Canonical, Non-Canonical and Extra-canonical – Panelists

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1 Laura ANDERSEN, University of Oxford
Laura Cleveland Andersen is a first year MPhil in Buddhist Studies with a focus in Classical Chinese at the University of Oxford. Previously, she received an MA in Eastern Classics from St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and a BA in Philosophy with a minor in Classics from St. John’s College in Annapolis, Maryland. Following her undergraduate degree, she trained in Zen monasteries in the U.S. for four years and received lay precepts in Soto and Rinzai lineages. She is particularly interested in the Chinese Buddhist philosophical schools, traditional arts as Buddhist practice, and the mutual illumination of cross-cultural conversation.

Laura Cleveland Andersen是牛津大學佛學研究專業研究碩士一年級生,她專注於古代漢語。在此之前,她於新墨西哥州聖菲聖約翰學院獲得東方文學碩士學位,於馬里蘭州安納波利斯聖約翰學院獲得哲學學士學位並輔修古典文學。在獲得本科學位後,她在美國禪寺中修行四年,並在曹洞宗和臨濟宗受居士戒。她對中國佛教哲學流派、作為佛教修行的傳統藝術以及跨文化對話帶來的相互啟發尤為感興趣。

2 BINGENHEIMER, Marcus, Temple University
馬德偉, 天普大學
Marcus Bingenheimer is Associate Professor of Religion at Temple University. His main research interests are early Buddhist sūtra literature, the history and historiography of Buddhism in East Asia, and how to apply computational methods in the Humanities. He has published a handful of books, more than 60 articles, and is responsible for the creation of various digital resources for Buddhist Studies.

馬德偉(Marcus Bingenheimer)現為美國費城天普大學宗教系副教授。主要的研究領域為東亞佛教史,佛教史學,早期佛教經典與如何在人文學科中應用計算方法。著作包括6本專書與60多篇論文,另有各種佛學數字資源。

3 CHANG Qing, Sichuan University
常青, 四川大學

Dr. Chang Qing received his B.A and M.A. from the Archaeology Department at Beijing University and his Ph.D. from the Art History Department at the University of Kansas.  He has conducted research at three institutes in China: the Longmen Research Institute, the Archaeological Research Institute of Chinese Social Science Academy, and the Chinese Buddhist Research Institute. He later became the senior research fellow at the Freer and Sackler Galleries at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. and a post-doctoral fellow at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. He was the Curatorial Fellow of Asian Art at the Ackland Art Museum of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and Associate Curator of Asian art at the Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida, Post-doctoral Teaching Fellow at Washington University in Saint Louis, Adjunct Professor in Asian art at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, and Research Curator at the Crow Collection of Asian Art in Dallas. Currently he is a professor of Sichuan University. His field of expertise is Chinese Buddhist art, including Buddhist architecture, sculpture, and painting. He has published numerous research articles and fourteen books.

4 CHEN Jinhua, University of British Columbia
陳金華, 英屬哥倫比亞大學
Jinhua Chen is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and a professor of East Asian intellectual history (particularly religions) at the University of British Columbia, where he also served as the Canada Research Chair in East Asian Buddhism (2001–2011). He has received numerous grants and awards from major funding agencies for his work on East Asian state-church relationships, monastic (hagio-)biographical literature, Buddhist sacred sites, relic veneration, Buddhism and technological innovation in medieval China, and Buddhist translations. Dr. Chen has published six monographs, edited and co-edited over thirty books, and authored nearly eighty book chapters and journal articles.


5 CHEN Juxia, Shanghai University
陳菊霞, 上海大學
Juxia Chen, a professor and doctoral supervisor in the Department of History in the College of Liberal Arts, Shanghai University, had previously worked in the Dunhuang Academy for many years and served successively as the deputy director of the Archaeological Institute and the director of the Textual Research Institute of the Academy. She once worked as a visiting scholar in the Department of Fine Art in Tokyo University of the Arts in Japan, the Center for Chinese Studies at Oxford in UK, and the Institute of East Asian Civilization in France. Mainly engaged in the research of Dunhuang documents and Dunhuang grotto arts, she has published a few monographs including Dunhuang Zhaishi yanjiu 敦煌翟氏研究 [A Study on the Dunhuang Zhai Family] and Shibo congshu: Dunhuang yu Sui Tang chengshi wenming 世博叢書:敦煌與隋唐城市文明 [World Expo Series: Dunhuang and the Sui-Tang City Civilizations] (co-authored), in addition to more than 40 academic articles. Moreover, she has undertaken different research projects respectively supported by National Social Science Fund and the Social Science Planning of Gansu Province as well as the Dunhuang Academy Institute-level projects. Currently, she is also a council member of Chinese Association of Dunhuang and Turfan Studies and Chinese Society for Historians of China’s Foreign Relations.


6 CHI Limei, International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies
池麗梅, 國際仏教學大學院大學

CHI Limei, Ph.D. in Literature from the University of Tokyo, currently serves as a professor at the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies in Japan. She specializes in the study of medieval Chinese Buddhist history and the history of the Buddhist Canon. Her monograph, “A Preliminary Study on the Revival Movement of Tiantai Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty: Jingxi Zhanran and his Zhiguan Fuxing Chuanhong Jue“, re-examines the works and biography of Jingxi Zhanran, providing a comprehensive display of the rich facets of the Tiantai revival movement in the middle Tang Dynasty. She has published several papers on ancient Japanese manuscripts of the Xu Gaoseng Zhuan, investigating the evolutionary patterns from manuscripts to woodblock editions, and combining them with the life of Daoxuan to reveal the social and historical context reflected in the evolution of the texts. In recent years, she has been studying the history of the Chinese Buddhist Canons in the Song and Yuan dynasties, examining the literature within the historical context of East Asian textual circulation, which holds methodological significance for the study of Chinese Buddhist literature.

7 FAN Jingjing, Peking University
范晶晶, 北京大學


Fan Jingjing is an associate professor in the Department of South Asian Studies, School of Foreign Languages, Peking University. Her academic interests fall into three main areas: Sanskrit and Pali literature, Buddhist translation studies and manuscript studies. She was a visiting scholar at the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at University of Pennsylvania from Sept. 2011 to June. 2012. In 2020, She published a monograph “緣起——佛教譬喻文學的流變” [Yuanqi: The Transformation of Buddhist Avadāna Literature]. And the Chinese translation of the Majjhima-Nikāya “漢譯巴利三藏·經藏·中部” co-translated by her and the late Prof. DUAN Qing (段晴) and other colleagues was published in 2021.

8 GE Zhouzi, Shaanxi Normal University
葛洲子, 陝西師範大學


Ge Zhouzi is currently an Associate Professor in the School of History and Civilization at Shaanxi Normal University. Since December 2018, he has held the position of Secretary-General for the Cultural History Institute of Tang in Xi’an. His principal areas of academic inquiry center on Chinese Medieval History and Historical Human Geography, with additional interests in Historical Textual Scholarship and Religious History. In recent years, he has been actively engaged in promoting the application of HGIS (Historical Geographic Information Systems) and Digital Humanities methodologies within the domain of historical studies. He currently leads one project funded by the National Social Science Foundation of China and another by the Ministry of Education’s Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Research Program. His scholarly contributions include over ten articles published in esteemed journals such as Wenshi, Wenxian, Shehui kexue zhanxian, Zhongguo lishi dili luncong,and Religions, with some of his work fully reprinted in the Renda fuyin baokan ziliao (Reprinted Journal Articles of the REnmin University of China).

