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International Conference 國際研討會
Canonical, Non-Canonical and Extra-Canonical: Interdisciplinary and Multi-media Studies of the Formation, Translation and Transmission of Buddhist Texts
and 暨
The Sixth Annual International Forum on Wutai Faith and Culture
August 11–15, 2024
Buddhist Association of Shanxi Province 山西省佛教協會
Buddhist Association of Mount Wutai 五臺山佛教協會
The Wutai Shan Institute of Buddhism and Eastern Asian Culture
Tsinghua University Institute for Ethics and Religions Studies
From the Ground Up project based at the University of British Columbia
The Wutai Shan Institute of Buddhism and Eastern Asian Culture
Great Sage Monastery of Bamboo Grove 大聖竹林寺
DAY I 第一日 August 11, 2024: ARRIVAL, REGISTRATION & WELCOME 到達、報到與迎迓
16:00-17:00 | Opening Ceremony (Including Greeting Remarks from Honorable Venerable Miaojiang; Other Details TBA) 開幕式 (妙江 大和尚 致歡迎詞;其他細節待詳) (Chair 主持: Ven. Fohu 佛護 法師) |
17:30-19:00 | DINNER 晚宴 |
DAY II 第二日 August 12, 2024: CONFERENCE (WHOLE DAY) 研討會 (全天)
Time 時間 |
PANEL 部會 1 Textual Transmission and Transformation 文本流變 Chair 主持: Fa JIE 戒法 Auditorium 會場 1 |
PANEL 部會 2 Text and Image 文本與圖像 Chair 主持: Marcus BINGENHEIMER 馬德偉 Auditorium 會場 2 |
9:30-9:45 | 1.1. Guang KUAN 寬廣 (Qing Liang Buddhist Association [London] 英國倫敦清涼講堂/The Wutai Shan Institute of Buddhism and Eastern Asian Culture 五臺山東方佛教文化研究院): The Transition of Sacred Space and the Translation of Sacred Artefacts: Transmission and Transformation of the Pagoda of Vajra Treasure-Throne from Bodh Gaya to Beijing | 聖地的移易與聖物的“迻譯”:從菩提伽耶到北京的金剛寶座塔 | 2.1. Yimin LIU 劉益民 (SichuanUniversity 四川大學), Yinggang SUN 孫英剛 (Zhejiang University 浙江大學): 《大慈如來告疏》與中古政治宣傳 | Maitreya’s Calling: A Prophetic Text from Dunhuang and the Political Propagandas in Fifth Century China |
9:45-10:00 | 1.2. Dan LIU 劉丹 (Wuhan University 武漢大學): 敦煌古佚《十誦比丘戒本》研究 | A Study of the Ancient Pratimokṣa Sutra of the Sarvāstivāda at Dunhuang | 2.2. Juxia CHEN 陳菊霞 (Shanghai University), LIU Hongmei 劉宏梅 (Shanghai University 上海大學): 榆林窟第12、16窟主室窟頂千佛圖像及其題名研究 | A Study on the Thousand-Buddha Motifs and Their Names on the Ceilings of Caves 12 and 16 at the Yulin Grottoes | |
10:00-10:15 | 1.3. Ruobin WANG 王若賓 (Ryukoku University 日本龍谷大學): 裴休《勸發菩提心文》在佛教圈的流傳與影響 | The Spread and Influence of Pei Xiu’s Quan fa Putixin Wen 勸發菩提心文 in the Buddhist Community | 2.3. Tamami HAMADA 濱田瑞美 ( Yokohama University of Art and Design 日本橫濱美術大學): Significance and Function of Inscriptions in Dunhuang Murals: The Case of Vimalakirti Sutra Scenes | 敦煌石窟壁畫題記的意義與功能——以維摩詰經變成例 | |
