The Project Director is Jinhua Chen (UBC), who works closely with the Project Manager Vicky Baker and Communications Officer Carol Lee.
The Executive Committee (EC) is comprised of three members who are authorized to respond to emergencies swiftly and decisively. The EC works closely with the Project Manager and the Central Steering Committee.
EC Members: James Benn (McMaster), Jinhua Chen (UBC), Christina Laffin (UBC)
In addition to the three Executive Committee members, the Central Steering Committee (CSC) is composed of representatives appointed to the committee on a rotating basis. The current representatives are:
1. Ann Heirman (Ghent), 2. Stephen Teiser (Princeton), 3. Michelle Wang (Georgetown), and 4. Youn-mi Kim (Ewha Womans University)
The CSC makes decisions on issues including those related to convening the congresses, appointing postdoctoral researchers and visiting professors, terminating under-performing partnerships or undertaking new ones, monitoring the teams’ overall progress in relation to the established milestones and timelines.
It also streamlines the lecture and conference series and ensures common standards of equity and inclusion across the project. The CSC ensures that the projects proceed as planned and that the well-being of all personnel is guaranteed.
The CSC functions as a hub for receiving and sorting all feedback from clusters leaders and participants. The CSC also liaises with the following committees:
The Knowledge Mobilization Committee works to ensure the project’s research reaches a wider audience:
KMC Members: Christoph Anderl (Ghent), Christina Laffin (UBC), Ann Heirman (Ghent), Susan Andrews (Mount Allison).
The Database Committee oversees the data collection process and makes relevant recommendations:
DC members: Marcus Bingenhiemer (Temple University), Bruce Rusk (UBC), Simon Wiles (Stanford U), and Jiang Wu (University of Arizona).
Equity and Diversity officer – Christina Laffin (UBC) – consults with participants who represent marginalized communities of scholars, consults on monitoring representation within the project, and ensures that equity, diversity, and inclusion is addressed at every committee and level of the project.