9 HAMADA Tamami, Yokohama University
濱田瑞美, 橫濱大學
Tamami Hamada, Ph.D., is Professor at Yokohama University of Art and Design in Japan. She obtained her Ph.D. in 2007 at Waseda University, Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences, History of Art. Her research focuses on Buddhist art history in East Asia, particularly in China from the 5th to 12th centuries. Hamada’s monograph, Chugoku Sekkutsu Bijutsu no Kenkyu 中国石窟美術の研究 (Study of Buddhist Cave Art in China), (Tokyo: Chuo Koron Bijutsu Shuppan 中央公論美術出版, 2012) examines the sources of Buddhist iconography in wall paintings and sculptures in Buddhist caves and cliff images in areas including Dunhuang, Kizil, Sichuan and Longmen, and explores the meaning of these works in religious cave spaces. It also attempts to provide an explanation for there being a vast number of Buddhist cave temples in China. Hamada has discussed topics such as: Preaching Buddha, Buddha of Traikālya, Buddha commissioned by the Indian King Udayana, Amitābha, Vimalakīrti scene, Bhaiṣajyaguru scene, Esoteric Buddhist art works, Thousand Armed Avalokiteśvara, etc. In addition, her monograph, Tonkou Sekkutsu Bijutsu no Kenkyu 敦煌石窟美術の研究(Study of Dunhuang Cave Art, (Tokyo: Chuo Koron Bijutsu Shuppan, 2024), has recently been published.

2007 年獲早稻田大學文學博士,現為橫濱美術大學教授。其主要致力於東亞佛教藝術史研究,特別是中國五至十二世紀的佛教藝術。著作包括:獨著《中国石窟美術の研究》(中央公論美術出版,2012 年); 獨著《敦煌石窟美術の研究》(中央公論美術出版,2024 年); 責任編集:《アジア仏教美術論集 東アジアⅠ(後漢・三国・南北朝)》(中央公論美術出版,2017年); 專書章節:《仏教美術からみた四川地域》(アジア地域文化学叢書Ⅴ,雄山閣、2007 年)之《四川地域の摩崖にみられる維摩変相龕の図像》與《唐宋時代の四川地域における千手観音信仰―大型大悲変相龕を手がかりに―》; 《文明·文化の交差点》(新アジア仏教史 05中央アジア,佼正出版社、2010 年)第七章之《敦煌美術》;《興福寺―美術史研究のあゆみ―》(里文出版、2011 年)之第七章《南円堂不空羂索観音像》等。另有合著《東洋美術史》(武蔵野美術大学出版局、2016 年) 第六章《仏教美術 :絵画》及《四川夾江千佛岩唐代佛教芸術研究》(四川人民出版社、2017 年)之《夾江千佛岩的三佛龕、四佛龕》。另有論文數十篇。

10 Ven. JAHUN, Dongguk University
玆憲, 東國大學
Ven. Jahun entered the Korean Bhikkhuni sangha in 2004 after completing her master’s in East Asian Studies at Stanford University. She earned her doctorate from Dongguk University with a dissertation on Vedanā study. She now serves as a Dhamma instructor and lecturer at Dongguk University and education acarya at Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism. Her research interests not only include Vedanā-related interdisciplinary studies but also Buddhist liberal arts education and traditional and modern practice. She vows that the teachings she shares will uphold the integrity of the dhamma, ensuring that those connected to them experience less suffering and greater happiness.


11 Rusha JIN, University of Edinburgh
金如沙, 愛丁堡大學
金如沙,1995年生於遼寧大連。於中國人民大學獲得碩士學位後,目前在愛丁堡大學神學院宗教學系攻讀博士學位,自2022年起擔任該校佛教研究網路 (Edinburgh Buddhist Studies Network)的研究助手,並曾擔任翻譯多篇佛教研究領域的學術論文。研究興趣為中國佛教注釋傳統,特別是注釋書的編纂方法及其在中國佛教知識傳播中的角色和意義。目前正處於博士論文的集中寫作階段,論文以天台宗祖師湛然的《止觀輔行傳弘決》這部注釋書為研究對象,研究其文本內部的形式特徵,並探討其特徵與其所處環境的深層次聯繫,從而從知識傳承的角度重新審視這部作品在天台宗傳統中的重要性。

Jin Rusha was born in Dalian, Liaoning in 1995. After obtaining a master’s degree at the Renmin University of China, she is currently pursuing a PhD degree in Religious Studies at the School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh. Since 2022, she has been the research assistant for the Edinburgh Buddhist Studies Network and has translated several academic papers on Buddhist studies. Her research interests focus on the Chinese Buddhist commentarial tradition, particularly the methods of compiling commentaries and their role and significance in the dissemination of Buddhist knowledge in China. She is currently in the writing-up phase of her doctoral dissertation, which focuses on the famous commentary Zhiguan fuxing chuanhong jue by Zhanran, a patriarch of the Tiantai tradition. The research examines the textual features of this commentary and explores how these features interacted with the historical and cultural contexts of the period, thereby reevaluating the significance of this commentary in the Tiantai tradition from the perspective of knowledge transmission.

12 JORGENSEN, John, Independent scholar
喬根森, 獨立學人
John Jorgensen is currently an independent scholar; his doctoral dissertation (Australian National University 1990) was on Chan and poetics.  He taught Japanese Studies at Griffith University for twenty years.  He has published on East Asian Buddhism and on Korean new religions.  Chief publications include Inventing Hui-neng, the Sixth Patriarch: Hagiography and Biography in Early Ch’an (2005) and The Foresight of Dark Knowing: Chŏng Kam Nok and Insurrectionary Prognostication in Pre-modern Korea (2018); three volumes of translation in the Collected Works of Korean Buddhism series [vol. 3, Hyujeong: Selected Works; vol. 7-2, Gongan Collections II; vol. 8, Seon Dialogues] (2012), A Handbook of Korean Zen Practice: A Mirror on the Sŏn School of Buddhism (Sŏn’ga kwigam) (2015), and The Gyeongheo Collection:Prose and Poetry by the Restorer of Korean Seon (2016).  Recent research has been on Chan and Zhu Xi, the developments of Buddhism in early Republican China, Yogacara in the late Ming, language and the diffusion of Chan, varieties of Sinitic used in Korea, and participation in a team translation of the Dasheng qixin lun into English (Treatise on Awakening Mahāyāna Faith, New York: Oxford University Press, 2019).

