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1. Ahn Sung-Doo 安性斗 (Seoul National University 韓國首爾大學)
Professor of Department of Philosophy, Seoul National University (Korea). Achieved his Ph.D in Indian Studies at Universität Hamburg in 2001 and his Ph.D. in Indian Philosophy at Dongkuk University in 1986.
Major Publications: The Teaching of Kleśas in the Yogācārabhūmi, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2003. Understanding Buddhism (co-author of nine), Heavy rain, 2006. The Bodhisattva of Mahayana Buddhism (Compilation), Sei Al, 2008. |
2. Bae Jaeho 裵宰浩 (Yong-In university 韓國龍仁大學)
He is professor of Yongin University, Department of Cultural Heritage and a director of Yongin University museum. Achieved Ph.D, Art History from Hongik University. He specializes in Chinese and Korean Buddhist sculpture, and is a member of Korean Cultural Properties Comittee
Most renowned works are:
3. Ernest Billings BREWSTER (Harvard University 美國哈佛大學/The University of British Columbia 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學)
Ernest Billings (Billy) Brewster received his Ph.D. from Harvard University’s EALC in 2018 with a dissertation titled, the Yoga of Dying: Xuanzang on the Nature of Death. This study examines the investigation undertaken by Xuanzang 玄奘 (602-667 C.E.), the translator and peripatetic scholar-monk of the Tang Dynasty, and his translation team, into the nature of dying. It finds that within their exegeses and translations of the Abhidharma and Yogācāra texts, Xuanzang and his collaborators, restore the Buddhist tenets of no-self, karma, and reincarnation, and provide the doctrinal basis for deathbed rituals that are practiced across East Asia today.
Billy is currently Sheng Yen Postdoc. in Chinese Buddhism at UBC, Vancouver. He has primary research interest in Chinese Buddhism, with strong secondary interest in classical south Asian religions and philosophy. Recently, Billy has published an article on theoretical debates on Yogācāra Buddhist doctrines of intersubjectivity and “same world” in the context of Ming-Dynasty Philosophy, see his article forthcoming in the Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies (Vol. 31, July 2018), titled, “What is Our Shared Sensory World? Ming-Dynasty Debates on the Huayan versus Yogācāra Doctrines” |
4. CAO Yan 曹彦 (Wuhan University 武漢大學)
CAO Yan 曹彥,武漢大學哲學學院副教授,從事印度佛教、印度哲學、梵語研究。師從北京大學哲學系姚衛群教授,2004年獲印度哲學專業方向碩士學位,2009年獲印度宗教哲學專業方向博士學位。2012年6月至2013年8月赴印度德裏大學梵語系公派訪學。主持2項國家社科基金項目。2014年出版佛學專著《<阿毘達磨順正理論>實有觀念研究》。 |
5. CHEN Jinhua 陳金華(The University of British Columbia 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學)
Jinhua Chen is Professor of East Asian intellectual history (particularly religions) at the University of British Columbia, where he also served as the Canada Research Chair in East Asian Buddhism (2001-2011). He additionally held short-term teaching positions at other universities including the University of Virginia (2000-2001), the University of Tokyo (2003-04), and Stanford University (2012).
As recipient of research grants and fellowships from different sources including Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Canada Research Chairs (CRC) Program, Killam Foundation, Peter Wall Institute for the Advanced Studies, Society for the Promotion of Buddhism (Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai [BDK]), Japan Society for the Promotion of Social Sciences (JSPS), Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Max Plank Institute, the Academy of Korean Studies, and most recently, the National Humanities Center (USA), he has been engaged in research projects related to East Asian state-church relationships, monastic (hagio/)biographical literature, Buddhist sacred sites, relic veneration, Buddhism and technological innovation in medieval China, and Buddhist translations. In addition to publishing five monographs, including (1). Making and Remaking History (Tokyo, 1999), (2). Monks and Monarchs, Kinship and Kingship (Kyoto, 2002), (3). Philosopher, Practitioner, Politician: The Many Lives of Fazang [643-712] (Leiden, 2007), 4. Legend and Legitimation: The Formation of Tendai Esoteric Buddhism (Brussels, 2009), and (5). Crossfire: Shingon-Tendai strife as seen in two twelfth-century polemics (Tokyo, 2010), he has also co-edited five books. He is also the author of over fifty book chapters and journal articles, with major academic journals such as Asia Major, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, History of Religions, Journal Asiatique, Journal of Asian History, Journal of Chinese Religions, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, and T’oung P’ao: Revue internationale de sinologie. Several of his forthcoming books include one on medieval Chinese monastic warfare, another on Buddhism and Daoism’s politico-economical roles in early eighth century, and finally an annotated English translation (with an extended Introduction) of the complete works of the 9-10th century Korean literary luminary Choe Chiwon 崔致遠. |
6. CHEN Ming 陳明 (Peking University 北京大學)
Chen Ming 陳明,男,1968年出生,北京大學外國語學院教授,博士生導師。2007年入選教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計劃。主要研究領域為印度古代語言文學、中印文化交流史、佛教語言與文獻,在開拓古代亞歐醫學文化史方面尤為突出,印度學學科帶頭人。近五年來,出版專著《中古醫療與外來文化》《文本與語言》《印度佛教神話》,在《外國文學評論》《歷史研究》《文史》《世界宗教研究》和Studies in Chinese Religions等刊物發表論文36篇。2016年國家社科基金重大項目首席專家,完成2013年和主持2016年教育部人文社科重點研究基地重大項目。獲北京市第十三屆哲學社科優秀成果一等獎、第七屆高校人文社科研究優秀成果三等獎。芝加哥大學東亞語言與文明系訪問教授、台灣政治大學歷史系客座教授,在哈佛、普林斯頓、斯坦福、哥倫比亞等大學作專題講座,研究成果受國內外同行高度認可。 |
7. Max DEEG寧梵夫 (Cardiff University 英國卡迪夫大學)
Max DEEG, Professor in Buddhist Studies in the School of History, Archaeology and Religion, Cardiff University. Prof Deeg is specialising in Buddhist history and the spread of Buddhism from India to Central Asia and East Asia. He has a special interest in Buddhist narratives and their role and function for the construction of historical identities in Buddhist communities. He is also interested in other religions in the wider Asian context (Hinduism, Jainism, Daoism, Manichaeism, Eastern Christianity) and in the history of research and its impact on academic narratives about Asian religions. His latest monographs to be published will be one on Buddhist foundation myths and a German annotated translation of the Sino-Christian inscription of Xi’an from the 8th century. He is currently working on an new English translation and an extensive commentary of the Xiyu ji, the “Records of the Western Regions”, by the Chinese monk Xuanzang (7th century). Prof. Deeg is member of several academic and editorial boards.
