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ASHIWA Yoshiko 足羽與志子(Hitotsubashi U 日本一橋大學/National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

Yoshiko Ashiwa is an anthropologist, Professor Emeritus (formerly Professor. Anthropology and Global Issues) of Hitotsubashi University, and Visiting Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies. She served as director of Center for the Study of Peace and Reconciliation at Hitotsubashi University for over 15 years. She was a visiting professor and taught at several universities, including Harvard, Columbia, Xiamen, and Colombo. Her research interests include the arts, religion, cultural policies, peace and reconciliation, and global studies. Her main works are; The Space of Religion: Temple, State, and Buddhist Communities in Modern China, Columbia University Press, 2023 (co authored with D. Wank); The Challenge of Global Studies: Radically, Critically. Sairyusha, 2021 (edited); and Making Religion, Making the State: The Politics of Religion in Modern China, eds. Stanford University Press. 2009 (co-edited with D. Wank). She has held various positions in government and NGOs, including the National Art Center, Japan Foundation, and Japan Ministry of Education.
足羽與志子,文化人類學家,一橋大學名譽教授(原文化人類學和全球問題研究教授),政策研究大學院大學(National Graduate Institution for Policy Studies)客座教授。曾在一橋大學擔任和平與和解研究中心的主任長達15年。曾任哈佛大學、哥倫比亞大學、廈門大學、科倫坡大學等多所大學的客座教授。研究興趣包括藝術、宗教、文化政策、和平與和解、全球研究等。主要著作:Space of Religion: Temple, State, and Buddhist Communities in Modern China (《宗教的空間:寺院、國家、佛教社區》),哥倫比亞大學出版社,2023年 (與D.Wank合著);Making Religion, Making the State: The Politics of Religion in Modern China(《創造宗教,創造國家: 近代中國的宗教政治》), 斯坦福大學出版社,2009年(與D.Wank合編著);全球研究的挑戰:激進地、批判地,彩流社,2021年(主編)。她還曾在國立新美術館、國際博物館會議、日本國際交流基金、文部科學省、文化廳、外務省、東洋文庫、靜岡縣立大學等政府和非政府組織中擔任各種職務。 |
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BABA Norihisa 馬場紀壽 (UoTokyo 日本東京大學)
Norihisa Baba is a Professor at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia at the University of Tokyo. He received his Ph.D. in 2006 from the University of Tokyo. His research interests include the history and thought of Indian Buddhism and Theravāda Buddhism; the relationship between Sri Lanka and East Asia; and Modern Discourse of Buddhism. His approach is comparative using the Pāli, Sanskrit, Tibetan, Chinese, and Japanese texts. He has published several English language articles and Japanese books including The Formation of Theravāda Buddhist Thought: From the Buddha to Buddhaghosa (2008); Early Buddhism: Tracing the Buddha’s Thought (2018); and Buddhist Orthodoxy and Heresy: The Birth of the Pāli Cosmopolis (2022). He is recipient of several academic prizes such as the Japanese Association for South Asian Studies Prize, and the Japan Science Promotion Society Prize. He also serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies.
馬場紀壽現為東京大學亞洲高級研究所的教授。他於2006年在東京大學獲得博士學位。他的研究興趣包括印度佛教和上座部佛教的歷史和思想、斯里蘭卡和東亞的關係,以及佛教的現代話語。他的研究方法是使用巴利語、梵語、藏語、漢語和日語文本進行比較。他發表了多篇英文文章,並出版了日文專書,包括《上座部佛教思想的形成:從佛陀到覺音》(2008);《初期佛教:追踪佛陀的思想》(2018);《佛教的正統性與異端:巴利宇宙城的誕生》(2022)。他獲得了許多個學術獎項,如日本南亞研究協會獎、日本科學促進會獎。他也擔任《國際佛教研究協會雜誌》編輯委員會的職務。 |
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Ester BIANCHI 黃曉星
(UoPerugia 義大利佩鲁賈大學)
Ester Bianchi holds a Ph.D. in ‘Indian and East-Asian Civilization’ from the University of Venice (co-tutorial Ph.D. received from the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Section des Sciences Religieuses of Paris). She is an Associate Professor of Chinese Religions and Philosophy and of Society and Culture of China. She is currently a contributor to the Research project “Chinese Buddhism in Globalization: States, Communities, and Practices of Religion” (directed by Yoshiko Ashiwa and David Wank, Founded by the Henry Luce Foundation), and “Modern and Contemporary Buddhist Encounters in the Southern Sinosphere” (diected by Jens Reinke, ISHB, University of the West). Her research is centered on Sino-Tibetan Buddhism, Chinese Buddhist monasticism, Chinese Buddhism in Italy, and, more recently, the rediscovery of early meditation techniques in modern Chinese Buddhism. Ester Bianchi is the author of The Iron Statue Monastery, Tiexiangsi: A Buddhist Nunnery of Tibetan Tradition in Contemporary China (Firenze, Olschki, 2001), and of the first Italian translation of the Gaoseng Faxian zhuan (Perugia: Morlacchi 2013). Her co-edited volumes include the recent “Take the Vinaya as Your Master”: Monastic Discipline and Practices in Modern Chinese Buddhism, co-edited with D. Campo (Leiden: Brill 2023).