現為獨立學者,撰有關於禪與詩學方面的博士論文(澳大利亞國立大學,1990 年)。曾在格里菲斯大學講授日本研究20年。他發表過關於東亞佛教、韓國新宗教等領域的著作。主要成果包括:《製造六祖惠能:早期禪宗祖師傳與僧傳》(Inventing Hui-neng, the Sixth Patriarch: Hagiography and Biography in Early Ch’an, 2005)。《先見之黑:〈鄭鑑錄〉與朝鮮前現代的起義之讖》(The Foresight of Dark Knowing: Chŏng Kam Nok and Insurrectionary Prognostication in Pre-modern Korea, 2018)。譯著有《韓國佛教大成》(Collected Works of Korean Buddhism, 2012)譯叢中的三卷(卷三《休靜選集》[Hyujeong: Selected Works];卷七之二,《公案集II》[Gongan Collections II];卷八《禪語錄》[Seon dialogies]),《朝鮮禪修指南:襌家龜鑑》(A Handbook of Korean Zen Practice: A Mirror on the Sŏn School of Buddhism [Sŏn’ga kwigam], 2015),以及《鏡虛集:朝鮮禪宗復興者的詩文》(The Gyeongheo Collection: Prose and Poetry by the Restorer of Korean Seon,2016)。近來研究領域則涉及禪宗與朱熹,明末唯識學,民國初年佛教之發達,語言與禪宗之流布,以及朝鮮/韓國所用之各種漢語言,並參與了英譯本《大乘起信論》(Treatise on Awakening Mahāyāna Faith, New York: Oxford University Press, 2019)的編譯。

13 KEYWORTH, George, University of Saskatchewan
紀強, 薩斯喀徹溫大學
Dr. George A. Keyworth is Associate Professor in the Department of History at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. He received his Ph.D. in Chinese Buddhist Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Dr. Keyworth has received grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada to support research about and the publication of peer-reviewed articles on Northern Song dynasty (960–1127) Chinese Chan Buddhism and the figure of Juefan Huihong 覺範惠洪 (1071–1128); Japanese pilgrims to Song China (e.g., Jōjin 成尋 [1011–1081]); apocryphal Chinese Buddhist scriptures and the particular case of the Shoulengyan jing 首楞厳經 (*Śūraṃgama-sūtra) using sources from Dunhuang, Central Asia, and Japan; esoteric Buddhism in Tang (618–907) and Song China; Zen Buddhism in Edo Japan and the figure of Kakumon Kantetsu 覚門貫徹 (d. 1730); and old Japanese manuscript Buddhist canons, especially from Nanatsudera 七寺, Amanosan Kongōji 天野山金剛寺 and the Matsuo shrine 松尾大社 canon kept at Myōrenji 妙蓮寺. Dr. Keyworth is currently working on two books, tentatively titled: A History of Matsuo Shrine and Copying for the Kami: A Study and Catalog of Three 12th century Manuscript Buddhist Canons.

紀強 George Keyworth,於加州大學聖巴巴拉分校(UCSB)獲得 學士與碩士學位,加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)獲得博士學位,主修漢傳佛教。紀強博士於2001-2006年任教科羅拉多大學波德分校 (CU-Boulder),為該校東亞宗教學助理教授,隨後三年在日本東京從事研究。2011年,紀強博士進入加拿大薩斯喀徹溫大學(University of Saskatchewan)宗教學研究系任助理教授,於2017年轉入該校歷 史系獲得長聘教職,在該系紀強博士目前教授前現代時期的中國與日本史、亞洲研究、東亞宗教史以及比較寫本學等相關科目。紀強博士的研究領域包括北宋禪宗與覺範惠洪 (1071-1128);日本入宋求法僧(如成尋 [1011-1081]);以敦煌材料來研究中國佛教疑偽經 (特別是《首楞嚴經》[*Śūragama-sūtra, T no. 945]);唐宋密教;日本禪宗以及心越興儔 (1639-1696)與覚門貫徹 (卒於1730);日本寫本一切經,特別是七寺與松尾社藏本。紀強博士正在撰寫兩本著作,擬名為Zen and the Literary ArtsCopying for the Kami: A Study and Catalog of the Matsuo Shrine Buddhist Canon.

14 KIM Youn-mi, Ewha Womans University
金延美, 韓國梨花女子大學
Youn-mi Kimis Professor of Asian Art History at Ewha Womans University. Prior to joining the Ewha faculty, she worked as Assistant Professor at Yale University (2012-16) and Assistant Professor at the Ohio State University (2011-12). She earned her Ph.D. from Harvard University in 2010. She is the editor of New Perspectives on Early Korean Art: From Silla to Koryo (Korea Institute, Harvard University Press, 2013); and a co-editor of Pokchang, the special issue of Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie 28 (2019) and the Dhāraṇī and Mantra in Ritual, Art, and Text, a special issue of the International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture 30, no. 2 (2020). A grantee of The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Research Fellowships in Buddhist Studies (2018-19) and the Harvard Yenching Institute Visiting Scholarship (2023-24), she is currently completing her book manuscript, entitled Architecture of Virtuality: Pagodas of the Liao Empire (907-1125).


15 KŌNO Kimiko, Waseda University
河野貴美子, 早稻田大學
16 KUAN Guang, Qing Liang Buddhist Association [London] / Wutai Research Institute for Eastern Buddhist Culture
寬廣, 倫敦清涼講堂/ 五臺山東方佛教文化研究院
After studying Mahayana Buddhism at the Buddhist Academy of China (1994-1998), Guang Kuan expanded his research interests in Theravada Buddhism at the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. He was awarded a PhD degree in Buddhist Studies by SOAS, University of London. His primary research interest lies in Ming Chinese Buddhist history, particularly the Buddhist developments on Wutai Mountain. Guang Kuan has previously held Research Fellow positions at King’s College London before he established his own Buddhist Charity, The London Qing Liang Buddhist Centre, which is dedicated to Buddhist studies and practices, and providing a friendly environment for Chinese monastics and lay people to pursue Buddhist Studies in UK and Europe. Additionally, he is also a co-founder and acting director of Wutai Research Institute of Buddhism and East Asian Culture.


17 LI Tong, Shenzhen University
李曈, 深圳大學
李曈,中山大學宗教學博士,現為深圳大學人文學院哲學系副教授、特聘副研究員,近年來從事有關宋代燈錄的研究,主要關注燈錄傳統的修辭性功能及對禪宗形象的中國化塑造 。

Li Tong, PhD in Religious Studies at Sun Yat-sen University, is currently an associate professor in the philosophy department of the School of Humanities at Shenzhen University. In recent years, he has been engaged in research on the Records of Lamps(Deng Lu) in the Song Dynasty, focusing on the rhetorical function of the Records of Lamps and the characteristics of Chinese Chan Buddhism depicted within them.

18 LI Zhouyuan, Zhejiang University
李周淵, 浙江大學
李周淵,浙江大學文學院博士後。 2020年畢業於台灣法鼓文理學院佛教學系,博士論文為《三國支謙譯經研究》。 近年來主要研究佛教文獻學、佛典語言學。 目前擔任《國際漢文佛教大藏經研究通訊》執行主編。 在《世界宗教研究》《佛學研究》、Religions等期刊上發表論文十餘篇,例如”Four Challenges Faced by Early Chinese Buddhist Translators: A Case Study of Zhi Qian’s Chinese Translation of Dhammapada””Unveiling the Sacred Journey: The Birth of a Woodblock-Printed Buddhist Canon in the Great Hangzhou Region of the Southern Song Dynasty” 等。
19 LIU Hongmei, Shanghai University
劉宏梅, 上海大學

Liu Hongmei,a PhD candidate at Shanghai University and also a researcher  working for  the Dunhuang Research Information Center, Dunhuang Academy. She majored in the Dunhuang cave arts, and has several papers published on journals of Dunhuang Research , Journal of Dunhuang Studies, Journal of Donghua University, Turfanological Research, and Tangut Research.

