2024 Wutai International and Intensive Program on Buddhist Studies

2024 Wutai International and Intensive Program on Buddhist Studies

 Great Sage Bamboo Monastery 大聖竹林寺

Mount Wutai 五臺山, Shanxi 山西, China

(August 7-15, 2024)


This intensive program is sponsored by the Wutai Research Institute for Eastern Buddhist Culture 五臺山東方佛教文化研究院 in Shanxi, China and hosted by the Great Sage Bamboo Monastery 大聖竹林寺 at Mount Wutai 五臺山 in Shanxi, China, with administrative support from the From the Ground Up project based at the University of British Columbia (www.frogbear.org). Lasting from August 7, 2024 to August 15, 2024, this program includes an international conference (Aug 12-13) and field visit (Aug 14).


Schedule Seminar and Lecture Series Lecturers Conference
Student Participants Student Forum Student Report Gallery


The backbone of this program consists of twelve seminars and lectures delivered by twelve scholars (listed by the alphabetical order of the speakers’ family names):

  • Marcus BINGENHEIMER 馬德偉 (Temple University 天普大學): The Last Translators: How Machine Translation Might Change Buddhist Studies | 最終的譯者:機器翻譯會如何改變佛教研究 (Lecture);
  • CHEN Jinhua 陳金華 (University of British Columbia 英屬哥倫比亞大學): McLuhan Matters: Media Theory and the Paradigm Shifts in East Asian Buddhist Studies | 白馬是馬亦非馬:馬克魯漢”媒介理論”與東亞佛教研究的範式轉換 (Seminar);
  • CHEN Juxia 陳菊霞 (Shanghai University 上海大學):   敦煌石窟藝術:新視野與新思考 | Dunhuang Grotto Art: New Perspective and New Thoughts (Lecture);
  • HAMADA Tamami 濱田瑞美 (Yokohama University of Art and Design 橫濱藝術大學): Iconography and Inscriptions on the Pictorial representations of the Bhaisajyaguru Sutra in Dunhuang Caves | 敦煌石窟藥師經變的圖像與題記 (Lecture);
  • JI Yun 紀贇 (Buddhist College of Singapore 新加坡佛學院):  般若文獻與研究 | Prajñā Literature and Studies (Lecture);
  • KIM Youn-mi 金延美 (Ewha Womans University 韓國梨花女子大學): Buddhist Teaching and Ritual Embodied in Architecture | 建築中的佛教教義與禮儀 (Lecture);
  • KUAN Guang 寬廣 (Qing Liang Buddhist Association [London] 倫敦清涼講堂/Wutai Research Institute for Eastern Buddhist Culture 五臺山東方佛教文化研究院):  鑒往知來,古為今用:中古佛教譯場體制對當代佛經翻譯的啓示 | Learning from the Past: Implications of the Institution of Medieval Buddhist Translation for Contemporary Translation Projects of Buddhist Scriptures (Lecture);
  • Meir SHAHAR 夏維明 (Tel Aviv University 以色列特拉維夫大學): The Lay Buddhist Masters of Rural South China and Their Ritual Scriptures | 南中國鄉間在家佛教師及其禮儀典籍 (Seminar);
  • SHENG Kai 聖凱 (Tsinghua University 清華大學):  隋唐佛教宗派形成的文明史意義 | The Historical Significance of the Formation of Buddhist Schools during the Sui and Tang Dynasties (Lecture);
  • SUN Yinggang 孫英剛 (Zhejiang University 浙江大學):  犍陀羅與佛本生故事的再造 | The Remaking of the Buddha’s Jātaka Stories in Gandhāra (Lecture);
  • Barend TER HAAR 田海 (University of Hamburg 漢堡大學): Late Ming-early Qing (circa 1550-1700) Regional Religious Groups as an Expression of Buddhist Beliefs | 晚明到早清(約1550-1700)地域宗教團體作為佛教信仰的表現 (Seminar);
  • ZHANG Xiaoyan 張小豔 (Fudan University 復旦大學): 從敦煌吐魯番文獻看早期佛經文本的形成 | Looking at the Formation of Early Buddhist Texts from Dunhuang and Turpan Documents (Lecture).

The theme for the international conference (scheduled for Aug 12-13) is “Canonical, Non-Canonical and Extra-canonical: Interdisciplinary and Multi-media Studies of the Formation, Translation and Transmission of Buddhist Texts”. The conference will bring together 30-35 top scholars from all over the world. Student participants are expected to attend all sessions and, if they have relevant papers, may also be invited to present at the conference. Students are exempt from all tuition and administration fees, and will be provided free accommodation and meals during the program period. In addition, students with successful proposals to the conference may receive a limited amount of travel subsidy depending on his or her individual needs and the distance s/he has to travel for the program. Details of the conference are available here – https://frogbear.org/canonical-non-canonical-and-extra-canonical/ .

Senior undergraduate students and graduate students specialising in any Buddhist tradition(s), and postdoctoral fellows working in relevant fields, are encouraged to apply. Please direct applications and inquiries to FrogBear.Project@ubc.ca. Please submit applications before April 6, 2024. Each application should include: (1) an application form, available here – https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eEfI5Omg5TaXPL0  (2) updated curriculum vitae, (3) one writing sample in either Chinese or English, and (4) a reference letter (to be emailed by the referee directly to the above email address). Please note priority will be given to applicants who can attend this program, as well as the intensive program that follows in Xiamen Aug 15-26 (see details here – https://glorisunglobalnetwork.org/2024-glorisun-international-and-intensive-program-with-peking-university/). To guarantee sufficient interaction of student participants with instructors, and between student participants themselves, student enrollment is limited to 40.