Treasures of Khotan – Abstracts

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  1. Chen Jidong 陳繼東 (Aoyamagakuin University 日本青山學院大學)

    Discovering Buddhism in Xinjiang: A Comparison of New Record of the Western Regions and Record of the Western Regions


    The New Record of the Western Regions (Xin Xiyu Ji) is a document produced by the Japanese Ōtani Expedition and published in 1937. As its title suggests, it serves as a follow-up investigation into the state of Buddhism in the Western Regions, building upon Tang Dynasty monk Xuanzang’s Record of the Western Regions (Xiyu Ji). With its innovative approach, the New Record of the Western Regions aspires to surpass its predecessor. The text addresses Buddhist sites in Xinjiang, identifying areas that overlap with Xuanzang’s Record as well as documenting sites unrecorded by the earlier work. This reveals new evidence of Buddhist development in the Xinjiang region. Thus, a comparative study of these two works sheds light on the historical evolution of Buddhism in Xinjiang, a topic that has received limited attention in previous research. Undoubtedly, such an approach represents a fresh and significant endeavor.

  2. Chen Jinhua 陳金華 (UBC 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學)

    A Monk with Many Masks: Recovered Roles of a Khotanese Hostage Prince in Tang China

    After the passing of the Indian monk Shanwuwei 善無畏 (Śubhakarasiṃha [637–735]), his lecture notes on the Mahāvairocana sūtra were compiled by two of his disciples, Yixing一行 (683–727) and Zhiyan 智儼/嚴 (active 700s–720s), into two editions, one entitled “Dari jing shu” 大日經疏 of twenty juan and the other “Dari jing yishi” 大日經義釋 [Explanation of the Meanings of the Mahāvairocana-abhisaṃbodhi-tantra] of fourteen juan. Yixing enjoyed an extraordinary reputation in East Asian Buddhism, while Zhiyan has been relatively obscure. In this paper, it is suggested that Zhiyan as a disciple of Śubhakarasiṃha, might have been the monk of the same name recorded in Zanning’s 贊寧 (919–1001) Song gaoseng zhuan 宋高僧傳 [Biographies of Eminent Monks Compiled under the Song dynasty], whose secular name is Yuchi Le 欝持樂 (i.e., 尉遲樂). Yuchi Le had been a Khotanese hostage prince in the court of Tang China till he was ordered by an imperial decree to take up a monastic career, which turned him into a key translator of his days. He could not be identified with the contemporaneous namesake (Zhiyan [602–668]) taken to be the fifth patriarch of Huayan Buddhism; neither is it likely that Youchi Le/Zhiyan could have been Yuchi Yiseng 尉遲乙僧, a famed Khotanese painter active in Tang China around this period. He was likely a homonymous monk affiliated with the Great Jing’ai Temple 大敬愛寺, who was both a scholarly monk annotating the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra and a meditation master trained by the Northern Chan master Pangwu Yuangui 龐塢元珪 (644-716). By reconstructing several important aspects of the complicated life of this historical figure, this paper seeks to feature the cosmopolitan characteristics of Tang Buddhism.

    印度在唐僑僧善無畏(637–735)歿後,所傳《大日經》疏解由其兩位弟子——一行(683–727)與智儼(活躍於700-720年代) ——整理成兩個版本,一為二十卷本的《大日經疏》、另一為十四卷本的《大日經義釋》。一行聲名顯赫,彪炳史冊,而智儼則相對無聞。本文認為,作為善無畏弟子的智儼或即贊寧(919–1001)《宋高僧傳》所記載的同名僧人:智儼、俗名欝持樂(即尉遲樂)。欝持樂原為于闐國王在唐質子、後奉旨出家、成為當時的一位重要譯僧。雖然不太可能是歷史上赫赫有名的于闐國在唐畫師尉遲乙僧,此智嚴/儼或即大敬愛寺同名僧:他既是一位註釋《楞伽經》的學問僧,又是一名禪師,出自北宗禪師龐塢元珪(644-716)的門下。通過重構這一複雜歷史人物撲簌迷離一生的幾個面相,本文力求展示大唐佛教世界主義(Cosmopolitan)的特質。