黃曉星(Ester Bianchi)是義大利佩魯賈大學哲學系的副教授,擁有威尼斯大學頒發的印度與東亞文明博士學位以及法國高等實踐研究院宗教學博士學位(法義雙聯博士學制)。她在佩魯賈大學任教,教授中國哲學宗教、社會文化和文學課程。同時,她也是法國國家研究中心「社會.宗教.世俗」研究團隊的成員。目前,她是「全球化中的中國佛教:國家、社群和宗教實踐」(由足羽與志子和David Wank擔任項目首席專家,魯斯基金會資助)和「南華地區的現代和當代佛教交流」(由Jens Reinke擔任項目首席專家,西部大學佛教研究所資助)研究項目的成員。其學術專業包括宗教學和漢學,其研究重點包括漢藏佛教、中國佛教寺院生活、義大利的中國佛教,以及在現代中國佛教中發現的早期佛教的禪修法。她的著作包括The Iron Statue Monastery, Tiexiangsi: A Buddhist Nunnery of Tibetan Tradition in Contemporary China(《鐵像寺:現代中國的一所藏傳佛教比丘尼寺》, 佛羅倫斯,Olschki,2001年)和Gaoseng Faxian zhuan: Faxian: un pellegrino cinese nell’India del V secolo(《<高僧法顯傳>義文譯》,佩魯賈,Morlacchi,2013年)等。她合編的著作包括最近的Take the Vinaya as Your Master: Monastic Discipline and Practices in Modern Chinese Buddhism(與田水晶合編,Leiden: Brill,2023年)。 |
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Michael CAVAYERO 柯偉業 (PekingU 北京大學)
Michael Cavayero is an Assistant Professor at Peking University’s School of Arts. He was formerly an International Talent Program Boya Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Peking University’s Department of South Asian Studies and Research Center for Buddhist Texts and Art, focusing on Buddhism’s dissemination, Sinicization in medieval China, and the early textual history of Chinese painting. His postdoctoral research also examined early Indian Buddhist Epigraphy during the Aśokan period. Cavayero holds a BFA (cum laude) from New York University, where he was part of the Presidential Scholar’s Program with a full-tuition scholarship. He completed his master’s and PhD degrees at The China Academy of Art in Hangzhou under the “10,000 Strong” US-China Humanities Bridge-Scholarship program. His research and translations have been published extensively in both English and Chinese.
柯偉業(Michael Cavayero),美術學博士,北京大學藝術學院助理教授、研究員。曾先後就讀於庫伯高等科學與藝術聯盟學院(The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art)和紐約大學(New York University),並於後者以“精英青年學者計劃”(Scholar’s Program)全額獎學金獲藝術學學士(BFA)學位,隨後於中國美術學院取得美術學碩士、博士。2020年,通過“博士後國際交流計劃引進項目”入選北京大學外國語學院南亞學系博雅博士後項目,並兼任北京大學佛教典籍與藝術研究中心助理研究員;2023年春季加入北京大學藝術學院。主要研究領域爲古代藝術史與宗教互動研究、中國和印度佛教藝術與佛教歷史、古代畫論文獻。代表研究有《〈歷代名畫記〉中“心源”與“妙悟”佛教源流研究》、《〈佛説阿惟越致遮經〉中“心源”詞義的研究》、《張璪畫論與繪事中的佛教因素》、《印度佛教碑銘學的學術史考察——以阿育王碑銘中“破僧法敕”爲中心》等。 |
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CHEN Yingjin 陳映錦 (Beijing Language and CultureU

陳映錦 文學博士,北京語言大學一帶一路助理研究員,碩士生導師,主要研究方向:佛教戒律文獻、佛教文學、敦煌學。
Yingjin Chen, Ph.D., is an Assistant Research Fellow of the Belt and Road initiative of Beijing Language and Culture University, and is a Master tutor. Her main research direction is the study of Buddhist discipline literature, Buddhist literature, and Dunhuang studies. |
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CHEN Zhiyuan 陳志遠 (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Zhiyuan Chen, born in 1983, is currently the associate researcher of the Institute of Ancient History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He obtained his Ph.D. in History from the Department of History, Peking University, and has conducted short-term visit at Kyoto University in Japan and Dharma Drum Buddhist College in Taiwan. His research focuses on the history of Buddhism in the Six Dynasties period, Buddhist literature in medieval China, and the interaction between Confucianism and Buddhism. Recently, he is working on topics such as the idea of eschatology, relic worship, and epigraphical inscriptions. He has published a monograph entitled Studies on the History of Buddhism in the Six Dynasties, and some 20 journal articles. |
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CHIEN Gloria 簡奕瓴 (GonzagaU 美國剛薩加大學)

Dr. Gloria (I-Ling) Chien is an Associate Professor of Religious Studies at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington, U.S.A. Chien obtained her Ph.D. in Religious Studies at the University of Virginia. She also holds a MA degree in Tibetan Buddhism from Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, Dharma Drum Mountain, Taiwan. Chien conducts bibliographic analysis of the Tibetan Buddhist master Tokmé Zangpo’s (1295–1369) biographies and Collected Works in order to shed light on the cultural legacy of Tibetan Buddhist Lojong (mind training) meditation tradition. Chien’s peer-reviewed articles concern topics such as Tokmé Zangpo’s life and Collected Works, Ignatian pedagogy, teaching Buddhism in higher education, and Chinese religions in film A Chinese Ghost Story (1987).Inspired by her research on Tibetan Lojong meditation, Chien sought and obtained a certificate in the Cognitively-Based Compassion Training® contemplation program developed at Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. To promote scholarly discussion on teaching Buddhism, she established and co-chairs the Buddhist Pedagogy Seminar at the American Academy of Religion (2019–2023).
Gloria (I-Ling) Chien (簡奕瓴) 是美國華盛頓州斯波坎市貢薩加大學宗教系副教授,美國維吉尼亞大學宗教學博士,她亦持有台灣法鼓山中華佛學研究所的藏傳佛教碩士學位。簡教授對西藏佛教祖師妥美桑布(1295-1369)的傳記和文集進行書目分析,以揭示藏傳佛教修菩提心傳統的文化遺產。簡教授的期刊論文涉及妥美桑布的藏文傳記與文集、依納爵教育學、高等教育中的佛教教學、以及1987年電影《倩女幽魂》所呈現的中國宗教等主題。受到自身藏傳佛教修心傳統研究的啟發,簡教授尋求並獲得在佐治亞州亞特蘭大市埃默里大學所開發的 「以認知為基礎的慈悲心靜坐訓練」講師認證。為了促進佛教課程的學術討論,她在美國宗教學年會設立並共同主持佛教教育學研討會(2019-2023)。 |
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CHIU Tzu-lung 邱子倫 (ChengchiU 政治大學)
Prior to joining the Graduate Institute of Religious Studies at Chengchi University as a Visiting Scholar (2023), Tzu-Lung Chiu was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Buddhist Studies at the Max Planck Institute (2017-2021) and the University of California, Berkeley (2016). Her research interests include Indian Vinaya rules, contemporary Chinese Buddhism, gender, the Chinese diaspora, and Buddhist rituals and practices; and she has written a number of research articles on traditional Vinaya rules applied (or not) in contemporary Chinese Buddhist contexts. She is currently researching the position and the practice of Chinese Buddhism in Myanmar and Thailand, and explores how Chinese Buddhists as a local religious minority seek social recognition in Southeast Asia, thus extending academic research on Mahāyāna Buddhism to its marginal regions.