Major Publications:
8. Siglinde DIETZ (Academy of Sciences in Göttingen 德國哥廷根科學院)
Siglinde DIETZ, born 1937, Archived Ph.D. in 1979. Dr. phil., classical philologist and indologist, research associate at the Göttingen Academy of Sciences from 1980-2002.
Fields of work: Buddhist studies and lexicography. Since 2002, working for the edition of the fifth Chapter of the Old Uighur fragments of the Biography of Xuan Zang together with Prof. Klaus Röhrborn. (This Chapter is a report of Xuan Zang’s travel and stay in India). Published 2015: Siglinde Dietz, Mehmet Ölmez, Klaus Röhrborn (eds.): Xuanzangs Leben und Werk. Teil 11. Die alttürkische Xuanzang-Biographie V. Nach der Handschrift von Paris und St. Petersburg sowie nach dem Transkript von Annemarie v. Gabain ediert, übersetzt und kommentiert. Wiesbaden. Harrassowitz Verlag (Veröffentlichung der Societas Uralo-Altaica . Bd.34). Meanwhile, supervising PhD works at the Seminar for Indology and Tibetology of the University of Göttingen. |
9. GAO Yang高陽 (Tsing-hua University 清華大學)
高陽,女,清華大學外國語言文學系副教授。東京學藝大學語言文化教育博士,清華大學外國語言文學系博士後,日本立教大學日本學研究所特別研究員。現為日本說話文學會、中世文學會、佛教文學會、和漢比較文學會等多個日本文學組織的會員。主要從事日本古典文學研究、佛教文學研究及東亞比較文學研究,日益關注宗教文學等廣泛涉及社會、人類普遍情感及心理、行為的文學表達方式。入職以來國內外發表論文二十余篇,主持兩項省部級項目,分別是教育部留學歸國基金和北京社科基金項目; 主持國外項目兩項。同時,研究教學並重,自清華入職以來,承擔基礎日語,日本古典文學,日本古典文法,一外,二外等課程。
近五年內主要論文成果如下: |
10. Nadeesha GUNAWARDHANA (Kelaniya University 斯里蘭卡凯勒尼耶大學)
Dr. Nadeesha Gunawardanan is a senior lecturer in the department of History University of Kelaniya in Sri Lanka. At present she is engaged with the post-doctoral studies under the guidance of the Prof. Max Deeg School of History, Archaeology and Religion in the University of Cardiff. She gained the Honorary William Jones fellowship from the University of Cardiff. She has done her Ph.D in Pondicherry University in India, under the professor K. Rajan. Dr. Nadeesh is specialized in Buddhist culture, Buddhism in Sri Lanka, ancient history of Sri Lanka, Indian history 6th century B.C.E, Mauryan period of India, Gupta period of India. She is interested in reading Brahmi Scripts, epigraphy of India and Sri Lanka.
Major publications:
11. HASEGAWA Takeshi 長谷川岳史 (Ryukoku University 日本龍谷大學)
HASEGAWA Takeshi 長谷川岳史
Main Articles:
12. Haiyan HU-VON HINUBER 胡海燕 (Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, University of Erfurt, Germany 德國埃兒富特大學)
Dr. Haiyan HU-VON HINÜBER, Honorary Professor of Buddhist Studies at the Shandong-University and Senior Researcher of the Center of Indian Studies at the Shenzhen-University. Recently Fellow at the Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies at the University Erfurt in Germany.
After having studied the historical South- and Southeast-Asian culture with a focus on the Sanskrit philology at the Peking University (1982), Hu was sent by Prof. JI Xianlin to his alma mater, the University of Göttingen where she received her doctoral degree in Indology, Tibetology und Sinology (1987). Research and teaching through the University of Freiburg, Copenhagen, and Vienna (1987-2011). 2009-2016, she was the German Director of the Confucius-Institute at the University Freiburg. The L´Institut de France and the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology (Soka) invited her as visiting scholar in 2010-11. Hu-von Hinüber is member of several academic associations (DMG, IASS, IABS, SEECHAC, CoJS/SOAS, CAVS, DVCS etc.). Invited by renowned universities in Europe, Asia and America, she gave more than 60 lectures on indological and Buddhist topics. Her recent publications include collected papers on Faxian, comparative studies on early Jainism and Buddhism, research works on the Pāli canon and the Tibetan lexicography, edition of ancient Sanskrit manuscripts, Buddhist and Chinese art, and the German-Chinese relationship in 20th century. |
13. JI Yun 紀贇 (Buddhist College of Singapore 新加坡佛學院)
