School (Seonmun jeongno), published in 1981. Continue reading

Religions and Local Society – Panelists

Return to the main conference page.   1. Rostislav BEREZKIN 白若思 (FudanU 復旦) Rostislav Berezkin obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia and candidate of sciences degree from Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia. He is a senior research fellow at the National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Fudan Continue reading

Religions and Local Society – Abstracts

Return to the main conference page.   Rostislav BEREZKIN 白若思 (FudanU 復旦): The Mystery of the Miaoshan Legend Origins in the Perspective of World Folklore Motifs The legend of Princess Miaoshan who is considered to be an earthly reincarnation of Guanyin, Bodhisattva of Mercy, has been widely used in Chinese Continue reading

有关佛教贤哲、译者与类书家的文本与图像之知识之林 – 叶山谷报告

Click here to return to the main conference page. Click here to return to Student Reports page.   佛教贤哲、译家与类书家的文本与图像之学林国际学术研讨会暨筱原亨一先生 (Koichi Shinohara,1941-) 伞寿庆贺会 英文原作者:叶山谷 (Nate Lovdahl,耶鲁大学) 中文译者:赵燕飞 (伦敦大学亚非学院)    2021年10月14日至16日,由旭日全球佛学网络主办,加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学“拔地入云:佛教与东亚宗教研究计划”、美国耶鲁大学和中国浙江大学联合承办的“佛教贤哲、译家与类书家的文本与图像之学林国际学术研讨会暨筱原亨一先生 (Koichi Shinohara,1941- ) 伞寿庆贺会”成功举办。受新冠疫情的影响,本次研讨会于线上进行,但学者与会热情未减。本次国际会议历时三天,共计九个部会,来自世界各地的四十余位学者参会研讨,会议气氛热烈,学术成果颇丰。 如果说佛学研究如茫茫林海,纷然杂陈,筱原亨一教授无疑是位在林间巧妙穿梭,“技艺”高超的汲引者。在五十余载的学术和执教生涯中,筱原亨一教授以其累累的学术成果启迪了佛教研究乃至更广义的亚州研究、宗教研究领域的学界同仁,更以其师者的担当与情怀培育了无数莘莘学子。通过阅读先生的作品,我们可以窥见其博学而不失严谨的治学风格;近观先生的为人处事,或与其亲友、学生或同事的几语交谈,我们便可察知先生深厚的仁者之心。毋庸置疑,先生的学品与人品在很多人的心中留下了深刻的印记。由此,本次研讨会的举办以庆贺筱原亨一先生八十伞寿为契机,得到了几十位来自世界各地学者的回应与祝福,当属情理与意料之中。   筱原亨一教授 本次会议以研讨的方式进行,每日进行三场部会,每场会议先由部会主持人进行简短地总结,然后请评议人点评与会学者提交的论文,每位学者可就评议人的评论进行回应。由于时间紧张、议程较密及网络空间的限制,本次会议未设置学者陈述论文环节,评议人需提前熟悉与会者提交的论文或讲演视频,在会议当日直接参与研讨。这样的会议安排虽然带来了一些不便,但最大程度地促进了学者间具体深入的交流。总的说来,本次会议成果颇丰,作为会议记录者,笔者将主要记录旁听会议时的切身感受及与会学者间精彩的思维碰撞。 10月14日,研讨会正式开幕。会议的主办方代表——加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学陈金华、美国耶鲁大学葛利尹 (Eric M. Greene) 和韩森 (Valerie Hansen)、浙江大学孙英刚致辞。为庆祝筱原亨一先生八十伞寿,主办方播放了一则精心准备的祝福视频,几十位曾与筱原亨一教授共事或追随先生学习的学界友人表达了真挚的祝福,学界友人们或回忆往昔,或作诗祝寿,画面温馨感人。随后加州大学洛杉矶分校荣休教授萧本 (Gregory Schopen) 发表了 “早期及中世纪印度的行像与供养” 为主题的主旨演讲。   陈金华教授 (上左)、葛利尹 Continue reading

From the Ground Up: Buddhism and East Asian Religions (FROGBEAR) Project Summer Training Session: Metadata and How to Make It, for FROGBEAR and Beyond

By Rui Ding, University of British Columbia   On Tuesday, June 29, 2021, From the Ground Up: Buddhism and East Asian Religions (FROGBEAR) project held a workshop entitled “Metadata and How to Make It, for FROGBEAR and Beyond.” In this series of summer training sessions, nearly forty faculty and graduate Continue reading