邱子倫(Melody Tzu-Lung Chiu),比利時根特大學博士(Ghent University), 曾任職於美國加州大學柏克萊分校與德國馬普所博士後研究員,國家科學及技術委員會人文社會科學研究中心博士級研究人員,現為政治大學宗教研究所訪問學人。主要領域為佛教戒律學、當代漢傳佛教、宗教儀式文化、海外華人宗教、宗教與性別。她現在的研究領域,已延伸至東南亞區域,檢視大乘北傳之宗教傳播發展與受其在地化影響,尤其關注東亞和東南亞(包括泰國、緬甸)佛教之間的連接與互動。近年來在Buddhist Studies Review, Religions, Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies, Journal of Buddhist Ethics, The Journal of Asian Studies, Review of Religion and Chinese Society 等國際學術期刊上發表論文或書評。 |
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GUANG Xing 廣興 (HKU

GUANG Xing, Ph.D. Senior Lecturer of the Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong, Chairman of the Master of Buddhist Studies Programme. He also served as Tung Lin Kok Yuen Canada Foundation Visiting Professor in Buddhism and Contemporary Society at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver 2007. Specialist in Buddhist Studies 2016-2024, appointed by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications. His publications include The Concept of the Buddha: Its Evolution from Early Buddhism to the Trikaya Theory (Routledge 2005) and Filial Piety in Chinese Buddhism (Peter Lang 2022).
廣興-高級講師,香港大學佛學研究中心碩士課程委員會主席,加拿大溫哥華英屬哥倫比亞大學 2007 年度佛教與當代社會訪問教授,香港學術及職業資歷評審局聘任 2016-2024 年度佛學研究專家。主要著作有《佛陀觀的演變與發展》(英文版)由英國ROUTLEDGE 2005出版,《中國佛教的孝道研究》(英文版)Peter Lang 2022年。 |
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KIM Sung-Eun 金成恩(DonggukU 韓國東國大學

Sung-Eun Thomas KIM is an assistant professor at the Academy of Buddhist Studies, Dongguk University, and an assistant editor for the International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Religious Studies at Seoul National University. Previously, he has held research posts at the University of British Columbia and Leiden University. His academic interests lie in the social history of Korean Buddhism during the Chosŏn dynasty period (1392-1910). In particular he is currently working on a project on the rise and formation of Korean Buddhism during the early seventeenth century from the perspective of institutional developments such as monastic education, system of cultivation, and socio-cultural foundations of support (funded by the Academy of Korean Studies). Some of his representative publications include an annotated translation, Buddhist Apologetics in Early Modern Korea: Treaties and Memorials by Joseon Period Monks (2020); “Taming the Tiger of Hwadu Absolutism: Kanhwa Sŏn/Chan Practices Understood From the Perspective of Ritual Practice and Experience” (2021); and “Korean Buddhist Adoption of Shamanic Religious Ethos: Healing, Fortune Seeking, and the Afterlife” (2018).
金成恩(Sung-Eun Thomas Kim),現任東國大學佛學研究院助理教授,《國際佛教思想與文化雜誌》(International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture)助理編輯。首爾國立大學宗教學系博士,曾在加拿大英屬不列顛哥倫比亞大學、荷蘭萊頓大學擔任研究職位。專注研究朝鮮時期(1392-1910)韓國佛教的社會史,主要從寺院教育、修養體系、社會文化支持基礎等製度發展角度研究 17 世紀初韓國佛教的興起和形成。此外,研究領域還包括區域間貿易和聯繫受到嚴重限制的清代中韓及東亞地區佛教相關交流等。 |
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KUO Pei-Chun 郭珮君 (TaiwanU 臺灣大學)
Pei-Chun KUO is an Assistant Professor at Department of History, National Taiwan University. She was previously a Guest Research Associate at Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, Postdoctoral fellow at Academia Sinica, Taiwan, KILA Research Fellow 京都学研究員 at Kyoto Institute, Library and Archives, Research Fellow at Historiographical Institute 史料編纂所 and Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia 東洋文化研究所 at University of Tokyo. Her doctoral dissertation “Sangha, Rituals, and Power: Tiantai/Tendai Buddhism in East Asian Cultural Interactions” was honored by the Sheng Yen Education Foundation Grant for Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Research 2020. Her current research project has received Japan Foundation Fellowship 2022-23.
郭珮君,台灣大學歷史學系助理教授。曾任日本京都大學人文科學研究所外國人共同研究者、Japan Foundation Fellow,中央研究院文哲所博士後研究學者(2020-22),日本京都府立京都學歷彩館京都學研究員(2019-20),東京大學史料編纂所外國人研究員,東京大學東洋文化研究所訪問研究員。博士論文〈教團、儀式、權力:東亞文化交流中的天台佛教〉獲2020年聖嚴教育基金會傑出博士論文獎。主要研究領域為東亞古代史、東亞佛教文化交流。 |
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Ashwini LAKSHMINARAYANAN 婁時維 (École française d’Extrême-Orient 法國遠東學院)
Ashwini Lakshminarayanan is currently an École française d‘Extrême-Orient postdoctoral fellow specialised in both Classical and Indian Archaeology across Europe and India. Her postdoctoral project titled MADGA : Music and Dance in Gandhāran Art explores the visual representations of dance and musical festivity scenes in Gandhara that were previously classified as ‘Dionysiac’ images. In order to understand how motifs of dance and musical forms were embedded in the Buddhist religious landscape, MADGA analyses forms of choreography and musical instruments across the Silk Roads. More broadly, her research focus is on socio-religious praxis in Buddhism, East-West cultural dynamics, and gender in South Asia. Her PhD thesis (defended at Sapienza University of Rome) unites her main interests and is the subject of her forthcoming monographGender in Gandhāra Art: Representations and Interactions in the Buddhist Context (1st – 4th centuries CE). Transgressing the traditional boundaries of ‘text’, ‘image’, and ‘inscription’, her journal articles and book chapters amongst forthcoming publications implement innovative approaches to study the cross-cultural and gender dimensions in Buddhist art.