20 LIU Dan, Wuhan University
劉丹, 武漢大學


Born in Enshi, Hubei, Liu Dan studied in the Department of Classical Literature, School of Chinese Language and Literature, Zhejiang University from 2012 to 2021, receiving his Bachelor of Arts and Doctor of Arts degrees in 2016 and 2021 respectively. He is currently a lecturer in the College of Arts and Letters, Wuhan University, with research interests in Dunhuang studies, Buddhist literature and Chinese language in the Middle Ages. He has published a number of articles in Zhongguo yuwen 中國語文, Wenxian 文獻, Tushuguan zazhi 圖書館雜誌, Dunhuang xue jikan 敦煌學輯刊, and Dunhuang xieben yanjiu nianbao 敦煌寫本研究年報, etc.. He has edited and collated a number of ancient books, and led the National Social Science Foundation Youth Project (敦煌古佚《十誦律》註疏整理與研究, Project No: 23CZJ008), the National Universities and Colleges Ancient Books Arrangement Committee Project (唐五代辭書集存).

21 LONG Darui, University of the West
龍達瑞, 美國洛杉磯西來大學
Darui Long earned his Ph. D. from Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in China, 1996. Upon his graduation, he received a “Senior Fellowship” from Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard University, 1996. In the next year, he obtained a scholarship from Harvard-Yenching Institute. He taught Eastern religions and Chinese religions at the University of Calgary, Canada, from 2000 to 2002. He  became a full-time professor in the University of the West in the fall of 2002 and tenure professor of the University of the West in 2015. His research focus area focuses on the rare editions of Chinese Buddhist canons, particularly the Yongle Northern Canon. In the past decade, he has traveled widely in the world to investigate the extant copies of this edition of the Chinese Buddhist canon in China, the US, Canada, and Poland. He rediscovered a rare volume of the Lotus Sutra in the Tangut language in Jagiellonian Library, Poland, 2017. This is the only extant copy written in gold powder on the indigo paper. Dr. Long has published more than twenty papers on Chinese Buddhist canon, particularly the Yongle Northern Canon. Dr. Chen Jinhua and Dr. Long co-edited the book Chinese Buddhist Canons in the Age of Printing, which was published by Routledge, England, January 2020. Twice Dr. Long received scholarships from Princeton University Library, which enable him to examine the extant copies of Chinese Buddhist canon in Princeton. He has collected a lot of data for his research on Chinese Buddhist canon. From 2021, Dr. Long became editor-in-chief of International Buddhist Canon Research Newsletter, University of Arizona, and member of editorial committee of Shaolin Studies, Shaolin Monastery, China.

龍達瑞,1996年畢業於中國社會科學院研究生院,宗教學博士。畢業之際,獲得哈佛大學世界宗教研究中心獎學金,到哈佛大學作研究訪問。翌年,又獲得哈佛大學燕京學社獎學金。2000年至2002年在加拿大卡爾加里大學宗教系任教。2002年至今在美國洛杉磯西來大學宗教系任教。2015年起為終身教授。主要研究方向是中國佛教大藏經,以《永樂北藏》為主。十多年來,在中國、美國、加拿大和波蘭查閱存世的大藏經。2017年曾在波蘭亞蓋隆大學圖書館重新發現用金粉抄寫在磁青紙上的《妙法蓮華經》以西夏文殘本,彌足珍貴。發表了二十多篇關於漢文大藏經的論文(中英文),以《永樂北藏》為主。 與陳金華博士共編了《刻印時期的漢文大藏經》(英文),英國Routlege出版社2020年出版。曾兩次獲得普林斯頓大學圖書館獎學金,赴普林斯頓大學圖書館查閱《磧砂藏》和《永樂北藏》,三次赴波蘭查閱亞蓋隆大學珍藏的中國佛教文獻,收集了大量的佛教文獻資料。從2021年起,擔任亞利桑那大學佛學中心主辦的《國際漢文佛教大藏經研究通訊》(中英文月刊)的主編。

22 LU Chenye, Fujian Normal University
陸辰葉, 福建師範大學

Lu Chenye, born in 1988, Shanghai. B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature and M.A. in Comparative and World Literature from Shanghai Normal University, Ph.D. in History from Renmin University of China, Joint Ph.D. from the University of Vienna, Austria, and Post-doctoral fellowship from the National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Fudan University. She is now a lecturer and master’s tutor in the College of Chinese Language and Literature of Fujian Normal University. Main research interests: Sanskrit-Tibetan Buddhist literature, Sanskrit-Chinese Transcriptions, etc. She has published papers in the Fudan Journal, the Historical and Philological Studies of China’s Western Regions, the Northwest Ethnology Series, the Chinese Buddhist Studies, etc. Currently, she is in charge of the project of Youth Fund for Humanities and Social Sciences Research of the Ministry of Education (PRC), “The Tattvāvatāra: A Critical Edition, Annotated Translation and Study of the Tibetan Buddhist Mahāmudrā Literature”, and the youth project of the National Social Science Foundation (PRC), “The Subhāṣitasaṃgraha: A Critical Edition, Annotated Translation and Study of the Sanskrit Manuscript”.

23 Yingjie MA, Dunhuang Academy
馬英杰, 敦煌研究院

Ma Yingjie, born in 1992 in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province. Received Bachelor of Engineering from Beijing Forestry University and Master and Doctor of Literature from Peking University, is postdoctoral fellow at the Dunhuang Academy now. His main research area during the doctoral stage is Dunhuang Zen literature. The doctoral thesis “Research on Documents of Dunhuang’s Tanjing” collates the main versions of the Tanjing and studies the internal version system of the Dunhuang Fahai edition of Tanjing. At present, his research focuses on the explaination of the Lotus Sutra in Dunhuang.

24 Brianna MORSETH, Chinese University of Hong Kong
莫百納, 香港中文大學
Brianna Morseth is a Ph.D. student in Religious Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, an awardee of the Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), and a former Varela Award recipient through the Mind and Life Institute. She received an M.A. in Buddhist Classics, an M.A. in Psychological and Brain Sciences, and a B.A. in Neuroscience, Psychology, and Chinese. Her research focuses on Huayan Buddhism, neurophenomenology, contemplative practice, and ecology.