10:15-10:30 | 1.4. Jin SON 孫眞 (Ven. Jeongwan 政完) (Dongguk University 韓國東國大學): Cultural Confluence: Buddhist Apocryphal Texts and Confucian Values in the Joseon Dynasty | 文化匯流:朝鮮時代的佛教疑偽經與佛教價值 | 2.4. Xiaomei WEI 未小妹 (Dazu Rock Carvings Academy 大足石刻研究院): 如意輪觀音唐代譯經研究(二):圖像與念誦法 | Study of the Buddhist Scripture Translation on Cintāmaṇicakra in the Tang Dynasty (II): Image and Chanting Practice | |
Comment 評議 10:30-10:45 |
Jingjing FAN 范晶晶 (1.1-2) + Kirill SOLONIN 索羅寧 (1.3-4) | Nobuyoshi YAMABE 山部能宜 | |
Discussion 10:45-11:30 |
Open Floor 開放討論 |
11:30-13:00 LUNCH BREAK 午餐
PANEL 部會3 Sacred Texts and Social Texture 聖典與俗構 Chair 主持: Xu ZHANG 張旭 Auditorium 會場 1 |
PANEL 部會4 Translated Texts 翻譯 Chair 主持: Tamami HAMADA 濱田瑞美 Auditorium 會場 2 |
13:00-13:15 | 3.1. Priyanka VERMA 沃霹靂 (Sharda University 印度夏達爾大學): Beyond Transgression: Exploring Anāpatti and Its Influence on Schisms | 違犯之外:探討“無犯”與其對部派分裂的影響 | 4.1. Yu Xuan TAY 鄭宇軒 (University of California, Los Angeles 美國加州大學洛杉磯分校): Translated for the King: A short examination on two Buddhist sutra colophons of Former Liang and Latter Qin | 為王而譯:探討前涼與後秦的兩份佛經“後記” | |
13:15-13:30 | 3.2. Zixin WANG 王子鑫 (Fudan University 復旦大學): 敦煌文獻“佛教講經莊嚴文”應用研究——基於佛教齋會與講經的考察 | Sutra Preach Zhuangyanwen in Dunhuang Literature Application Research: Focused on Their Position in Buddhist Ceremony and Sutra Preach | 4.2. Janine NICOL 倪建寧 (Independent scholar 英國獨立學人): Translation or Creation?: The Case of the Scripture on the Voyage to the Kingdom of the Naked (Zhi luoguo jing 之裸國經) (No. 52 in the Liudu Jijing 六度集經 T152) | 翻譯還是創作?: 《六度集經》(T152) 第52號經《之裸國經》 | |
13:30-13:45 | 3.3. Keyu TONG 童可瑜 (Fudan University 復旦大學): Supplementary Explanation to the Ode on Shangshuling of Great Tibet, Zhang Khri Sum Rje Building the Shengguang Temple: Discussion on the Establishment and Naming of the Shengguang Temple | P.t.1070《大蕃敕尚書令尚起律心兒聖光寺功德頌》補校補釋——兼論聖光寺的建立 | 4.3. Yanfei ZHAO 趙燕飛 (Beijing Foreign Studies University 北京外國語大學): 古代佛經翻譯話語之“新譯”再思考——基於譜系學路徑的考察 | Rethinking “new translation” in the traditional discourse on Buddhist translation: A genealogical approach | |
3.4. Yiwei PAN 潘逸煒 (Tianjin University 天津大學): 佛教聖地聖境圖的初步研究——以五臺山和普陀山聖境圖為中心 | Preliminary Study on Panoramic Maps of Buddhist Sacred Sites: Centered on Panoramic Map of Mount Wutai Mount Putuo | 4.4. Xiang WEI 魏翔 (Temple University 美國天普大學): The Use of Large Language Models for Translating Buddhist Texts from Classical Chinese to Modern English: An Analysis and Evaluation with ChatGPT 4, ERNIE Bot 4, and Gemini Advanced | 應用大型語言模型將佛教文本從古代漢語翻譯為現代英語:基於ChatGPT 4、ERNIE Bot 4和Gemini Advanced的分析與評估 | |
3.5. Meir SHAHAR 夏維明 (Tel Aviv University 以色列特拉維夫大學): The Library of a Buddhist Priest from Rural South China | 一位中國南方農村佛教法師的“圖書館” | ||
Comment 評議 14:15-14:30 |
Barend TER HAAR 田海 | George KEYWORTH 紀強 | |
Discussion 14:30-15:20 |
Open Floor 開放討論 |