婁時維目前是法國遠東學院的博士後研究員,研究領域為歐洲與印度古典學和印度考古學。她的博士後項目 “MADGA:犍陀羅藝術中的音樂和舞蹈” 旨在探索犍陀羅節慶場景中的舞蹈和音樂視覺表現,這些場景之前被歸類為 “狄俄尼索斯式 ”圖像。為了了解舞蹈和音樂的主題如何嵌入到佛教宗教景觀中,MADGA分析了絲綢之路上的編舞和樂器的形式。更廣泛地說,她的研究重點是佛教中的社會宗教實踐、東西方文化動態以及南亞地區的性別議題。她的博士論文(在羅馬大學Sapienza University of Rome答辯)結合了她的主要興趣,亦是她即將出版的專著《犍陀羅藝術中的性別:佛教背景下的表現和互動(公元1-4世紀)》。在超越“文本”、“圖像”和“銘文”傳統界限的同時,她在期刊文章和即將出版的書籍章節中以創新的方法研究了佛教藝術中的跨文化和性別維度。 |
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Ngar-sze LAU 劉雅詩 (CUHK

Ngar-sze Lau is a Senior Lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and affiliated Assistant Professor (part-time) of Department of Buddhist Studies, Fo Guang University. She completed her MPhil degree in Social Anthropology at Oxford and PhD degree in Religious Studies at Lancaster. Her research interests include contemplative education, lay Buddhist meditation, and transnational meditation movement in contemporary Chinese societies. She has published academic papers in Religions, Asian Medicine and Routledge International Handbook of Religion in Global Society, etc.
劉雅詩,香港中文大學高級講師,佛光大學佛學系兼任助理教授。她在牛津大學獲得社會人類學碩士學位,蘭卡斯特大學獲得宗教研究博士學位。她的研究興趣包括禪修教育、居士佛教禪修和當代中國社會的跨國禪修運動。她曾經在國際期刊和出版社包括Religions《宗教》、Asian Medicine 《亞洲醫學》和Routledge International Handbook of Religion in Global Society等發表學術論文。 |
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Todd LEWIS 陸濤 (College of the Holy Cross 美國和理大學)
Todd Lewis is the Distinguished Professor of Arts and Humanities and Professor of Religion at the College of the Holy Cross. His primary research since 1979 has been on Newar Buddhism in the Kathmandu Valley and the social history of Buddhism. Since completing his Ph.D. (Columbia, 1984), Lewis has authored many articles on the Buddhist traditions of Nepal and a number of books. His translation, Sugata Saurabha: A Poem on the Life of the Buddha by Chittadhar Hridaya of Nepal (Oxford 2010), received awards from the Khyentse Foundation and the Numata Foundation. His most recent publication with Jinah Kim, is Dharma and Punya: Buddhist Ritual Art of Nepal (Brill 2019). Other writings have focused on the role of merchants in Buddhist history, Buddhist social history, and the history of Buddhist ritualism.
陸濤(Todd Lewis)是麻薩諸塞州和理大學(College of Holy Cross)藝術與人文學的傑出教授,兼任哈佛大學附屬研究員。從1979年至今,他主要的研究是尼泊爾加德滿都山谷的尼瓦爾佛教和佛教社會史。1984年獲得哥倫比亞大學博士學位,發表多篇尼泊爾佛教研究論文以及數部專著,包括《流行於尼泊爾的佛教文本:尼瓦爾佛教的敘述和儀式》。另有著作探討商人在佛教歷史中的作用、佛教社會史和佛教儀式史。譯作《正覺者的芬芳:尼泊爾Chittadhar Hridaya關於佛陀一生的詩篇》(牛津大學出版社,2010年),獲得欽哲基金和沼田基金會的獎勵。他最近與金珍娜合著有《佛法和功德:尼泊爾的佛教儀式藝術》(Brill,2019年)。曾獲得古根海姆獎(Guggenheim Fellow),以及福佈萊特基金會(Fulbright Foundation)、美國哲學會(American Philosophical Society)和國家人文基金會(National Endowment for the Humanities)等項獎金資助。 |
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LI Can 李燦 (Beijing Foreign StudiesU 北京外國語大學)
李燦 北京外國語大學亞洲學院梵語巴利語教研室,副教授。博士畢業於北京大學南亞學系梵語巴利語專業。主要研究方向:梵語巴利語佛典、初期大乘佛教史、中國佛典翻譯史、佛教儀式文獻。
LI Can is an Associate Professor of Sanskrit and Pali Literature in the School of Asian Studies of Beijing Foreign Studies University. He obtained his PhD from the Department of School of Foreign Languages of Peking University. Dr. LI specializes in early Mahāyāna Buddhism, History of Chinese Buddhist Translations, and Buddhist liturgical texts. |
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LI Chih-Hung 李志鴻 (Hong Kong Shue YanU

Chih-Hung LI is currently an Assistant Professor at History department of HKSYU, Hong Kong. He was previously a Postdoctoral fellow at History department of National Taiwan University, Japan Foundation Fellow, and Research Fellow at Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia at University of Tokyo. His research focuses on Kingship and Buddhism in East Asia, especially on books and material culture, as well as religions in urban history.
