“From the Ground Up: Buddhism and East Asian Religions” (FROGBEAR) is an international, interdisciplinary, multi-year project supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), foundations in East Asia, and over 30 top universities in East Asia, Europe and North America (for more details about this international consortium, see frogbear.org). The project is currently seeking translators to translate various documents, articles and book monographs, from Mandarin Chinese to English.
These documents and academic pieces of works are related to various FROGBEAR-supported publications including but not limited to a book series on East Asian religions in collaboration with Brill (https://brill.com/view/title/34456), several journals including Studies in Chinese Religions (http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rstu20), the Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies (https://glorisunglobalnetwork.org/hualin-international-journal-of-buddhist-studies), and the Journal of Chan Buddhism (https://tianzhubuddhistnetwork.org/journal-of-chan-buddhism).
Pay is based on a combination of the length of the document, quality of translation, previous experience, and turnaround time.
If interested, please send a resume to Frogbear.project@ubc.ca by April 15, 2021.