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1 | Hyung Jin An, University of Delhi 安亨振,印度德里大學 ![]() |
Hyung Jin An achieved BA Buddhist Studies degree from Dongguk University (2020), MA Philosophy degree from Hindu College, Delhi University (2022). Now currently researching East Asian Pure Land Buddhism and Hindu Bhakti philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, Delhi University. He participated in international academic conferences held in India, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia and presented six papers mainly on Pure Land Buddhism and Hindu Bhakti philosophy.
安亨振於2020年在東國大學獲得佛學研究學士學位,2022年在印度德里大學印度學院獲得哲學碩士學位。目前在印度德里大學哲學系進行東亞淨土宗和印度巴克蒂哲學研究。曾在印度、斯里蘭卡和馬來西亞參加過多場國際學術研討會,並針對淨土宗和印度巴克蒂哲學課題發表了六篇論文。 |
2 | Mark Blum, University of California, Berkeley 貝萬合,加州大學柏克萊分校 ![]() |
Mark L. Blum is professor of Buddhist Studies and Shinjo Ito Distinguished Chair in Japanese Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, and a research fellow at the Reischauer Institute for Japanese Studies at Harvard University,Otani University in Kyoto, and the Jodo Shu Research Institute in Tokyo. He teaches courses on Japanese Buddhism, Classical Japanese, and Bioethics in Asia. Born and raised in Los Angeles, he spent 2 years as an undergraduate student in Tokyo, then completed a MA degree in Classical Japanese Literature at UCLA in 1975 and his PhD in Buddhist Studies at U.C. Berkeley in 1990 with a dissertation on historical consciousness in Kamakura-period Pure Land Buddhism in Japan. Twice aFulbright scholar, he also received research scholarships from the Japanese Ministry of Education and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. He lived in Japan pursuing research at Japanese universities (Kyoto University, Otani University, and Bukkyō University) for a total of 10 years, and has been a research fellow at the University of Tokyo, Otani University, and Harvard University. Dr. Blum has written or edited eight books and 45 articles in both English and Japanese on topics ranging the development of Mahāyāna doctrine in East Asia, eco-Buddhism, how Buddhism was assimilated into Japanese society, historical consciousness in medieval and modern Japanese Buddhist discourse, what modernity means in the context of Japanese Buddhist thinking. He is currently involved in four major translation projects of medieval and premodern Buddhist writing from Chinese and Japanese: the Nirvana Sutra in 4 volumes (volume 1 won the Khyentse Foundation Prize for Outstanding Buddhist Translation, volume 2 will be published by summer 2025), the Guanjing shu by Shandao, the Wago tōroku by Hōnen, and Edo-period commentarial material on the Tannishō. In addition, he is currently working to complete a manuscript entitled Think Buddha, Say Buddha: a history of buddha-mindfulness practice and belief in East Asia. |
3 | Benjamin Brose, University of Michigan 本博澤,密歇根大學 ![]() |
Benjamin Brose is Professor of Buddhist and Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan and Chair of the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures. He works on the cultural history of religion in China, with a focus on Buddhism, and is the author of Patrons and Patriarchs: Regional Rulers and Chan Monks During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (University of Hawai’i Press, 2015), Xuanzang: China’s Legendary Pilgrim and Translator (Shambhala Publications, 2021), and Embodying Xuanzang: The Postmortem Travels of a Buddhist Pilgrim (University of Hawai’i Press, 2023). He is also the editor of Buddhist Masters of Modern China: The Lives and Legacies of Eight Eminent Teachers (Shambhala Publications, 2025), and the co-editor of Inner Worlds: Individuals and Interiority in Chinese Religious Life (Brill Publishers, forthcoming).
本博澤是密西根大學佛教與中國研究教授,也是亞洲語言與文化系主任。他著有《護法與祖師:五代十國時期的地區統治者與禪僧》(Patrons and Patriarchs: Regional Rulers and Chan Monks During the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms; 夏威夷大學出版社, 2015 年)、Xuanzang: China’s Legendary Pilgrim and Translator《玄奘:中國傳奇的朝聖者和翻譯家》(Shambhala Publications,2021 年),以及Embodying Xuanzang: The Postmortem Travels of a Buddhist Pilgrim《體現玄奘:一位佛教朝聖者的身後旅程》(夏威夷大學出版社,2023)。他也是《現代中國佛教大師》的編輯 (Shambhala Publications, 2025), Inner Worlds: Individuals and Interiority in Chinese Religious Life (Brill Publishers, forthcoming)的共同編輯。 |
4 | Jinhua Chen, The University of British Columbia 陳金華,加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學 ![]() |
Jinhua Chen is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and a professor of East Asian intellectual history (particularly religions) at the University of British Columbia, where he also served as the Canada Research Chair in East Asian Buddhism (2001–2011). He has received numerous grants and awards from major funding agencies for his work on East Asian state-church relationships, monastic (hagio-)biographical literature, Buddhist sacred sites, relic veneration, Buddhism and technological innovation in medieval China, and Buddhist translations. Dr. Chen has published six monographs, edited and co-edited over thirty books, and authored nearly eighty book chapters and journal articles.
陳金華(英屬哥倫比亞大學),加拿大皇家學會院士、英屬哥倫比亞大學東亞思想史講座教授,曾任加拿大國立東亞佛教講座教授(CRC)多年。研究領域涉及東亞政教關係,中古時期僧傳(聖傳)文學,佛教聖地,舍利崇拜,佛教與技術革新,以及佛教翻譯等領域。研究成果包括:已出版六部專著,合編近三十餘本書籍,發表七十多篇論文。目前領導一項為期多年的旨在重新建構佛學與東亞宗教重要面向的國際性與跨學科的龐大項目,由加拿大政府資助並得到國際上諸多名校與基金會的支持。 |
5 | Jinyoung Chung, Ewha Womans University 鄭真英,韓國梨花女子大學 ![]() |
Jinyoung Chung specializes in Korean Buddhist art. She earned her Ph.D. from Ewha Womans University in 2024 with a dissertation focusing on Pure Land Buddhism and its material culture in the Unified Silla dynasty. Currently, she serves as a Cultural Heritage Appraiser at the Korea Heritage Service. Her research interests include the relationship between Buddhist beliefs and the creation of visual representations, as well as the value and limitations of iconography in Buddhist art scholarship. 鄭真英專注於韓國佛教藝術。她於2024年在梨花女子大學獲得博士學位,論文聚焦於統一新羅時代的淨土宗及其物質文化。目前,她在韓國國家遺產廳擔任文物鑑定師。研究興趣包括佛教信仰與佛像雕塑之間的關係,以及佛教藝術研究中圖像學的價值與局限性。 |
6 | Pengwei Cui, Ryūkoku University 崔鵬偉,日本龍谷大學 ![]() |
2013年畢業於南開大學日語系。自2015年4月開始就讀於早稻田大學大學院文學研究科東洋哲學系,專攻佛教文學。2020年3月以博士論文《日本古代中世における百鬼夜行譚の形成と変容》取得博士學位后,于當年4月開始以助教身份任職於早稻田大學文學部東洋哲學系。2022年6月轉職到龍谷大學世界佛教文化研究中心(RCWBC),任博士後研究員。現主要研究方向為佛教文學以及日本思想史。發表學術論文10餘篇。 |
7 | Mitsuya Dake, Ryūkoku University 嵩 満也,日本龍谷大學 ![]() |
Mitsuya Dake is a Professor in the Faculty of International Studies, Ryūkoku University 龍谷大學, Kyoto, Japan. He received his master’s degree from Ryūkoku and has completed the Ph.D. course work of Buddhist Studies. His area of research include: Shinran Thought and Japanese Pure Land Buddhism; Engaged Buddhism; and Inter-faith Dialogue. His recent publications include: “The Impact of Southern Song Buddhism on the Japanese Pure Land Movement in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries: Shinran’s Thought in the Context of Shino-Japanese Buddhist Exchange”, International Journal of Buddhist Thought & Cultures 32.1 (2022): 83-107; “Conversations in Comparative Theology and Shin Buddhist Studies through Experience of Engaging in Interreligious Dialogues,” Bulletin of Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures, Ryūkoku University 60 (2022): 117-136; and Kokusai Shakai to Nihon Bukkyo 国際社会と日本仏教 [The International Society and Japanese Buddhism] (coedited with Kusinoki Junshō 楠淳證 and Nakanishi Naoki 中西直樹), Maruzenshoten 丸善書店: Tokyo, 2020. |
8 | Shengtao Deng, Tsinghua University 鄧盛濤,清華大學 ![]() |
鄧盛濤,又名鄧勝濤。新加坡國立大學哲學博士,現為清華大學人文學院哲學系博士後研究員,清華大學“水木學者”。主要研究方向為中國佛教哲學、佛教觀念史與社會史、唐宋新儒學、中古儒釋道三教交涉。在《哲學與文化》、《佛學研究》、《哲學評論》、《宗教研究》、《華林國際佛學學刊》等學刊上有已刊習作多種,其中包括:《柳宗元與中唐儒家普遍人性論的萌芽:重審<天爵論>的思想史意義》、《性起与唯心:圭峰宗密与中晚唐华严教学中“圆教唯心”说的形成》等。 Deng Shengtao gained his Ph.D. in Chinese Studies from the National University of Singapore and is currently a Shuimu Post-doctoral fellow in Chinese philosophy and religion at Tsinghua University. His research interests include Chinese Buddhist philosophy, Intellectual and Social History of Chinese Buddhism, Tang-song Neo-Confucianism, Cross-fertilization among Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in medieval China. His studies have been published in Universitas: Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture, Research of Buddhism, Philosophical Review, Religion Studies. His current book investigates the transformation of human nature thought during the Tang-Song transition, analyzing it through the framework of Confucian-Buddhist interactions. |
9 | Yuan Ding, Shanghai Normal University 定源,上海師範大學 ![]() |
定源,上海師範大學哲學與法政學院副教授。日本國際佛教學大學院大學文學博士,專業領域為敦煌遺書、日本古寫經以及佛典數字化研究。主持國家社科基金一般項目兩項,參與國家社科基金重大項目多項,出版著作《敦煌本〈御注金剛般若經宣演〉の文獻學的研究》》《佛教文獻論稿》《頭陀寺志》三部,發表學術論文50余篇。 |
10 | Lucia Dolce, SOAS, University of London 鐸鷺霞,英國倫敦大學亞非學院 |
11 | Qinxin Gan, Southwest Jiaotong University 甘沁鑫,西南交通大學 ![]() |
Gan Qinxin, born in 1991 in Tongnan 潼南 city of Chongqing 重慶, holds a PhD in literature and is a lecturer at the School of Humanities, Southwest Jiaotong University. He mainly engages in research on East Asian Buddhism and Confucianism. |
12 | Chengcheng Hou, Hangzhou Dianzi University 侯成成,杭州電子科技大學 ![]() |
杭州電子科技大學馬克思主義學院講師,中國史博士(博士後),曾先後求學於蘭州大學敦煌學研究所、首都師範大學歷史學院、上海師範大學人文學院,主要研究方向:敦煌文學、江南石刻。迄今為止,累積主持並完成省部級項目兩項,出版《法藏敦煌<淨土五會念佛誦經觀行儀>寫卷兩種校錄》等學術專著三部,另在《中國文學研究》、《敦煌學輯刊》、《中國典籍與文化》等刊物上發表論文十餘篇。 |
13 | Jahun, Dongguk University 玆憲,日本東國大學 ![]() |
Ven. Jahun entered the Korean Bhikkhuni sangha in 2004 after completing her master’s in East Asian Studies at Stanford University. She earned her doctorate from Dongguk University with a dissertation on Vedanā study. She now serves as a Dhamma instructor and lecturer at Dongguk University and education acarya at Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism. Her research interests not only include Vedanā-related interdisciplinary studies but also Buddhist liberal arts education and traditional and modern practice. She vows that the teachings she shares will uphold the integrity of the dhamma, ensuring that those connected to them experience less suffering and greater happiness.
在斯坦福大學東亞研究系完成碩士學位後,於2004年進入韓國比丘尼僧團。她於東國大學獲得博士學位,博士論文是關於“受”(Vedanā)的研究。目前她擔任東國大學講師和佛法教師,以及韓國佛教曹溪宗教育阿闍梨。她的研究興趣包括“受”相關的跨學科研究、佛教人文教育以及佛教傳統和現代修行方法。她發願傳播教義以住持完整的教法,並讓那些與佛法連接的人們減少痛苦獲得快樂。 |
14 | Steven Jenkins, CalPoly Humboldt University 冷襟思,美國加州州立理工大學洪堡分校 ![]() |
Stephen Jenkins, Professor Emeritus of Religion at CalPoly Humboldt University, received a doctorate from Harvard in 1999. His research centers on concepts of compassion, their ontological grounding and ethical implications. Currently, he is writing a book on the Indic origins of pure land traditions. Preliminary publications from that book-project include “Heavenly Rebirth and Buddhist Soteriology,” in The Oxford Handbook of Buddhist Practice, (2022), “Other Power in the Early and Mainstream Buddhist Traditions,” (Forthcoming), Ed. Kenneth Tanaka, and “Buddhakṣetrapariśodhana and Buddhist Imaginal Worlds,” inBuddhism and the Imagination, (Forthcoming), Ed. Karin Meyers.
15 | Guangzuo Jia, Tōhoku University 賈光佐,日本東北大學 ![]() |
賈光佐,日本東北大學文學研究科博士生,兼任日本學術振興會特別研究員。目前致力於以黃檗宗為中心的17世紀中日佛教、儒學與藝術等思想交流史的研究。發表《江戶初期僧諍研究》(《禪學研究》,京都,2023)、《富士與匡廬:日本黃檗山萬福寺東方丈庭園的景觀書寫與明末清初渡日僧的園林思想演變》(《世界美術》,北京,2023)、《獨立性易的三教一致論批判》(《印度學佛教學研究》,東京:2023年)《獨立性易的六書學與日本近世書法》(《中國書法》,北京,2022)等中、日、英文論文三十餘篇。編著有《東北的禪佛教:黃檗宗大年寺關係史料集》(2024)。 |
16 | Jing Tianxing, Shanxi University 景天星,山西大學 ![]() |
景天星,男,2014年獲北京大學哲學碩士學位,2017年獲西北大學歷史學博士學位,現為陝西省社會科學院宗教研究所助理研究員、西北大學玄奘研究院兼職研究員,主要研究方向為區域佛教史、佛教地理學以及佛教名山信仰研究。出版著作1部,在《世界宗教研究》《世界宗教文化》《宗教學研究》《人文雜誌》《中國統一戰線》《中國宗教》《法音》《佛學研究》《五台山研究》《人文宗教研究》《普陀學刊》《玄奘佛學研究》《人民日報海外版》《人民政協報》《中國社會科學報》《中國民族報》《陝西日報》《山西日報》等報刊發表文章40余篇。 |
17 | George Keyworth, University of Saskatchewan 紀強,加拿大薩斯喀徹溫大學 ![]() |
Dr. George A. Keyworth is Associate Professor in the Department of History at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada. He received his Ph.D. in Chinese Buddhist Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Dr. Keyworth has received grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada to support research about and the publication of peer-reviewed articles on Northern Song dynasty (960–1127) Chinese Chan Buddhism and the figure of Juefan Huihong 覺範惠洪 (1071–1128); Japanese pilgrims to Song China (e.g., Jōjin 成尋 [1011–1081]); apocryphal Chinese Buddhist scriptures and the particular case of the Shoulengyan jing 首楞厳經 (*Śūraṃgama-sūtra) using sources from Dunhuang, Central Asia, and Japan; esoteric Buddhism in Tang (618–907) and Song China; Zen Buddhism in Edo Japan and the figure of Kakumon Kantetsu 覚門貫徹 (d. 1730); and old Japanese manuscript Buddhist canons, especially from Nanatsudera 七寺, Amanosan Kongōji 天野山金剛寺 and the Matsuo shrine 松尾大社 canon kept at Myōrenji 妙蓮寺. Dr. Keyworth is currently working on two books, tentatively titled: A History of Matsuo Shrine and Copying for the Kami: A Study and Catalog of Three 12th century Manuscript Buddhist Canons.
紀強 George Keyworth,於加州大學聖巴巴拉分校(UCSB)獲得 學士與碩士學位,加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)獲得博士學位,主修漢傳佛教。紀強博士於2001-2006年任教科羅拉多大學波德分校 (CU-Boulder),為該校東亞宗教學助理教授,隨後三年在日本東京從事研究。2011年,紀強博士進入加拿大薩斯喀徹溫大學(University of Saskatchewan)宗教學研究系任助理教授,於2017年轉入該校歷 史系獲得長聘教職,在該系紀強博士目前教授前現代時期的中國與日本史、亞洲研究、東亞宗教史以及比較寫本學等相關科目。紀強博士的研究領域包括北宋禪宗與覺範惠洪 (1071-1128);日本入宋求法僧(如成尋 [1011-1081]);以敦煌材料來研究中國佛教疑偽經 (特別是《首楞嚴經》[*Śūragama-sūtra, T no. 945]);唐宋密教;日本禪宗以及心越興儔 (1639-1696)與覚門貫徹 (卒於1730);日本寫本一切經,特別是七寺與松尾社藏本。紀強博士正在撰寫兩本著作,擬名為Zen and the Literary Arts 與 Copying for the Kami: A Study and Catalog of the Matsuo Shrine Buddhist Canon. |
18 | Jahyun Kim, Dongguk University 金慈玄,韓國東國大學 ![]() |
Jahyun Kim earned her doctorate from Dongguk University with a dissertation on Buddhist Illustration Prints of the Joseon Dynasty study. She is working as Research Professor in Buddhist Culture Research Institute at Dongguk University, prior to that She has worked in several Museums. Her research interests not only include on Buddhist Illustration Prints studies but also Buddhist painting and Iconography. Currently, she focuses on changes and background in the Buddhist Iconography according to the period and country.
於東國大學獲得博士學位,她的博士論文是對朝鮮時期佛教變相版畫的研究。她現在擔任東國大學佛教文化研究所研究教授,在此之前她曾在幾家博物館工作。她的研究興趣包括佛教變相版畫以及佛教繪畫和造像。目前她關注的是依不同時期和國家佛教造像的變化和背景。 |
19 | Jiyun Kim, Dongguk University 金池蓮,韓國東國大學 ![]() |
Jiyun Kim is a Research Professor at the Buddhist Culture Research Institute, Dongguk University in Korea. She specializes in the East Asia Buddhism, focusing on the Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna 大乘起信論 and its commentarial traditions. Her research examines the manuscripts of the commentaries on the Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna including the Shi Moheyan lun 釋摩訶衍論, Fazang’s Dasheng qixin lun yiji 大乘起信論義記, and Wonhyo’s Gisillon-byeolgi 起信論別記. Her recent work explores how Chinese Huayan masters Fazang (法藏, 643-712), Li Tongxuan 李通玄 (635-730), and Chengguan 澄觀 (738-839) integrated the Awakening of Faith’s concepts into Huayan thought. |
20 | Monika Kiss, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest 嵇夢籬,匈牙利羅蘭大學 ![]() |
Mónika Kiss received her master’s degree in Japanese studies and art history at the Faculty of Humanities of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in 2012. She then completed her PhD in Japanese Studies at ELTE in 2018. Since 2018, she has been a Lecturer (2018-2022) and Assistant Professor (2022-) at the Department of Japanese Studies at ELTE. Her main areas of expertise include Japanese Buddhism and Buddhist art. She regularly participates in both Hungarian and international academic conferences. She teaches courses of Japanese art, Japanese Buddhism, translation, and reading of Japanese texts in undergraduate, graduate, and PhD levels. Between 2014 and 2015, she conducted doctoral research at Ōtani University in Kyoto as a recipient of the Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai (Society for the Promotion of Buddhism) fellowship for foreign scholars. In the summer of 2019, she worked as a visiting researcher at the Kokusai Bukkyōgaku Daigakuin Daigaku (International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies) in Tokyo. Between 2020 and 2024, she was conducting joint research with sinologist Prof. Dr. Imre Hamar, funded by the Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai. Their project focused on the philological and iconographic developments of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva in East Asia. 嵇夢籬(Monika Kiss)是匈牙利的日本學家和藝術史學家,現任匈牙利布達佩斯羅蘭大學(Eötvös Loránd University)助理教授。她於 2018 年在該大學獲得博士學位,並一直在本科和研究生階段教授日語、宗教和藝術。自研究生學習以來,她一直在研究日本佛教和佛教藝術,主要側重於密宗佛教。作為博士生,她在獲得佛教振興會頒發的外國學者獎學金後,在大谷大學從事了一年(2014/2015 年)的研究工作。她曾在東京的國際仏教大學院大學(國際佛教研究生院)擔任客座研究員(2019 年)。她一直在日本各地的佛教寺廟進行研究和實地考察,主要是京都及其附近的寺廟,例如延歷寺、醍醐寺或仁和寺。2020 年至 2024 年間,她與漢學家 Imre Hamar 教授博士共同進行研究,研究經費由 Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai 資助。他們的研究專案著重於普賢菩薩在東亞的文獻學與圖像學演變。她用匈牙利語和英語撰寫了多篇與日本密宗和佛教藝術相關的學術論文。 |
21 | Guang Kuan, Qing Liang Buddhist Association [London] / The Wutai Shan Institute of Buddhism and Eastern Asian Culture 寬廣,倫敦清涼講堂/五臺山東方佛教文化研究院 ![]() |
After studying Mahayana Buddhism at the Buddhist Academy of China (1994-1998), Guang Kuan expanded his research interests in Theravada Buddhism at the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. He was awarded a PhD degree in Buddhist Studies by SOAS, University of London. His primary research interest lies in Ming Chinese Buddhist history, particularly the Buddhist developments on Wutai Mountain. Guang Kuan has previously held Research Fellow positions at King’s College London before he established his own Buddhist Charity, The London Qing Liang Buddhist Centre, which is dedicated to Buddhist studies and practices, and providing a friendly environment for Chinese monastics and lay people to pursue Buddhist Studies in UK and Europe. Additionally, he is also a co-founder and acting director of The Wutai Shan Institute of Buddhism and Eastern Asian Culture.
1998年畢業於中國佛學院之後,寬廣赴斯里蘭卡凱拉尼亞大學學習,得以擴展了對南傳佛教的研究。之後在倫敦大學亞非學院獲得佛教博士學位。主要研究方向為中國明代佛教史,尤其是五臺山佛教在明代的發展。2010-2012任職於倫敦大學亞非學院助理研究員;2012-2020年任職於倫敦大學國王學院講師研究員。在妙江大和尚的支持下他成立了一所佛教教育慈善機構——倫敦清涼講堂,旨在佛學研究與實修,並為華人僧俗提供在英國更好的佛學研究環境。此外,他還是五臺山東方佛教文化研究院的聯合創始人,並擔任其常務副院長一職。 |
22 | Guangyu Li, Henan University 李廣宇,河南大學 ![]() |
Li Guangyu, born in 1989 in Huaxian County, Henan Province, holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Sun Yat-sen University. He is currently engaged in research on philosophy and religious studies in the Department of Philosophy, School of Politics and Public Management, Henan Normal University. His master’s thesis titled “Mind Produces the Buddha’s lmage and Is ltself the Buddha: The Study of The Pure Land Sect’s Mind Nature Theory in the Late Ming Dynasty” was awarded the Excellent Master’s Thesis in Jilin Province. He has presided over 13 projects in the department level and above, including postdoctoral projects. He has published numerous papers in professional journals such as Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture, Religious Studies, Ehu Monthly, and The Voice of Dharma.