李志鴻,臺灣大學歷史學系博士。現任香港樹仁大學歷史學系助理教授。曾任臺灣大學歷史學系博士級研究人員(2021-2022)、日本國際交流基金招聘研究員(2018)、日本東京大學東洋文化研究所訪問研究員(2017-2018)。主要研究領域為東亞王權與佛教、東亞佛教書籍與物質文化、東亞都城與宗教研究。 |
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LI Wei 李薇 (SuzhouU 蘇州大學)
Dr. Li Wei serves as Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy, Suzhou University. She received her PhD in Buddhism and literature from Hanazono University, Japan in 2018. She specializes in Vinayapitakas and Abhidharma of Buddhist. Major publications: “Is the Explanation of yathārūpeṇādinnādānena in the Mahāsāṃghika-vinaya a Later Insertion” “A New Study of the Approaches to Vinaya: From the Case of Mahāmoggallāna’s Hearing the Sound of Elephants in Dhyāna” etc. She is the leader of the research projects of the social science and humanity on Young Fund of the ministry of Education etc. |
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MA De 馬德 (Dunhuang Academy 敦煌研究院 /Mount Kuaiji Institute of Advanced Research on Buddhism 稽山書院)
馬德(1955—),敦煌研究院研究館員,敦煌文獻研究所前所長;蘭州大學博士研究生導師,甘肅省政府文史研究館館員;兼任多所院校特聘教授;長期從事敦煌歷史文化研究工作至今,出版著作10多部,發表論文180余篇;主持完成國家社會科學基金重大項目1 項、西部項目2項,在研重點項目1項;教育部人文社科重點基地重大項目1項,參與多項;主持完成國家出版基金項目3項。
Ma De (1955-) is a research fellow at the Dunhuang Academy and former director of the Institute of Dunhuang Manuscript. He is also a doctoral supervisor at Lanzhou University and a fellow at the Gansu Provincial Government’s Culture and History Research Institute. In addition, he holds adjunct professorship at several universities. He has been engaged in the study of Dunhuang history and culture for a long time and has published more than 10 books and more than 180 research papers. He has led 1 major project funded by the National Social Science Foundation, 2 Western Region Projects, and currently conduct 1 Key Project. He has completed 1 Key Project/Base sponsored by the Humanities and Social Sciences of the Ministry of Education and participated in many others. Furthermore, he has led to the completion of 3 projects funded the National Publication Fund. |
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MA Xi 馬熙 (NankaiU 南開大學)
MA Xi is currently a Ph.D. student at Nankai University. He obtained his MA degree of Chinese History from Sun Yat-sen University. His academic interest focuses on the Buddhist epitaphic culture in Tang China. One of his papers was awarded the price of Outstanding Young Scholar by the 15th International Conference on the Language Studies of Chinese Buddhist Literature in 2022. |
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Jackson MACOR 明考寂尊 (UC Berkeley 美國加州大學柏克萊分校)
Jackson Macor received a B.A. in South Asian Languages and Civilizations (2017) and an M.A. in Divinity (2020) from the University of Chicago, both supplemented by language study in India and Japan. His research interests include doctrinal developments in Chinese Buddhism during the Sui and early Tang, in particular the writings of the Sanlun (Three Treatises) exegete Jizang.
明考寂尊(Jackson Macor)是美國加州大學伯克利分校東亞系沼田佛教研究中心博士候選人。他先後於芝加哥大學南亞語言和文化系和芝加哥大學神學院獲得學士學位(2017)和碩士學位(2020)。在學士和碩士學習過程中,他在日本和印度接受了相關語言的訓練。他的研究興趣包括中國佛教在隋-初唐時期中觀學說的發展,以三論宗吉藏的學說為中心。 |
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PEI Changchun 裴長春 (Shandong NormalU 山東師範大學)
PEI Changchun: Before becoming a lecturer at the School of History and Culture, Shandong Normal University, she had served as a special assistant professor, visiting lecturer, and visiting researcher at Hiroshima University and Hanazono University in Japan. She graduated from Hiroshima University in 2017 with a doctoral degree. Her main research areas include Dunhuang Studies, East Asian Buddhist rituals, and East Asian Buddhist history. Has published over ten academic papers in journals such as Xiyu yanjiu 西域研究, Wei Jin Nanbei chao Sui Tang shi ziliao 魏晉南北朝隋唐史資料, Indogaku Bukkyōgaku kenkyū 印度學佛教學研究, and Chanxue yanjiu 禪學研究. |
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QIU Xiaoyun 裘瀟雲 (PekingU 北京大學)
Xiaoyun QIU, PhD student from the School of Foreign Languages, Peking University. Her major is Indian language and literature, and the research area is about Buddhist Art & History and Indian Religions & Culture. Her concern is Indian Cave Temples and now she is focusing on Ellora Caves.
裘瀟雲,北京大學外國語學院印度語言文學專業博士研究生,研究方向為佛教藝術與歷史/印度宗教與文化。目前的研究著重於的印度石窟寺,尤其是埃洛拉石窟藝術。 |
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Jens REINKE 黃穎思 (UoWest 美國西來大學)
Jens Reinke is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies and Director of the Institute for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism at University of the West. His research examines the development of the contemporary Chinese Mahayana under today’s global condition. Taking Taiwan as a focus point, Jens Reinke explores how contemporary translocative entanglements generated by Western colonialism, processes of Asian nation-state building, increased global integration, and ethnic Chinese migration, facilitate the emergence of non-Western modern Buddhist religiosities. His recent book Mapping Modern Mahayana: Chinese Buddhism and Migration in the Age of Global Modernity, presents a multi-sited ethnography of the Taiwanese Buddhist organization Fo Guang Shan and its temples in Taiwan, Los Angeles, South Africa, and the People’s Republic of China. Mapping Modern Mahayana is published by De Gruyter.
黃穎思 (Jens Reinke) 現任美國西來大學宗教所助理教授及人間佛教研究中心主任。研究主題為漢傳佛教的全球化。黃教授以台灣佛教為出發點來探討歐洲殖民主義,亞洲民族國家建設,當代全球化,華人移民等跨國關聯性對現代佛教的發展。黃教授的著作Mapping Modern Mahayana: Chinese Buddhism in the Age of Global Modernity於2021年在De Gruyter出版。 |
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SHEN Weirong 沈衛榮 (TsinghuaU 清華大學)
SHEN Weirong (Ph. D., Bonn University, Germany, 1998) is Professor of Philology in the Department of Chinese Language and Loterature at Tsinghua University. His expertise is in Tibetan and Buddhist History. His major publications include Leben und Historische Bedeutung des ersten Dalai Lama (Saint Augustin, 2002), The Philological Studies of Tibetan History and Buddhism (Shanghai, 2010), Rescuing History from Tantric Sex (Beijing, 2022). |
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SHI Daowu 釋道悟 (Mount Kuaiji Institute of Advanced Research on Buddhism 稽山書院)
SHI Daowu is Vice President of the Institute of Advanced Buddhist Studies in Mount Kuaijishan, and his research is focused on Tang and Song Buddhism. His representative articles include “On the Patterns of Residential Temples in the Tang Period” (唐代の住寺形態について) and “Daily Life and Diet at Monasteries of Chan and Viyana Schools in Tang and Song Period” (唐宋両期における禅・律両院の起居飲食). He has led the project “Da Ci’en Monastery and Tang Buddhism”, a sub-project under the Key Project of the National Social Science Foundation of China, “Chang’an Buddhism in Tang Dynasty and the Studies of Silk Road” (15AZJ003). |
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SHI Hongxiang 釋宏祥 (HKU 香港大學) |
SHI Hongxiang is a Ph.D. candidate in the Centre of Buddhist Studies at HKU. His primary research interest focuses on the ideology history of Chinese Pure Land Buddhism in the medieval China. His zone is Dunhuang manuscript and Buddhist philology. His other research interests are Buddhist ritual and Buddhist literature, particularly in the performance, transmission, and evolution. As a practitioner himself, he also values the religious perspective and experience on his studies which have inspired him a lot during his research.