  3. Chen Juxia 陳菊霞 (Shanghai University 上海大學)



  4. Chen Ming 陳明 (Peking University 北京大學)



  5. Chen Suyu 陳粟裕 (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院)



  6. Compareti, Matteo 康馬泰 (Capital Normal University 首都師範大學)

    Observations on the Possible Pre-Buddhist Substratum of Khotanese Deities from Recently Investigated Archaeological Sites


  7. Dong Daxue 董大學(Shanghai Normal University 上海師範大學)



  8. Fan Xiaoyang 范曉陽 (Capital Normal University 首都師範大學)

    From Khotan to Jiangzhou: A Comprehensive Study on the Translation and Compilation of the Deve-rāja-pravara-prajñā


    The Deve-rāja-pravara-prajñā belongs to the Prajñā division of Mahayana Buddhist scriptures. Its Chinese translation consists of three different texts that are not compilations of Prajñā scriptures, but instead contain elements of compilation and alteration. Upon comparison, it has been confirmed that the Deve-rāja-pravara-prajñā can be recognized as a Prajñā classic in its composition. However, its adoption of discussions on “Buddha-body” and “Dharma-realm” from the Wushangyi jing makes its classification as an Tathāgata garbha scripture difficult to justify based on the original text. Consequently, since there is a high likelihood of a Sanskrit original for the Deve-rāja-pravara-prajñā, it does not appear to be a traditionally recognized apocryphal scripture, nor can it easily be categorized as an edited Buddhist scripture. It is reasonable to infer that the texts from which it was transcribed—the Baoyun jing、Wushangyi jing and Mijī jing—were compiled in their Sanskrit form Khotan, rather than being unified into a single Chinese text during the “translation” in Jiangzhou in the sixth year of Tianjia 天嘉 (565). After reinterpreting the postscript of the sutra, several details previously overlooked in research became clear, revealing that around the Zhenyuan 貞元 period, two different textual forms were circulating and evolving in China.

  9. Fellner, Hans (University of Vienna 奧地利維也納大學)

    Khotanese as a Silk Road language


  10. Galambos, Imre 高奕睿 (Zhejiang University 浙江大學/University of Cambridge 劍橋大學)

    On the Edge of the Sinosphere: Chinese Manuscripts from Khotan


  11. Hamar, Imre 郝清新 (Eötvös Loránd University 匈牙利羅蘭大學)

    Khotanese monks’ contribution to Chinese Buddhism


  12. Helman-Ważny, Agnieszka (University of Hamburg 德國漢堡大學)

    Uyghur fragments from Turfan and Khotan, but I will also talk about other places along the Silk Road to discuss the possible papermaking and manuscript production places


  13. Hiyama Satomi 檜山智美 (International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies 日本国際仏教学大学院大学)

    Reconsidering the Moon Deity Candra in the Khotanese Art


  14. Huang Lele 黄樂樂 (Peking University 北京大學)



  15. Katsuki Gen’ichiro 勝木言一郎 (Tokyo National Museum)



  16. Li Xiaonan 李曉楠 (Peking University 北京大學)

    A Comparative Study of the Rāṣṭrapālaparipṛcchāsūtra and the Jātakastava

    《護國尊者所問經》(Rāṣṭrapālaparipṛcchāsūtra)為早期大乘佛典之一。漢譯佛典中保存有三個譯本《佛說德光太子經》(T 170)、《大寶積經》第十八會《護國菩薩會》(T 310.18)以及《佛說護國尊者所問經》(T 321),分別翻譯於公元3世紀,6世紀和10世紀。三部譯本故事架構基本相同,但梵文本以及後兩部漢譯本相較於3世紀的版本,明顯有後期增補的成分,其中最為引人注目的是以偈頌的形式添加了佛陀自述的五十個本生故事。與此同時,以晚期於闐語翻譯的《本生贊》(Jātakastava)中也包含了50個佛陀前生的故事,這一譯本翻譯於10世紀末,原本語言不詳。以上兩部作品中都出現了這種用偈頌體寫成的本生故事,並且其中有相當一部分平行文本。那麼,這兩個文本有否可能有某種共同的來源,或者說,這種偈頌體本生故事的形成,是否有一個共享的大乘佛教文本產生的背景?本文擬通過對兩部作品的比對與分析,探究這一問題。

