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1. Juhn AHN 安俊泳 (Michigan 密歇根大學) ![]() |
Juhn Y. Ahn is Associate Professor of Buddhist and Korean Studies at the University of Michigan and the author of Buddhas and Ancestors: Religion and Wealth in Fourteenth-Century Korea (University of Washington Press, 2018), Transgression in Korea: Beyond Resistance and Control (University of Michigan Press, 2018), and Gongan Collections I, Collected Works of Korean Buddhism, Vol. 7-1 (Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, 2012). His current research focuses on the economic history of Korea during the Koryŏ period (918-1392), reading practices in Song-dynasty (960-1279) Chan Buddhism, and the cultural history of weather and wealth during the Chosŏn period (1392-1910) in Korea. |
2. Kevin Buckelew (NorthwesternU 西北大學) ![]() |
Kevin Buckelew is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Northwestern University. His research seeks to help us better understand the processes by which Buddhism was received and transformed in medieval China, with special attention to the Chan Buddhist tradition and to interactions between Chinese Buddhists and Daoists. Thematically, his research explores how religious identities take shape and assume social authority, how materiality and embodiment figure into Buddhist soteriology, and how Buddhists have grappled with the problem of human agency. He is working on a book about how Chan masters were characterized as living buddhas in the Song dynasty. |
3. Alan Cole (Independent 獨立學人) ![]() |
Alan Cole received his Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies from the University of Michigan with a dissertation titled “Mothers and Sons in Chinese Buddhism,” which was later published by Stanford University Press (1998) under the same title. Since 1993, Dr. Cole has taught mainly at Lewis & Clark College, with visiting appointments at the University of Illinois (Champaign/Urbana), the University of Oregon, the National University of Singapore, and Harvard University. In 2009 he published Fathering Your Fathering: The Zen of Fabrication in Tang Buddhism (UCal Press). In 2015 he published Fetishizing Tradition: Desire and Reinvention in Buddhist and Christian Narratives (SUNY Press). His most recent book is Patriarchs on Paper: A Critical History of Chan Literature (UCal Press, 2016). Having taken early retirement in 2014, he now continues his research as an independent scholar. |
4. DEGUCHI Yasuo 出口康夫 (KyotoU 京都大學) ![]() |
Professor, Ph.D. (Kyoto University; Graduate School of Letters, Department of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, Kyoto University. Expertise focus on Philosophy of probability/statistics, Scientific realism, Simulation and chaos, Mathematics in Kant, Skolem, Analytic Asian philosophy. |
5. DING Kehan 丁可含 (EdinburghU 愛丁堡大學) ![]() |
Ding Kehan is a doctoral candidate and a tutor of Chinese studies at the University of Edinburgh. Her Ph.D. project is “Buddhist Monastic Tea in Song-Yuan China: A Deconstruction of Chan-tea Culture”. Most of her research interests lie in the overlap of Chan Buddhism and medieval Chinese history, including Buddhist monastic rituals, the state administration of Buddhism, the narrative of Chan hagiographies, and the history of tea. |
6. Allan Yi Ding 丁一 (DePaulU 帝寶大學) ![]() |
Yi (Allan) Ding is Assistant Professor at the Department of Religious Studies at DePaul University, Chicago. He primarily works on Dunhuang Buddhism and Sino-Tibetan Buddhism. |
7. T. Griffith Foulk (Sarah Lawrence 莎拉勞倫斯學院) ![]() |
Griffith Foulk is Professor of Religion at Sarah Lawrence College and Co-editor-in-chief of the Sōtō Zen Text Project, sponsored by the Administrative Headquarters of Sōtō Zen Buddhism in Tokyo. In his youth he trained for several years in both Rinzai and Sōtō Zen monasteries in Japan, where he still maintains close ties. His publications include annotated translations of Standard Observances of the Sōtō Zen School (Sōtōshū gyōji kihan) and the Record of the Transmission of Illumination (Denkōroku) by Keizan Jōkin (1264-1325), and numerous monographs on textual, ritual, and institutional aspects of the history of Chan and Zen Buddhism in China and Japan. |