15:20-15:30 TEA/COFFEE BREAK 茶歇
PANEL 部會 5 Canons 藏經 Chair 主持: Youn-mi KIM 金延美 Auditorium 會場 1 |
PANEL部會 6 Genres 體裁 Chair 主持: Chenye LU 陸辰葉 Auditorium 會場 2 |
15:30-15:45 | 5.1. Darui LONG 龍達瑞 (University of the West, Los Angeles 美國洛杉磯西來大學): The Buddhist Literature in Mount Wutai: The Chinese Buddhist Canon and Tibetan Buddhist Canon | 五臺山佛教文獻:漢文佛教大藏經和藏文《甘珠爾》 | 6.1. George KEYWORTH 紀強 (University of Saskatchewan 加拿大薩斯喀徹爾大學): On the Category of East Asian Buddhist Texts that Matter: Shengjiao and Shōgyō 聖教 as a Fundamental and Overlooked Category of Premodern East Asian Buddhists’ Books | 關於東亞佛教文獻的一個重要類別:“聖教”作為前現代東亞佛教書籍的一個基礎和被忽視的類別 | |
15:45-16:00 | 5.2. Zhouyuan LI 李周淵 (Zhejiang University 浙江大學): 從異地刊刻的福建刻工看南宋《磧砂藏》版刻字體 | Examining Fujian Engravers Working in Other Prefectures through the Calligraphy of the Qisha Canon from the Southern Song | 6.2. Laurent VAN CUTSEM 方洛杭 (Ghent University 比利時根特大學): Did the Indian Patriarchs Matter?: A Diachronic Study of Chan Hagiographies of Ānanda from the Late Tang to the Early Northern Song | 晚唐至北宋早期禪宗文獻中阿難傳的歷時性研究 | |
16:00-16:15 | 5.3. John JORGENSEN 喬根森 (Independent scholar 澳大利亞獨立學人): Canons and Interpretative Communities: The Acceptance of the Earliest Text of Chan Buddhism into a Chan Canon | 藏經與解釋群體:禪宗最早的文本納入禪藏 | 6.3. Minqi WANG 王敏琪 (Peking University 北京大學): 僧傳、語錄與小說:佛教文學視野下的文體再現與生成 | Biographies, Recorded Sayings and Fictions: Representation and Generation of Literary Genres From the Perspective of Buddhist Literature | |
6.4. Tong LI 李曈 (Shenzhen University深圳大學): 宋代禪宗“聖言”標準的變遷 | The Domestic Agama: An Intellectual Historical Analysis of the Chan Gong’an (Koan) | ||
Comment 評議 16:30-16:45 |
Kai SHENG 聖凱 | Zhouzi GE 葛洲子 | |
Discussion 16:45-17:30 |
Open Floor 開放討論 |
18:00-19:30 DINNER 晚宴
DAY III 第三日 August 13, 2024: CONFERENCE (WHOLE DAY) 研討會 (全天)
PANEL 部會 7 Chan Texts 禪典 Chair 主持: Juxia CHEN 陳菊霞 Auditorium 會場 1 |
PANEL 部會 8 Mantra, Media, and Music 咒語、媒介與音樂 Chair 主持: Marcus BINGENHEIMER 馬德偉 Auditorium 會場 2 |
8:30-8:45 | 7.1. Nobuyoshi YAMABE 山部能宜 (Waseda University 日本早稻田大學): 再考漢文禪經的形成:對葛利尹教授評論的回應 | A Reconsideration of the Formation of Chinese Meditation Texts: In Response to Eric Greene’s Comments | 8.1. Lingxi SUN 孫菱羲 (Sun Yat-sen University 中山大學): 《法樂童子伎》《童子倚歌梵唄》的伎藝型態與立樂之義 | The Performative Forms and Musical Meanings of The Dharmic Musician and The Lotus Boys’ Singing Accompanied Fanbei (Jade Conch) | |
8:45-9:00 | 7.2. Yuan ZHANG 張媛 (University of Florida 美國佛羅裡達大學): One Body, One Mind, and One Wisdom: Four Foundations of Mindfulness in Huisi’s Essay | 一身一心一智慧: 慧思《諸法無諍三昧法門》中的四念處 | 8.2. Youn-mi KIM 金延美 (Ewha Womans University 韓國梨花女子大學): Fabrics of Faith: Using Clothing as Medium for Buddhist Incantations in Joseon Korea | 信仰之布:朝鮮王朝時期以衣服作為佛教咒語的媒介 | |
