An International Conference: From Chang’an to Nālandā: Abstracts

Click here to return to the main conference page. 1.AHN Sung-Doo 安性斗 (韓國首爾大學):Paramārtha’s Concept of Amala-vijñāna and Its Criticism by Xuanzang School 真諦的阿賴耶識,以及玄奘學派對其所作的批評 The purpose of this research is to examine the meanings of the concepts *amala-vijñāna (amaluoshi 阿摩羅識) in the works of Paramārtha (Zhendi 眞諦, C.E. 499-569), and its Continue reading

When the Himalaya Meets with Alps: Abstracts

Click here to return to the main conference page. 1. Susan Andrews 安素桑 (University of Mount Alison 加拿大聖阿裏森大學): “Material Culture and the Making of the Transnational Mount Wutai Cult: An exploration of the roles architecture, calligraphy, and statuary are playing in the contemporary Mount Wutai cults of Canada and China” Continue reading

From the Caoxi Creek to Mogao Cave – Abstracts

Please click here to return to the main conference page. Juhn Ahn 安俊泳 (University of Michigan): “The Chigong hwasang sŏnyorok 指空和尚禪要錄 and the Question of Authenticity in Fourteenth-Century Sŏn Buddhism” Naong Hyegŭn 懶翁慧勤 (1320-1376), a renowned Sŏn master who was active in Koryŏ Korea during the Yuan-Ming transition, has been Continue reading

From the Caoxi Creek to Mogao Cave – Panelists

Please click here to return to the main conference page. Lists of Scholars & Biographies︱與會學者名單與簡介 Panelists與會學者名單 Name 學者姓名 Photo 照片 Institution 服務單位 Title 職稱 1.       Ahn Juhn 安俊泳 Panel 1.2   University of Michigan Assistant Professor 2.       Bai Zhaojie 白照傑 Panel 2.3   上海社科院哲學所 助理研究員 3.      Barrett, T. H. 巴瑞特 Continue reading