25 Janine NICOL, Independent scholar
倪建寧, 獨立學人
Janine completed her doctorate at SOAS, University of London in 2017 (‘Daoxuan (c. 596-667) and the Creation of a Buddhist Sacred Geography of China: An examination of the Shijia fangzhi 釋迦方志.’). In 2022 she was awarded a translation grant from The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Program in Buddhist Studies to prepare an English translation of the Liudu ji jing (六度集經T152), first for inclusion of the jātaka material in the University of Edinburgh’s Jataka Stories Database (now complete), and also to produce a comprehensively annotated translation of the entire text for publication (in progress). Janine is an independent scholar based in the UK.
倪建寧於 2017 年在倫敦大學亞非學院完成了博士學位(博士論文題為《道玄(約 596-667)與中國佛教神聖地理的創建:對於<釋迦方志>的研究》)。 2022年,她獲得何鴻毅家族佛學研究基金會項目的翻譯資助,用於進行《六度集經》(T152)的英文翻譯,先將其本生經內容納入愛丁堡大學的本生經故事資料庫(現已完成),並對整部文本進行詳盡的譯註,以供出版(正在進行中)。 倪建寧目前是一位居於英國的獨立學者。
26 Fengqi OUYANG, Peking University
歐陽豐琪, 北京大學
I‘m a graduate student in Research Institute of Sanskrit Manuscripts and Buddhist Literature, Department of South Asian Studies, Peking University, China. My research covers Buddhist narrative literature, Buddhist philology, Buddhist temple caves and Hindu Vāstuśāstra. I work in several languages including Sanskrit, Pali, Tibetan and Khotanese. I wrote my undergraduate dissertation on the formation and transmission of Siṃhala stories, a Buddhist narrative, proposing that its prototype was aggregated by 4 preliminary narrative systems remained in 14 early parallels. Currently I am joining in translating Khuddakanikāya as a member of “Peking University-Dhammakāya Chinese Translation of Pāḷi Tipiṭaka Program”, and translating Niśvāse Mahātantre Pratiṣṭhātantra as a member of “Indian Art and Literary Theories in Classical Sanskrit Literatures: Translation and Studies on Fundamental Works”, and help translating Zambasta as a member of “Interpretation and Research of Khotanese Manuscripts Excavated from Dunhuang Library Caves and Hetian Areas”.


27 Yiwei PAN, Tianjin University
潘逸煒, 天津大學
Yiwei Pan is a PhD candidate in the History and Theory of Landscape Architecture at Tianjin University. His recent research concerns the sacred landscape in Early Modern China. His ongoing dissertation project focuses on the Four Famous Buddhist Mountains in China, explores the process of the construction in both material space and conceptual dimensions. Beyond this, his research interest also includes the history and literature of traditional Chinese gardens. His research has been published in journals including Religions, Jianzhu Yichan (Heritage Architecture), Fengjing Yuanlin (Landscape Architecture), etc.

Yiwei has also joined various landscape design and planning projects, including Buddhist temples and historical cultural sites in China. He has previously worked as a landscape architect in Shanghai for two years. Currently, he is a committee member of the National Architecture Institute of China (NAIC) and a young committee member of Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture (CHSLA) Theory and History Committee.


28 SHAHAR, Meir, Tel Aviv University
夏維明, 以色列特拉維夫大學
Meir Shahar is the Shoul N. Eisenberg Chair for East Asian Affairs at Tel Aviv University. He is the author of numerous books on Chinese religion, including Crazy Ji: Chinese Religion and Popular Literature (1998); Oedipal God: The Chinese Nezha and his Indian Origins (2015); and The Shaolin Monastery: History, Religion, and the Chinese Martial Arts (2008), which has been translated into many languages. Meir Shahar’s most recent book Kings of Oxen and Horses: Draft Animals, Buddhism, and Chinese Rural Religion is forthcoming from Columbia University Press.


29 SHENG Kai, Tsinghua University
聖凱, 清華大學
Ven. Dr. Sheng Kai is a Professor in the Philosophy Department of Tsinghua University, the Executive director of the Buddhist Association of China, and a Graduate Teacher of Buddhist Academy of Putuo Mount, Zhejiang Province. In 2008, he was the Associate professor of Philosophy Department of Nanjing University. He studied in the Buddhist Academy of China, Nanjing University, attained MPhil (Nanjing University) in 2002, PhD (Nanjing University) in 2005, and finished Postdoctoral study in Tsinghua University in 2007. He is the author of following books: (1.)The Buddhist Ritual of China, (2) Study on the Confessional Ritual of Chinese Buddhism, (3) The Buddhist Confessional Thought, (4) Study on the School of Mahayana-samuparigraha-sastra. He specializes in Buddhist Confession, Buddhist Pure Land Thought, Yogacara Buddism and Tathagatagarbha Buddhism.

聖凱,1972 年生。現為清華大學道德與宗教研究院副院長、哲學系副主任、教授、博士研究生導師、國家社科基金重大專案“漢傳佛教僧眾社會生活史”首席專家、中國佛教文化研究所副所長、《佛學研究》主編。研究領域為南北朝佛教學派、儒佛道三教關係、中國佛教社會吏、近現代佛教、佛教與西方哲學比較研究等。主要著作有《中國漢傳佛教禮儀》《中國佛教懺法研究》《攝論學派研究》《晉唐彌陀淨土的思想與信仰》《中國佛教信仰與生活史》《南北朝地論學派思想史》,與 A History of Chinese Buddhist Faith and Life 等。《攝論學派研究》曾獲全國優秀博士學位論文獎、第五屆教育部人文社科三等獎。

30 SHI Chonghao, Toyo University
釋崇昊, 日本東洋大學
釋崇昊,1991年生於中國山東。日本東洋大學文學研究科印度哲學佛教學博士課程在讀。日本印度學佛教學學會、日本東亞佛教研究會、日本佛教史學會會員。目前專注於元末明初的中國佛教,對明太祖的佛教態度、留學明代初期的日本僧侶、以及中國佛教典籍向日本的流傳等課題進行研究。同時對當時的中日佛教交流以及日本的五山文獻進行研究。已發表論文有<明の太祖と仏教——季潭宗泐が西域に派遣された事件を中心に>(印度學佛教學研究 71 (1), 2022-12-20),<『全室録』より知られる季潭宗泐の事跡について>(東アジア仏教研究,2023-07-29), <法典から見た明の仏教政策:『大明律』並びに『大明律集解附例』を中心として>(印度學佛教學研究 72 (1), 2023-12)等論文。

Shi Chong-hao, born in 1991, is a PhD candidate in Indian Philosophy and Buddhist Studies at the Graduate School of Letters, Toyo University, Japan. He is an active member of the Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies, the Society of East Asian Buddhist Studies, and the Japan Society for the History of Buddhism. He is currently focusing on Chinese Buddhism in the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties, and has conducted research on the Hongwu emperor(Ming Taizu 明太祖), the activities of Japanese monks in the early Ming period, and the transmission of Chinese Buddhist texts to Japan. He also researches the Buddhist exchanges between China and Japan at that time and the Japanese Gozan literature(五山版). He has published the following papers:  “The Hongwu Emperor and Buddhism: The Incident in Which Jitan Zongle Was Dispatched to the Western Regions” (Journal of Indian and buddhist studies 71 (1), 2022-12), “Buddhist Policies in the Ming Dynasty as Seen Through Legal Codes:Focusing on the Da Ming lü and Da Ming lü ji jie fu li” (Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies 72(1), 2023-1).


31 SOLONIN, Kirill, Renmin University of China
索羅寧, 中國人民大學
K. Solonin, PhD St. Petersburg University, currently professor in the Institute of Chinese Classics at Renmin University of China. He specializes in the study of Tangut texts, Sino-Tbetan Buddhism, Sinitic Buddhism, specifically Huayan, cross linguistic studies etc. Publications include two monographs and a number of articles in leading scholarly venues.