8. Imre Galambos 高奕睿 (Cambridge 劍橋) ![]() |
Imre Galambos specialises in the study of medieval Chinese manuscripts from sites in northwestern China. He received his Ph.D. in 2002 from the University of California, Berkeley with a dissertation on the structure of Chinese characters in the pre-Qin period. For the following 10 years he worked for the International Dunhuang Project (IDP) at the British Library, as a result of which his research gradually shifted to medieval manuscripts from Dunhuang. Since 2012, he has been teaching at the University of Cambridge, where he is now Professor of Chinese. Among his main interests is the dynamics of the spread of texts and manuscripts along the multilingual networks known today as the Silk Roads. His books include Orthography of Early Chinese Writing (2006); Manuscripts and Travellers (co-authored with Sam van Schaik, 2012), Translating Chinese Tradition and Teaching Tangut Culture (2015), and Dunhuang Manuscript Culture (2020). |
9. GONG Jun 龔雋 (Sun Yat-senU 中山大學) ![]() |
GONG Jun 龔雋,江西南昌人,哲學博士,2001-2002年度哈佛燕京高級訪問學人,現任中山大學哲學系教授、博士研究生導師,中山大學比較宗教研究所副所長,中山大學哲學系佛學研究中心主任,兼任《新史學》(中華書局)、《人間佛教研究》(香港中文大學)、《人文宗教研究》(北京大學宗教文化研究院主辦)等學刊的學術編委和《漢語佛學評論》(上海古籍出版社)主編。主要從事的研究領域為中國佛教思想史,近年來在禪宗思想史、漢傳佛教解經學等研究議題方面,多能融合會通中外學術研究的前沿成果與方法,獨樹一幟,別開新局。已出版《作為「知識」的近代中國佛學史論:在東亞視域內的知識史論述》(商務印書館,2019年)、《禪史鈎沈:以問題為中心的思想史論述》(北京三聯書店,2006)、《覺悟與迷情:論中國佛教思想》(上海古籍出版社,2012)、《中國禪學研究入門》(復旦大學出版社,2009)等多部學術著作,併發表學術論文40余篇,所主編的《漢語佛學評論》(上海古籍出版社,2010-2019)在海內外佛學界產生了較為深遠的影響,受到國際同行學人的高度評價。 |
10. Chris Goto-Jones (UVic) ![]() |
Chris Goto-Jones is professor in Philosophy at the University of Victoria and Honorary Professor in Asian Studies at UBC. He lives on the unceded territories of the Lekwungen peoples, often called southern Vancouver Island, where he also serves as a therapist and Buddhist Eco-Chaplain. He has written on Asian and comparative philosophy, the philosophy of magic, performance and embodiment, and the therapeutic deployment of philosophy. His next book, ‘Mindfulness and the Search for the Meaning,’ is forthcoming in 2023 (Bloomsbury). |
11. HE Yansheng 何燕生 (Kuriyama Women’s U 郡山女子大學/KyotoU 京都大學) ![]() |
Ph.D., Tohoku University, Japan; Co-research leader of the Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University; director of the International Center for Chan Culture Studies, Wuhan University; chair professor at Wuhan University; full-time Professor of Religious Studies at Koriyama Women’s University. Research Interests: History of East Asian Buddhist Thought Exchange, Dogen Zen. His best-known work is Dogen and Chinese Chan Thought (Hozokan, 2000). |
12. HOU Xiaoming 侯笑明 (EPHE 法國高等研究院) ![]() |
Hou Xiaoming (侯笑明) is a Ph.D. candidate in Chinese Buddhism specializing in cross-cultural transmission and translation at École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE/PSL). Her research engages the broad conversation of cross-cultural transmission of religions, with a specific focus on the formation of Chinese Buddhism through the interpretation of translated texts. The title of her doctoral thesis is Practicing Buddhism in Chinese: Meditative Exegesis and Exegesis for Meditation in China from the Second to the Sixth Century CE (Pratiquer le bouddhisme en chinois: exégèse méditative et exégèse pour la méditation du IIe au VIe siècle en Chine). By taking the major meditation synthesis made by Zhiyi 智顗 (538-597) as terminus ad quem, it studies the complex relationship between meditation and interpretation. Her most recent publication is “From Meditation Teachings to Exegetical Grid: Transmission and Development of the ‘Six Aspects of ānāpānasmṛti’ in Chinese Buddhism” in Journal asiatique, 2021. |