JI Yun 紀贇,文學博士,新加坡佛學院(Buddhist College of Singpore)長聘副教授,兼任教務主任(Deputy Dean of Academic)、圖書館館長 (Chief Librarian)。除教學外,主要從事佛教文獻、佛教史等相關研究。曾出版或將出版專著《慧皎高僧傳研究》(2009,上海古籍)、《佛教經典觀》(2011,宗教文化);譯著《那體慧佛教文獻學研究論文集》(獨譯,2017,廣西師大)、《大乘佛教》(獨譯, 2018將出,廣西師大)、《佛教文獻學十講》(合譯, 2018將出,中西書局)、《左冠明佛教文獻學研究論文集》(獨譯,將出,中西書局)、《夏復佛教研究論文集》(合譯、將出,法鼓文化);《一山而五頂:多學科、跨方域、超文化視野中的五台信仰研究》(2017,新文豐,合編);《五台山信仰多文化、跨宗教的性格以及國際性影響力:第二次五台山研討會論文集》(2018,新文豐,合編);英譯漢學術論文二十餘篇;學刊、會議論文與書評二十餘篇。 |
14. George KEYWORTH 紀強 (University of Saskatchewan 加拿大薩斯喀徹溫大學)
George A. KEYWORTH, Assistant Professor with Tenure (Associate Professor in 2018), Department of History, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
Dr. Keyworth received his B.A. (Honors) in Chinese and Asian Studies and M.A. in Asian Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). He received his Ph.D. in Chinese Buddhist Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Dr. Keyworth was an Assistant Professor of East Asian Religions at the University of Colorado at Boulder (CU-Boulder) from 2001-2006, followed by three years as a researcher in Kyoto, Japan, from 2006-2009. In 2011, Dr. Keyworth joined the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada as an Assistant Professor of Buddhist Studies and East Asian Religions. After receiving tenure in 2017, Dr. Keyworth transferred to the Department of History, where he will teach courses in the areas of premodern Chinese and Japanese history, Asian Studies, the history of religion in East Asia, and comparative manuscript studies. Dr. Keyworth has published several articles on topics ranging from Northern Song dynasty (960-1127) Chinese Chan Buddhism and the figure of Juefan Huihong 覺範惠洪 (1071-1128); Japanese pilgrims to Song China (e.g., Jōjin 成尋 [1011-1081]); apocryphal Chinese Buddhist scriptures and the particular case of the Shoulengyan jing 首楞嚴經 (*Śūraṃgama-sūtra, T no. 945) using Chinese and Khotanese Sanskrit sources from Dunhuang; esoteric Buddhism in Tang (618-907) and Song China; Zen Buddhism in Edo (1603-1868) Japan and the figures of Xinyue Xingchou 心越興儔 (Shin’etsu Kōchū, 1639-1696) and Kakumon Kantetsu 覚門貫徹 (d. 1730); and old Japanese manuscript Buddhist canons (issaikyō 一切経), especially from Nanatsudera 七寺 the Matsuo shrine 松尾社 canon kept at Myōrenji. He is currently working on two books, tentatively titled: Zen and the Literary Arts and Copying for the Kami: A Study and Catalog of the Matsuo Shrine Buddhist Canon. He has received grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada to support his research projects. He has also supervised M.A. students who wrote theses on topics ranging from modern religion in China and Japan to early modern Daoism. |
15. KOMINE Kazuaki 小峯和明 (中国人民大学高端外国専家/立教大学名誉教授)
小峯和明(Komine Kazuaki ),1947年生。早稲田大學大學院修了。文學博士。立教大學名譽教授、中國人民大學高端外國専家、早稲田大學・招聘研究員。 日本古典文學、東アジア比較説話専攻。主要著作:『説話の森』(岩波現代文庫)、『説話の聲』(新曜社)、『中世日本の予言書』(岩波新書)、『中世法會文芸論』(笠間書院)、『遣唐使と外交神話』(集英社新書)等 。 |
16. LI Haibo 李海波 (Northwest University 中國西北大學)
LI Haibo 李海波,1995年獲理科學士學位,2002年宗教學專業碩士學位、2005年獲思想史專業博士學位。2005年在西北大學西北歷史研究所任教至今,2009年任職副教授,2014年任職教授。主要從事佛教哲學、佛教史、生命倫理學的研究。近五年著作:《勝鬘經今譯》,三秦出版社, 2012年;注譯《妙法蓮華經》,中州古籍出版社,2010年;合著《四大菩薩與民間信仰》,上海古籍,2011年;《死亡學視野中的中國佛教死亡觀研究》,人民出版社,2014年。 |
17. LI Jingjing 李晶晶 (McGill University 加拿大麥基爾大學)![]()
Jingjing Li is a PBEEE Doctoral Fellow at McGill University’s School of Religious Studies. She earned a B.A. from East China Normal University (ECNU) and a M.A. from the joint ENS (Ecole Normale Supérieur) – ECNU Graduate Program in Early Modern Chinese Philosophy. She has been OeAD Fellow at the University of Vienna, and has held an ECNU Award for research at the University of Copenhagen. While at McGill, she has published in both English and Chinese on Yogācāra Buddhism, Husserl’s phenomenology, modern Chinese Buddhism, modern Confucianism, and German idealism (Kant and Fichte). She serves as Assistant Editor for the Journal of Tsinghua Studies of Western Philosophy, and is currently researching her dissertation, entitled “Same Road, Different Tracks: A Comparative Study of Husserl’s Phenomenology and Chinese Yogācāra Buddhism.” |
18. LI Li’an 李利安 (Northwest University 中國西北大學)