    The Rāṣṭrapālaparipṛcchāsūtra is one of the early Mahāyāna Buddhist scriptures. Among the Chinese Buddhist canon, three translations of this text are preserved: Foshuo deguang taizi jing 佛說德光太子經 (T no. 170), the 18th chapter, titled “Huguo pusa hui” 護國菩薩會, of the Da baoji jing 大寶積經 (Skt. Mahāratnakūṭasūtra; T no. 310, vol. 18), and Foshuo huguo zunzhe suowen jing 佛說護國尊者所問經 (T no. 321), translated in the 3rd, 6th, and 10th centuries CE, respectively. While the narrative structure of those versions remains largely consistent, the Sanskrit text and the latter two Chinese translations contain clear later additions when compared to the 3rd-century version. Among the most noteworthy additions is a set of fifty jātaka tales in verse form, in which the Buddha recounts his past lives. Similarly, the Jātakastava, a later Khotanese translation, also features fifty stories of the Buddha’s previous lives. This translation, produced in the late 10th century, originates from an unknown original text. Both these two texts use verse form to narrate the jātaka tales and exhibit a significant number of parallel stories. This raises the question of whether these two texts share a common source or whether the development of jātaka tales in verse form reflects a shared textual background within the Mahāyāna Buddhist tradition. This paper aims to explore this issue through a comparative analysis of the two works.

  17. Lin Mingyu 林鳴宇 (Komazawa University 日本駒澤大學)



  18. Liu Yi 劉屹 (Capital Normal University 首都師範大學)


    The Routes Between Khotan and the Kashmir Valley: A Study Centered on the Itinerary to Kashmir in Khotanese




    Buddhism in Khotan and the Kashmir Valley shares a long-standing historical connection. According to tradition, the earliest introduction of Buddhism to Khotan was carried out by the Arhat Vairocana from Kashmir valley (centered on Srinagar and surrounding with moutains, not the modern concept of Kashmir areas). This early transmission likely belonged to the Śrāvakayāna tradition. While Khotanese Buddhism later shifted towards Mahāyāna, it continued to acknowledge its roots in the Buddhist tradition of the Kashmir Valley and maintained exchanges with the region. However, direct evidence documenting the routes of interaction between Khotan and the Kashmir Valley remains exceedingly rare. One particularly valuable source is the Itinerary to Kashmir (Ch.1.0021a), a Khotanese manuscript discovered in the Dunhuang Library Cave and now held in the British Library.

    This document is thought to be a travel guide written by Khotanese residents in Dunhuang for local Dunhuang inhabitants planning journeys to India, dated roughly between 958 and 966 CE. Building upon the research of previous scholars such as Bailey, Jettmar, Huang Shengzhang, and Skjærvø, much of the route and key place names in the Itinerary have been deciphered. The route begins in Pishan (Khotan), proceeds north to Shule (Kashgar), and then southward via Tashkurgan to Gilgit, passing through Chilas before entering the Kashmir Valley.

    This study aims to integrate other historical accounts of individuals traveling through the Pamir region to argue that locations such as Shughnan, Ishkashim, and Peshawar should not appear along this route. Instead, the route likely involved descending into the Indus Valley through passes in the eastern Wakhan Corridor. Additionally, this research will explore why the route bypassed the paths through the SanjuPass, Ladakh, and Hunza before descending to Gilgit.

    Clarifying this route holds significance for understanding why, during the late Tang and Five Dynasties period, travel from the Central Plains to India via Khotan appeared to have shifted away from trans-Pamir routes commonly used from the Han to the early Tang periods. Instead, the Wakhan Corridor’s eastern passes and the Kashmir Valley became the preferred pathway. This shift is closely linked to the decline of Buddhism in the Gandhara region and the relative preservation of Buddhist cultural traditions in the Kashmir Valley.

  19. Lo Muzio, Ciro 穆恣翱 (University of Rome 意大利羅馬大學)

    Recent Advances in the Study of Khotanese Wall Painting: An Updated Overview


  20. Lu Chenye 陸辰葉 (Fujian Normal University 福建師範大學)

    On the Two Jātakastavas and Their Authors

    在于闐語《本生讃》(Jātakastava)是一部佛讚類的作品,發現於敦煌藏經洞,現存於英國國家圖書館。這部作品形成的年代在尉遲輸羅在位時期,其內容包含了51個佛本生故事的內容。關於這部作品的研究有很多,然而其是否是梵語翻譯作品,學界尚無定論。最新的研究認為該作品屬於編譯之作。在《藏文大藏經·丹珠爾》中保存了一部同名作品,是用藏文轉寫的梵語作品,其開頭有藏文轉寫的梵語名Jñānayaśas及藏語名Ye shes grags pa。此前學者們一般認為兩部作品並非是同一部作品,但是兩者內容上有重合的故事。本文將著重分析後者的內容,並重新檢視兩個文本的關聯以及它們的作者。

