Canonical, Non-Canonical and Extra-canonical – Reports

Click here to return to the main conference page.   Read the conference opening news report by 凤凰新闻 in Chinese. Read the conference opening news report by 五台山佛教 in Chinese. Read the conference opening news report by 中国日报网 in Chinese.          

Cross-Regional and Cross-Cultural Interaction – Schedule

Return to main conference page.   International Conference 國際研討會 Cross-Regional and Cross-Cultural Interaction and Integration between Buddhism and Other Asian Religions 佛教與亞洲宗教跨地域與跨文化的互鑒與共融 August 16–19, 2024   HOST 承辦: Center for Buddhist Studies at Zhejiang University 浙江大學佛教文明研究中心   會議日程 Conference Outline 8月16日 會議報到 | Registration 8月17日 學術會議 | Conference Day 1 Continue reading

Canonical, Non-Canonical and Extra-canonical – Schedule

Return to main conference page. International Conference 國際研討會 Canonical, Non-Canonical and Extra-Canonical: Interdisciplinary and Multi-media Studies of the Formation, Translation and Transmission of Buddhist Texts 佛教典籍的成立與傳譯視閾下的佛教中國化 and 暨 The Sixth Annual International Forum on Wutai Faith and Culture 第六屆五臺山信仰與文化國際學術論壇 August 11–15, 2024   ORGANIZED 主辦: Buddhist Association of Shanxi Province Continue reading