23 | Wei Li, Henan University 李巍,河南大學 ![]() |
李巍(1991-),北京大學文學博士,河南大學文學院副教授,碩士生導師,主講“古代文學”“古代文論”“六朝小說”等課程。研究方向為佛教譬喻文學、中國文學批評史、六朝文論等,主要關注中國佛教與文學的關係、中古小說、僧傳等議題,同時也從事佛典中英譯介等工作。發表譯作一部,在Religions《世界宗教研究》《華林國際佛學學刊》等期刊發表論文數篇,主持國社科後期資助一項,河南省社科項目一項,其他項目若干。 Wei LI (born in 1991) received his Doctor degree of Literature from Peking University and currently serves as an associate professor at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Henan University, where he also fulfills the role of a supervisor for master’s students. His teaching portfolio includes courses such as “The History of Classical Chinese Literature,” “Classical Chinese Literary Theory,” and “Fictions of the Six Dynasties,” among others. His academic pursuits are centered on Buddhist Avadāna literature, the history of Classical Chinese literature, and the literary theories of the Six Dynasties. His research delves into the intricate relationship between Chinese Buddhism and literature, exploring topics such as novels, poems and Buddhist biographies in early medieval China. Additionally, he is actively involved in the translation of Buddhist scriptures into English, bridging cultural gaps and facilitating a deeper understanding of Buddhist teachings. He authored a translated work and published numerous research papers in prestigious journals, including “World Religions Research,” “Religions,” and “Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies.” He also leads one National Social Science Project, one social science project funded by the Henan Provincial Government and other projects. |
24 | Xiang Li, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 李想,中國社會科學院 ![]() |
李想,中國人民大學宗教學博士,(比利時)根特大學東方語言與文化學博士,現為中國社會科學院世界宗教研究所副研究員,《世界宗教研究》副編審,中國宗教學會理事。研究涉及淨土思想史、唯心淨土研究等領域。在《世界宗教研究》《宗教學研究》《世界宗教文化》《佛教文化研究》等刊物發表論文若干篇。自去年始在中國古典文明研究院(希臘)從事科研編輯工作。 Xiang Li is an editor of Studies in World Religions and associate researcher at the Institute of World Religions, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He obtained his PhD in 2018 from both Renmin University of China and Ghent University. He is a board member of Chinese Religious Studies Association, specializing on Buddhist Philosophy and Chinese Buddhist Studies. |
25 | Xiao Lin, Fujian Normal University 林嘯,福建師範大學 ![]() |
Lin Xiao holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy and completed postdoctoral research in Religious Studies. He was also a jointly-supervised doctoral student at Yale University. He is currently an Associate Professor and Master’s Supervisor in the Department of Ancient Chinese Literature at the College of Literature, Fujian Normal University. Dr. Lin is recognized as a Fujian Province High-Level Talent (Category B). He also serves as a Special Researcher at the Fujian Research Institute of Minnan-Taiwan History and Culture, and a Distinguished Researcher at the Fujian Research Center for Minnan-Taiwan and Folk Beliefs. He has published more than forty articles in domestic and international academic journals and conferences. His primary research interests include: Early Chan Sutras and Meditative Thought, Medieval Buddhist Exegesis, Pure Land Thought, Folk Beliefs, and Southeast Asian Religions. |
26 | Jia Liu, Nanjing University 劉佳,南京大學 ![]() |
Jia Liu attended College of Science at Zhejiang University in 2007 for undergraduate education. She joined Social Psychology Laboratory and conducted undergraduate research with Prof. Quanquan Zheng. After receiving the B.S. degree in 2011, she went to Department of Psychology at Brandeis University, where she worked with Prof. Raymond Knight for the master thesis. She was engaged in the international educational programs between U.S. and China, and worked for Charles Institute of Management and Am Best Education during 2014-2019. Subsequently, she joined Chicago Fo Guang Shan as a secretary during 2019-2021. In 2023, she came back to China and was admitted by School of Philosophy of Nanjing University. Henceforth, she began her doctoral career under the guidance of Prof. Yonghai Lai. |
27 | Kendall Marchman, University of Georgia 馬可曼,美國喬治亞大學 ![]() |
Kendall Marchman is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Religion at the University of Georgia. He has published on the early development of Pure Land Buddhist practice in medieval China in the International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture, the Journal of Chinese Religions, and The Oxford Handbook of Lived Buddhism. Dr. Marchman has also published on religion and tourism in contemporary China.
馬可曼是喬治亞大學宗教系助理教授。他曾在International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture、Journal of Chinese Religions和The Oxford Handbook of Lived Buddhism等刊物上發表關於中世紀中國早期淨土佛教實踐發展的文章。馬可曼博士也曾發表關於當代中國宗教與旅遊的文章。 |
28 | Hune Margulies, The Martin Buber Institute for Dialogical Ecology![]() |
Dr. Hune Margulies is the founder and director of The Martin Buber Institute for Dialogical Ecology, an independent scholarly institution based in New York with an affiliate branch in Goa, India. The MBIDE is dedicated to exploring the intersections between the Dialogical-Dharmic Philosophy of Martin Buber, Zen/ Ch’an Pure Land Buddhism, and Indian Navayana Buddhism.
Dr. Margulies holds a Ph.D. and M.Phil. from Columbia University in New York City, an M.A. from Fordham University (The Jesuit University of New York,) and a second M.A. from Hunter College of The City University of New York. Margulies is the author of three books and numerous journal publications, including:
Margulies coined the term Dialogical Ecology to describe the unique existential perspectives that arise from the convergence of dialogical philosophy and the enlightenment practices of Zen Pure Land Buddhism. Dr. Margulies has lectured extensively on Philosophy and Religion at universities in the U.S. and abroad. Presently, he is a visiting lecturer at Goa and Mumbai Universities in India and serves on the editorial board of Mumbai University’s Journal of Philosophy. A native of Argentina, he has lived in Israel, the United States, and India. Some of his writings can be found on the official website of the Martin Buber Institute for Dialogical Ecology: His email address is |
29 | Richard D. McBride II, Brigham Young University 麥理克,美國楊百翰大學 ![]() |
Richard D. McBride II (PhD UCLA, 2001) is Professor of Korean Studies and Buddhist Studies and Department Chair of Asian and Near Eastern Languages at Brigham Young University. He is the author of Domesticating the Dharma: Buddhist Cults and the Hwaŏm Synthesis in Silla Korea (2008), Doctrine and Practice in Medieval Korean Buddhism: The Collected Works of Ŭich’ŏn (2017), Aspiring to Enlightenment: Pure Land Buddhism in Silla Korea (2020), and The Three Kingdoms of Korea (2024). He is the author of numerous scholarly articles on Korean and Chinese Buddhism and early Korean history.