    The Jātakastava in Khotanese is a Buddhist hymn that was discovered in the Dunhuang Cave Library and is now housed in the British Library. It was created during the reign of Vīśa’ Śūra (r. 967-977), and it includes 51 stories of the Buddha’s previous lives. There have been many studies on this work, but whether it is a Sanskrit translation, scholars have not reached a consensus. The latest research suggests that it is a compilation. A same title work is preserved in the Tibetan Canon, the bsTan ’gyur, which is a Sanskrit work in Tibetan transliteration, with the author’s name Ye shes grags pa in Tibetan and Jnānayaśas in Sanskrit. Previous scholars generally believed that the two works were not the same but shared the overlapping stories. This article will focus on the analysis of the latter’s content and re-examine the relationship between the two texts and their authors.

  21. Mori Michiyo 森 美智代 (Waseda University)

    On the Composition of the Maitrakanyaka Avadāna Painting in the Kizil Cave 212

    The purpose of this paper is to discuss how the artists of the ancient Tarim Basin built a new artistic creation on the basis of Indian and Gandharan heritage, focusing on the example of the Maitrakanyaka Avadāna painting (not extant) on the side wall of Kizil Cave 212) in Kucha. The scenes are arranged from right to left in the chronological order in which the events occurred, and at the same time the whole painting forms a symmetrical composition. In order to discover the reason for this rare arrangement, this paper examines the relationship between this wall painting and textual sources, as well as the preceding images.

  22. Schmid, Neil 史翰文 (Dunhuang Academy 敦煌研究院)

    Khotanese Court Style and its Implications for Understanding Kingship in Central Asia


  23. Shi Shang 石尚 (Capital Normal University 首都師範大學)

    A Proposed Distinction Regarding the Animal-headed Devīs of Khotan, the animal-headed Devī of Khotan: With a consideration towards the misplaced inscription of Sthānāvą and Aṃgūśa’ in Dunhuang

    敦煌繪畫中的于闐系佛教尊神,多少具有于闐本地的原型?是否被敦煌畫家改造?從塔里什拉克(Tārishlak)、丹丹烏里克(Dandān-öiliq)至達瑪溝托普魯克墩,于闐東境佛寺壁畫和木板畫中出現了6例犬類首、身著長裙的獸首女神,保存在敦煌藏經洞的絹畫MG.17655《釋迦降魔圖》為辨識這對神祇提供了重要線索。本文基於這對神像的異同,提出一種新分類法:憤怒相的多臂女神在時代稍早的于闐本土寺院留存較多,而二臂持鈎的女神則目前僅見於9世紀之後的敦煌繪畫中。敦煌石窟漢文題記和藏經洞所出吐蕃文獻記載了二臂獸首女神名號為“悉他那天女”(于闐語Sthānāvą,藏語Sta na ba ti/lha-mo gnas-can),意為“有處”(goddess having a place),但是她的造型中手持鐵鈎,卻與八大守護神中唯二的另一尊名號意為“具鈎”(having an iron hook)的阿隅闍天女(/阿那緊首,于闐語Aṃgūśa’,藏語lcags-kyu/lcags-kyu-can)若合符契。敦煌守護神名號榜題是否可能存在倒置的可能性?獸首女神的案例反映出于闐神像的造型特徵的穩定性,至少自7世紀至10世紀、從于闐到敦煌都變化不大,地方護法尊像的延續體現了于闐佛教傳統的自成一脈。兩尊獸首女神作為佛教護法尊神,歷經唐代羈縻、吐蕃治期、大寶金玉國,數百年來在于闐人心目中守護著一方國土,直到喀拉汗之南侵、于闐佛國滅亡前夕,仍為居於敦煌的于闐貴胄奉造。

