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2025 Wutai International and Intensive Program on Buddhist Studies
Schedule (June 17–24, 2025)
課程表 (2025年6月17–24日)
*tentative schedule, subject to change
- Mark BLUM 貝萬合 (University of California, Berkeley 美國加州大學柏克萊分校): A Brief History of Nianfo, From Mindfulness Practice to an Object of Faith | 念佛簡史:從正念實踐到信仰對象
- Benjamin BROSE 本博澤 (University of Michigan 密西根大學): History, Fiction, and Ritual: Xuanzang’s Infinite Incarnations | 歷史、小說與儀式:玄奘的無量化身
- Jinhua CHEN 陳金華 (The University of British Columbia 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學): The Marginal vs the Mainstream, the Irregular vs Regular: Big Impact of “Bit Parts” in East Asian Buddhism | 邊中轉換、奇正相倚:東亞佛教中“小角色”的大戲碼
- Lucia DOLCE 鐸鷺霞 (SOAS, University of London 英國倫敦大學亞非學院): Visualizing Śākyamuni’s Pure Land: Images from the Lotus tradition | 關照釋迦牟尼之淨土:源自法華傳統的圖像
- SHENG Kai 聖凱 (Tsinghua University 清華大學): 從淨土教到淨土宗:五臺山信仰與唐宋佛教轉型作為背景 | From the Teachings of Pure Land to the School of Pure Land: Against the Backdrops of the Wutai Faith and Buddhism’s Tang-Song Transition
- Huiming ZHANG 張惠明 (China National Academy of Painting 中國國家畫院): 從那竭到于闐的早期大乘佛教護法鬼神圖像資料——哈達與和田出土的兩件龍王塑像札記 | Iconographic Materials of the “Defenders of the Law” (Dharmapāla) of Early Mahayana Buddhism from Nagarahāra to Khotan: Notes about Two Statues of Dragon King Excavated in Hadda and Hetian
Session 堂次 |
June 17 Tue 週二 |
June 18 Wed 週三 |
June 19 Thr 週四 |
June 20 Fri 週五 |
June 21 Sat 週六 |
June 22 Sun 週日 |
June 23 Mon 週一 |
June 24 Tue 週二 |
Session 1 9:00–10:10 |
Registration |
Conference |
Lecture 演講1 Dolce |
Chen 3.1 | Sheng 3.1 |
Field Visits |
Departure |
Session 2 10:20–11:30 |
Lecture 演講2 Blum |
Chen 3.2 | Sheng 3.2 | |||||
Session 3 13:00–14:10 |
Chen 1.1 | Sheng 1.1 | Brose 2.1 | |||||
Session 4 14:20–15:30 |
Chen 1.2 | Sheng 1.2 | Brose 2.2 | |||||
Session 5 15:40–16:50 |
Opening 開營 16:00–17:00 |
Chen 2.1 | Sheng 2.1 | Brose 3.1 | ||||
Session 6 17:00–18:10 |
Welcome Banquet |
Chen 2.2 | Sheng 2.2 | Brose 3.2 | ||||
Session 7 19:00–20:10 |
Lecture 演講3 Zhang |
Brose 1.1 | Closing 閉營 18:15–18:50 |
Session 8 20:20–21:30 |
Brose 1.2 | Farewell Banquet 惜別晚宴 |