13. Yi-hsun HUANG 黃繹勳 (ShanghaiU 上海大學) ![]() |
Yi-hsun Huang is a professor of the Center for Chan Buddhism at Shanghai University, China. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Virginia and specializes in Chan and Pure Land Buddhism. She has published Rare Texts by Chan Master Hanyue in the Ming I, A Study of a Chan Dictionary: The Zuting Shiyuan, A Study of Chan Master Xuedou and Integrating Chinese Buddhism: A Study of Yongming Yanshou’s Guanxin Xuanshu as well as various articles in Chinese and English. |
14. IBUKI Atsushi 伊吹敦 (ToyoU 東洋大學) ![]() |
IBUKI Atsushi received his B.A. and M.A. degrees from Waseca University, worked as a full-time researcher at the Nakamura Hajime Eastern Institute and as a JSPS Research Fellow, and is currently a professor at Toyo University. He is the author of A History of Zen (Zen no rakish, Kyoto, Hōzōkan, 2001) and A History of Chinese Zen Thought (Chu Goku zen shisōshi, Kyōto, Zen Bunka Kinyanjui, 2021), and has published over two hundred articles. |
15. ISSHIKI Daigo 一色大悟 (TokyoU 東京大學) ![]() |
東京大学助教,中央大学兼任講師,対法雑誌刊行会事務局長.2016年,「順正理論における法(dharma)の認識」により博士(文学,東京大学)を授与される.インドから近代日本にいたる部派仏教教理学の伝承史を専門とする. |
16. JIANG Hainu 蒋海怒 (Zhejiang Sci-TechU 浙江理工大學) ![]() |
本人致力於從三個方面開展禪宗史學研究。其一,唐五代代禪宗史研究。在該時段內,本人力求突破占主流地位思想史的研究進路,努力擷取當前新文化史、微觀史、女性史、人類學史學、肖像學和圖像史所提供的視角,並將之落實於對傳統禪宗文獻、及新出禪宗相關敦煌文書、墓誌資料進行全面考證,力求為唐五代禪宗研究另闢致思方向。在這方面,本人近年撰寫了多篇論文,涉及菩提達摩、行腳、茶飲,及禪的空間地理學等內容,並曾在法國國立東方語言與文明學院發表長篇演講History from Imagination: Lineages, Texts, and Teachings of Chan Buddhism Under Tang Dynasty (2019.7.22),在東洋大學東洋學研究所發表長篇演講《唐代禪林の喫茶における意味の変化》(2022.2.12)。其二,本人還致力於翻譯國外禪宗史和禪學專著,包括《正統性的意欲:北宗禪之批判系譜》 (Bernard Faure, The Will to Orthodoxy-A Critical Genealogy of Northern Chan Buddhism, Stanford University Press, 1997)、《禪之道》( Alan Watts, The Way of Zen, Random House USA, 1957)、《中國禪宗史:虛構之上的真實》(John McRae, Seeing Through Zen: Encounter, Transformation, and Genealogy in Chinese Chan Buddhism, University of California Press, 2004; 即將出版)、《禪與意識的藝術》(Susan Blackmore, Zen and the Art of Consciousness, Berne Blackmore, 2009; 即將出版),以及十餘篇英文和日文禪宗史論文。其三,目前主持2021年度中國國家社科基金“近百年域外禪宗史學研究”,致力於全面完善域外禪研究的學術史。本人前期的佛教史研究,致力考察近代知識人與佛教復興的關係,著有《晚清政治與佛學》(上海古籍出版社,2012年)及論文十餘篇。 |
17. John Jorgensen (Independent 獨立學人) ![]() |
John Jorgensen is currently an independent scholar, his doctoral dissertation (Australian National University 1990) was on Chan and poetics. He taught Japanese Studies at Griffith University for twenty years. He has published on East Asian Buddhism and on Korean new religions. Chief publications include Inventing Hui-neng, the Sixth Patriarch: Hagiography and Biography in Early Ch’an (2005) and The Foresight of Dark Knowing: Chŏng Kam Nok and Insurrectionary Prognostication in Pre-modern Korea (2018); three volumes of translation in the Collected Works of Korean Buddhism series [vol. 3, Hyujeong: Selected Works; vol. 7-2, Gongan Collections II; vol. 8, Seon Dialogues] (2012), A Handbook of Korean Zen Practice: A Mirror on the Sŏn School of Buddhism (Sŏn’ga kwigam) (2015), and The Gyeongheo Collection:Prose and Poetry by the Restorer of Korean Seon (2016). Recent research has been on Chan and Zhu Xi, the developments of Buddhism in early Republican China, Yogacara in the late Ming, language and the diffusion of Chan, varieties of Sinitic used in Korea, and participation in a team translation of the Dasheng qixin lun into English (Treatise on Awakening Mahāyāna Faith, New York: Oxford University Press, 2019). |
18. Seong Uk KIM (Columbia 哥倫比亞大學) ![]() |
Seong Uk Kim is Il Hwan and Soon Ja Cho Assistant Professor of Korean Culture and Religion in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures. His research interests include the intersections between Buddhism and other religions (Confucianism, folk religions, etc), as well as religion and politics in modern and pre-modern Korea; Buddhist transformation in the colonial and contemporary periods.