    To what extent do the Buddhist deities of the Khotan tradition depicted in Dunhuang paintings retain their local prototypes? Were they modified by Dunhuang artists? From Tārishlak , Dandān-öiliq to Toplukdong in Dāmāgou, six examples of animal-headed female deities with canine heads and long skirts appear in the murals and panel paintings of eastern region of Khotan. A key clue for identifying these deities was proposed by the silk painting MG.17655 “The Subjugation of Māra” from the Dunhuang Library Cave. Based on the similarities and differences between these deities, this paper proposes a new classification: the wrathful multi-armed goddess is more commonly preserved in earlier Khotanese temples, while the two-armed goddess holding a hook has been found exclusively in Dunhuang paintings after the 9th century. Chinese inscriptions in the Dunhuang caves and Tibetan manuscripts from the Mogao Library Cave identify the two-armed, animal-headed goddess as Goddess Xitana悉他那天女 (Khot.Sthānāvą, Tib. Sta na ba ti/lha-mo gnas-can), meaning “Goddess Having a Place.” However, her depiction holding an iron hook aligns closely with another of the Eight Guardian Deities, Goddess Ayushe阿隅闍天女 (Khot.Aṃgūśa’, Tib.lcags-kyu/lcags-kyu-can), whose name explicitly means “Goddess Having an Iron Hook.” Could mislabeling have occurred in the Dunhuang inscriptions? The consistent depiction of animal-headed goddesses reflects the stability of Khotanese iconographic traditions, which remained largely unchanged from the 7th to 10th centuries as they spread from Khotan to Dunhuang. The continuation of these protective deity images highlights the unique independence of Khotanese Buddhist traditions. As protective deities, the two animal-headed goddesses safeguarded the region through the Tang administration, Tibetan occupation, and the Dabu Jin Yu Kingdom. For centuries, they were venerated by the Khotanese nobility residing in Dunhuang, even up to the fall of the Khotanese Buddhist kingdom during the Karakhanid invasion.

  24. Tang Jianbo 唐健博 (Nankai University 南開大學)



  25. Teiser, Stephen 太史文 (Princeton University 美國普林斯頓大學)

    Khotanese Court Style and its Implications for Understanding Kingship in Central Asia


  26. Wang Jun 王珺 (China Jiliang University 中國計量大學)



  27. Wang Shuai 王帥 (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院)

    The Textual Research and Construction of Śikṣānanda’s Translation Career


    This article aims to explore Śikṣānanda’s translation career, particularly using the Dizang pusa benyuan jing 地藏菩薩本願經 [Sutra of the Great Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva; Skt. *Kṣitigarbhapraṇidhāna sūtra] as a case study. From the perspective of philological textual research, due to the complexity and limitations of historical documents, it is often difficult to conduct a comprehensive and thorough investigation into the specific facts, background, and details of the translation of the Dizang pusa benyuan jing. This method is constrained by the scarcity of historical materials, errors in the process of transcription, and information loss over time, making it challenging to fully reconstruct the translation’s complete picture solely through philological methods. However, by examining the documentary traditions of Buddhist biographies, the translation culture of Khotan, the evolution of Earth Store Bodhisattva beliefs, and the development of Buddhist traditions in the Sui and Tang dynasties, the translation of the Dizang pusa benyuan jing by Śikṣānanda reveals a very clear path of construction and shaping. Through this research, we will not only uncover the specific path and background of the translation of the Dizang pusa benyuan jing but also deepen our understanding and appreciation of Buddhist culture, translation traditions, and religious practices during the Sui and Tang dynasties.

  28. Wu Weilin 吳蔚琳 (Sun Yat-sen University 中山大學)



  29. Yamabe Nobuyoshi 山部能宜 (Waseda University 日本早稻田大學)

    The Wise and Foolish and the Ocean Sūtra: Possible Exchanges between Khotan and Turfan