索羅寧, 1969年生, 中國人民大學國學院教授,博士生導師。著作有《西夏漢傳佛教文獻研究》(甘肅文化2022);《大鵬展翅:藏傳佛教新舊譯密咒在西夏的傳播》(上海古籍出版社,2023),並在世界頂級學術期刊發表論文多篇。

32 SON, Jin / Ven. Jeongwan  sunim, Dongguk University
孫眞/政完, 韓國東國大學

Ven. Jeongwan  sunim received her doctorate from Dongguk University in 2015, before taking up a position of assistant professor at Dongguk University in the field of East Asian Buddhism. She was the principal investigator of the Research Grants for Academic Research Professors in Humanities and Social Science, “A Study on Chinese Buddhism through the Leishu and Chinese Anthologies of Narrative Literatures,” National Research Foundation of Korea Grant by the Korean Government.

33 Lingxi SUN, Sun Yat-sen University
孫菱羲, 中山大學
孫菱羲,中山大學中國古典文獻學博士,中山大學古代文學碩士,復旦大學中文系本科。主要研究方向為魏晉南北朝佛教樂舞藝術、魏晉南北朝佛教文學。博士論文《中國早期佛教樂舞、歌詩研究》,主要圍繞佛教樂舞、佛教歌詩、佛教散樂三個面向展開,試圖對唐以前中國佛教音樂活動及其所反映的政教關係問題進行深入探討。所撰論文《玄學氛圍中的〈招隱詩〉及〈反招隱詩〉(第一作者)發表於《現代哲學》(CSSCI)2016年第3期,《吳聲、西曲中的“世味”與“佛法”》(獨作)獲《文學遺產》(CSSCI)錄用,《趙眜與趙胡:西漢南越王墓墓主名氣》(第二作者)獲《文史知識》錄用 。

Lingxi Sun is currently a Ph.D. student in Chinese Philology from Sun Yat-sen University. She earned her M.A. in Sun Yat-sen University and B.A. in Fudan University. Her main research interests include Buddhist music and dance in medieval China, as well as Buddhism’s impact on Chinese literature in that period. Her doctorate dissertation “A Study of Buddhist Music, Dance, and Hymnal Poetry in Early China” focus in particular on three mainstream genres: monastic liturgical music and dance, Buddhist hymnal poetries, and Buddhist sanyue(散樂). The research seeks to present a more comprehensive picture of the state-church relationships revealed in monastic musical activities before the Tang Dynasty. She has published an article titled with “Poetry of Seeking Reclusion and Anti-Reclusion in the Atmosphere of Metaphysical Thought 玄學氛圍中的《招隱詩》和《反招隱詩》” in the 現代哲學 (CSSCI journal), 2016, (03): 127-133. Besides, her article “The Concept of ‘Secular Emotions’ and ‘Buddhist Doctrines’ in Wusheng and Xiqu 吳聲、西曲中的‘世味’與‘佛法’” has been accepted for publication in the 文学遗产, a top journal indexed in the CSSCI. The article “Zhao Mei or Zhao Hu: The Mystery of the Name of the Western Han Dynasty Mausoleum of the Nanyue King 趙眜與趙胡:西漢南越王墓墓主傳說之謎” has also been accepted by the 文史知識.

34 SUN Yinggang, Zhejiang University
孫英剛, 浙江大學
Yinggang SUN studied at Beijing University (1996-2003) and Princeton University (2003-2009, Ph.D. from Department of East Asian Studies). He served as Associate Professor of Medieval Chinese History at Fudan University (Shanghai, 2009-2016) and is now Professor of Medieval Chinese History (2016-) and Dean of School of History (2021-) at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou. He was a visiting scholar and research fellow at Tokyo University (2010) and Yale University (2015-2016). His research interests include medieval history (Northern and Southern Dynasties, Tang Dynasty), history of Buddhism (especially Buddhism and Medieval Monarchship as well as Buddhism and the Silk Road), and is currently working on how Gandharan Buddhism influenced Medieval Chinese History.


35 Yu Xuan TAY, University of California, Los Angeles
鄭宇軒, 加州大學洛杉磯分校
Tay Yu Xuan (he/his) is a doctoral student in Buddhist Studies in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He is broadly concerned with the relationship between the imperial states and various religious traditions in premodern China. His prior M.A. thesis focuses on the Buddhist means of political legitimation in imperial prefaces during the Tang dynasty (618–907). In his doctoral research, he aims to examine the origins and transformation of Buddhist rulership by Sinitic states from the 4th to the 5th century CE. He is also interested in researching various aspects of premodern Chinese history, including but not limited to political, gender studies, socio-cultural, and studies on Dunhuang manuscripts.


36 TER HAAR, Barend, University of Hamburg
田海, 德國漢堡大學
Barend ter Haar teaches Chinese studies at the University of Hamburg, with a strong focus on cultural and religious history. Although first of all a social and cultural historian, the religious dimension is so central to Chinese traditional life that much of his research up to now has dealt with religious phenomena. In addition, he has worked extensively on issues of ethnic identity, violence and fear, and social organization. Recent books are Guan Yu: The Religious Afterlife of a Failed Hero (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017) and Religious Culture and Violence in Traditional China. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019). His new book, entitled The Fear of Witchcraft and Witches in imperial China: Figurines, Familiars and Demons, has just been accepted by Brill publishers.

田海在漢堡大學教授中國研究,重點關注文化和宗教歷史。雖然他首先是一個社會和文化歷史學家,但鑒於宗教對中國傳統生活的極端重要性,他迄今為止的大部分研究都涉及宗教現像。此外,他還在種族認同,暴力和恐懼以及社會組織等問題上進行了廣泛的研究。他的一個重要關注點是要證明傳統文化和文化模式依然與現代生活息息相關。他為能夠閱讀荷蘭語的人寫有一部關於中國的歷史,題為 “The History of the Chinese Empire until 1911”(荷蘭語:Het Hemels Mandaat: De Geschiedenis van het Chinese Keizerrijk)(AUP: Amsterdam,2009),對中國的歷史頗致匡正之力。他有關中國一個非宗教團體——“無為教”(從16世紀末至今)的研究已被夏威夷大學出版社出版,書名為 Practicing Scripture: A Lay Buddhist Movement in Late Imperial China

37 Keyu TONG, Fudan University
童可瑜, 復旦大學

Tong Keyu is a Ph.D candidate of Center for Research on Chinese Excavated Classics and Paleography at Fudan University. She graduated from Sichuan University in 2018 with a B.A. degree in Chinese, graduated from Nanjing University in 2021 with a M.A. degree in Chinese Language and Philology. Her main research interests are Dunhuang Study and Chinese Historical Linguistics.

38 VAN CUTSEM, Laurent, Ghent University
Laurent Van Cutsem is Postdoctoral Fellow at Ghent University (Centre for Buddhist Studies) and editor for the Database of Medieval Chinese Texts. He received his Ph.D. from Ghent University with a dissertation on the textual history of the Zutang ji祖堂集 and its relationship to other Chan texts. His main research interests include premodern Chan/Zen literature and Chan manuscripts from Dunhuang. He is working on a monograph on Chan hagiographical literature in Tang-Song (ca. 750–1050) transition China that investigates the processes that guided the compilation of early Chan anthologies and the formation of a distinct Chan mode of hagiography. In the framework of his research, he has integrated approaches from Digital Humanities, producing TEI editions of Chan manuscripts from Dunhuang (e.g., S.1635) and explored how Historical Social Network Analysis can help us better understand the production of Chan genealogies. His most recent research project focuses on the quotations of the Baolin zhuan 寶林傳 retrieved from the 14th-century Keitoku dentō shōroku 景德傳燈鈔錄.


39 VERMA, Priyanka, Sharda University
Priyanka Verma is a PhD research scholar in History at Sharda University, completed her graduation and postgraduation from the University of Delhi. Her research focuses on Monastic Buddhism, Ancient India, Religious studies, and Semantics. She is also interested in advancing her understanding of ancient knowledge in India and presented a paper titled ‘Vijñāna to Adhyātma: Exploring Science and Spirituality The Legacy of Pārad in Ancient India’ at the International Conference on Indian Knowledge Systems for Sustainable Development (2024). Additionally, she contributed a chapter titled ‘Vikriti to Moksha: Embracing the Divine through Disability A Perspective from Ancient Indian Texts’ to ‘Disability in India: A Socio-Cultural Exploration’ (2023).


40 Minqi WANG, Peking University
王敏琪, 北京大學

Minqi Wang is a doctoral candidate at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University, specializing in folk literature. She was born in March 1996. Minqi Wang received her Bachelor’s degree in Literature in 2018 and her Master’s degree in 2021, from Peking University. Her research interests focus on Chinese folklore and narrative studies related to the Chinese religion.

41 WANG Ruobin, Ryukoku University
王若宾, 龍谷大學


Wang Ruobin, born in Tianjin, China in 1994. He is a PhD candidate at the Graduate School of Letters, Ryukoku University, Japan. He also serves as an editor for the “Chinese Buddhist Canon Research Newsletter” and is a member of the Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies, the Society of East Asian Buddhist Studies, and the Society for Liao.jin and Xi-xia Studies. His academic interests focus on Buddhist Studies and the history of Buddhism. Currently, he is primarily researching topics related to Khitan Buddhist Vinaya texts, and exploring Dunhuang Buddhist manuscripts, Chinese-Japanese Buddhist textual exchanges, and Japanese Buddhism. He has published several papers, including “Sixiao’s 思孝 Pinaiyezang jinshi youposai wujieben 毗奈耶藏近事優婆塞五戒本 and His Views on the Moral Precepts of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism.” (Japan: Journal of Indian and Buddhist studiesStudies, Vol. 72, No. 2, 2024), “Re-examining the Shoujie Fayuanwen 受戒發願文 Discovered in Fogong Temple and Its Relationship to Khitan Buddhism: Focusing on Its Doctrinal Characteristics” (Japan: Bulletin of the Graduate School of Letters, Ryukoku University, No. 45, 2023), and “A study of the ‘the six masters who are not present’ in Khitan Buddhist” (Japan: Buddhist Studies, No. 79, 2023), as well as other papers.

42 Zixin WANG, Fudan University
王子鑫, 復旦大學

Wang Zixin is Ph.D. candidate of Center for Research on Chinese Excavated Classics and Paleography at Fudan University. His main research interest is Dunhuang Study. He has published some relevant papers.

43 Xiang WEI, Temple University
魏翔, 天普大學
Xiang Wei is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Religion at Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. Her primary research areas include Chinese Buddhist literature from the 12th century onwards, monastic poems, and monastic biographies. She also focuses on the use of digital humanities techniques in the study of Pilger and poet-monk communities during the Yuan and Ming dynasties. Additionally, she is interested in Buddhist precious scrolls from the late Qing period and the manuscripts of the Yao ethnic popular religion in Southeast Asia. She has published an article titled “探尋四世紀的死亡體驗和宗教救贖:以《幽明錄》中的志怪故事為例” (2023).

魏翔,美國費城天普大學宗教系在讀博士生。主要研究領域為12世紀以來的中國佛教文學,僧侶詩文、僧傳;以及數字人文技術在元、明行腳僧和詩僧群體研究中的應用。同時也關注清末佛教寶卷和東南亞地區瑤族民間宗教寫本。發表文章:探尋四世紀的死亡體驗和宗教救贖:以《幽明錄》中的志怪故事為例 (2023)。

44 WEI Xiaomei, Dazu Rock Carvings Academy
未小妹, 大足石刻研究院

Wei Xiaomei, graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, works at Dazu Rock Carvings Academy, research interests include Buddhist scriptures and Buddhist art. Published papers include:

  1. “Investigation of Cintāmaṇicakra Statues—Mainly Bashu Grottoes” (2014);
  2. “Cintāmaṇicakra images’ transmission 、rewrite and misunderstanding on the basis of Bashu Grottoes statues’ archeology survey ” (2016);
  3. “A Study of the Relation between Sutras and Images of the Thousand-armed Avalokitesvara (Part I): A Brief Intro⁃duction to the Sutras” (2020);
  4. “A Study of the Relation between Sutras and Images of the Thousand-armed Avalokitesvara (Part Ⅱ): forty mudras and fifty spirits” (2021);
  5. “A Study of the Relation between Sutras and Images of the Thousand-armed Avalokitesvara (Part Ⅲ): Focusing on the Early Tang Dynasty” (2022);
  6. “Study of the Buddhist Scripture Translation on Cintāmaṇicakra in the Tang Dynasty (I): From Incantation to Idol” (2023)
45 WU Luchun, British Library/Zhejiang Provincial Museum
吳廬春, 大英圖書館/浙江省博物館
WU Luchun is Archive Curator at Zhejiang Provincial Museum in Hangzhou and J. S. Lee Memorial Fellow at the International Dunhuang Programme (IDP), British Library (2023–2024). Her research focuses on the sūtras and dhāraṇīs carved on the Zhakou White Pagoda 閘口白塔 and the Leifeng Pagoda 雷峰塔 in Hangzhou, and seeks to deepen our understanding of the Buddhist culture in the Wuyue Kingdom 吳越國 (907–978) and its exchange with other regions and countries. At the British Library, she examines copies of the two principal translations of the Dafangguang fo huayan jing 大方廣佛華嚴經 held in the Stein collection and is preparing a descriptive catalog of these manuscripts. She is particularly interested in the textual features and the transmission of the eighty-fascicle (Tang version) Dafangguang fo huayan jing in Dunhuang and the Wuyue Kingdom.


46 YAMABE Nobuyoshi, Waseda University
山部能宜, 日本早稻田大學

Nobuyoshi Yamabe 山部能宜 is a professor of Asian Philosophy at Waseda University 早稲田大學. Previous to this position, he served as a professor at Kyūshū Ryūkoku Junior College 九州龍谷短期大學 and professor of Bioethics and Foreign Languages at Tōkyō University of Agriculture 東京農業大學. He obtained his PhD degree from Yale in 1999 with a well-elaborated dissertation on the fifth century Chinese Buddhist apocryphon, Guanfo sanmei hai jing 觀佛三昧海經 [Sūtra on the Ocean-Like Samādhi of the Visualization of the Buddha]. His research interests primarily cover the following fields: Indian Yogācāra thoughts, and Buddhist meditation and visualization, particularly regarding Central Asian Buddhist texts and art. He has published prolifically on these subjects.