Professor Kim is currently completing a book manuscript, “Monks and Literati: Transformation of Korean Buddhism in Late Chosŏn.” His recent publications include “The Intersections between Buddhism and Folk Religions in the Late Chosŏn: The Case Study of the Kitchen-God Cult” (International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Culture, 2020) and “Kwanŭm (Avalokiteśvara) Divination: Buddhist Reconciliation with Confucianism in the Late Chosŏn” (Religions, 2020). He also worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Washington University in St. Louis (2013-2014) and Harvard University (2014-2015), teaching “Buddhist Traditions,” “Introduction to Korean Religions,” and “Theories and Methods in the Study of Religion.” |
19. KONG Yan 孔雁 (Institute of Religious Studies, SASS 上海社會科學院) ![]() |
孔雁,女,1990年1月生,江蘇徐州人。本科畢業於蘇州大學哲學系,碩士畢業於中國人民大學宗教學系,2018年11月畢業于香港中文大學文化與宗教研究系,獲哲學博士學位。2018年12月入職上海社會科學院宗教研究所,擔任助理研究員,主要從事佛教研究,並持續關注宋代曹洞宗的研究。相關論文曾發表在《世界宗教研究》、《西夏學》、《佛教研究》、《法鼓佛學學報》等期刊,亦被《人大複印報刊資料·宗教》轉載過。目前在研的課題有上海市哲學社會科學規劃青年課題(2020EZX004),以及國家社科基金青年專案(21CZJ007)。 |
20. LI Chunying 李春穎 (China University of Political Science and Law 中國政法大學) ![]() |
Li Chunying is an associate professor and associate dean of International Confucian Academy at China University of Political Science and Law. She is a visiting scholar at UBC from 2021 to 2022. She also has been a visiting scholar at Columbia University from 2015 to 2016. Her research interests include Neo-Confucianism, Pre-Qin Dynasties’ Confucianism and Chuang Tzu’s philosophy. These years she focus on the relationship between Neo-Confucianism and Buddhism. Li Chunying has published two books and about 30 articles, including: Hengpu wenji explanatory note (2018), A Collection works of Zhang Jiucheng (2020).
李春穎現任中國政法大學國際儒學院副教授,副院長。 2021-2022年英屬哥倫比亞大學訪問學者;2015-2016年哥倫比亞大學訪問學者。她的研究方向是宋明理學、先秦儒學和莊子哲學。近年來主要研究宋明理學與禪宗的關係問題。李春穎出版了兩本書,發表了30多篇論文,2018年出版了《張九成文集校注》,2020年出版了古籍整理《張九成全集》。 |
21. LI Huawei 李華偉 (Henan NormalU 河南師範大學) ![]() |
Li Huawei, associate professor in Henan Normal University now, received her Ph.D. of literature from Nankai University, Tianjin, China, in 2014. Since 2014, she has been teaching the Chinese classical literature in Henan Normal University. From January 29, 2019 to January 29, 2020, she was a visiting scholar in ”Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies“ of University of Cambridge. Her research interests is the interaction between Buddhism and Chinese classical literature, mainly from Jin to Tang dynasty. She published a book titled ”A study of Fa Yuan Zhu Lin—- research on the cultural integration of Buddhism in Jin and Tang“ (《法苑珠林》研究:晋唐佛教的文化整合). Another book to appear is ”the interaction between the Lotus Sutra belief and Chinese literature“, which is a project funded by “China National foundation for philosophy and Social Sciences”. |
22. LI Tong 李 曈 (ShenzhenU 深圳大學) ![]() |
李曈,中山大學宗教學博士,自2018年起於深圳大學任教。現為深圳大學人文學院助理教授、特聘副研究員,研究方向為中國禪宗史。 |
23. Stephan Kigensan Licha (Heidelberg/Germany 海德堡大學) ![]() |
Stephan Kigensan Licha received his Ph.D. from SOAS with a thesis on Sōtō Zen oral transmission materials, and has since held positions at Waseda, Tokyo, and Heidelberg Universities. He specialises in the intellectual history of East Asian Buddhism, especially the confluences between the Esoteric, Lotus, and Zen traditions, and currently leads a research project on Buddhist modernism in 19th century Sri Lanka and Japan. |
24. Michel Mohr (Hawai‘i 夏威夷大學) ![]() |