釋宏祥,香港大學佛學研究中心博士研究生,劍橋大學亞洲與中東研究學院訪問學生。主要研究方向為敦煌寫本,佛教文獻學,及中國淨土宗思想史。其先後就讀於九華山佛學院(安徽),中國佛學院(北京),及佩拉德尼亞大學(斯里蘭卡),並發表《八敬戒的重要》《法照五會念佛行儀思想與特質探析》等論文數篇。 |
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SHI Jizhao 釋寂肇 (White Horse Monastery of Luoyang 洛陽白馬寺) |
釋寂肇, 博士畢業於印度尼赫魯大學梵文印度學學院。主要從事部派佛教、大乘瑜伽行派、波你尼經的翻譯與研究。發表論文有:種姓之本有、新熏習之諍、唯識三類境與八識關係初探、Four careers and Ten Bhūmis in Mahāvastu-avadāna等十餘篇。博士論文為:A Comparative study of Daśabhūmi (With reference to Daśabhūmiśvarasūtra and Mahāvastu avadāna)、十地的比較研究:以《十地經》和《大事譬喻》為基礎。現在正在進行「瑜伽行派之靜慮研究: 以《瑜伽師地論·菩薩地》梵本及漢藏譯本為基礎」的研究。
SHI Jizhao 釋寂肇, Ph.D in Sanskrit and Indic Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India. His primary research interest focuses on the research of Sectarian Buddhism, Yogācāra School, and his other research and translation interests are Pāṇini-sūtra. He is the author of over 10 academic articles: “The gotra of Original and Perfume”; “Relationship between the Three Type Forms and Eight -Consciousness”; “Four careers and Ten Bhūmis in Mahāvastu-avadāna”, etc. His Ph.D thesis is A Comparative Study of Daśabhūmi (With reference to Daśabhūmiśvarasūtra and Mahāvastu avadāna). Ongoing work includes Dhyāna of the Yogācārabhūmi (with reference to Sanskrit Manuscript of Yogācārabhūmi-Budhisattvabhūmi and its Chinese-Tibetan Translation). |
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SHI Tongran 釋通然 (PekingU 北京大學)
SHI Tongran 釋通然 (Ph.D. in Indian Philosophy and Buddhist Studies from Toyo University in Tokyo, Japan) is currently a Boya 博雅 Postdoctoral research fellow in Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Peking University. His main research area covers the History of Chinese Chan Buddhism, and he is the author of over 10 academic articles, both in Japanese and Chinese. |
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SHI Zehui 釋則慧 (RenminU of China 中國人民大學)
Dr. SHI Zehui, a doctoral graduate of literature from the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies in Tokyo, is currently a post-doctoral researcher at Renmin University of China, focusing on Buddhist literature and the study of Tiantai. His published academic articles include “Reconsideration of the Works of Xingdao Daosui” and “A Neglected Text of Daosui’s Zhiguan ji zhong yi yi”.
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舒爾曼 (HebrewU of Jerusalem 以色列耶路撒冷希伯來大學)

Eviatar Shulman is Chair of the department of Comparative Religion and member of the department of Asian Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is author of a variety of scholarly publications, including the monographs Rethinking the Buddha: Early Buddhist Philosophy as Meditative Perception (Cambridge University Press, 2014), and Visions of the Buddha: Creative Dimensions of Early Buddhist Scripture (Oxford University Press, 2021).
舒爾曼教授目前為耶穌撒冷希伯來大學比較宗教系主任,以及亞洲研究系成員。他的研究主要關注佛教和佛教哲學的不同方面,近年來更致力於早期佛教,即巴利三藏的研究。其作品有多部,包括 Rethinking the Buddha: Early Buddhist Philosophy as Meditative Perception( 重新思考佛陀:作為一種禪修觀念的早期佛教哲學)(劍橋大學出版社,2014年),以及Visions of the Buddha: Creative Dimensions of Early Buddhist Scripture(想像佛陀:早期佛教經典的創意維度)(牛津大學出版社,2021年)。其中,後者提出了一個新的取向,以研究那些歸名于佛陀的早期經論的創作問題。 |
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SOLONIN Kirill 索羅寧 (RenminU of China 中國人民大學)
Kirill Solonin earned his doctorate from St. Petersburg University. Since the early 1990s, he was working on the issues of the Tangut language, and Tangut and Sino-Tibetan Buddhism. He worked in several institutions in Russia, Germany, USA and China. He is currently a professor in the School of Chinese Classics at Renmin University of China.
