2023 Glorisun International and Intensive Program with Peking University

2023 Glorisun International and Intensive Program with Peking University

“天宫勝景” from 會稽山龍華寺. https://www.kuaijishanlonghuasi.com. Searching the Way along the Zhijiang: The Sixth Glorisun International Intensive Program on Buddhist Studies (with Peking University & Mount Kuaiji Institute of Advanced Research on Buddhism) 之江問道——第六屆旭日國際佛學菁英班 (北京大學、會稽山佛教高等研究院) (August 9 – August 22, 2023 with Peking University)   Schedule Seminar and Lecture Series Lecturers Student Continue reading

Theravada and East Asia

Theravada and East Asia

June 29, 2024. In person, University of Oxford, Weston Lecture Theatre, Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford.