Buddhism, Science and Technology – Schedule

Return to main conference page.     Buddhism, Science and Technology: Challenges to Religions from a Digitalized World 佛教與科技:人工智能時代傳統宗教的現代化挑戰 (University of Hong Kong, August 10-11, 2023 | 香港大學, 2023年8月10-11日)     Day 日 1:August 10, 2023 | 2023年8月10日   1. 8:20-9:30 Keynote Speeches 主題報告 (Chair 主持: GUANG Xing 廣興) Venue Continue reading

Buddhism, Science and Technology – Panelists

Return to main conference page.       1 Justin BRODY 布洛迪 (Franklin and Marshall College 美國富蘭克林與馬歇爾學院) Justin Brody is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, PA. His main research is in artificial intelligence, specifically on the use self-models and neurosymbolic processing. A Continue reading

Buddhism, Science and Technology – Abstracts

Return to main conference page.   1. Justin BRODY 布洛迪 (Franklin and Marshall College 美國富蘭克林與馬歇爾學院): Infinitesimals, Causality and Mereological Nihilism | 無窮小、因果律和分體論虛無主義 Notions of the infinitely small have engendered numerous paradoxes within both Buddhist and Western intellectual history. In the West, Zeno famously noticed ways in which infinitely small distances Continue reading

Sinification, Globalization or Glocalization? – Abstracts

Return to main conference page.   1. ASHIWA Yoshiko 足羽與志子 (Hitotsubashi U 日本一橋大學/National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies 政策研究大學院大學): Contemporary Intercultural Interactions between China and Japan as Seen through the Obaku sect | 中國和日本之間的當代跨文化互動——從黃檗宗的角度來看 In the past decade, the overseas expansion of Buddhism from the People’s Republic of China to Continue reading

Engaged Buddhism for an Engulfed World – Abstracts

Return to the main conference page.   1. Jonathan Gold 喬納森 (PrincetonU 美國普林斯頓大學): Nonviolence as Quintessential Buddhist Political Doctrine | 作為佛教根本性政治理論的非暴力原則 Nonviolence is adopted as a personal and political practice by advocates of many different systems of religious and secular thought. It finds its natural home in Buddhism as an Continue reading

Sinification, Globalization or Glocalization? – Schedule

Return to main conference page.     Sinification, Globalization or Glocalization?: Paradigm Shifts in the Study of Transmission and Transformation of Buddhism in Asia and Beyond 執兩用中:東西方文明碰撞中的佛教中國化與國際化 (University of Hong Kong, August 10-11, 2023 | 香港大學, 2023年8月10-11日)     Day 日1:August 10, 2023 | 2023年8月10日   1. 8:20-9:30 Keynote Speeches Continue reading

Sinification, Globalization or Glocalization? – Panelists

Return to main conference page.     1 ASHIWA Yoshiko 足羽與志子(Hitotsubashi U 日本一橋大學/National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies 政策研究大學院大學) Yoshiko Ashiwa is an anthropologist, Professor Emeritus (formerly Professor. Anthropology and Global Issues) of Hitotsubashi University, and Visiting Professor at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies. She served as director Continue reading

Engaged Buddhism for an Engulfed World – Schedule

Return to the main conference page.     Engaged Buddhism for an Engulfed World: New Perspectives on Humanistic Buddhism 競爭與互鑑: 人間佛教面臨的現實情境與佛教的跨文化傳播 (University of Hong Kong, August 10-11, 2023 | 香港大學, 2023年8月10-11日)     Day 日1:August 10, 2023 | 2023年8月10日 1. 8:20-9:30 Keynote Speeches 主題報告 (Chair 主持: GUANG Xing 廣興) Venue Continue reading

Engaged Buddhism for an Engulfed World – Panelists

Return to the main conference page.   1 Jonathan GOLD 喬納森 (PrincetonU 美國普林斯頓大學) Jonathan C. Gold is Professor of Religion and Director of the Center for Culture, Society and Religion at Princeton University. A specialist in Indian and Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, he is the author of The Dharma’s Gatekeepers: Sakya Paṇḍita Continue reading

Canonical, Non-Canonical and Extra-canonical – Abstracts

Return to main conference page.   Laura ANDERSEN, University of Oxford 安光持,牛津大學 The Question of Translation: Interpretation in Early Chinese Buddhist Texts 翻譯的問題:早期中國佛教文本的闡釋 In the Introduction to his book Coming to Terms with Chinese Buddhism (2005), Robert Sharf lays out the various ways that scholars have understood the assimilation or Continue reading