30 | Munkwang, Dongguk University 文光,韓國東國大學 ![]() |
Kwon Ki-wan 權奇完 (dharma name Munkwang 文光), entered monastic life at Haein Temple 海印寺 Wondang-am 願堂庵 in 2001, received precepts for novices 沙彌戒 at Tongdo Temple 通度寺in 2002, and bhikṣu precepts 比丘戒 at Jikji Temple 直指寺 in 2008. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Seon Studies 禪學科 from Dongguk University, and bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Chinese Language and Literature from Yonsei University. Also obtained a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Academy of Korean Studies. He is currently serving as an ācārya 阿闍梨 in the Jogye Order’s education department and as a HK (Humanity Korea) research professor at the Institute of Buddhist Culture, Dongguk University.
權奇完,法名文光,2001 年在海印寺願堂庵出家、 2002 年在通度寺受沙彌戒,2008 年在直指寺受比丘戒。他在東國大學獲得禪學科學士學位,在延世大學獲得中國語言文學學士和碩士學位。他還獲得了韓國研究院哲學博士學位。目前,他在曹溪宗教育部門擔任阿闍梨,並在東國大學佛教文化研究所擔任 HK(韓國人類)研究教授。 |
31 | Kai Sheng, Tsinghua University 聖凱,清華大學 ![]() |
聖凱,1972 年生。現為清華大學道德與宗教研究院副院長、哲學系副主任、教授、博士研究生導師、國家社科基金重大專案“漢傳佛教僧眾社會生活史”首席專家、中國佛教文化研究所副所長、《佛學研究》主編。研究領域為南北朝佛教學派、儒佛道三教關係、中國佛教社會吏、近現代佛教、佛教與西方哲學比較研究等。主要著作有《中國漢傳佛教禮儀》《中國佛教懺法研究》《攝論學派研究》《晉唐彌陀淨土的思想與信仰》《中國佛教信仰與生活史》《南北朝地論學派思想史》,與 A History of Chinese Buddhist Faith and Life 等。《攝論學派研究》曾獲全國優秀博士學位論文獎、第五屆教育部人文社科三等獎。
Ven. Dr. Sheng Kai is a Professor in the Philosophy Department of Tsinghua University, the Executive director of the Buddhist Association of China, and a Graduate Teacher of Buddhist Academy of Mount Putuo, Zhejiang Province. In 2008, he was the Associate professor of Philosophy Department of Nanjing University. He studied in the Buddhist Academy of China, Nanjing University, attained MPhil (Nanjing University) in 2002, PhD (Nanjing University) in 2005, and finished Postdoctoral study in Tsinghua University in 2007. He is the author of following books: (1) The Buddhist Ritual of China, (2) Study on the Confessional Ritual of Chinese Buddhism, (3) The Buddhist Confessional Thought, (4) Study on the School of Mahayana-samuparigraha-sastra. He specializes in Buddhist Confession, Buddhist Pure Land Thought, Yogacara Buddhism and Tathagatagarbha Buddhism. |
32 | Shi Longpei (Zhao Chunrui), Fudan University 釋隆培(趙春蕊),復旦大學 ![]() |
2012年參加山西省高等學校大學生創新創業訓練項目“古代漢語常用詞學習方法探究”(2012315),同時發表論文《明確部首造字意圖是掌握古漢語常用詞的有效方法》,淮北師範大學學報(哲學社會科學版)第34卷,2013年第3期,第173-175頁。參與導師編著的《漢語字詞教學示例》一書,共計64萬字,於2016年出版。研究生期間,所修專業為中國史下的佛教文化研究,跟隨王興導師做近代佛學研究,主要方向為淨土宗、佛教高僧大德等等。 |
33 | Jin Son (Ven. Jeongwan sunim), Dongguk University 孫真(政完 法師),韓國東國大學 ![]() |
Ven. Jeongwan sunim received her doctorate from Dongguk University in 2015, before taking up a position of assistant professor at Dongguk University in the field of East Asian Buddhism. She was the principal investigator of the Research Grants for Academic Research Professors in Humanities and Social Science, “A Study on Chinese Buddhism through the Leishu and Chinese Anthologies of Narrative Literatures,” National Research Foundation of Korea Grant by the Korean Government.