Michel Mohr (Ph.D., University of Geneva) is a full professor in the Department of Religion at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. His research focuses on East Asian religions and intellectual history. He has contributed to five volumes published by Oxford University Press: The Kōan (2000), Zen Classics (2006), Zen Ritual (2008), Buddhist Philosophy: Essential Readings (2009), and Zen Masters (2010). His most recent book, Buddhism, Unitarianism, and the Meiji Competition for Universality, was published in 2014. He has since expanded the scope of his research to early accounts of meditation produced during the Six Dynasties (220–589), which led to extensive stays in Taiwan and in China during which he conducted field research. |
25. Michaela Mross (Stanford 斯坦佛大學) ![]() |
Michaela Mross is assistant professor of Religious Studies at Stanford University. She specializes in Japanese Buddhism, with a particular emphasis on Sōtō Zen, Buddhist rituals, sacred music, as well as manuscript and print culture in premodern Japan. Her first book, Memory, Music, Manuscripts: The Ritual Dynamics of Kōshiki in Japanese Sōtō Zen, is forthcoming with the Kuroda Series of University of Hawai’i Press. She is currently working on a monograph on lay Buddhist choirs in contemporary Zen Buddhism, which will showcase how music played a vital role in the modernization of Japanese Sōtō Zen in the last seventy years. |
26. Tom Newhall (UCLA 加州大學洛杉磯分校) ![]() |
Thomas (Tom) Newhall is a Ph.D. Candidate in Buddhist studies at UCLA. His research focuses on Vinaya School and how Buddhist monastic rules were interpreted and adapted for monastic life in China and East Asia. Before coming to UCLA, he studied at the University of Tokyo (Japan, M.A. 2016), Fo Guang University (Taiwan, M.A. 2012), and Oberlin College (Ohio, B.A. 2007). |
27. OGAWA Takashi 小川隆 (Komazawa 駒澤大學) ![]() |
1961年生。駒澤大学総合教育研究部教授。花園大学国際禅学研究所客員研究員(顧問)。駒澤大学仏教学部禅学科卒。同大学院修了。博士(文学)。専攻:中国禅宗史。著書、『語録の思想史―中国禅の研究』(岩波書店、2011年/何燕生訳『語録的思想史―解析中国禅』、復旦大学出版社、2015年)、『中国禅宗史―「禅の語録」導読』(ちくま学芸文庫、2020年)、『禅僧たちの生涯-唐代の禅』(春秋社、2022年)他。 |
28. Marta Sanvido (UC Berkeley 加州大學柏克萊大學) ![]() |
Marta Sanvido is currently a postdoctoral fellow in Japanese Buddhism at the University of California, Berkeley. Sanvido specializes in East Asian religions with a focus on Japanese medieval and early modern religions. More broadly, her research focuses on secrecy, marginalization, mythology, ritual practice, manuscript cultures, and locality. She is currently working on her first book project, which explores the localization of Zen communities within the network of secret documents composed during the so-called “Age of secrecy” in Japan, between the fourteenth and the seventeenth century. In future research, she is interested in investigating mountain religions in the context of marginalized groups; and the role of prophecies, oracles, and dreams in the formation of medieval and early modern Japanese Buddhism. Sanvido’s research has received generous support from several Italian and international organizations including the Japan Foundation, the Italian Association for Japanese Studies (AISTUGIA), the EAJS, and Venice University. Before moving to Berkeley, she worked for one year as an Adjunct Professor of Japanese Language and Culture at Ca’Foscari University of Venice, where she earned a Ph.D. in East Asian Studies in 2019. |
29. Morten Schlütter (Iowa 愛荷華大學) ![]() |
Morten Schlütter (Ph.D., Yale University) is Associate Professor and Departmental Executive Officer (Chair) of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Iowa, and the former Director of the University of Iowa Center for Asian and Pacific Studies. He is the author of How Zen Became Zen: The Dispute over Enlightenment and the Formation of Chan Buddhism in Song-Dynasty China (University of Hawai’i Press, 2008), which focuses on crucial developments within Chan [Jpn.: Zen] Buddhism that came to dominate Chinese monastic Buddhism by the twelfth century. He is the co-editor of Readings of the Platform Sūtra (Columbia University Press, 2012), and the author of many articles on Chinese Buddhism and Chan. |
