Call for Applications: FROGBEAR Mitacs Globalink Research Awards

Call for Applications: FROGBEAR Mitacs Globalink Research Awards

[We are no longer accepting applications.]


Call for Applications 征集申请:

FROGBEAR Mitacs Globalink Research Awards “拔地入云”Mitacs Globalink 访学奖学金


The FROGBEAR project has an agreement with Mitacs to fund a limited number of interns under their Globalink Research Award program to support internships between partners in Canada and institutions in East Asia. Any FROGBEAR Co-Investigators, and any students and post-doctoral fellows based at partner institutions in Asia or Canada are eligible to submit proposals. “拔地入云”项目与Mitacs达成协议,在其Globalink研究奖励计划下资助一定数量的实习生,以支持加拿大合作伙伴与东亚机构之间的研究实习。任何“拔地入云”在亚洲或加拿大伙伴机构工作的学生和博士后均有资格提交建议。

Proposals may be submitted to FROGBEAR either by a Co-Investigator or by the student / post-doctoral fellow. FROGBEAR can assist in identifying a partner university in Asia where needed. Either the host institution or the home institution must be a FROGBEAR partner university in Canada. For proposals received from outside of Canada, FROGBEAR will determine the most suitable Canadian partner to host the intern. 申请案可由“拔地入云”项目参与者或学生/博士后研究员提交给“拔地入云”项目。如有需要,“拔地入云”可协助确定在亚洲的合作大学。接待机构或输送申请人大学需要是“拔地入云”合作大学。对于从加拿大境外收到的申请案,“拔地入云”计划将确定最适合接收实习生的加拿大合作伙伴。

FROGBEAR partners in Canada“拔地入云”在加拿大的合作夥伴:

  • McGill University 麦吉尔大学
  • McMaster University 麦克马斯特大学
  • Mount Allison University 蒙特艾利森大学
  • University of British Columbia 不列颠哥伦比亚大学
  • University of Calgary 卡尔加里大学
  • University of Saskatchewan 萨斯喀彻温大学
  • University of Toronto 多伦多大学

Under the joint supervision of a home and host professor, successful senior undergraduate students, graduate students, as well as postdoctoral fellows will receive a $6,000 research award to conduct a 12- to 24-week research project in Canada. 在申请人原大学教授和接待方大学教授的共同指导下,成功获得访学奖学金的高年级本科生、研究生以及博士后研究员将得到6,000 加元的研究奖金,用于在加拿大大学开展为期12-24周的研究项目。

full details available here 詳情請點閱。

Please email a title and a brief outline of the proposal, as well as a CV. If the project is accepted by FROGBEAR, you will receive an application package. Applications are accepted on an on-going basis; however, projects must be completed by April 2024. Results are announced within 12 weeks after being submitted to Mitacs. 請發送電子郵件至,注明申請案名稱、概要以及個人簡歷。如果項目被“拔地入云”接受,您將收到一堆申請材料。申請可全年接受,但本年度的研究項目必須在 2024 年 9月底前完成。結果將在提交給 Mitacs 12 周后公佈。