LI Li’an 李利安教授,歷史學博士。1961年4月出生於陝西省西安市,現為西北大學佛教研究所所長,世界宗教與文化專業教授,博士生導師。1980年入西北大學歷史系,相繼獲得學士、碩士、博士學位。主要從事佛教歷史與思想、南亞與中國的宗教文化交往、宗教學基本理論、宗教現狀等方面的研究和教學工作,已出版《觀音信仰的淵源與傳播》、《金剛經般若思想初探》、《中國十大高僧》、《真諦大師傳》、《世親大師傳》、《白話金剛經》、《陝西中國漢傳佛教祖庭研究》,主編《論藏叢書》,已出版24冊,發表論文一百多篇。 |
19. LI Zijie 李子捷 (Kyoto University 日本京都大學)
LI Zijie 李子捷, 東京駒澤大學佛教學博士,師從石井公成、松本史朗教授。現於京都大學人文科學研究所從事博士後研究,師從船山徹教授。同時任日本學術振興會特別研究員。主要研究領域為5-7世紀的東亞佛教思想史。 |
20. LIN Chen-kuo 林鎮國 (National Chengchi University 台灣政治大學)
Lin Chen-kuo 林鎮國,政治大學哲學系特聘教授,美國天普大學博士。專長:佛教哲學、中國哲學。曾任哲學系主任;政治大學資深優良教師;榮獲國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才、傑出研究及甲種研究獎勵;擔任香港中文大學及北京大學等編輯委員。 |
21. LIN Pei-ying 林佩瑩 (Fu-jen Catholic University 臺灣輔仁大學)
LIN Pei-ying 林佩瑩, 台灣輔仁大學助理教授,研究領域為唐代佛教,側重文獻與思想的傳遞,涵蓋議題涉及禪宗、菩薩戒文獻、文化交流與認同等。她於台灣大學取得政治系國際關係組學士學位,於英國劍橋大學進修碩士學位,並於倫敦大學亞非學院獲得宗教學博士。加入輔仁大學宗教學系的教學團隊之前,她於加州伯克利從事中國佛教的博士後研究,以一套唐代中葉的菩薩戒戒本作研究主題,分析禪宗與密教在大乘戒律與禪修上的關聯性。 |
22. LIU Linkui 劉林魁 (寶雞文理學院)
LIU Linkui 劉林魁,男,1972年生,陝西寶雞人,於2003、2007年先後獲西北大學文學碩士和文學博士,2010年四川大學俗文化研究所文獻學博士後出站,現為寶雞文理學院雜誌社社長,教授、碩士生導師、關隴宗教文化研究所所長,中華文學史料學學會會員、中國古代文學理論研究學會會員。專著2部:《<廣弘明集>研究》(中國社會科學出版社,2011年),《集古今佛道論衡校注》(中華書局,2018年) |
23. LIU Shu-fen 劉淑芬 (中央研究院歷史語言研究所)
Liu Shu-fen劉淑芬, 臺灣中央研究院歷史語言研究所研究員。 在人類的歷史中,宗教是一個很重要的成分,我主要從佛教的角度切入,探討中國中古時期佛教和國家、社會的互動,僧團寺院和社會的關係,人們所信仰的佛教內涵和儀式。近年來研究的課題包括:玄奘的傳記及其聖化,聖僧(羅漢即其中之一類)的信仰和儀式,以及「大德寺五百羅漢圖」的討論。 |
24.Dan LUSTHAUS 悅家丹 (Harvard University 美國哈佛大學)
Dan LUSTHAUS is an American writer on Buddhism. He is a graduate of Temple University’s Department of Religion, and is a specialist in Yogācāra. The author of several articles and books on the topic, Lusthaus has taught at UCLA, Florida State University, the University of Missouri, and in the Spring of 2005 he was a professor at Boston University. Lusthaus also collaborated with Heng-ching Shih in the translation of Kuiji’s (K’uei-chi) commentary on the Heart Sutra with the Numata translation project. Lusthaus is an editor for the Digital Dictionary of Buddhism, in the area of Indian/East Asian Yogācāra/Tathāgatagarbha. He contributed the contents of his catalogue of the major Yogācāra translations of Xuanzang to the DDB, as well as a number of other terms related to the Cheng Weishi Lun and Yogācārabhūmi-śāstra. |
25. Richard D. MCBRIDE II (Brigham Young University 美國楊百翰大學)
Richard D. McBride II is Associate Professor of Asian & Near Eastern Languages at Brigham Young University. He earned a Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Cultures at UCLA (2001), specializing in Korean and Chinese Buddhism and early Korean history. He was a Fulbright Senior Researcher in Korea in 2007–2008, and he is presently associate editor of the International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture, published by the Academy of Buddhist Studies, Dongguk University. His research interests include Buddhist cults in medieval China and Korea (roughly the 5th to the 12th centuries), particularly the use of dhāraṇī (Buddhist spells and codes); doctrinal Buddhism in medieval China and Korea; Chinese and Korean wonder tales and Buddhist hagiography; Buddhist cultural exchange between Song China and Koryŏ Korea; and kingship and institutional history in early Korean state of Silla (ca. 300–935).
He is the author of Domesticating the Dharma: Buddhist Cults and the Hwaŏm Synthesis in Silla Korea (Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2008). His most recent work is Doctrine and Practice in Medieval Korean Buddhism: The Collected Works of Ŭich’ŏn, Korean Classics Library: Philosophy and Religion (Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2017). Another monograph titled Aspiring to Enlightenment: Pure Land Buddhism in Silla Korea is currently under review. |
26. Max MOERMAN (Columbia University 美國哥倫比亞大學)
Max Moerman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Cultures. He is the Associate Director of the Donald Keene Center for Japanese Culture, Columbia University, and of the Columbia Center for Japanese Religions. He holds an A.B. from Columbia College and a Ph.D. from Stanford University. His research interests are in pre-modern Japanese culture.