索羅寧,中國人民大學,國學院教授,博士生導師。俄羅斯國立聖彼得堡大學正博士,曾在俄羅斯科學院東方文獻研究所,國立聖彼得堡大學,台灣佛光大學等處進行教學研究工作。研究領域包括西夏語言、文獻學、宗教學、語言學等。曾為普林斯頓高等研究所(IAS)研究員,東京外國大學亞非文化語言研究所特聘研究員。在國內外頂級學術期刊發表數篇文章,著作有:《西夏漢傳佛教文獻研究》(蘭州,甘肅文化2023);《大鵬展翅:藏傳新舊密咒在西夏的傳播》(上海古籍出版社,2023待刊);Śāntideva’s Bodhicaryāvatāra in Tangut Translation(Tokyo: Togai, 2023,待刊)。 |
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SUN Yinggang 孫英剛 (ZhejiangU 浙江大學)
孫英剛,先後就讀於北京大學(本科、碩士)和普林斯頓大學(Princeton University,碩士、博士),獲普林斯頓大學哲學博士學位(Ph.D)。先後任教於復旦大學、浙江大學。現為浙江大學歷史系教授、博士生導師、東亞宗教文化研究中心主任。兼任《佛教史研究》雜誌和「國際佛教與中國宗教研究叢書」主編,清華大學道德與宗教研究院研究員等。曾任普林斯頓大學訪問教師(Visiting Faculty,2011年)、東京大學東洋文化研究所訪問研究員(2012年)、日本國際佛教大學院大學2014年度客員研究員、耶魯大學東亞研究客座副教授及研究員(Visiting Professor and Research Fellow in East Asian Studies,2015—2016年)等,多次受邀在歐美、日本、台灣地區的大學和研究機構進行學術講座和授課。
Studied at Beijing University (1996-2003) and Princeton University (2003-2009, Ph.D. from Department of East Asian Studies); Associate Professor of Medieval Chinese History at Fudan University (Shanghai, 2009-2016); Currently Professor of Medieval Chinese History (2016-), Dean of School of History (2021-) at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou; Visiting scholar to Tokyo University (2010) and Yale University (2015-2016). Research Interests include medieval history (Northern and Southern Dynasties, Tang Dynasty) and History of Buddhism (especially Buddhism and Medieval Monarchship as well as Buddhism and the Silk Road). Currently work on how Gandharan Buddhism influenced Medieval Chinese History. |
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TAN Yingxian 談穎嫻 (HebrewU of Jerusalem 以色列耶路撒冷希伯來大學)
Tan Yingxian 談穎嫻 is currently a Ph.D. student in the department of Asian Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI). She has been awarded a president scholarship of PhD honor program at Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School. Her first M.A. thesis (HKU, 2016) focuses on the doctrinal differences between what is known as Chinese syncretic Chan and Japanese pure Zen. Her second M.A. thesis (HUJI, 2019) reappraises the economic rationale behind Northern Zhou’s persecution of Buddhism. Now she is working on the State-Saṃgha relation in late sixth and early seventh century China. Her Ph.D. dissertation deals with this subject from a double perspective: that of the state’s Buddhist policy on the one hand and that of the Sangha’s response on the other. Her participation in Frogbear/Glorisun programs in both 2019 and 2020 enabled her to broaden the perspective of her research, as did her role as the reporter on the Glorisun’s 2021 “From Jetavana to Jerusalem” conference. In mid-December of 2021 she held a photograph exhibition on Buddhism in modern China for the first time at HUJI, with special focus on monumental monasteries versus village hermitages.
談穎嫻目前是耶路撒冷希伯來大學亞洲研究系的在讀博士生。她榮獲傑克、約瑟夫和莫頓.曼德爾博士榮譽項目的校長獎學金。她的第一篇碩士論文(香港大學,2016)探究了中國綜合禪與日本純禪之間的教義差異。第二篇碩士論文(希伯來大學,2019)重新評估了北周滅佛背後的經濟原因。她的博士論文研究六世紀末至七世紀初隋朝政權與佛教的關系,從國家佛教政策和僧團的反應與作為雙重角度探索這個問題。她在2019至2021年參與了Frogbear/Glorisun的研討會,特別是通過撰寫2021年Glorisun的“從祇園精舍到耶路撒冷——亞洲內外的賢聖傳”的會議紀要,極大地擴展了她的研究視野。在2021年12月中旬,她在耶路撒冷希伯來大學舉辦了該校首次關於現代中國佛教的個人攝影展,展覽特別呈現了國家大寺與鄉村小廟的對比。 |
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TSERING Drukyel 周加才讓(HKU 香港大學) |
Drukgyel Tsering is a PhD student at the Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong. His doctoral research focuses on Indo-Tibetan Madhyamaka philosophy in general and on Red mda’ ba’s Madhyamaka philosophy in particular.
周加才讓是香港大學佛學研究中心的博士生。他的博士研究主要注重於印藏中觀哲學,特別是仁達瓦的中觀思想。 |
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WANG Junqi 王俊淇 (RenminU of China 中國人民大學)
Junqi Wang has a PhD from the University of Tokyo. He is currently a lecturer in the School of Philosophy and the Institute for the Study of Buddhism and Religious Theory at Renmin University of China. His research interests include Madhyamaka philosophy, Pramāṇa, and Sanskrit manuscripts. Ongoing work includes, translation and research of several texts such as the first chapter of Candrakīrti’s Prasannapadā, and Dharmakīrti’s Hetubindu. |
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WANG Lina 王麗娜 (National Library of China 國家圖書館)
Lina Wang is currently a Research Librarian at the Research Reference Services Department in the National Library of China. She completed her doctoral studies in Literature at Nankai University, and is presently a postdoctoral fellow at the Philosophy Department in Peking University. Her main research interests are Buddhist texts and their literary forms, including Buddhist history and all genres of Buddhist literature. She spent time at Cambridge University in England as a visiting scholar and at the University of Iowa University in the United States. She is editor of the Studies in History of Buddhism journal at Zhejiang University. She has published monographs including A Study of Gāthasin Buddhist Chinese Translated Scriptures (2016, The Commercial Press) and A Study of the Dajianfu Temple in Tang Dynasty China (2021, National Library of China Publishing House). She has also published over twenty academic papers in journals such as World Religious Culture, Religious Studies and the Journal of North East Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences). |
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(HKU 香港大學)
Rev Madipola Wimalajothi Thero is a final-year PhD candidate of The University of Hong Kong, who holds the prestigious Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPF) and Hong Kong University Presidential Scholarship (HKU-PS). His doctoral thesis is: A Study of the Vimativinodanīṭīkā with a Critical Edition and an Annotated Translation of its Bāhira-nidāna-vaṇṇanā. He has his B.A. (First Class) honours degree in Pali Studies (2015) and MPhil degree in Theravāda Vinaya from the University of Peradeniya (2019), and during his studies there had the opportunity to be an exchange student at Dongguk University (2014) under Global Korea Scholarship Programme and at the University of South-Eastern Norway (2018) under NOPART Scholarship Programme. His research focuses on Theravāda Vinaya, Ṭīkā literature, and textual criticism.
