For more SSHRC-specific definitions see

Cluster: One of the fifteen thematic research groups housed under the three Research Programs.

Cluster Leaders: Scholars leading each research cluster who organize field visit activities, mainly in East Asia.

CO: Communications Officer. Responsible for coordinating with collaborators and partner institutions and communicating with related projects in the field.

CSC (Central Steering Committee): Seven-member committee responsible for decision-making in consultation with the Executive Committee.

Executive Committee: Three-member committee responsible for decisions related to administration of SSHRC project.

Fieldtrips, field visits: Research and training trips taken to collect data and undertake training.

GIS: Geographic(al) Information System. System designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of spatial or geographical data.

In-kind contribution: Defined by SSHRC as “goods or services contributed to support a specific research project or research-related activity.”

KC: Knowledge Mobilization Committee. KMC Members: Christina Laffin (UBC), Ann Heirman (Ghent), Jinhua Chen (UBC), Susan Andrews (Mount Allison).

Knowledge mobilization [from SSHRC]: The reciprocal and complementary flow and uptake of research knowledge between researchers, knowledge brokers and knowledge users—both within and beyond academia—in such a way that may benefit users and create positive impacts within Canada and/or internationally, and, ultimately, has the potential to enhance the profile, reach and impact of social sciences and humanities research. Knowledge mobilization initiatives must address at least one of the following, as appropriate, depending on research area and project objectives, context, and target audience:

Within academia:

  • informs, advances and/or improves:
    • research agendas;
    • theory; and/or
    • methods.

Beyond academia:

  • informs:
    • public debate;
    • policies; and/or
    • practice;
  • enhances/improves services; and/or
  • informs the decisions and/or processes of people in business, government, the media, practitioner communities and civil society.

Mitacs: Canadian funding source for industry link and international networking. “A national, not-for-profit research and training organization dedicated to advancing collaborations between industry, academia and government in Canada, and to fostering international research networks between Canadian universities and the world.” Acronym originally referred to “Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex System” but the program has expanded beyond these parameters.

Program Manager: UBC-based head administrator for the SSHRC project.

RC (Research Committee): Seven-member set of coordinators representing the three research pillars. RC members: Susan Andrews (Mount Allison), James Benn (McMaster), Jinhua Chen (UBC), Vincent Goossaert (EPHE), Youn-mi Kim (Ewha Womans University), Ross King (UBC), Stephen Teiser (Princeton)

Research Programs: The three pillars of this SSHRC project. Medium vs. Message; Canon-making & Breaking; Text vs. Image.

SSHRC: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Canadian research funding agency for post-secondary research and training in the humanities and social sciences. Part of the federal “tri-council” funding agencies along with NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council) and CIHR (Canadian Institutes for Health Research).