30. SHIGETA Michi 重田みち (Kyoto U. of the Arts 瓜生山学園) ![]() |
博士(文学)(慶應義塾大学)。日本学術振興会特別研究員、立命館大学21世紀COE推進機構研究員、ドイツ・ミュンスター大学中国学・東アジア学研究所客員研究員等を歴任、能楽学会設立発起人を歴任。現在、京都芸術大学講師、京都大学人文科学研究所共同研究員、同共同研究班長、早稲田大学演劇博物館招聘研究員、国際いけ花学会理事。研究領域:日本文学、日本文化史、日中比較文化史。特に世阿弥などの能楽研究、室町文化、武家文化、藝能史、漢文化研究。著作:共著『黒川能狂言百番』(2000)、編著『宮増小鼓伝書の資料と研究:室町文化横断研究のために』(2021)、「「夢幻能」概念の再考:世阿弥とその周辺の能作者による幽霊能の劇構造」(2016)等多数。 |
31. Kirill Solonin 索羅寧 (RenminU of China 中國人民大學) ![]() |
Kirill Solonin earned his doctorate from St. Petersburg University. Since the early 1990s, he was working on the issues of the Tangut language, and Tangut and Sino-Tibetan Buddhism. He worked in several institutions in Russia, Germany, USA and China. He is currently a professor in the School of Chinese Classics at Renmin University of China. |
32. Raji C. Steineck (Zurich/Switzerland 蘇黎世大學) ![]() |
Raji C. Steineck (Dr. phil. in philosophy, 1999 and Dr. habil. in Japanology, 2006 from Bonn University) is Professor of Japanology at University of Zurich (UZH), president of the International Society for the Study of Time (ISST), and principal investigator of the European Research Council’s Advanced Grant project “Time in Medieval Japan” (TIMEJ). His research interests combine the history of ideas in Japan, the theory of symbolic forms, and the philosophy of time, and he has published on a wide range of subjects from ancient mythologies to contemporary philosophy. He is co-editor of “Concepts in Philosophy in Asia and the Islamic World” (Vol. 1.: China and Japan, Brill, 2018). He has recently finished the draft of a monograph «Zen Time: Dōgen in Context». |
33. TONG Ran 通然 (PekingU 北京大學) ![]() |
通然,日本東洋大學文學博士,現為北京大學哲學系博雅博士後。主要研究成果有《〈悟性論〉的成書問題:以“心”的解釋為中心》(2018)《北宗禪與唐代社會:以普寂的活動及其影響為中心》(2019)、《早期禪宗文獻的新發現:石山寺藏〈跋陀三藏安心法〉的介紹與研究》(2020)等。 |
34. Laurent Van Cutsem (GhentU 根特大學) ![]() |
Laurent Van Cutsem is a Ph.D. student at the Department of Languages and Cultures (Sinology) and a member of the Ghent Centre for Buddhist Studies at Ghent University. His current project examines aspects of textual history, editorial practices, and intertextuality in the Zǔtáng jí 祖堂集 and the Jǐngdé chuándēng lù 景德傳燈錄. As a contributor to the Database of Medieval Chinese Texts, he is responsible for the collection of variant characters (yìtǐzì 異體字) and the production of XML-based TEI editions of sections of the Zǔtáng jí and related Dūnhuáng manuscripts (e.g., Quánzhōu Qiānfó xīnzhù zhūzǔshī sòng 泉州千佛新著諸祖師頌, S.1635). His research interests include Chán Buddhist literature, medieval Chinese manuscript culture, medieval Chinese linguistics, and TEI scholarly digital editions of pre-modern Chinese texts. |
35. Sam van Schaik (British Library 大英博物館) ![]() |
Sam van Schaik has been Head of the Endangered Archives Programme (EAP) at the British Library since 2019. He oversees the work of EAP in funding projects to digitize and preserve materials at risk across the world. Before this he was the Research Project Manager for the International Dunhuang Project (IDP), an international digital cooperation focused on Silk Road collections. He received his dissertation from the University of Manchester in 2000, and has written on the history of Tibet, Tibetan Buddhism, Zen and Manuscript Studies, with recent publications including the books Tibetan Zen (2015), The Spirit of Zen (2018) and Buddhist Magic (2020). |
36. WANG Jie 王潔 (TsinghuaU 清華大學) ![]() |
王潔,女,1990年生,山東曲阜人。哲學博士,現為清華大學哲學系助理研究員,主要研究方向為中國禪宗史與儒佛關係。在《孔子研究》《福建師範大學學報》《西南民族大學學報》《佛學研究》等核心期刊發表學術論文多篇,主持國家社科基金青年項目“中國化佛教宗法觀念研究”一項,參與包括國家社科基金重大項目在內的國家及省部級課題多項。 |
37. Albert Welter 魏雅博 (Arizona 亞利桑那大學) ![]() |
