Cluster 1.3: Market and Merit

Cluster 1.3: Market and Merit

Cluster leader: Susan Andrews, Mount Allison University and Youn-mi Kim (Ewha Womans University) Women’s significance in the economic life of East Asian religions is widely recognized but not yet well understood. This is in part because sources foregrounding their participation in this sphere very often remain outside official canons. Histories Continue reading

Cluster 2.2 “Secondary” Producers, “Primary” Roles

Cluster 2.2 “Secondary” Producers, “Primary” Roles

Cluster Leader: George Keyworth, University of Saskatchewan The field visits of Cluster 2.2 were designed to focus on investigating the “primary” roles that “secondary” producers—Khitans, Jurchens, Koreans and Japanese—played in transmitting, editing, venerating and preserving Buddhist literature in Chinese during the medieval period in East Asia (ca. 10th – 15th Continue reading

Cluster 3.3: Texts in Statues

Cluster 3.3: Texts in Statues

Cluster Leader: James Robson, Harvard University The main goals of the “Texts in Statues” cluster are to identify, catalogue, and study all statues from China, Korea, and Japan with manuscripts and texts that have been interred inside of them.  Included in the scope of this project will be statues in situ in Continue reading