Cluster Leader: Jiang Wu, University of Arizona

This cluster investigates the ways in which reading and writing the religious book in East Asia structured and defined communities of real or imagined readers, and how the economic and technological dimensions of the production of texts affected and even created communities and institutions. We plan to compile annotated bibliographies of rare Buddhist and related sources after the tenth century in neglected archives and libraries in Beijing, Shanghai/Hangzhou, Sichuan, Kunming, Xi’an, Fuzhou in China and Nagasaki, Kyoto, and Tokyo in Japan. Priority will be given to public and private collections which have not yet been cataloged in comprehensive rare books bibliographies, especially to prints and manuscripts with marginalia (writings in the margin) and damaged by heavy usage. Examples of such collections include but do not limit to Mount Jizu collection in Yunnan, inscriptions and stele in Sichuan, Gushan monastic collection in Fuzhou, and Manpukuji archive in Kyoto. We plan to start this cluster project in the summer of 2019 and in the sixth year (2022), we plan to organize a conference on “Reading, Writing, and the Formation of Textual Communities in East Asian Religions” based on field research. The digital form of the completed bibliographies will be contributed to and disseminated through the “From the Ground Up” project database and CBETA. Printed versions will be available on demand.


Workshop Report

Read 2021 online workshop report


Field Visit Report

Read 2023 fieldwork report


Data Collection

View 2023 digital data collection


Cluster Participants

Affiliated Researchers Associated Researchers
Chan, Chien-Cho (University of British Columbia) – 2023 Dong, Junru (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) – 2023
Cilangasan, Malang (Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts) – 2023 Li, Erjia (University of Glasgow) – 2023
Fung, On Tsun (Columbia University) – 2023 Lin, Grace Cheng-Ying (John Abbott College) – 2023
Jia, Xixi (École pratique des hautes études – université PSL) – 2023 Ma, Zhujun  (Brown University) – 2023
Lin, Xinzhi (Columbia University) – 2023 Pascal, Elodie (Edinburgh University (PhD) – 2023
Liu, Jeffrey (University of Arizona) – 2023
Park, Minkang (Ewha Womans University) – 2023
Park, Sunhyun (Ewha Womans University) – 2023
Shi, Yuan (Princeton University) – 2023
Tang, Rouying (Temple University) – 2023
Wan, Ziling (University of Arizona) – 2023


Field Visit Sites

Cluster 1.5

맵 불러 들이는 중 - 잠시만 기다려 주세요

Manpukuji 萬福寺: 34.913840, 135.805880
Wanfu Temple 福清黄檗山万福寺: 25.629686, 119.268319
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Manpukuji 萬福寺
Cluster 1.5 description

Cluster 1.5 2023 - Manpukuji 萬福寺 data collection

Manpukuji 萬福寺, Uji-shi, Japan
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Wanfu Temple 福清黄檗山万福寺
Cluster 1.5 description

Cluster 1.5 2023 - Wanfu Temple 福清黄檗山万福寺 data collection

Wanfu Temple 福清黄檗山万福寺, Fuqing, China