International Workshop on Chinese Buddhist Canons and Biographies of Eminent Monks

International Workshop on Chinese Buddhist Canons and Biographies of Eminent Monks

日本語   English



主辦:日本文部科學省科研費基盤研究(C)JP22K00060 & (B)JP19H01191



在日本文部科學省科研費基盤研究(C)JP22K00060“元代官版大藏經的綜合研究與大藏經譜系論再考”(課題主持人:國際佛教學大學院大學 池麗梅)以及基盤研究(B)JP19H01191“以名取新宮寺一切經本為中心的《續高僧傳》的綜合研究”(課題主持人:東北大學 齋藤智寛)的支持下,我們將與東京舉辦中日國際研討會“漢文大藏經與高僧傳”。







International Workshop on Chinese Buddhist Canons and Biographies of Eminent Monks

共催:文科省科研費基盤研究(C) JP22K00060 & (B) JP19H01191


この度、文部科学省科研費基盤研究(C) JP22K00060「元代官版大蔵経の総合的研究と大蔵経系譜論の再考」(研究代表者:国際仏教学大学院大学・池麗梅)、基盤研究(B) JP19H01191「名取新宮寺一切経本を中心とした『続高僧伝』の総合的研究」(研究代表者:東北大学・齋藤智寛)の助成により、日中国際ワークショップ「漢文大蔵経と高僧伝」を開催いたします。本ワークショップは、漢文大蔵経および高僧伝に関する最新の研究成果を共有し、専門家間の意見交換を促進することを目的としています。







開会の挨拶 (10:00-10:15)

①午前の部 『高僧伝』と『続高僧伝』 (10:15-12:25)

司会:池 麗梅

コメンテーター:齋藤 智寛(東北大学大学院文学研究科・教授)

陳 志遠(中国社会科学院古代史研究所副研究員、国際仏教学大学院大学客員研究員)




斉藤 達也(国際仏教学大学院大学・図書館副館長)


堀 裕(東北大学大学院文学研究科・教授)





②午後の部 漢文大蔵経研究の最前線

Part Ⅰ:写本大蔵経の諸問題 (13:15-15:00)


コメンテーター:上杉 智英

林寺 正俊(北海道大学大学院文学研究院・教授)


張 旭(中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所・助理研究員)


王 磊(中山大學哲學系・副教授)





Part Ⅱ:刊本大蔵経の形成と展開 (15:15-17:00)

司会:齋藤 智寛


上杉 智英(京都国立博物館・学芸部主任研究員)


張 德偉(曁南大学・副教授)

“A Creative Destruction: New Light on the Zhiyuan fabao kantong zonglu 至元法寶勘同總録” (15:40-16:05)

池 麗梅(国際仏教学大学院大学・教授)





総合討論 (10:00-13:00)

司会:林寺 正俊



International Workshop on Chinese Buddhist Canons and Biographies of Eminent Monks

Co-organized and supported by: MEXT KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP22K00060, JP19H01191
Date: July 23-24, 2024
Venue: Large Lecture Room, International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies


  1. Purpose:

With the support of MEXT KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) JP22K00060 “Comprehensive Study of the Yuan Dynasty Official Buddhist Canon and Reevaluation of the Genealogy of the Chinese Buddhist Canons” (Principal Investigator: Prof. Limei CHI, International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies) and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) JP19H01191 “Comprehensive Study of the “Continued Biographies of Eminent Monks with a focus on the Shinguji Manuscript Canon” (Principal Investigator: Prof. Tomohiro SAITO, Tohoku University), we are honored to announce the International Workshop on Chinese Buddhist Canons and Biographies of Eminent Monks.

The objective of this workshop is to share the latest research findings on Chinese Buddhist canons and biographies of eminent monks and to foster a rich exchange of ideas among experts in the field. The Chinese Buddhist canon represents a systematic collection of Buddhist scriptures, and its formation and development are pivotal themes in the study of Buddhist history. Simultaneously, the biographies of eminent monks, which document the lives of outstanding monks in Chinese Buddhist history, are essential for a deeper understanding of Buddhism’s historical, philosophical, and cultural dimensions.