    The Guanfo sanmei hai jing (The Sūtra on the Ocean-Like Samādhi of the Visualization of the Buddha [Taisho no. 643, Ocean Sūtra]) is a sūtra that teaches how to visualize the body of Śākyamuni Buddha, but it also includes many peculiar narrative stories. Based on various pieces of textual and artistic evidence, I have suggested that the Ocean Sūtra was an apocryphal text composed by Chinese author(s) in the Turfan area. One of the noteworthy points for clarifying the background of this text is its relationship with the Xianyu jing (The Sūtra on the Wise and the Foolish [Taisho no. 202, Wise and Foolish]). The story of Śākyamuni confronting prostitutes in the Ocean Sūtra seems to be significantly similar to the “Śrāvastī Miracle” story and the story of the confrontation between Śāriputra and Raudrākṣa in the Wise and Foolish and may well have been borrowed from the latter. According to the preface to this sutra retained in the Chu sanzang jiji (Taisho no. 2145), eight monks from Hexi came to Khotan and attended lectures there. They translated what they heard into Chinese and compiled them in Turfan. Thus, if this preface is reliable, the Wise and Foolish had close ties to both Khotan and Turfan. Careful comparison between these two texts may provide an important clue to the formation and transmission of Buddhist narratives in the Western Regions. This is what I intend to do in this presentation.

  30. Yang Baoyu 楊寶玉 (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院)



  31. Yang Jiuhong 楊久紅 (Nankai University 南開大學)

    From Emperor Liang Wu to Prince Congde: The Social Significance of Buddhist Vows along the Silk Road


    The “Dongdu Fayuanwen” 東都發願文, composed by Emperor Liang Wu, was transmitted from Luoyang洛陽to Dunhuang敦煌. Throughout this journey from east to west, the personal faith function of the text diminished, while the social function of imperial vows as a Buddhist practice became increasingly prominent. This transformation is a reinterpretation of Buddhist vows within the context of political entwine and cultural interactions.Similarly, Prince Congde 從德 of Khotan lived in Dunhuang for many years before ascending to the throne, during which he composed the “Congde Taizi Fayuanwen” 從德太子發願文. This text bears significant structural and content similarities to the “Dongdu Fayuanwen” 東都發願文, and can be seen as a form of learning and imitation. Congde’s vows, made in his capacity as a prince, also carries important political implications.The convergence of the “Dongdu Fayuanwen” 東都發願文 from the east and the “Congde Taizi Fayuanwen” 從德太子發願文 from the west in the Dunhuang region not only illustrates the widespread Buddhist vows along the Silk Road but also highlights the exchange of religious beliefs and the interaction of political power.The religious actions of rulers garnered popular support, and also strengthened ties with other ethnic states, fostering cultural exchange and integration.

  32. Zhan Ru 湛如 (Peking University 北京大學)



  33. Zhang Huiming 張惠明 (China National Academy of Painting 中國國家畫院)

    Images of Local Khotanese Goddesses of protection and the Origins of the Worship of Indian Mother Goddesses


    Among the paintings unearthed from Buddhist monasteries and pagodas ruins in the Hotan region of Xinjiang, there are many images depicting Buddhist Protector Deities, one category of which belongs to the local guardian gods of Khotan. According to the manuscripts of Buddhist prayers in the Khotanese language discovered in Cave 17 of the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, among the local Protector Deities of Khotan, in addition to the male local Protector Deities such as Vaiśravaṇa (毗沙門), Saṃjñāya (散脂), and Gṛhāvadapta (熱捨), there are also some female local protective deities. Among them, there are six goddess’ names identified by Professor Harold Walter Bailey and Professor Duan Qing in Khotanese, Sanskrit, and Chinese, respectively: Aṃgūśa’ (阿那緊首), Sthānāvī (他難闍梨), Cāmuṇḍā (匝門支), Hāritī (訶梨帝), Revatī (梨婆坻) and Dṛḍhā (堅牢). This study will focus on these six goddesses, exploring the relationship between the textual and iconographic origins of the local guardian goddesses of Khotan in the Khotanese Buddhist art of the 6th to 8th centuries and the worship and beliefs of the ancient Indian Brahmanism and Jainism related to protecting children from disease and death. Combined with two fragments of a painting of the ‘‘Child Protector Maṇḍala’’ unearthed from Dunhuang and the sculptures on the theme of the worship of the Mathura Mother Goddess (Mātṛkās) in the post-Kushan period of India, it shows that the beliefs and figures of the most powerful goddesses in the Indian pantheon had already been introduced to Khotan during this period, and images of demonic goddesses, both benevolent and malevolent, combining the characteristics of mātṛ (mother) and graha (grasp), were incorporated into the spectrum of images of the Buddhist guardian gods. But its connotation and characteristics have changed according to religious and cultural contexts.

  34. Zhang Jianyu 張建宇 (Renmin University of China 中國人民大學)

