July 6–31, 2020. Venice, Italy – Ca’ Foscari University.
Guest Lecture: Did women produce Buddhist texts in Medieval China? And does it matter if they did?
Stephanie Balkwill (The University of Winnipeg). 2:30pm Thursday, January 30 2020. UBC Asian Centre, Room 604.
Guest Lecture: Chiasmus in Bodhisattva Literature: Two Examples and Theorizing a Meta-Structure
Matthew Orsborn (Taiwan National University). January 30, 2020. 370 Dwinelle Hall, University of California, Berkeley.
CFA: Sheng Yen Education Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship in Chinese Buddhism at UBC
Deadline to apply March 15, 2020
[POSTPONED] International Conference on the Shentong Monastery & East Asian Buddhism
Details TBA. Shentong Monastery in Shandong, Ji’nan Province.
Report on CRTA (Chinese Religious Texts Authority) workshop
Report on the CRTA workshop, December 15-19, 2019 Aussois, France.
CRTA workshop on reading late imperial Chinese religious texts
December 15-19, 2019 Aussois, France.
From Tiantai to Hiei: Transborder and Transcultural Spread of Tiantai/Chontae/Tendai/ Buddhism & East Asian Societies
December 6-8, 2019, Peking University.
[POSTPONED] Historical Mirror for the Contemporary World: International Conference on the Sinification of Buddhism through the Perspective of World History and Globalization
Details TBA. University of Hong Kong and Great Bamboo Grove Monastery 大聖竹林 on Mount Wutai 五臺山.
The Literature and Calligraphy Introduced by Kūkai
Dr. Kōno Kimiko (Waseda University). November 20, 2019 12-1 pm. C.K. Choi 351, University of British Columbia.