2015年於東國大學獲得博士學位,之後擔任東國大學東亞佛教助理教授。曾主持由韓國國家研究基金會人文社會科學領域學術研究基金資助的項目“從類書和中國敘事文學選集研究中國佛教”。 |
34 | Wang Aihua, Zhejiang University 王愛華,浙江大學 ![]() |
Wang Aihua is a Ph.D. candidate at the Institute of the Philosophy of Religion and Art, Zhejiang University, specializing in the intersection of Buddhist traditions and Chinese art history. She holds both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Art History from the China Academy of Art. Wang’s research focuses on East Asian Buddhism, particularly the history of the Pure Land tradition and its representation in art. Her ongoing academic projects include contributions to the “A Comprehensive Collection of Ancient Chinese Paintings”, and she has also contributed to several important publications and exhibitions, including works on Buddhist art. Additionally, she has collaborated on exhibitions at Zhejiang University Museum of Art and Archaeology, as well as other museums. Wang’s interdisciplinary approach combines Buddhist studies, art history, and cultural research. With a strong commitment to integrating Buddhist philosophy and art, her work aims to explore the cultural and historical impacts of Buddhism in East Asia. |
35 | Jinjian Wang, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 王進健,中國社會科學院 ![]() |
Jinjian Wang, born in 1987 in Heze of Shandong, holds a doctoral degree of Philosophy from Wuhan University, and he is currently a postdoctoral fellow in the Institute of World Religions, CASS. He is now engaged in philosophy and religious studies in Henan Academy of Social Sciences. During the post-doctoral period, he presided over Post-Doctoral Innovation Project “Research on Zhixu’s Pure Land Thought” of CASS, 2022, and the research report was rated “Excellent” (2024). Participated in the National Social Science Youth Project “Research on the Buddhism-Christinity Dialogue Path of Sinicization of Christianity” (23BZJ008). He has published some papers in professional journals such as The World Religious Cultures, Religions, Buddhist Studies, and MT Wutai Researches. |
36 | Shuai Wang, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 王帥,中國社會科學院 ![]() |
Wang Shuai, born in 1989, holds a Ph.D. in Literature and is currently an assistant researcher at the Institute of World Religions of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. His main research direction is the history of modern Pure Land Buddhism, with a focus on studies related to Master Yin Guang. He is the principal investigator of the Youth Project of the National Social Science Fund titled “A Study of Master Yin Guang from the Perspective of the Sinicization of Buddhism”. He has published several research papers on Master Yin Guang in journals such as “World Religion and Culture” and “Mount Wutai Studies”. |
37 | Zhu Xu, Harbin Institute of Technology 徐翥,哈爾濱工業大學 ![]() |
徐翥,1984年生,四川崇州人。香港大學建築學博士,哈爾濱工業大學(深圳)建築學院副教授,香港大學建築系兼職副教授,中國古代建築史學者。研究領域主要包括南北朝隋唐時期佛教藝術與建築儀式空間、遼金佛教建築、嶺南建築遺產保護等。發表專著《伽藍建築》(中國大百科全書出版社),在Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Frontiers of Architectural Research,《建築師》, Religions等期刊發表多篇論文。
Xu Zhu, born in 1984 in Chongzhou City of Sichuan, holds a Ph.D. in architectural history from the University of Hong Kong. He is an Associate Professor at the School of Architecture at Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen) and a part-time Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture at the University of Hong Kong. He is a historian of pre-modern Chinese architecture. His primary research interests lie in Buddhist art, architecture, and ritual space of medieval China. His monograph Monastic Architecture was published with China Encyclopedia Publishing House in 2025. Some of his articles appeared in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (2020), Frontiers of Architectural Research (2022), The Architect (2025), and Religions (2023). |
38 | Xueyong Yang, Shanxi Normal University 楊學勇,山西師範大學 ![]() |
楊學勇,男,博士、教授、碩導、山西省三晉英才、山西省高等學校優秀青年學術帶頭人、蘭州大學敦煌學研究所兼職教授、敦煌吐魯番學會理事。2010年畢業於蘭州大學敦煌學研究所,獲歷史文獻學博士學位。自2010年起在山西師範大學歷史與旅遊文化學院任教,主要從事敦煌學、佛教等方面的研究。學術研究主要關注佛教宗派之三階教、佛教大藏經之《趙城金藏》、山西佛教石窟等方面,主持國家社科基金一般項目兩項、國家社科基金冷門絕學項目一項,其他各類省校級項目11項,在《世界宗教研究》《文物》等刊物發表論文30多篇,獨著及合著著作4部,獲山西省社科成果獎三等獎1項。 |
39 | Weizhong Yang, Nanjing University 楊維中,南京大學 ![]() |
Yang Weizhong, born in August 1966, is a native of Qianyang in Shanxi province. He has studied in the Faculty of Liberal Arts Northwest University from 1984 to 1988 and from 1991 to 1994, and has acquired the Master of Arts Degree. Then from 1995 to 1998, professor Yang has studied and acquired the Doctor of Chinese Philosophy Degree in the Department of Philosophy in Nanjing University. From then on, Professor Yang has been stayed on the faculty and has been promoted to the professional title of Professor since November 2005. He is currently the professor and doctoral supervisor in the Department of Philosophy and Religion at Nanjing University, and an Adjunct Professor at the Johns Hopkins University-Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies. Moreover, professor Yang is the director of the Institute of Shuixi Buddhist Culture in Nanjing University and the executive deputy director of the Institute of School of the Three Treatises at the Qixia Mountain Branch of the Buddhist Academy of China. Professor Yang is also the director of the Institute of Buddhist Culture in Baosheng Temple in Anhui province and the vice president of Cien Institute of the Buddhist Academy of Jiangsu. |
40 | Yang Zurong, Fujain Normal University 楊祖榮,福建師範大學 ![]() |
