2014 International Program of Seminars and Fieldwork on Buddhism and East Asian Religions
July 14–25, 2014, Beijing & Xi’an, China
「 佛教與東亞宗教 國際研修班 」
Lecture Series | Lecturers | Student Participants |
Conference | Young Scholars Forum | Gallery |
招生 啓事
The Beijing Research Institute for Buddhist Cultures (BRIBC), Department of Philosophy at Tsing-hua University in Beijing, Research Center for Buddhist Texts and Arts (RCBTA) at Peking University, Buddhist Studies Forum at Fudan University in Shanghai and Buddhist Studies Forum at University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada cordially invite applications for a 12-day summer program of seminars and fieldwork in Buddhism and East Asian Religions (July 14-25, 2014) in Beijing and Xi’an, China. 北京佛教文化研究所、 清華大學哲學系、北京大學佛教典籍與藝術研究中心、复旦大学佛学研究班、加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學佛學論壇聯 合舉辦 「佛教與東亞宗教國際研修班」,诚邀國內外青年學人參與!
- BRIBC (within the Guanghuasi, near Shichahai) 北京佛教文化研究所
(廣化寺內、近什剎海) (北京市西城區什鴨儿胡同31號),
- Tsing-hua University 清華大學
- Museum of Epitaph Forest in Xi’an 西安碑林博物館;
TIME 時間——July 14-‐25, 2014
- July 14, 2014:Registration 報到;
- July 15-‐21, 2014:Summer Program in Beijing 研修班課程(北京);
- July 22-‐24, 2014:Temple and Museum Visits in Xi’an 集中參訪 (西 安);
- July 25, 2014:Home-going 賦歸。
SEMINARS: Through this program, we have invited three international scholars to open three seminars on specific topics. These instructors include (alphabetically): 研修班課程邀請以下三位國際學者(以姓氏羅馬字順序為序), 講授三門課程:
- Jinhua CHEN 陳金華 (Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學亞洲系教授 ): New Perspectives on Sacred Space in East Asia 東亞神聖空間的新視角;
- James ROBSON 羅柏松 (Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University 哈佛大學東亞語言與文明系教授): Buddhism, Daoism and Buddho-Daoism 佛道交涉新詮;
- Tokio TAKATA 高田時雄 (日本京都大學人文科學研究所 教授): Dunhuang Remnant Manuscripts and Buddhism 敦煌遺書與佛教
All of the lectures are conducted bilingually (English and Chinese). 所有課程均以英、漢雙 語講授。
FOUR MORE PROJECTS: In addition to these three seminars, this summer program also sponsors the following four more projects. 除三門課程之外,我們還将組織以下四項活動:
- A series of five lectures delivered by five Chinese scholars on Buddhism and East Asian Religions (this series itself can also be attended as a separate course); 由中國學者發表的 5 場關於佛教與 東亞宗教的演講系列。本系列也可當作一個獨立的課程來修讀。
- International Young Scholar Conference on Buddhism and East Asian Religions (afternoons of July 15-18, 2014 at BRIBC). Excellent articles may be recommended to journals like Fojiao wenxian yanjiu (Studies on Buddhist Texts) and Foxue yanjiu (Buddhist Studies) (edited by Fang Guangchang and Prof. Shengkai respectively) for publication;「佛 教與東亞宗教國際青年學者論壇」,計劃於 2014 年 7 月 15-‐18 日下午 假北京佛教文化研究所講堂舉行。部分優秀論文可推薦至《佛教文獻研究》 或《佛學研究》(分别由方廣錩教授與聖凱教授主編)發表。
- An international conference on East Asian Religious Epitaphs, titled “What is under the Stone: The Significances of Stone Epitaphs for the Studies of East Asian Religions,” to be held at the Museum of Epitaph Forest in Xi’an, July 22-24, 2014 (conference information to be announced separately); 一個關於東亞宗教碑銘的國際研討會:「 石蘊春秋──石刻史料對佛教與東亞宗教研究的意義」,2014 年 7 月 22 -24 日於西安碑林博物館舉行 (研討會信息將另行公布)。
- Occasional visits to renowned local historical sites (especially Buddhist and Daoist temples) and museums in Beijing, Xi’an and neighboring Transportation fees and some of the entrance tickets will be on the participants. The fieldwork in Xi’an is mainly designed for international students, who, compared with their China-based peers, lack opportunities for such field trips. However, depending on funding available, applications from China-based students with special needs toattend the fieldwork in Xi’an may also be considered. 數次宗教名勝與博物館參訪活動(主要是北京及西安地區的佛寺與道觀,博物館等),参 加者可自願報名,交通以及門票等費用需自理(西安部分主要邀請境外 學員參加;境內學員如有特殊需要者也可申請參加,主辦方將視資金情 況統籌安排)。
APPLICATIONS: This is not a degree program, but sponsoring institutions will issue a certificate to each participant. A student is required to take at least three of these seminars (including the lecture series) offered by this program (there is, however, no limit on the number of seminars to be audited). Graduate students specializing in any Buddhist tradition or Chinese Religions, and postdoctoral fellows working on relevant fields, are encouraged to apply. Applications and inquiries shall be directed to buddhistsummer@gmail.com. Please send applications before May 15, 2014. Each application shall include (1) an application form (to be provided upon request via the above email), (2) an updated curricula vitae, and (3) a reference letter (to be sent to us via email by the referee directly). 此次課程雖然是非學位性的,不作為轉學分課程,主辦單位将為参加者頒發證書,證明所修課程。每位参加者應选修三門課程(旁聽不 限)。歡迎佛教與東亞宗教或相關專業的研究生以及博士後報名參與 。入學申請務必於 2014 年 5 月 15 日前提交至 buddhistsummer@gmail.com。申請需包 括(1) 申請表,(2) 申請者的個人簡歷、(3) 一封推薦信(可由推薦人直接电邮 至 buddhistsummer@gmail.com)。
PROGRAM EXPENSES 課程費用: Successful candidates will be exempted
of all tuition fees, housing expenses, and administration costs in China, although they are expected to cover their own airfare and ground transportation costs entailed by their participation in different parts of the program. 學費以及研修期 間的住宿費和管理費用──免費;往来學員所在地與研修地點的機票或車票費用 以及開課期間的交通費用──學員自理。