
Cluster Leader: Jinhua Jia, Hong Kong Polytechnic University

The field visits of Cluster 2.1 have been focusing on the historical sites of the traditional Chinese state sacrificial system dedicated to spirits of major mountains and waters, including Five Marchmounts 五嶽, Five Strongholds 五鎮, Four Seas 四海, and Four Waterways 四瀆, which formed a part of the most authoritative religious-ritual institutions in imperial China. Over two thousand years, the state ritual and belief have gradually integrated with other religious traditions such as Daoism, Buddhism, and local cults. From the Jin dynasty onward, Daoists have been in charge of many of the state temples, taking part in, or fully responsible for, the sacrificial ritual. Local people have produced legends, stories, songs, deities, cults, and rituals related to the age-old mountain and water spirits. Temple fairs have continued and all kinds of popular religious activities such as offerings, worships, fortune telling, and spiritual possession are present in the fairs. These historical sites present a unique perspective to observe the transformation of traditional state sacrificial ritual and its integration with Daoist, Buddhist and popular religious culture.

The field visits to these sites are the first organized investigations of this sub-tradition. The visits have provided a unique perspective to address questions such as when, where, and who has defined authoritative and authentic religion in China, and how the “authoritative” religion has interacted and integrated with “sub-authoritative” and “non-authoritative” traditions. By investigating these sites, researchers in this cluster have sought to realign the narrative of the history of Chinese religion with traditional Chinese state religion, which has been largely disregarded by contemporary traditions-based definitions of religion in China (e.g., Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism).

Teams of Cluster 2.1 visited the Jidu Temple 濟瀆廟 (Temple of Ji River, one of the four waterways) and Mount Wangwu 王屋山 in 2017, the Dongzhen Temple 東鎮廟 (Temple of Eastern Stronghold), Mount Yi 沂山, and nearby religious sites in 2018, and the Beizhen Temple 北鎮廟 (Temple of Northern Stronghold), Mount Yiwulü 醫巫閭山, Mount Haitang 海棠山, and nearby religious sites in 2019. The outcomes of the three trips include three videos, about 700 stele inscriptions and images, a database, a number of research articles and PhD dissertations, a special issue published in the journal Religions, and a book published by MDPI.


Field Visit Report

Read 2017 field visit report

Read 2019 field visit report


Data Collection

View 2017 digital data collection

View 2018 digital data collection

View 2019 digital data collection


Cluster Publications

Read Traditional Chinese State Ritual System of Sacrifice to Mountain and Water Spirits edited by Jia Jinhua (Religions open access special issueopen access book)

Read journal article by Bai Zhaojie and Teng Yao (English)—“Daoism and the Operation of the Eastern Stronghold Temple in the Late Imperial China”

Read working paper by Bai Zhaojie (Chinese)—道教与元明清东镇庙的日常运作——以东镇碑刻为中心的考察”

Read working paper by Li Teng (English)—The Jidu God contra the Dragon King: State Domination and Local Autonomy of Water God in Late Imperial China”

Read BEAR Research Briefs—“Chinese Sacred Rivers: The Four Waterways”

Read BEAR Research Briefs—“Making the Secular Sacred: Dongzhen Temple and Five Strongholds in the Traditional Chinese State Sacrifice Ceremony”



2018 field visit team


Cluster Participants

Affiliated Researchers Associated Researchers
Bratt, David (University of California Berkeley) – 2017 Bai, Zhaojie (Shanghai Academy of Social Science) – 2018, 2019
Carlton, Kelly (Princeton University) – 2019 Cheng, Jihong (Zhejiang Ocean University) – 2017
Chen, Siyu (Harvard Divinity School) – 2018 He, Shuyue (McGill University)- 2018 (Columbia University) – 2019
Jia, Jinhua (University of Macau) – 2017,  (Hong Kong Polytechnic) – 2018, 2019 Huang, Chenxi (Renmin University) – 2017, 2018, 2019
La Torre, Joseph (Harvard Divinity School) – 2018 Kong, Qingmao (Nanjing University of the Arts) – 2017
Lovedahl, Nate (Yale University) – 2018 Li, Jing (City University of Macau) – 2019
Rols, Johan (École pratique des hautes études) – 2017 Li, Lin (Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts) – 2018, 2019
Rusk, Bruce (University of British Columbia) – 2017 Li, Teng (University of Macau) – 2017
Su, Shenghan (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) – 2018 Lin, Peiying (Fu-jen University) – 2018
Teiser, Stephen (Princeton University) – 2019 Liu, Jie (Zhejiang Ocean University) – 2017
ter Haar, Barend (Oxford University) – 2017, 2019 Lu, Guobin (Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts) – 2018, 2019
Tian, Menglu (University of British Columbia) – 2018, 2019 Wang, Shixiao (Southeast University) – 2017, 2018
Wang, Yue (University of Saskatchewan) – 2017 Wang, Xiaoyang (Southeast University) – 2017, 2018,2019
Xu, Yuji (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) – 2018 Wang, Yue (University of Alberta) – 2018, 2019
Yang, Zhaohua (Columbia University) – 2019 Wu, Sijia (Southeast University) – 2017,2019
Yin, Wei  (Oxford University) – 2018 Yuan, Xiaoli (Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts) – 2019
Zhang, Yuanjing (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) – 2018, 2019


Field Visit Sites

Cluster 2.1

chargement de la carte - veuillez patienter...