Albert Welter’s area of academic study is Chinese Buddhism, and he has published in the area of Japanese Buddhism as well. His main research focuses on the study of Buddhist texts in the transition from the late Tang (9th century) to the Song dynasty (10th-13th centuries). In recent years, he has published Monks, Rulers, and Literati: The Political Ascendancy of Chan Buddhism (Oxford, 2006), The Linji lu and the Creation of Chan Orthodoxy: The Development of Chan’s Records of Sayings Literature (Oxford, 2008), and Yongming Yanshou’s Conception of Chan in the Zongjing lu: A Special Transmission within the Scriptures (Oxford, 2011), in addition to numerous articles. His work also encompasses Buddhist interactions with Neo-Confucianism and literati culture. He just finished a project on the social and institutional history of Buddhism as conceived through a text compiled in the early Song dynasty, Zanning’s Topical History of the Buddhist Clergy, published by Cambria Press in 2018 (The Administration of Buddhism in China; Stemming from this latter research interest, Professor Welter has also developed a broader interest in Chinese administrative policies toward religion, including Chinese notions of secularism and their impact on religious beliefs and practices, leading to a co-edited volume (with Jeffrey Newmark), Religion, Culture, and the Public Sphere in China and Japan (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2017). He recently received funding from the Khyentse Foundation for a project, “The Hangzhou Region and the Creation of East Asian Buddhism,” in conjunction with Zhejiang University, the Hangzhou Academy of Social Sciences, and the Hangzhou Buddhist Academy. He also received funding from the American Council of Learned Societies (with the support of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation) for an international conference, “Creating the World of Chan/ Sŏn /Zen: Chinese Chan Buddhism and its Spread throughout East Asia.” Before coming to the University of Arizona, Dr. Welter was based in Canada, where his research projects were regularly supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. |
38. Marcel Werbik 韋馬策 (JagiellonianU 波蘭亞捷隆大學) ![]() |
Marcel Werbik is a last-year M.A. student in both Sinology and Cultural Anthropology at the Jagiellonian University. He received B.A. in Indology and Sinology at the University of Warsaw and studied Chinese language at the National University of Sun Yat-sen within the Huayu Enrichment Scholarship. His main research interests include heterogeneousness of the discourse in/about Chan poetry, Chinese Esoteric Buddhism, Azhaliism (阿吒力教), and Vietnamese Buddhism. He is writing M.A. theses about the reception of Hanshan shi (寒山詩) (in Sinology) and the contemporarily-emerged tradition of Chinese Esoteric Buddhism (in Cultural Anthropology). |
39. Jiang Wu 吳疆 (Arizona 亞利桑那大學) ![]() |
Dr. Jiang Wu is currently a professor in the Department of East Asian Studies, director of Center for Buddhist Studies. He received his Master’s degree from Nankai University (1994) and Ph.D. from Harvard University (2002). His research interests include seventeenth-century Chinese Buddhism, especially Chan/Zen Buddhism, the role of Buddhist canons in the formation of East Asian Buddhist culture, and the historical exchanges between Chinese Buddhism and Japanese Buddhism. Other interests include Confucianism, Chinese intellectual history and social history, and the application of electronic cultural atlas tools in the study of Chinese culture and religion. He has published articles in Asia Major, Journal of East Asian History, Journal of Chinese Philosophy, and Monumenta Serica on a variety of topics. His first book Enlightenment in Dispute: The Reinvention of Chan Buddhism in Seventeenth-century China was published by Oxford University Press in 2008. His Leaving for the Rising Sun: Chinese Zen Master Yinyuan and the Authenticity Crisis in Early Modern East Asia (Oxford, 2016; 384 pages) won the inaugural Tianzhu Best Book in Chan Studies Award. He was awarded the Certificate of Congressional Recognition by U.S. Congressional Representative Judy Chu (27th District of California) and the City of Rosemead, California’s Award of Recognition (November 10, 2018). Recent publications include
