Agency and Experience 印證研討會主題演講。
從印度的法稱(Dharmakīrti)哲學一直到當代藏傳佛教的Chag-Dzog傳統,可以講述一段關於觀修與哲學的歷史。這段歷史從法稱的思想延續到當代大手印(Mahāmudrā)和大圓滿(Dzogchen)的非二元理論與修持實踐。這種敘述始於對經驗的認識論優先性(epistemic primacy)的強調,以及一種對於意識形而上學的問題化探索,這種探索主要圍繞着“自反意識”(reflexive awareness, 也稱“自證分”)的作用展開,而這種自反意識被理解爲心識的“空性光明”(empty luminosity)。在印度學派的語境中,法稱學派方法的終點應達至一種純粹覺知(pure awareness),在這種狀態下,認識論和形而上學的問題都在止息(cessation)的體驗中得到解決。然而,在藏傳佛教語境中,這種結果卻被認爲是不可取的,以至於止息體驗被視爲通往覺醒道路上的災難性偏離。爲了簡化這一複雜的敘事脈絡,本講座將探討爲什麼藏傳Chag-Dzog傳統會如此排斥”空白意識”(blank mind)狀態,以及這對我們理解經驗的優先性、意識的本質以及佛陀覺醒狀態下的能動性(agency)等問題所揭示的意義。
John D. Dunne (PhD 1999, Harvard University) serves on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he holds the Distinguished Chair in Contemplative Humanities at the Center for Healthy Minds. He is also distinguished professor in the Department of Asian Languages & Cultures, where he has served as department Chair. His work focuses on Buddhist philosophy and contemplative practice, especially in dialog with Cognitive Science and Psychology. His publications appear in venues ranging across both the Humanities and the Sciences, and they include works on Buddhist philosophy, contemplative practices and their empirical examination and interpretation within scientific contexts. John Dunne speaks in both academic and public contexts, and he occasionally teaches for Buddhist communities, including the global Gomde network and Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe. In addition to his appointments in the Center for Healthy Minds and the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, he is a Fellow of the Mind and Life Institute, where he has previously served on the Board of Directors, and he is an academic advisor to the Rangjung Yeshe Institute in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Bronwyn Finnigan: Bronwyn Finnigan is an Associate Professor in the School of Philosophy at the Australian National University and will serve as a Visiting Associate Professor in Philosophy at Princeton University during Spring 2025. Her work explores issues in the philosophy of mind, moral psychology, and ethics, in both mainstream and Indian Buddhist philosophical traditions. Supported by the Australian Research Council, her current research bridges Indian Buddhist philosophy and contemporary emotion research, examining the nature of fear, anxiety, and their cognitive and social regulation. She is also writing a book, Varieties of Buddhist Views on No-Self (under contract with Cambridge University Press). She is a member of the Cowherds collective that co-authored Moonshadows: Conventional Truth in Buddhist Philosophy (OUP 2011). Her early work raised issues about ethics and agency within Abhidharma and Madhyamaka Buddhist frameworks as well as for Aristotelian virtue ethics. Since joining the School of Philosophy at ANU and its Centre for Consciousness, her research has increasingly incorporated empirical perspectives on philosophy of mind, conscious experience, pragmatic rationality, and the nature, structure, and regulation of emotions.
Thomas Metzinger: Thomas Metzinger is a Professor Emeritus at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and a member of the German National Academy Leopoldina. He has worked mainly in philosophy of mind, cognitive science, and applied ethics.
關於“印證佛學系列講座”:印證佛學系列講座於2021年9月啟動,是由北京大學、牛津大學、劍橋大學、Inalco(法國國立東方語言與文明研究所)、普林斯頓大學、哈佛大學與英屬哥倫比亞大學等多所大學合作進行的。 此系列講座是為了致敬慈濟創始人證嚴上人及其導師印順長老(1906–2005)而設立,旨在促進相關主題的佛學研究。