Major Publications:
Work in Progress: Geographies of the Imagination: Buddhism and the Japanese World Map. Under contract with Harvard University Asia Center. |
27. MORO Shigeki 師茂树 (Hanazono University 日本花園大學)
MORO Shigeki 師 茂樹, Professor, Faculty of Letters, Hanazono University. Major works include: 《『大乗五蘊論』を読む》 (新・興福寺仏教文化講座),師 茂樹,春秋社,2015年9月。
《論理と歴史―東アジア仏教論理学の形成と展開》,師 茂樹,ナカニシヤ出版, 2015年3月 。 |
28. SAKAIDA Yukiko 坂井田夕起子 (日本愛知大學)
愛知大學(AICHI university)國際問題研究所客員研究員。日本大阪教育大学(OSAKA Kyoiku University)教育学社会教育研究科碩士後,廣島大學(HIROSHIMA Universty)文學研究科博士課程後期東洋史學專攻修了。
主要著作及論文(Major publications) 1,『誰も知らない『西遊記』――玄奘三蔵の遺骨をめぐる東アジア戦後史』龍渓書舎、2013年。(The Unknown Journey to the West – The Travels of Xuanzang’s Bone Relics in Postwar East Asia) |
29. QIU Weihua 邱蔚華 (Yong-In university 龍岩學院)
QIU Weihua 邱蔚華,女,1976年7月生,福建上杭人。2000年6月畢業於福建師範大學中文系,獲漢語言文學教育本科學歷、學士學位。2000年8月至今,任教於龍岩學院,現為該校文學與傳媒學院副教授。期間,曾分別於2002年9月至2005年6月、2014年9月至2017年6月在福建師範大學攻讀中國古代文學碩士(專業方向:先秦兩漢文學)、中國古典文獻學博士學位(專業方向:佛教文獻與文學)。近三年來,主要致力於古代作家、作品與佛教文化的關係研究,發表與之相關的學術論文五篇,其中兩篇為cssci來源期刊;博士論文《朱熹文學與佛禪關係研究》獲「台灣聖嚴教育基金會漢傳佛教學術發展項目中文博士論文獎助」資助(資助金額:10萬台幣)。佛教與中國文學之關係的研究是筆者初涉之域,未來道路還很長,但只要堅持努力,相信終將有所收穫。 |
30. Tansen SEN 沈丹森 (NYU Shanghai 紐約大學上海分校)
Tansen SEN is Director of the Center for Global Asia, Professor of History, NYU Shanghai; Global Network Professor, NYU. He received his MA from Peking University and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania. He specializes in Asian history and religions and has special scholarly interests in India-China interactions, Indian Ocean connections, and Buddhism. He is the author of Buddhism, Diplomacy, and Trade: The Realignment of Sino-Indian Relations, 600-1400 (2003; 2016) and India, China, and the World: A Connected History (2017). He has co-authored (with Victor H. Mair) Traditional China in Asian and World History (2012) and edited Buddhism Across Asia: Networks of Material, Cultural and Intellectual Exchange (2014). He is currently working on a book about Zheng He’s maritime expeditions in the early fifteenth century and co-editing (with Engseng Ho) the Cambridge History of the Indian Ocean, volume 1. He has done extensive research in India, China, Japan, and Singapore with grants from the American Institute of Indian Studies, the Japan Foundation, the American Philosophical Society, the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore). He was the founding head of the Nalanda-Sriwijaya Center in Singapore and served on the Governing Board of the Nalanda University. |
31. Upinder SINGH (University of Delhi 印度德里大學)
Upinder SINGH is Professor of History, University of Delhi, India. Her writings range over various aspects of ancient Indian history, archaeology, and the modern histories of ancient sites and monuments. She is the author of Kings, Brāhmaṇas, and Temples in Orissa: An Epigraphic Study (AD 300–1147) (New Delhi, Munshiram Manoharlal,1994); Ancient Delhi (New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1999); The Discovery of Ancient India: Early Archaeologists and the Beginnings of Archaeology (New Delhi, Permanent Black, 2004); A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India: From the Stone Age to the Twelfth Century (Delhi, Pearson, 2008); and The Idea of Ancient India: Essays on Religion, Politics, and Archaeology (New Delhi, SAGE, 2016). She has edited Delhi: Ancient History (New Delhi, Social Science Press, 2006) and Rethinking Early Medieval India (Delhi, New Oxford University Press, 2011). She has co-edited Ancient India: New Research (New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2009), Asian Encounters: Exploring Connected Histories (New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 2014) and Buddhism in Asia: Revival and Reinvention. Her most recent book is Political Violence in Ancient India (Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 2017). She was awarded the Infosys Prize in Social Sciences — History in 2009. |
32. Mingli SUN (Tsing-hua University 清華大學)
加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學博士生,從事佛教物質文化研究。已在《故宮博物院院刊》、《大足石刻全集》、《石窟藝術研究》等雜誌發表學術論文數篇(包括《大足石刻观无量寿经变分析》、《四川唐五代观无量寿经变光明转与宝船因素分析》、《四川唐五代摩崖浮雕观无量寿经变分析》等)。 |
33. SUN Yinggang 孫英剛 (Zhejiang University 浙江大學)
