
The Institute of South and Central Asian Studies at Leipzig University welcomes Prof. Dr. Dagmar Schwerk as the new Professor for Tibetology.
2025年6月17-20日. 山西五台山大聖竹林.
New open access book edited by Jinhua Chen and Sheng Kai
New open access book edited by Ru Zhan and Jinhua Chen
Ninth Volume of “Hualin Series on Buddhist Studies”. Edited by Jinhua Chen and Dewei Zhang.
Eighth Volume of “Hualin Series on Buddhist Studies”. Edited by Ru Zhan and Jinhua Chen.
We are pleased to announce the release of the fourth volume in the SCR SPIB series published by Routledge. Edited by Jinhua Chen
We are pleased to announce the release of the third volume in the SCR SPIB series published by Routledge. Edited by Jinhua Chen
Articles from inaugural issue (Vol. 1, No. 1) of Yin-Cheng Journal of Contemporary Buddhism (YCJCB) now available.
Tenth volume of Brill Book Series: Beyond the Silk and Book Roads. By Anna Sokolova.
2024年1月27日 晚上 8:00(北京/台北), 賀耐嫻。北京大學、網上直播
Eleventh volume of Brill Book Series: Beyond the Silk and Book Roads. Edited by Michelle C. Wang and Ryan Richard Overbey.
2023年12月4日 下午 , Justin McDaniel 。牛津大學、網上直播
2023 年 5 月 9 日,與加雷思·費舍爾(Gareth Fisher)教授(雪城大學)。 法國國立東方語言與文明學院、網上直播
2023年4月11日, 夏明教授(特拉夫大). 劍橋大學
2023 年 2 月 18 日,與歐慧峰(Matthew Orsborn)教授(牛津大學)。 網上直播
2022年8月1日, 羅柏松(哈佛大學). 網上直播, Zoom, YouTube