40. YAN Shiwei 嚴世偉 (PekingU 北大) ![]() |
41. YANAGI Mikiyasu 柳幹康 (TokyoU 東京大學) ![]() |
柳 幹康(YANAGI Mikiyasu)
2013年於日本东京大学取得博士学位后,曾任日本学术振兴会特别研究员(PD,驹泽大学)、海外特别研究员(中央研究院)及花园大学国际禅学研究所专任讲师、准教授。现任东京大学东洋文化研究所准教授。主要研究中国佛教思想史。著有《永明延寿と『宗镜录』の研究:一心による中国佛教の再编》(法藏馆,2015)、《最澄・空海将来『三教不齐论』の研究》(共著,国书刊行会,2016)、《新国译大藏经・中国撰述部①―6〈禅宗部〉 法眼录・无门关》(共译,大藏出版、2019)等。 |
42. Sung Ha YUN (St. Olaf College 聖奧拉夫學院) ![]() |
Sung Ha Yun received her M.A. in Asian Studies from UC Berkeley in 2014 and her Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies from University of California, Los Angeles in 2021. She was also ordained as a Won Buddhist kyomu (Won Buddhist priest) in 2007. Her dissertation entitled “Making a “Congregation of a Thousand Buddhas and a Million Bodhisattvas”: A Study of the Formation of Won Buddhism, a New Korean Buddhist Religion,” explores the complex interplay between indigenous Korean spirituality and beliefs; East Asian Buddhist practices; modernity; and contemporary interpretations of the concept of “religion.” Sung Ha Yun joined St. Olaf College as Assistant Professor of Religion and Asian Studies in Fall 2021.
43. Garance Chao ZHANG 張超 (EPHE 法國高等研究院) ![]() |
張超,法國高等研究院(École Pratique des Hautes Études)、法國東亞文明研究中心(Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l’Asie orientale)副研究員。2008年法國巴黎第七大學(Université Denis Diderot)漢學碩士,2014年法國高等研究院歷史語言學博士。研究主題包括宋元禪史傳、儀式和寺院制度,日本中世禪漢文文學,高麗與中國江南地區佛教交流等。 |
44. ZHANG Fu 張芾 (FudanU 復旦) ![]() |
張芾,字敦樸,號攣盦,四川成都人。本科畢業於四川大學,目前就讀於復旦大學古籍整理研究所,專業方向爲中國近世文學。學術興趣主要在佛教文獻、元末明初史以及元明兩代文學與知識社會史等領域,熱衷於版本考訂與史料考據,業餘多留心古籍書畫之鑑藏。 |
45. Lu ZHANG (Arizona 亞利桑那大學) ![]() |
Lu Zhang is a Ph.D. candidate majoring in Chinese Buddhism in the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Arizona. Her research interests include Chan Buddhism, Chinese intellectual history, and medieval Japanese religion. Her ongoing dissertation project, entitled “Presenting the Buddha: The section ‘Sages and Worthies as Buddhist Incarnations’ in Chan Historiographies in Song China,” focuses on a special section which compiled a group of individuals who were identified as earthly manifestations of Buddhist deities in the Song denglu works. This project extends the existing scholarship on the study of Song Buddhism by thoroughly examining the Incarnation section as an important yet undervalued source in studying the Chan history. Lu received her M.A. and B.A. in (Classical) Chinese Literature from Minzu University of China in Beijing. She also studied at the National Chengchi University in Taiwan for two years before studying in the U.S. |
46. Yanfei ZHAO 趙燕飛 (SOAS 倫敦大學亞非學院) ![]() |
Yanfei Zhao is currently a postgraduate student in Buddhist Studies at SOAS (2021-2022). Her research interests mainly include the Chinese Buddhist translated literature and translation theory and practice. Before coming to London, she obtained her first Masters degree in Translation Studies from Beijing Foreign Studies University (2016-2019) and then worked as an English teacher in Shenzhen. So far Yanfei has translated two books such as Henry Thoreau’s Faith in a Seed and Prishvin’s Nature’ Diary both published by the Huazhong University of Science & Technology Press. She has also published peer-reviewed articles in some reputed translation journals including FORUM and Shanghai Journal of Translators. |