Sun Yinggang 孫英剛,先后就讀於北京大學和普林斯頓大學,獲普林斯頓大學哲學博士學位(Ph.D.),浙江大學歷史系教授。長期從事中古史和佛教史的研究,先后出版《神文時代:讖緯、術數與中古政治研究》(上海古籍出版社2014年第一版﹔2015年5月第二版,精裝)和《隋唐五代史》(上海人民出版社,2014年),並與陳金華教授共同主編《神聖空間:中古宗教中的空間因素》論文集(復旦大學出版社,2015年),譯有《展望永恆帝國:戰國時代的中國政治思想》(上海古籍出版社,2013年);並圍繞中古知識、信仰與政治世界以及佛教對中古社會的影響等主題發表論文60余篇。並擔任“域外研究叢刊”叢書主編、Frontiers of History in China和Studies in Chinese Religions兩份學術期刊編委。研究方法上強調知識、信仰世界和政治、世俗世界的關聯性,強調從古人的知識邏輯和信仰結構出發,揭示政治起伏和日常生活的思想環境和知識邏輯。從更為具體的層面說,第一,強調宗教文獻尤其是浩瀚的佛教文獻對中國中古史的意義,挖掘被傳統正史選擇性“遺忘”的歷史細節,將佛教史納入中古政治史、城市生活史的語境內考察﹔第二,強調將佛教在亞洲大陸的興起和傳播視為一種“世界史”的脈絡,轉換角度而將中國中古史視為這個歷史脈絡的一部分,比如考察曾經對中古政治史產生重要影響的符號、概念、器物等的“域外根源”。通過方法的革新、史料的挖掘,和領域的拓展,重新認識中國中古文明和佛教史。目前主要圍繞四個方面進行佛教史的研究,第一,漢唐間的緯學思想和佛教的關系。之前佛教與本土文明的沖突與融合,多集中於儒家與佛教、道教與佛教,而忽略了佛教傳入之初,即面對一個強大的、復雜的陰陽讖緯的知識體系﹔第二, 佛教王權觀的研究。主要圍繞彌勒信仰、轉輪王(Cakravartin)的符號、概念及其政治意涵展開,探討佛教對中古政治理論和實踐的影響﹔第三,認為長安(也包括洛陽)帶有強烈的佛教性格,集中於探討隋唐時代都市佛教寺院的日常生活和政治空間﹔第四,希望能夠在力所能及的情況下梳理中亞文明和中國中古佛教的關係。 |
34. Sushma TRIVEDI (University of Lucknow 印度拉克瑙大學)
Dr. Sushma TRIVEDI is an Assistant Professor in the Department of History at Navyug Kanya P.G. College, University of Lucknow, Lucknow. She was awarded the Degree of Ph.D. from Banaras Hindu University in 1997. She specializes in Economic History of India and Buddhist Studies. Dr. Trivedi has participated and presented papers in over twenty national and international Seminars and Conferences. She has published research papers in reputed and referred Research Journals. Presently she is involved in a Major Research Project on Buddhist site of Ratnagiri, India. |
35. TIAN Honggang 田宏剛 (終南山佛教文化研究所)
TIAN Honggang 田宏剛,2001年於長安終南山佛教協會工作,同年二月十九日,皈依淨業寺本如禪師,法名興山,號心一。於終南山佛教協會歷任辦公室主任、副秘書長、副會長。現任:終南山佛教文化研究所副所長、歸元玄奘文化促進會執行會長。於佛協工作期間曾策劃舉辦了終南禪修、終南茶會、終南寫經、終南供僧、終南山佛教文化夏令營等系列活動。近年來致力於玄奘研究與唯識學研習。曾於陝西廣播電台《長安大講堂》欄目,以陝西方言講述60集原創節目《大師玄奘》。發願繼承玄奘精神,弘揚唯識學。 |
36. WANG Bangwei 王邦維 (Peking University 北京大學)
Wang Bangwei 王邦維,北京大學教授。先後任教於北京大學東語系、東方學系、外國語學院、東方學研究院以及東方文學研究中心。自1985年起在中國大陸、台灣以及德國、法國、印度、日本、瑞典、愛沙尼亞、荷蘭、尼泊爾出版或發表有多種學術著作和論文,內容涉及佛教語言、文獻、文學、印度和中國佛教史以及中印文化關係。 |
37. WANG Jianguang 王建光(南京農業大學)
WANG Jianguang 王建光(南京農業大學), 教授,南京大學博士。著作:獨著《中国律宗思想研究》,巴蜀书社,2004年 ;《新译梵网经》,三民书局,2004年;《如是我乐:佛教幸福观》,宗教文化出版社,2006年;《中国律宗通史》,凤凰出版社,2008年 ;以下合著:《中国佛教通史》(第四、九、十一、十三、十五卷),赖永海主编,江苏人民出版社, 2010年 ;中国佛教通史(第七卷),赖永海主编,江苏人民出版社, 2010年; 《中华佛教史》(隋唐五代佛教史卷,第九章),季羡林、汤一介主编,山西教育出版社,2013。 |
38. WANG Jihong 王繼紅 (北京外國語大學)
Wang Jihong 王繼紅,北京外國語大學中國語言文學院副教授。研究方向為梵文史、佛教史。她先後在《外語教學與研究》等核心期刊公開發表若干篇學術論文,並且有數篇論文被人大復印資料《語言文字學》全文轉載,產生了良好的學術影響。王繼紅老師獨自負責國家級科研課題,分別參與過教育部人文社會科學重點研究基地《基於梵漢對勘材料的佛教漢語研究》、《語言接觸和漢譯佛典語法比較研究——以梵漢對勘為基礎》等重大項目。 |
39. WANG Xiang 王翔 (Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院 )
Dr. Xiang WANG (Shawn WANG) is an associate professor in the General Education Office of Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University United International College. He is now teaching liberal arts courses on Buddhology and world religions. In addition to Asian Studies and spiritual classics, his other interests include One Belt One Road, comparative mysticism and thanatology. So far he has single-authored a monograph on Ximing Monastery and translated a book by the British historian Eric Hobsbawn. He also published numerous journal articles, book chapters, papers in proceedings, book reviews as well as government reports and newspaper articles for both academic professionals and the reading public. He is currently at work on two book manuscripts funded by Guangdong Province and the National Social Science Grant of China. The first book is an “Anthology of World Religions” in Chinese, while the second one focuses on ancient Buddhist libraries along the Silk Road. |
40. WANG Xin 王欣 (Xidian University 西安電子科技大學)
Wang Xin 王欣,現任西安電子科技大學外國語學院翻譯系副教授,碩士生導師。西北大學玄奘研究院兼職研究員。世界史專業博士。研究方向:典籍翻譯、佛教歷史及哲學。作為第一參與人,完成國家社科基金青年項目一項;完成教育部人文社會科學研究項目二項。參編2018國家出版基金項目《佛教比喻五經詮釋集成》,宗教文化出版社出版;陝西出版基金項目《大唐大慈恩寺三藏法師傳》英譯的獨立譯者;2014年第27屆世界佛教徒聯誼會大會紀念冊《陝西佛教》及電視宣傳片《佛都長安》的英譯者。 |
41. WANG Yarong 王亞榮 (陝西省社科院宗教研究所)
WANG Yarong 王亞榮教授,出生於1950年。曾任陝西省社會科學院宗教研究所所長、長安佛教研究中心主任。研究領域為五代之前的中國漢傳佛教及陝西佛教文化資源與陝西社會發展。發表《長安佛教史論》、《大興善寺》、《道宣大師傳》等著作5部,論文50余篇。任《玄奘研究》、《玄奘精神與西部文化》副主編。參加研究編撰的大型項目有《佛教大辭典》、《中國歷史大辭典•隋唐五代•佛教》、《中國大百科全書•宗教卷•佛教分支》、《中國佛教文化大觀•名山寺塔》等。曾主持《鳩摩羅什關中業績研究》、《新世紀之交陝西宗教文化現狀》、《秦嶺北麓(中段)宗教文化資源開發利用研究》、《律宗祖庭淨業寺調查研究》等多部調研報告。 |
42. WU Guo 伍國 (Allegheny College 美國阿勒格尼學院)
Guo Wu is associate professor at Allegheny college, USA. He obtained his PhD in Chinese history from State University of New York in 2006 and has been teaching at Allegheny College, where he offers a wide range of courses in Chinese and East Asian history. He also serves as the chair of the college’s Chinese Studies program. His main research fields include Chinese intellectual history; Southwestern borderland studies, and the Chinese Communist movement. He has published one book, Zheng Guanying, Merchant Reformer of Late Qing China and his Influence on Economics, Politics, and Society(2010), and a number of peer-reviewed journal articles in the above-mentioned fields. |