9:00-9:15 | 7.3. Yingzhi ZHANG 張瀛之 (Capital Normal University 首都師範大學): 新發現旅順博物館藏《禪門經》研究 | The Research of a Newly Discovered Fragments of “The Chan Sutra” in the Lushun Museum | 8.3. Brianna MORSETH 莫百納 (Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學): Visualizing the Pure Land and Dharma Realm in Transformation Tableaux and Religious Experience: Multimedia Transmission of Buddhist Texts with Implications for Brain and Behavior | 在變相與宗教經驗中觀想淨土與法界:佛教文本多媒體傳播對大腦與行為的影響 | |
Comment 評議 9:15-9:30 |
Zhouyuan LI 李周淵 | John JORGENSEN 喬根森 | |
Discussion 9:30-10:00 |
Open Floor 開放討論 |
10:00-10:10 TEA/COFFEE BREAK 茶歇
PANEL 部會 9 Edition Studies 版本研究 Chair 主持: Dan LIU 劉丹 Auditorium 會場 1 |
PANEL部會 10 Buddhist Narratives 佛教敘述 Chair 主持: Yingjie MA 馬英杰 Auditorium 會場 2 |
10:10-10:25 | 9.1. Jie YANG 楊潔 (Sun Yat-sen University 中山大學): 玄奘譯本的文獻學意義——以《瑜伽師地論》的梵藏漢對勘研究為例 | A Comparative Study of Xuanzang’s Translation of the Yogācārabhūmi | 10.1. Jingjing FAN 范晶晶 (Peking University, 北京大學): 巴利語本生、譬喻中的集體敘事 | The Collective Narrative in the Pāli Jātakas and Apadānas | |
10:25-10:40 | 9.2. Luchun WU 吳廬春 (British Library 英國大英圖書館/Zhejiang Provincial Museum 浙江省博物館):大英圖書館藏敦煌地區八十卷《華嚴經》梳理與斷代研究 | Dating the Eighty-Juan Dafangguang fo huayan jing 大方廣佛華嚴經 Manuscript Copies of Dunhuang 敦煌: A Study of the Stein Collection of the British Library | 10.2. Fengqi OUYANG 歐陽豐琪 (Peking University 北京大學): 僧伽羅故事源流考述 | Formation and Transformation of the Siṃhala Story | |
10:40-10:55 | 9.3. Marcus BINGENHEIMER 馬德偉 (Temple University 美國天普大學): The Edition History of the Longshu Jingtuwen 龍舒淨土文 Inside and Outside Canonical Editions | 《龍舒淨土文》藏內外不同版本的歷史 | 10.3. Jinhua CHEN 陳金華 (University of British Columbia 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學): 神聖敘述與世俗敘述之間:從張廷珪阻武后建造白司馬阪大佛之諫章看中古中國僧俗史纂學的問題 | Between the Sacred and Secular Narratives: A Glimpse into the Sacred and Secular Historiography in Medieval China, from Zhang Tinggui’s (658-734) Remonstration against the Baisima Slope Project of Budda-Image Decreed by Empress Wu (r. 690-705) | |
Comment 評議 10:55-11:10 |
Yinggang SUN 孫英剛 | Xiaoyan ZHANG 張小豔 | |
Discussion 11:10-11:40 |
Open Floor 開放討論 |
11:40-13:00 LUNCH BREAK 午餐
PANEL 部會 11 Traditional Commentaries and Modern Exegeses 古疏今釋 Chair 主持: Luchun WU 吳廬春 Auditorium 會場 1 |
PANEL 部會 12 Apocrypha and Legitimation 疑偽與證真 Chair 主持: Jie YANG 楊潔 Auditorium 會場 2 |
13:00-13:15 | 11.1. Chenye LU 陸辰葉 (Fujian Normal University 福建師範大學): 智稱《入真實論·密咒門之行品》的文本構成 | The Textual Composition of the Chapter entitled “Practice of Secret Mantra Approach” in Jñānakīrti’s Tattvāvātara | 12.1. Xiaoyan ZHANG 張小豔 (Fudan University 復旦大學): 佛教疑僞經與敦煌俗文學作品之關係研究 | A Study on the Relationship between Apocryphal Sūtras and Dunhuang Popular Literature | |
