Having studied at Peking University, Prof. Yinggang SUN received his doctoral degree from Princeton University. Currently Professor and Director of East Asian Religions at the University of Zhejiang, he also serves as a Deputy Director of Wutaishan International Institute for the Study of Buddhism and East Asian Culture, an Executive member of China’s Society for Early Medieval History, and the Editor-in-chief of book Series “Studies of International Buddhism and Chinese Religions.” His research spans over medieval Chinese history, Buddhist history and intellectual history. In addition to more than 70 published journal papers, he is the author of The Chenwei Prophecy Texts and Medieval Politics, A History of the Sui-Tang and Five Dynasties (both in Chinese), and so on. He also serves on the editorial boards for several academic journals. 孫英剛,先後就讀北京大學和普林斯頓大學,獲普林斯頓大學哲學博士學位。現任浙江大學東亞宗教文化研究中心主任、五台山國際研究院副院長、中國魏晉南北朝史學會理事、 “國際佛教與中國宗教研究叢書”主編。主要從事中古史、佛教史及史學理論研究,代表作包括《神文時代:讖緯、術數與中古政治研究》、《隋唐五代史》等,並發表相關論文70多篇。擔任多種國際學術刊物編委。