43. WU Weilin 吴蔚琳 (Shenzhen University 深圳大學)
Wu Weilin 吳蔚琳, 北京大學印度語言文學專業博士,博士論文題目是《〈善見律毗婆沙〉文本與語言研究》。研究方向是佛經語言與文化、梵語巴利語佛典、佛教戒律文獻、中印佛教交流史、巴利語佛教文獻。發表論文《〈善見律毗婆沙〉中「增譯」內容的文獻學考察》(李四龍主編《人文宗教研究》第六輯,2015年12月)、「On the Relationship between the Shanjian lü piposha and Other Pāli Paracanonical Literature」(Eurasian Studies vol.IV, 2016)。主持國家社科基金青年項目《漢譯巴利語律藏注釋書〈善見律毗婆沙〉整理與研究》(項目編號17CZJ011)。目前在深圳大學工作,研究方向是中印佛教文化交流。
2012—2016: Studied for a Ph.D. in Indian Literature (Buddhist philology) in Department of South Asian Studies, Peking University (under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Chen Ming). Received PhD in Indian Literature titled “A Philological Research on the Shanjian lü piposha” in 2016. Her academic interest is Buddhist languages and culture, Sanskrit and Pāli literature, vinaya texts, Sino-Indian Buddhist Cultural Bonds. Her publications include “The Philological Examination on the contents borrowed from other Chinese Vinaya Texts and Pāli Paracanonical Literature in the Shan-Jian-Lv Piposha”(Journal of Humanistic Religion, Vol.5 No.2, 2015), “On the Relationship between the Shanjian lü piposha and Other Pāli Paracanonical Literature” (Eurasian Studies vol.IV, 2016). Currently she hosts youth project “A Philological Study of the Chinese version of Pāli Vinaya Commentary Samantapāsādikā” supported by National Social Science Foundation. Now she is a post-doctoral research fellow in Shenzhen University. |
44. XUE Keqiao 薛克翹 (中國社科院南亞研究所)
職稱:1988年,中國社會科學院南亞所副研究員;1995年,亞太所研究員至今。2003至2014年曾為北京大學東方文學研究中心兼職研究員。 職務:現為中國玄奘研究中心副主任。 研究領域:主要從事印度文化和中印文化交流史研究。 主要專著:
45. Arun Kumar YADAV (Nava Nalanda Mahavihara 印度新那爛陀大學)![]()
Dr. Arun Kumar Yadav is working as Assistant Professor of Pali at Nava Nalanda Mahavihara, Deemed University under Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India, Nalanda, India. Dr. Yadav has done his master degree from Banaras Hindu University securing first position and also done his Ph.D. from B.H.U. He has also been awarded Indo-China fellowship for study Chinese Language in 2011. In 2015, Indian Council of Social Science Research and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences jointly awarded him research grant to conduct research at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing. He has been Visiting Research Fellow of Institute of Chinese Studies, Taipei, Taiwan for three months. He is also working on a Chinese project related to Xuanzang’s pilgrimage to the India. His areas of interest are Theravada Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism and Xuanzang’s travelogue. |
46. YAMABE Nobuyoshi 山部能宜 (日本早稻田大學)
YAMABE Nobuyoshi 山部 能宜(1960年 – )は、日本のインド哲学・仏教学者・仏教美術史学者。早稲田大学文学学術院教授。仏教における実践的な瞑想修行(座禅)に大きな関心を持ち、インドの初期瑜伽行唯識学派の思想と中国の法相宗の教理、またインド・中国・中央アジアにおける禅定修行の実態解明を研究テーマとする。禅観経典や論書などの文献資料に加えて、石窟壁画を初めとする美術資料を用いた独特の研究で知られる。現在はアーラヤ識(阿頼耶識)の起源について集中的に取り組んでいる。 |
47. YANG Jianxiao 楊劍霄 (Tsinghua University 清華大學)
Yang Jianxiao 楊劍霄,男,1987年生,江蘇南京人,南京大學哲學博士。2014-15年日本駒澤大學佛教經濟研究所客座研究員。現為清華大學哲學系博士後。主要研究方向為隋唐佛教史、唯識學。先後發表《神聖信仰與經典權力——論佛教經典信仰的形成及其功能》、《最澄<法華秀句>卷中の研究》等論文多篇。 |
48. YANG Weizhong 楊維中(Nanjing University 南京大學)
YANG Weizhong 楊維中,1998年獲南京大學哲學系哲學博士學位。其後於南京大學哲學系(宗教學系)任教,現為南京大學哲學系(宗教學系)教授、博士生導師,南京大學—約翰斯•霍普金斯大學中美文化研究中心兼職教授、澳門科技大學客座教授。主要研究領域是中國哲學、中國佛學、儒道佛哲學比較研究、中國佛教史等。主要著作有《道生大師傳》(高雄:佛光出版社1997年)、《新譯〈佛國記〉》(台北:三民書局2004年)、《新譯〈華嚴經入法界品〉》(台北:三民書局2004年)、《經典詮釋與中國佛學》(北京:宗教文化出版社2006年)、《唯識無境:佛教唯識觀》(宗教文化出版社2006年)、《中國佛教心性論研究》(宗教文化出版社2007年)、《中國唯識宗通史》(南京:鳳凰出版社2008年)、《中國佛學》(南京大學出版社2009年)、《如來藏經典與中國佛教》(江蘇人民出版社2012年)等,是賴永海先生主編《中國佛教通史》(15卷,江蘇人民出版社2010年)的主要作者。 |
49. YOSHIMURA Makoto 吉村誠 (日本駒澤大學)
YOSHIMURA Makoto 吉村誠 ,日本駒澤大學仏教学科教授。研究中国仏教思想史。特に中国唯識思想史について玄奘の事跡を中心に研究する。また、魏晋南北朝隋唐時代における儒教・仏教・道教の三教交渉史。
Major Publications 主要著作・論文 『中国唯識思想史研究―玄奘と唯識学派―』大蔵出版,2013年 『新国訳大蔵経 続高僧伝Ⅰ』共訳,大蔵出版,2012年 『玄奘三蔵と薬師寺』共編,薬師寺,2015年 「從玄奘的事蹟看唐代初期佛教與國家之間的交渉」『第三届玄奘国际学朮讨论会論文集』2008年 「玄奘西遊意―玄奘爲何去了印度?―」『第一屆慈宗國際學術論壇論文集』2013年 「唐朝初期的唯识学派与佛性论争」『东亜佛教研究Ⅲ――佛教论争与佛教发展』宗教文化出版社,2014年 |
50. YUAN Wei 袁煒 (貴州博物館)
He achieved the Master degree of History, and he is working as an assistant Librarian of Museum at Guizhou Museum (貴州省博物館) .