Madipola Wimalajothi Thero 法師是香港大學的博士候選人(課程的最後一年), 榮膺著名的香港博士獎學金(HKPF)和香港大學校長獎學金(HKU-PS)。 其博士論文題目是:Vimativinodaniṭīkā 的研究及其 Bāhira-nidāna-vaṇṇanā 的校訂本及其翻譯(A Study of the Vimativinodanīṭīkā with a Critical Edition and an Annotated Translation of its Bāhira-nidāna-vaṇṇanā)。 他擁有斯里蘭卡佩拉德尼亞大學巴利語研究(一等)榮譽學位(2015年)和Theravāda Vinaya 哲學碩士(2019年)。留港期間,他有機會受全球韓國獎學金和NOPART 獎學金的贊助,分別成為韓國東國大學(2014年)和挪威東南大學(2018 年)的交換生。 他的研究主要集中在上座部律宗、Ṭīkā 文學和考據上。 |
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WU Xiaolu (Joy) 吳曉璐 (HarvardU 美國哈佛大學)
Xiaolu “Joy” Wu is a doctoral student in the Committee on the Study of Religion and East Asian Art at Harvard University. Joy studies Medieval Chinese and East Asian religious art, with an interest in interregional cultural interactions. Her intellectual passion lies in bridging art history and religious studies through the study of sacred paintings, material objects, and architectural spaces. Her wide-ranging research interests range from funerary material culture, religious portraiture, and Buddhist mural paintings to the intersection between art (media), spiritualism, and science in the modern Sinosphere. Prior to starting her doctoral program, Joy completed her M.A. in Regional Studies East Asia at Harvard University. Her M.A. thesis titled “Multivalent Likeness: Picturing Sociality, Biography, and Soteriology in Medieval Chinese Portraiture” won the 2022 Fletcher Memorial Award.
吴晓璐,哈佛大學宗教與東亞藝術史博士生,主攻中世紀中國與日本佛教與道教藝術。她此前的研究項目包括佛教與道教肖像,禪宗水墨畫,佛教壁畫,墓葬和地宮物質文化,以及近代科學,藝術,和心靈學的關係。此前吴晓璐在哈佛東亞研究系獲得了碩士學位。她的碩士論文“多面的肖像:中國古代畫像的社會性,傳記性,與宗教性“獲得了2022年最佳碩士論文弗萊徹紀念獎。 |
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WU Weilin 吳蔚琳 (Sun Yat-senU 中山大學)
Wu Weilin is an assistant professor in School of Foreign Languages, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou. She received her PhD in Indian languages and literatures (Sanskrit and Pāli literature) from Peking University, with a focus on a comparative study on the Pāli vinaya commentary Samantapāsādikā and its Chinese version. Her academic interest is Sanskrit and Pali literature, Chinese-Indian cultural relations and Buddhology. |
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YANG Zhiguo 楊志國 (FudanU 復旦大學)
Yang Zhiguo, male, born in 1996, from Dali Prefecture, Yunnan Province, of the Bai ethnic group. He is a doctoral student at the Historical Geography Research Center of Fudan University, mainly focusing on Tibetan literature, history, and historical geography. Published multiple academic papers in publications such as China Tibetology, Dunhuang Research, and Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies. |
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ZHANG Chongzhou 張重洲 (TsinghuaU 清華大學)
Zhang Chongzhou is a doctoral student jointly trained by Lanzhou University and Free University of Berlin in Germany. He is now a postdoctoral fellow in religious studies in the Department of Philosophy of Tsinghua University. The main research area is the history of Xinjiang during the Middle Ages and the history of Buddhism. He independently presided over the Youth Program of the National Social Science Foundation of China and the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China, and published multiple academic papers. |
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ZHANG Xueqi 張雪琪 (NankingU 南京大學) |
Zhang Xueqi studied at the School of Chinese Classics of Wuhan University with a bachelor’s degree (2019) and graduated from the Philosophy Department of Nanjing University with a master’s degree (2022). Her undergraduate has been devoted to literature research, especially Dunhuang literature. Now she is majoring in medieval Buddhism book history in East Asia.
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ZHAO Dinghua 趙錠華 (Hong Kong Chu Hai College 香港珠海學院)

Zhao Dinghua has a PhD from the Nanjing University in Chinese Philosophy. He is associate professor and deputy director (academic) of the Center of Buddhist Studies ,Hong Kong Chu Hai College. He once taught at Taizhou University and Zhejiang Buddhist College Tiantai School of Buddhism, and concurrently served as a postgraduate tutor at Jianzhen Buddhist College. The main research directions are Tiantai Sect and Huayan Thought. He has presided over the China Postdoctoral Fund Project: “Literature Research on “The Three Great Books of Tiantai”” and the Youth Fund Project of the Ministry of Education: “Literature Research on “Hua Yan Jing Shu Chao”, etc., and published “Jie Shen Mi Jing Annotation” and other works. Recently participated in a major project of the National Social Science Fund: the research on “History of Chinese Buddhist Literary Thoughts”. |
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ZHAO Wen 趙文 (NankaiU 南開大學)
趙文,南開大學哲學院宗教學教研室副教授,2018年博士畢業於德國慕尼黑大學佛教研究項目(Doctoral Program in Buddhist Studies)。曾在牛津大學東方學系(2015)、紐倫堡大學人文研究院(2019)訪學。近年來的研究重點包括:《般若經》文獻與思想、絲綢之路禪修、中國宗教文化,等等,並在Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies,《世界宗教研究》等期刊發表相關研究文章多篇。擔任2019年度何鴻毅家族基金會佛教研究校勘與學術翻譯項目:「庫車出土梵語佛教瑜伽手冊英譯」(An English Translation of a Sanskrit Buddhist ‘Yoga Manual’ from Kučā)項目負責人,現主持國家社科基金項目一項。
Wen Zhao is now the associate professor in the College of Philosophy at Nankai University. He received his PhD in the Doctoral Program in Buddhist Studies at LMU Munich in 2018, studied at Oxford University as a visiting student (2015) and worked at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg as a visiting fellow (2019). His recent research fields include: the Prajñāpāramitā literature and relevant thoughts, the meditation along the Silk Road, the Chinese religious thoughts and cultures, etc. Some articles related to these topics are published in Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Shijie Zongjiao Yanjiu (世界宗教研究) etc. He was also the sponsor of the program “An English Translation of a Sanskrit Buddhist ‘Yoga Manual’ from Kučā” supported by the Robert Ho Family Foundation Translation Grants (2019), and now he is responsible for one research program granted by the Chinese National Social Science Fund. |