楊祖榮,1990年生,北京大學哲學系(宗教學系)哲學博士,中國社會科學院哲學研究所、日本創價大學訪問學者,現為福建師範大學古籍研究所所長,福建師範大學文學院古代文學教研室副教授、古典文獻學碩士點負責人。主要學術領域為中古佛教思想史、佛教解經學與敦煌學,尤其關注中古《維摩詰經》註疏,博士論文《唯識通經:窺基〈說無垢稱經疏〉研究》。 Zurong YANG, born in 1990, is a PhD in Philosophy from the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Peking University. He has also been a visiting scholar at Institute of Philosophy (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) and Soka University in Japan. Currently, he serves at Fujian Normal University as the director of the Chinese Classics Research Institute, an associate professor at the Teaching and Research Section of Classics Chinese Literature in the College of Chinese Language and Literature, and the head of the Master’s program in Chinese Classical Philology. His main academic focus lies in the history of medieval Buddhist thought, Buddhist exegetical studies, and Dunhuang studies. He is especially concerned with the medieval commentaries on the Vimalakīrti Sūtra, as his PhD dissertation is “Commenting on the Sūtra with Vijñānamātra: A study of Kuji’s Commentary on the Vimalakīrtinirdeśasūtra”. |
41 | Jakub Zamorski, Jagiellonian University 孫亞柏,波蘭雅蓋隆大學 ![]() |
Jakub Zamorski is an assistant professor of East Asian Buddhism at the Centre for Comparative Studies of Civilisations of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland. He researches and publishes on doctrinal and intellectual history of Pure Land Buddhism in early modern and modern China and Japan, on the reception of Buddhist logic and epistemology in East Asia and occasionally on other topics related to Chinese and Japanese Buddhist thought. He has contributed articles to e.g. Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies, Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens, chapters in edited volumes and essays in encyclopaedias (e.g. Brill Encyclopedia of Buddhism, forthcoming). 孫亞柏是波蘭克拉科夫雅蓋隆大學文明比較研究中心的助理教授。主要研究方向為近世、現代東亞淨土思想史、佛教知識論(因明)在東亞的發展。他曾在Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies、Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens等學術期刊發表文章,並在編輯的書中撰寫章節,在百科全書論文(如即將出版的Brill Encyclopedia of Buddhism)。 |
42 | Zhang Jiuling, Shanxi Normal University 張九玲,山西師範大學 ![]() |
張九玲,河南鶴壁人,現任山西師範大學歷史學院副教授。2015年畢業於中國社會科學院研究生院,獲專門史博士學位,主要研究方向為西夏曆史和文獻。在《首都師範大學學報》《西夏學》《寧夏社會科學》《世界宗教文化》《文獻》等發表論文數十篇。出版專著《西夏文<大隨求陀羅尼經>研究》,花木蘭文化出版社,2017年3月(獨著,24萬字)。主持國家社科基金青年項目“西夏疑偽經研究和西夏佛經詞彙數據庫建設”1項,省級項目2項。 Jiuling Zhang received her doctoral degree of history from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and currently serves as an associate professor in the Department of History at Shanxi Normal University. Her research focuses on Tangut history and literature. She has published a monograph and a number of of papers in high-profile journals, including Shijie zongjiao wenhua 世界宗教文化 [World Religious Culture], Xixia xue 西夏學 [Xixia Studies]. She also leads three social science projects funded by the nation and Shanxi province. |
43 | Zhang Huiming, Chinese National Academy of Paintings 張惠明,中國國家畫院 ![]() |
法國高等實踐學院(EPHE)歷史語言與文獻學博士、中國國家畫院研究員、廣州美術學院美術學研究中心兼職研究員、中國敦煌吐魯番學會理事、法國亞洲學會(Société Asiatique)會員。主要研究方向:西域佛教藝術史與圖像學、新疆敦煌佛教圖像資料、俄羅斯考察隊在中國新疆敦煌等地的考古探險及所獲藝術品文物及其收藏以及絲綢之路中外美術傳播與交流等。曾先後在俄國聖彼得堡艾爾米塔什博物館、俄羅斯科學院東方文獻研究所和法國敦煌寫本與圖像資料研究中心/法國東亞文明研究中心(UMR 8583/ UMR 8155/ CRCAO)、德國柏林亞洲藝術博物館、法國吉美國立亞洲藝術博物館、意大利羅馬東方藝術博物館及意大利亞非研究所(Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente [IsIAO])等學術機構學習考察和研究,發表論著有:Iconographie de Mañjuśrī et du mont Wutai en Chine médiévale. Une étude d’après les matériaux picturaux de Dunhuang du VIIe au Xe siècle(中古中國文殊五台山圖像學—根據公元7至10世紀敦煌繪畫資料的研究)(法文版)、A Study of the Story of the Penance and Elimination of Sins in the Golden Light Sūtra Illustration from the Bezeklik Caves (Focusing on Ty-575 Fragments of the Hermitage Collection)、《公元六至八世紀於闐佛教護法神系中的夜叉圖像—以達瑪溝佛寺遺址畫跡為中心的討論》、《公元6世紀末至8世紀初於闐〈大品般若經〉圖像考—和田達瑪溝托普魯克墩2號佛寺兩塊“千眼坐佛”木板畫的重新比定與釋讀》、《從那竭到於闐的早期大乘佛教護法鬼神圖像資料—— 哈達與和田出土的兩件龍王塑像札記》、《螺髻梵王還是編髮梵志?——雲岡石窟第1窟南壁窟門西側龕螺髻坐像圖像考釋》、《印度新德里國家博物館收藏的斯坦因敦煌所獲〈護諸童子曼荼羅〉紙本殘畫及其佛教護法獸首鬼神圖像》、《炳靈寺石窟第 169 窟北壁 10 號壁畫的般若主題與文殊師利法王子圖像初釋》以及《於闐佛教護法鬼神圖像:四臂獸首夜叉—女神與黎婆坻的文本與繪畫資料考》等。
Ph.D. in HTD from the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE), Research at the China National Academy of Painting, Adjunct Researcher at the Research Center for Art Studies of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Council Member of the Chinese Society for Dunhuang and Turfan Studies, China, and Member of the Société Asiatique, French. Primary Research Areas include: The history and iconography of Buddhist art in medieval western China (Xinjiang and Dunhuang), Materials from the Russian expedition’s archaeological expeditions to Xinjiang and Dunhuang and art objects and their collections, the dissemination and exchange of Chinese and foreign art along the Silk Road, etc. Main Publications include: Iconographie de Mañjuśrī et du mont Wutai en Chine médiévale: Une étude d’après les matériaux picturaux de Dunhuang du VIIe au Xe siècle 中古中國文殊五台山圖像學—根據公元7至10世紀敦煌繪畫資料的研究 (Shanghai: Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House, 2018). |
44 | Zhenru Zhou, Tsinghua University 周真如,清華大學 ![]() |
Zhenru Zhou is a Post-doctoral Fellow at the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. She received a Ph.D. degree in art history from the University of Chicago, and architectural degrees from Tsinghua University and Princeton University. She specializes in premodern Buddhist art and architecture in China and along the eastern Silk Roads. Her other interests include visual cultures of architecture in the medieval world and digital built heritage. Her studies have been published in Religions, Arts, Journal of Architectural History, Athanor. Her current book project looks into the architectural and historical intricacies of monk patrons’ merit caves in late-medieval Dunhuang. Her studies have been sponsored by the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, the National Social Science Fund of China, and Chung-Hwa Institute, among others. |