Research Direction: Cultural communication between east and west of ancient numismatics; Early Buddhism statue. Representative papers: Study on Khotan-Han Dynasty Relation and Khotan-Kushan Relation from Kharosthi Inscription on Sino-Kharosthi Coin, China Numismatics, 2016(04); Pre Islamic Central Asian Gold and Silver Coins in Chinese Official Historical Account, LI Xiaoping ed., Academic Conference Proceedings of Gold and Silver Currency and Social Life, China Bookstore Press, 2017; Numismatics Evidence for Indo-Scythian and Late Indo-Greek’s Reign on Jibin (Second Author), China Numismatics, 2018(01); Note on the Development of Buddhism at the top of Kushan form the Relic Boxes, The Future Scholars Forum of Chinese Buddhism and Asian Material Civilization, Tsinghua University, 2018 July. |
51. YU Shuo 于碩 (首都師範大學)
就讀於首都師範大學美術學院,師從謝繼勝教授,2 011年7月獲文學博士學位,後留校工作至今。研究方向為佛教美術史論。教授課程有《美術考古》、《絲綢之路佛教美術》等。
Major Publications 主要論文發表:
主持科研項目情況: 1、學校社科項目,《甘肅甘谷縣華蓋寺唐僧取經壁畫研究》(已結項)。 |
52. YU Xin 余欣 (Fudan University 復旦大學)
Yu Xin is a historian of medieval China and Silk Road, specializing in the study of Dunhuang manuscripts and the Tang dynasty. He received his BA (1997) and MA (2000) from Zhejiang University, and Ph. D (2003) in Chinese History from Peking University. He joined Fudan University in 2003 and now is Professor of Medieval Chinese History. He has held appointments as visiting professor at École des hautes études en sciences sociales, École normale supérieure, Princeton University, Kyoto University, and The Starr Foundation East Asian Studies Endowment Fund Member at the Institute for Advanced Study.
Professor Yu’s research interests lie in natural history, manuscript culture, and the social history of religion. He aims to develop a comprehensive understanding of the role of different source materials (historical records, archaeological evidence, bamboo slips and silk texts, Dunhuang and Turfan manuscripts, lost Chinese books in Japan, and literature on Sino-foreign relations) in the production of knowledge and religious practice, and to re-think the role of manuscripts and images in intellectual history, belief, and daily life. He has published numerous books, including Way of Gods, Life of Humans: Social History of Livelihood Religions in Dunhuang during the Tang and Song Dynasties (2006); Signs of the Extraordinary in Medieval China: Erudition, Belief, and Society in the Age of Manuscripts (2011). He is also the chief editor of a series of research monographs: Studies of Knowledge, Faith, and Institutions in Medieval China (12 published to date, and 6 projected in the future, 2012-) as well as the bilingual academic journal Medieval China 中古中國研究. |
53. ZHANG Limin 张利明 (Lanzhou University 蘭州大學)
已发表和即将出版的论著有: 1、《张掖大佛寺西游记与观音救难壁画组合考释——兼谈河西地区以观音为中心的信仰》,《石窟寺研究》第七辑,2017年,第252—264页。 2、《肃南上石坝河石窟第3窟壁画研究》,《敦煌研究》,2018年第3期。 3、《玄奘取经图像与西游记壁画》,南京:凤凰美术出版社,2018年。 |
54. ZHANG Ting 張婷 (華中師範大學)
ZHANG Ting 張婷,祖籍江蘇高郵,現為華中師範大學歷史文獻學研究所博士生,專業方向為唐代僧傳文獻研究。發表核心期刊文章若干,如《〈大慈恩寺三藏法師傳〉語言描寫藝術》、《歷史時期僧人謙稱變化的文化詮釋》、《試論敦煌變文孝道觀的特點》等。 |
55. ZHENG Yanyan 鄭燕燕 (Sun Yat-sen University 中山大學)
Zheng Yanyan 鄭燕燕,山東濟南人,1986年生,中山大學考古學及博物館學學士、碩士,北京大學歷史學博士,中山大學考古學博士後。主要研究興趣為古代文化交流,佛教考古與佛教藝術。已發表文章如《試論高昌地區粟特商業的運營》、《略論北朝至北宋時期敦煌的舍利埋藏》、《枯朽之骨與清淨真寶:印度佛舍利珠寶化研究》、《釋迦牟尼葬禮再考察:兼析傳譯者及解讀者對佛經的重構》、《新疆出土的圓錐形舍利盒再考察》等。 |
56. ZHOU Xiaowei 周曉微
ZHOU Xiaowei 周曉微: 2014年在浙江大學獲得哲學博士學位,宗教學專業。博士論文《現代性與中國佛耶關係(1911-1949)》已於2016年由巴蜀書社出版。2015年至2018年在四川大學道教與宗教文化研究所進行博士後研究,合作導師為陳兵教授。博士後出站報告題目為《現代性中國佛耶關係(1949-2000)》。已在核心期刊發表論文包括《佛陀跋陀羅於中國禪宗、華嚴宗、淨土宗貢獻新探》、《禪——從華嚴經到中國禪宗祖師的理解流變探討》等。現為教授哲學的副教授。 |