47 YANG Jie, Sun Yat-sen University
楊潔, 中山大學

楊潔(YANG Jie),日本東京大學文學博士。研究方向和興趣主要為佛教思想及佛典翻譯,尤其關注早期瑜伽行派思想。近年來,基於梵藏汉巴文獻進行《瑜伽師地論》等唯識文獻的研究,成果陸續有所發表。參與BDK大藏經英譯項目中《瑜伽師地論》的英譯工作。現任中山大學哲學系特聘副研究員。

YANG Jie received her Ph.D. degree from the University of Tokyo. Her research interests include Indian Buddhism and translations of Buddhist texts in different languages, with a special focus on the early Yogācāra Thought of Mahāyāna Buddhism. She has been working as a project researcher to translate Xuanzang’s rendering of the Yogācārabhūmi into English. She is currently Associate Research Professor of Buddhist studies in the Department of Philosophy at Sun Yat-sen University.

48 ZHANG Dewei, Jinan University (Guangzhou)
張德偉, 暨南大學(廣州)
Dewei Zhang is an associate professor at Jinan University in Guangzhou. He holds two PhDs, in Chinese philosophy from Peking University and in East Asian Buddhism from the University of British Columbia. His monograph, Thriving in Crisis: Buddhism and Political Disruption in China, 1522-1622, was published by Columbia University Press in 2020. His other publications include “Engaged but not Entangled: Miaofeng Fudeng 妙峰福登 (1540-1612) and the Late Ming Court”, “Where the Two Worlds Met: Spreading the Ming Beizang 明北藏 in Wanli (1573-1620) China”, “Challenging the Reigning Emperor for Success: Hanshan Deqing 憨山德清 (1546-1623) and Late Ming Court Politics”, “An Unforgettable Enterprise by Forgotten Figures: Making the Zhaocheng Canon 趙城藏 in North China under the Jurchen Jin Regime”, “Struggling to Restore a Lost Identity: Hanshan Deqing’s 憨山德清 (1546–1623) Reforms at Nanhua Temple 南華寺, 1600–1610”, and etc.

北京大學中國哲學博士,加拿大University of British Columbia (UBC)東亞佛教博士,暨南大學哲學研究所副教授。主要關注領域為中國佛教、中國思想史(明清理學為主)與知識社會學,近年來尤其著力於佛教與政治、刊本漢文大藏經以及地方化(localized)佛教等議題的研究。2020年由美國Columbia University Press出版英文專著Thriving in Crisis: Buddhism and Political Disruption in China, 1522-1622. 在《世界宗教研究》、Religions, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Journal of Asian History, ZINBUN: Memoirs of the Research Institute for Humanistic Studies等期刊發表論文多篇。主持中國國家社會科學基金一般課題1項,主持廣東省社會科學基金一般課題1項。獲第八屆廣東省哲學社會科學優秀成果二等獎。

49 ZHANG Xiaoyan, Fudan University
張小豔, 復旦大學
Currently a professor at the Center for Research on Chinese Excavated Classics and Paleography of Fudan University, also the vice president of Chinese Association of Dunhuang and Turfan Studies. Her research is mainly focused on Dunhuang Studies and Chinese language and linguistics. She has published two monographs: Dunhuang shuyi yuyan yanjiu 敦煌書儀語言研究 (The Lingistic Study of Shuyi Documents from Dunhuang; The Commercial Press, 2007) and Dunhuang shehui jingji wenxian ciyu lunkao 敦煌社會經濟文獻詞語論考 [Research into the Words in Dunhuang Manuscripts Concerning Social and Economic History; Shanghai People’s Publishing House, 2013]. She has also co-edited a comprehensive dictionary: Dunhuang wenxian yuyan da cidian 敦煌文獻語言大詞典 [Dunhuang Literature Linguistic Dictionary; Sichuan Dictionary Publishing House, 2022], and authoring over 80 research articles. Her doctoral dissertation was selected as one of the “One hundred Outstanding Doctoral Dissertations of China” in 2006; her monograph was awarded the First Prize of “the Twelfth Shanghai Outstanding Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences of Shanghai” in 2013; and the dictionary she co-edited was awarded the First Prize of “the Twenty-second Outstanding Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences of Zhejiang Province” in 2023.


張旭, 社科院


Zhang Xu, 1991, Hubei. He graduated from Shandong University in 2012 with a B.A. degree, graduated from Zhejiang University in 2019 with a Ph.D. degree in Classical Literature. He finished his postdoctoral research in the Institute of World Religions in 2022, and became an assistant researcher in the Institute in the same year. His main research interests are Buddhist literature and the history of medieval Buddhism, and he has published many papers in journals such as Studies in World Religions and World Religions and Cultures.

51 Yingzhi ZHANG, Capital Normal University
張瀛之, 首都師範大學
張瀛之,年生,現為首都師範大學歷史學院博士研究生。主要研究領域為隋唐史、敦煌學研究。發表論文《2020 年敦煌學研究綜述》,碩士論文《唐五代宋初敦煌地區蘭若研究》。

Yingzhi Zhang, born in 1997, is a PhD student in History from the Department of History at Capital Normal University. Her research is mainly focused on History of Sui and Tang Dynasties and Dunhuang Studies. She has published an article titled Summary of Dunhuang Studies in 2020. Her master’s thesis is A Study on Aranya monasteries in Dunhuang during the Tang, Five Dynasties, and Early Song Dynasties.

52 Yuan ZHANG, University of Florida
張媛, 美國佛羅裡達大學
Yuan Zhang finished her undergraduate study in China and received an M.A. in East Asian Studies at the University of Alberta. Her academic endeavor starts with studying pre-Qin Daoism, especially the use of metaphors and the attitude toward language in the Laozi and the Zhuangzi. Before she transferred to the UF, she spent three years at UIUC, working on literary theories and philosophies of medieval China. Due to her academic interest in Daoism, she eventually found herself attracted to Mahāyāna Buddhism and its various interpretations of the reality. For her Ph.D. dissertation, she aspires to explore the connections between the body and the mind in Buddhist traditions, including mediation of the Tiantai School, the study of the mind in the Yogācāra tradition, and dietary culture in Buddhist monastic practices.


53 Yanfei ZHAO, Beijing Foreign Studies University
趙燕飛, 北京外國語大學

Zhao Yanfei is a Ph.D. student at Beijing Foreign Studies University. She holds dual master’s degrees in Buddhist Studies from SOAS, University of London (2021-2022) and in Translation Studies from Beijing Foreign Studies University (2016-2019). Her research focuses on translation theory and practice, as well as Buddhist translation literature and history. She has published translation research papers in renowned journals such as FORUM and Shanghai Journal of Translators. In recognition of her academic achievements, she was awarded the National Scholarship for Ph.D. Students at Beijing Foreign Studies University in 2023.

54 Q.J. ZHENG, École pratique des hautes études
鄭麒駿, 法國高等研究院
Q.J. Zheng is graduate research student specializing in the history of Taoism and Esoteric Buddhism at École Pratique des Hautes Études-PSL, Paris. His research, employing a historical-anthropological approach, explores the dynamics between religious conceptions and practices from a longue durée perspective. Alongside his primary research on the history of pilgrimages, he contributes to the “Chinese Religious Text Authority”, an international collaborative project ( Outside academia, he is an avid walker and has undertaken many pilgrimages around the world.