During the workshop, esteemed researchers from China and Japan will present new perspectives and insights on these important subjects, with the goal of enriching the ongoing research through active and thoughtful discussions. On the first day (July 23), the morning session will feature four presentations on the Biographies of Eminent Monks and the Continuing Biographies of Eminent Monks. In the afternoon, attendees will be introduced to the latest research on manuscript and printed editions of the Chinese Buddhist canon. On the second day (July 24), a comprehensive discussion session is scheduled, where participants will engage in an in-depth debate based on the presentations and topics covered.

We sincerely hope this workshop will open new horizons in the research on Chinese Buddhist canons and biographies of eminent monks and contribute to the advancement of Buddhist studies in China, Japan, and beyond. We warmly welcome the participation of many scholars and researchers and look forward to a productive and enlightening exchange.


  1. Program

July 23 (Tuesday), 2024

Opening Remarks (10:00-10:15)

Morning Session: Biographies of Eminent Monks and Continuing Biographies of Eminent Monks (10:15-12:25)

Chair: Limei CHI

Commentator: Tomohiro SAITO (Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University)

Zhiyuan Chen (Associate Researcher, Institute of Ancient History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Visiting Scholar, International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies)

“Problems and New Insights in Scroll Five of the Biographies of Eminent Monks: Focusing on the biography of Senglang (10:15-10:40)

Dingyuan (Associate Professor, Shanghai Normal University)

“Who actually revised the Biographies of Eminent Monks?: A discussion based on Hui Jiao’s Preface” (10:40-11:05)

Tatsuya SAITO (Deputy Director, Library, International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies)

“Complex features of the Japanese manuscript version of the Continuing Biographies of Eminent Monks” (11:05-11:30)

Yutaka Hori (Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University)

“The positioning of Scroll Four of the Continuing Biographies of Eminent Monks in the Shinguji Manuscript Canon” (11:30-11:55)

Comments and Q&A (11:55-12:25)

Lunch Break (12:25-13:15)


Afternoon Session: Latest Research on Chinese Buddhist Canons

Part I: Issues in Manuscript Editions of the Chinese Buddhist Canon (13:15-15:00)

Chair: Dingyuan

Commentator: Tomofusa UESUGI

Shoshun HAYASHIDERA (Professor, School of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University)

“The Origin and Characteristics of Old Japanese Manuscript Buddhist Canon as seen in the Imperial Canons of the Nara-Period” (13:15-13:40)

Xu ZHANG (Assistant Researcher, Institute of World Religions, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

“Variations and textual transformations of the Daji Jing” (13:40-14:05)

Lei WANG (Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Sun Yat-sen University)

“The Spread of the Buddhist Canon in Medieval China and the Textual Transformations of the Four Part Vinaya” (14:05-14:30)

Comments and Q&A (14:30-15:00)

Coffee Break (15:00-15:15)


Part II: Formation and Development of Printed Editions of the Buddhist Canon (15:15-17:00)

Chair: Tomohiro SAITO

Commentator: Dingyuan

Tomofusa UESUGI (Curator of Buddhist Manuscripts, Department of Conservation Administration, Kyoto National Museum)

“Chinese Buddhist canons until the Kaibao Canon emerged” (15:15-15:40)

Dewei ZHANG (Associate Professor, Ji’nan University in Guangzhou)

“A Creative Destruction: New Light on the Zhiyuan fabao kantong zonglu至元法寶勘同總録” (15:40-16:05)

Limei CHI (Professor, International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies)

“Chinese Buddhist canons and the Continuing Biographies of Eminent Monks” (16:05-16:30)

Comments and Q&A (16:30-17:00)

July 24 (Wednesday)

Comprehensive Discussion (10:00-13:00)

Chair: Shoshun HAYASHIDERA


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