仪礼与佛教研究 (Ritual and the Study of Buddhism)

仪礼与佛教研究 (Ritual and the Study of Buddhism)

We are excited to announce the release of Yili yu fojiao yanjiu 仪礼与佛教研究 (Ritual and the Study of Buddhism).


Stephen F. Teiser, Ritual and the Study of Buddhism (Yili yu fojiao yanjiu 仪礼与佛教研究 (Ritual and the Study of Buddhism), translated by YU Xin 余欣 and ZHAI Minhao 翟旻昊 (Beijing: Sanlian chubanshe, 2022).


Table of Contents:

Translators’ Preface
Lecture 1: Buddhist Ritual and the Humanities
        1. Introduction
        2. History and Historicism
        3. Respecting Borders and Crossing Them
        4. Theories and Approaches
Lecture 2: Merit-Making in the Buddhist World
        1. Introduction
        2. Translating Ritual
        3. Models, Lists, Metaphors
        4. Sequences
        5. Conclusions
Lecture 3: Curing with Karma: Medieval Buddhist Liturgies for Treating Sickness
        1. Cultures of Healing in Medieval China
        2. Curing with Karma
        3. Curing with Confession
        4. The Process of Healing
        5. The Ideal Society
        Appendix I: A Healing Liturgy
        Appendix II: A Healing Liturgy for a Monk
Lecture 4: Language, Genre, and Performance
        1. Introduction
        2. State of the Field
        3. A Representative Text
        4. Literary Style
        5. Conclusions about Style
        6. Diction and Metaphor
        7. Conclusions about Word Choice and Metaphor
        8. Further Implications
Publisher’s Afterword


Q & A with Stephen F. Teiser

How did you get the idea for this project?
            This project joins together some of the disciplines I’ve been pursuing for the past couple of decades: social history, Buddhist ritual, and Chinese language. For the format—a book addressed to educated Chinese readers—I’m indebted to my colleagues at Fudan University, where I delivered a series of lectures in Chinese in 2014.

How has your project developed or changed throughout the research and writing process?
            As I was lecturing in Shanghai, I realized I had to address the presuppositions of my audience. These are things we English-speakers don’t consider very deeply when we write in our native tongue or talk with our colleagues from home. This led to two unplanned chapters. One chapter emphasizes the importance of the Indian (specifically: non-Chinese) aspects of Buddhism—even as Buddhism was articulated in China over a period of two thousand years. The other unanticipated chapter introduces key features of the modern humanistic study of religion, a scholarly discipline that’s still foreign to Chinese academia.

What questions for future investigation has the project sparked?
            More rituals, more Buddhism, more Chinese language.

Why should people read this book?
            Hopefully, through the concatenation of approaches usually kept distinct, the book offers new insights into basic Buddhist rituals concerning life and death. And for Chinese readers in particular, it’s a helpful introduction to the academic study of religion.


作者:(美)太史文(Stephen F. Teiser
页数: 173
定价: 56.00元
装帧: 精装
丛书: 复旦大学光华人文杰出学者讲座丛书
ISBN: 9787108072924


太史文(Stephen F. Teiser),普林斯顿大学宗教系博士。现为普林斯顿大学宗教系铃木大拙佛学讲座教授。作为佛教和中国宗教研究专家,太史文教授的作品主要通过丝绸之路沿线发现的各类文献、文物来揭示其背后体现的宗教文化交流。专著《中国中世纪的鬼节》(The Ghost Festival in Medieval China , 1988),获1988 年度美国学术团体协会宗教史领域最佳处女作奖。《〈十王经〉与中国中世纪佛教冥界的形成》(The Scripture on the Ten Kings and the Making of Purgatory in Medieval Chinese Buddhism ,1994),获1996 年度美国亚洲学会列文森奖。《再造生死轮 :中世纪佛教寺院中的轮回图》(Reinventing the Wheel: Paintings of Rebirth in Medieval Buddhist Temples , 2006)获2007年度法兰西铭文与美文学院儒莲奖。此外,作为哥伦比亚大学出版社佛教文献研读丛书的主编,他还与人合编有《〈妙法莲华经〉研读》(Readings of the Lotus Sutra ,2009)和《〈坛经〉研读》(Readings of the Platform Sutra ,2012)。

复旦大学光华杰出人文学者讲座,遴选人文学科中享有国际声誉的学者,就其或的研究成果进行多次讲座。讲稿结集后,由作者亲自审订、增补,交由生活·读书·新知三联书店编辑出版,希望通过这样一种形式,记录下这些学者于复旦校园所做的学术思考,同时为中国人文社会科学的繁荣发展做出一份努力。复旦大学光华人文杰出学者讲座丛书 (共14册), 这套丛书还有 《立体的历史》,《火枪与账簿》,《从埃及到高加索》,《道德与政治讲演录》,《现当代文学新论》 等。

自 序
第一讲 佛教仪礼与人文学科
第二讲 佛教世界中的做功德
第三讲 疗以善业:中古佛教患文
第四讲 语言、文体和表演








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