Jidu Temple 濟瀆廟 : 34.604381, 117.839655
Mount Wangwu 王屋山: 35.200000, 112.166700
Dongzhen Temple 東鎮廟: 36.198116, 118.670063
Beizhen Temple 北鎮廟: 41.593333, 121.756667
Mount Yiwulü 醫巫閭山: 41.507630, 121.620100
Fengxian Temple 奉仙觀: 35.100708, 112.573632
Yuqing Palace 玉清宮呂祖殿: 35.074167, 112.490833
Changchun Abbey 長春觀: 34.996111, 112.638889
Guandi Temple 關帝廟 : 35.031389, 112.641667
Qingzheng Abbey 清真觀: 35.038611, 112.626389
Temple of Primal Mistress Turquoise Mist 碧霞元君祠: 36.276667, 118.468889
Palace of Jade Emperor 玉皇殿: 36.275833, 118.460556
Hall of Stone Buddha: 36.331389, 118.464167
Peak Haitang 海棠山: 41.959167, 121.851944
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Jidu Temple 濟瀆廟
Cluster 2.1 description

Cluster 2.1 2017 - Jidu Temple 濟瀆廟 data collection

Jidu Temple 濟瀆廟, Jiyuan, Henan, China
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Mount Wangwu 王屋山
Cluster 2.1 description

Cluster 2.1 2017 - Mount Wangwu 王屋山 data collection

Mount Wangwu 王屋山, Jiyuan, Henan, China
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Dongzhen Temple 東鎮廟
Cluster 2.1 - description

Cluster 2.1 2018 - Dongzhen Temple 東鎮廟 (Weifang City) data collection

Watch English audio with English and Chinese subtitles at Youtube: https://youtu.be/XhOOGqVgjxM

Watch Chinese audio with English and Chinese subtitles at Youtube: https://youtu.be/FI_OnCv8QZk
or Youku: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDE2NDg2NzkxMg==.html?spm=a2hzp.8253869.0.0

Dongzhen Temple 東鎮廟, Weifang, China
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Beizhen Temple 北鎮廟
Cluster 2.1 description

Cluster 2.1 2019 - Beizhen Temple data collection

Beizhen Temple 北鎮廟, Beizhen City 北鎮市, Liaoning Province 遼寧省, China
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Mount Yiwulü 醫巫閭山
Cluster 2.1 description

Cluster 2.1 2019 - Mount Yiwulü 醫巫閭山 data collection

Beizhen City 北鎮市, Liaoning Province 遼寧省, China
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Fengxian Temple 奉仙觀
Cluster 2.1 description

Cluster 2.1 2017 - Fengxian Temple 奉仙觀 data collection

Fengxian Temple 奉仙觀, Henan, China
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Yuqing Palace 玉清宮呂祖殿
Cluster 2.1 description

Cluster 2.1 2017 - Yuqing Palace 玉清宮呂祖殿 data collection

Yuqing Palace 玉清宮呂祖殿, Henan, China
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Changchun Abbey 長春觀
Cluster 2.1 description

Cluster 2.1 2017 - Changchun Abbey 長春觀 data collection

Changchun Abbey 長春觀, Henan, China
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Guandi Temple 關帝廟
Cluster 2.1 description

Cluster 2.1 2017 - Guandi Temple 關帝廟 data collection

Guandi Temple 關帝廟, Henan, China
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Qingzheng Abbey 清真觀
Cluster 2.1 description

Cluster 2.1 2017 - Qingzheng Abbey 清真觀 data collection

Qingzheng Abbey 清真觀, Henan, China
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Temple of Primal Mistress Turquoise Mist 碧霞元君祠
Cluster 2.1 description

Cluster 2.1 2018 - Temple of Primal Mistress Turquoise Mist 碧霞元君祠 data collection

Temple of Primal Mistress Turquoise Mist 碧霞元君祠, Weifang, Shandong, China
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Palace of Jade Emperor 玉皇殿
Cluster 2.1 description

Cluster 2.1 2018 - Palace of Jade Emperor 玉皇殿 data collection

Palace of Jade Emperor 玉皇殿, Weifang, Shandong, China
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Hall of Stone Buddha
Cluster 2.1 description

Cluster 2.1 2018 - Hall of Stone Buddha data collection

Hall of Stone Buddha, Weifang, Shandong, China
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Peak Haitang 海棠山
Cluster 2.1 description

Cluster 2.1 2019 - Peak Haitang 海棠山 data collection

Peak Haitang 海棠山, Fuxin Shi, Liaoning Sheng, China