Esoteric Buddhism and East Asian Society–Published Papers

Esoteric Buddhism and East Asian Society–Published Papers

Studies in Chinese Religions, a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the advanced study of Chinese Religions, is pleased to announce that their third and final special issue in their series on “Transmission of Esoteric Buddhism to China and Beyond” is now available online. These three issues feature nineteen articles on esoteric Chinese, Japanese, Tibetan, and Tangut Buddhism, and tackle a wide range of research on the texts, images, practices, and people of esoteric Buddhism within and beyond China. Thank you to our authors for another successful issue of Studies in Chinese Religions.

Please see a complete list of the authors and their contributions from these special issues below:


Volume 7.2–3: Transmission of Esoteric Buddhism to China and Beyond (I)


  1. “Images of Thousand-armed and Thousand-eyed Avalokiteśvara with Cintāmaṇicakra and Amoghapāśa as attendants: References to the chanting of the ‘Dabeixin Dhāraṇī’ 大悲心陀羅尼” by Tamami Hamada (159-172)
  2. “Following medieval Chinese Buddhist precedents with ritual practices using exoteric Buddhist scriptures (kengyō 顕経) from Amanosan Kongōji 天野山金剛寺 and Shinpukuji 真福寺in medieval Japan” by George A. Keyworth (173-202)
  3. “Examining Amoghavajra’s flat-earth cosmology: religious vs. scientific worldviews in Buddhist astrology” by Jeffrey Kotyk (203-220)
  4. “Kūkai 空海 (774–835) and Saichō’s 最澄 (766–822) theories on gotra 種姓 (caste)” by Zijie Li (221-235)
  5.  “A preliminary study on one folio of Tibetan tantric ritual text recently collected by the national library of China” by Saerji (236-244)
  6.  “Dome of Heaven: the role of esoteric Buddhism in the Hall of Heavenly Kings at Mogao” by Neil Schmid (245-266)
  7. Tangut Buddhism and the Bodhicittotpādasamādānavidhi” by Kirill Solonin & Haoyue Xie (267-278)
  8. “Kūkai’s transcultural rhetoric of prayer: on his writings inspired by the Chinese “prayer text” (yuanwen 願文)” by Nicholas Morrow Williams (279-305)
  9.  “Chinese visual texts, Japanese spatial contexts: Mandala installation and the reading of empowered space in Japan” by Pamela D. Winfield (306-329)
  10.  “The Late Tang Esoteric Manual for Abhiṣeka: An Introduction, Analysis, and Translation of the Engyō Nyūdan” by Yang Wu (330-356)


Volume 7.4: Transmission of Esoteric Buddhism to China and Beyond (II)


  1. “Reception and transformation of the Huiji Jin’gang shuo shentong daman tuoluoni fashu Lingyao men: the discovery and significance of medieval Japanese scripture manuscripts” by Limei Chi (357-377)
  2. “Interpretation of the Unique Dhāraṇīs: Focusing on the Shi Moheyan lun 釋摩訶衍論” by Jiyun Kim (378-389)
  3.  “Eison, Monkan, and the cult of founders in medieval Japan: on the construction of narrative and material selves in East Asian Buddhism” by David Quinter (390-416)
  4.  “Ximing monastery’s esoteric Buddhist traditions” by Ru Zhan (417-434)


Volume 8.1: Transmission of Esoteric Buddhism to China and Beyond (III)


  1. “A (Presumably Chinese) tantric scripture and its Japanese exegesis: the Yuqi Jing 瑜祇經 and the practices of the Yogin” by Lucia Dolce (1-32)
  2.  “Dunhuang was not isolated: examples such as ‘Master Yixing sets up earth-wheel lamps’ and others from Yunnan” by Chong Hou (33-66)
  3.  “Image, ritual and mantra: a study on Esoteric rituals of Dipper Mother Mārīcī” by Shu-Wei Hsieh (67-98)
  4.  “Chinese and Tibetan Sources on the Dhāraṇī in Roll Seven of the *Śūraṃgama-sūtra” by George A. Keyworth (99-142)
  5.  “On the integration of Chinese, Tibetan, exoteric and esoteric Buddhism in the Tangut Kingdom” by Weirong Shen (143-184)