13:15-13:30 | 11.2. Zhouzi GE 葛洲子 (Shaanxi Normal University 陝西師範大學): 釋“長老知事人”——兼論“十方住持”制度的成立時間 | Elderly Magistrate of a Buddhist Monastery: How to Understand “Zhanglao Zhishi Ren” 長老知事人 | 12.2. Xu ZHANG 張旭 (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences中國社會科學院): 《貞元新定釋教目錄》的增竄問題再考 | Reconsideration of the Additions to the Zhenyuan xinding shijiao mulu | |
13:30-13:45 | 11.3. Rusha JIN 金如沙 (University of Edinburgh 蘇格蘭愛丁堡大學): Why to “Determine”: The Form of the Zhiguan Fuxing Chuanhong Jue in the Landscape of the Buddhist Commentarial Tradition | 為何而“決”——《止觀輔行傳弘決》的注釋形式在佛教註釋傳統中的意義 | 12.3. Q.J. ZHENG 鄭麒駿 (École pratique des hautes études 法國高等研究院): Reciprocal Enrichment to Mutual Flourishing: Indigenous Practices and Buddhist Apocrypha in Medieval China | 互饋以致共生:中古時期漢地宗教實踐與佛教疑偽經 | |
Comment 評議 13:45-14:00 |
Kirill SOLONIN 索羅寧 (11.1) + Janine NICOL 倪建寧 (11.2-11.3) | Tong LI 李曈 | |
Discussion 14:00-14:35 |
Open Floor 開放討論 |
14:35-14:50 TEA/COFFEE BREAK 茶歇
PANEL 部會 13 Media and Modernity 媒介與現代性 Chair 主持: Heather CLYDESDALE 柯玉珊 Auditorium 會場 1 |
PANEL部會 14 Chan Texts 禪典2 Chair 主持: Xiaomei WEI 未小妹 Auditorium 會場 2 |
14:50-15:05 | 13.1. Barend TER HAAR 田海 (University of Hamburg 德國漢堡大學): How Do New Religious Groups Manage the Problem of Buddhist Legitimacy for Their Texts | 新宗教團體如何應對文本的佛教正統性問題 | 14.1. Yingjie MA 馬英杰 (Dunhuang Academy 敦煌研究院): 敦煌荷澤宗文獻研究 | A study of the Dunhuang Hezezong literature | |
15:05-15:20 | 13.2. Kai SHENG 聖凱 (Tsinghua University 清華大學): 趙朴初《佛教常識答問》的寫作過程——以20世紀50年代大陸佛教界教理學習思潮為背景 | The Writing Process of Zhao Puchu’s Answers to Common Questions About Buddhism: In the Context of the Doctrinal Learning Trends in the Chinese Mainland Buddhist Community in the 1950s | 14.2. Chonghao SHI 釋崇昊 (Toyo University 日本東洋大學): 再論宗泐與《全室錄》 | Jitan Zongle and the Quanshi Lu | |
15:20-15:35 | 13.3. Ven. Jahun 玆憲 (Dongguk University 韓國東國大學): Dynamic Transformations: Modernizing Korean Buddhist Texts through Magazines in the Early Twentieth Century | 動態的轉變: 二十世紀初朝鮮佛教文本通過期刊雜誌進行的現代化 | 14.3. Kirill SOLONIN 索羅寧 (Renmin University of China 中國人民大學): 西夏文曹洞宗文獻初探 | A Preliminary Investigation of the Newly Discovered Tangut Sources of Caodong Sect | |
Comment 評議 15:35-15:50 |
Meir SHAHAR 夏維明 | Ruobin WANG 王若賓 | |
Discussion 15:50-16:05 |
Open Floor 開放討論 |
16:05-16:20 TEA/COFFEE BREAK 茶歇
16:20-16:40 | FINAL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUDING REMARKS 最終討論並總結發言 (Chair: Jinhua CHEN 陳金華主持 並 發言) |
16:40-17:00 | CLOSING ADDRESS: Venerable Miaojiang 妙江大和尚 致 閉幕辭 |
17:30-19:00 | FAREWELL BANQUET 歡送晚宴 |
DAY IV 第四日 August 14, 2024: FIELD VISTIS (WHOLE DAY; OPTIONAL) 參訪 (全天; 自願參加)
DAY V 第五日 August 15, 2024: DEPARTURE 賦歸