East Asian Buddhist Worldmaking: Schedule

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International Conference

“East Asian Buddhist Worldmaking”



August 14-16, 2021 (2021814-16)

Sponsor 主辦: The Glorisun Global Network for Buddhist Studies | 旭日全球佛學研究網絡
Co-Host 承辦: The FROGBEAR project at the University of British Columbia | 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學《拔地入雲:佛教與東亞宗教研究計畫》
Harvard University CAMLab | 哈佛大學中國藝術實驗室


General Schedule

Vancouver (PDT)
New York (EST)
London (BST)
Beijing (CST)
Session 1 6:00 am–7:30 am 9:00 am–10:30 am 2:00 pm–3:30 pm 9:00 pm–10:30 pm
Session 2 7:40 am–9:10 am 10:40 am–12:10 pm 3:40 pm–5:10 pm 10:40 pm–12:10 am
Session 3* 9:20 am–11:20 am 12:20 pm–2:20 pm 5:20 pm–7:20 pm 12:20 am–2:20am


Session 堂次 Saturday 8/14 Sunday 8/15 Monday 8/16
Session 1 Panel 1 Panel 4 Panel 7
Session 2 Panel 2 Panel 5 Panel 8
Session 3 * Panel 3 Panel 6 Panel 9



Detailed Schedule (times in PDT)

Day 1 第1日: August 14, 2021


6:00-6:05 Welcoming Remarks from:  Eugene WANG 汪悅進 (Harvard CAM Lab 哈佛大學中國藝術實驗室) & CHEN Jinhua 陳金華 (UBC 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學)
6:05-7:10 Panel 1: Insights through “Concaved” Worlds 窟界洞見 (Chair 主持: SHA Wutian 沙武田)
1.1 (6:05-6:20) ZHAO Xiaoxing 趙曉星 (Dunhuang Academy 敦煌研究院): 敦煌石窟對佛教宇宙的呈現 [Buddhist Cosmology seen through Dunhuang Grottos]
1.2 (6:20-6:35) HAMADA Tamami 濱田瑞美 (Yokohama University of Art and Design 日本橫浜美術大學): Shakyamuni Buddha World Depicted in Vimalakīrti Scenes in Dunhuang Mogao Caves: The Expansion of Buddha-land to China
Comment 評議 (6:35-6:50) Barend TER HAAR 田海
Discussion 討論 (6:50-7:10) Open Floor 開放討論
7:20–9:10 Panel 2: Buddhist Worlds through Arts and Literature 風花佛界 (Chair 主持: Michael CAVAYERO 柯偉業)
2.1 (7:20-7:35) LI Ling 李翎 (University of Sichuan 四川大學): 樂神演法音:以執樂神般遮翼為中心 [Gods of Music and their Sound of Dharma: With a Focus on the Music God, Pāñcika]
2.2 (7:35-7:50)  LI Xiaorong 李小榮 (Fujian Normal U 福建師範大學): 佛教放生會社與古代詩詞創作略論 [The Buddhist Association of Fangsheng (Animal Release) and the Composition of Chinese Poetry]
2.3 (7:50-8:05) Jeffrey KOTYK (UBC 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學): The Moon as a Celestial Body and God in the Chinese Buddhist Worldview
2.4 (8:05-8:20) Francesca  TAROCCO 樂羽音 (Venice 義大利威尼斯大學): Non-human Personhood across Buddhist Imaginaries: On Vegetarianism and Feng Zikai’s Paintings on the Preservation of Life
Comment 評議 (8:20-8:35) HUANG Bing 黃冰
Discussion 討論 (8:35-9:10) Open Floor 開放討論
9:20-11:20 Panel 3: “Networked”  “網絡世間” (Chair 主持: LI Ling 李翎)
3.1 (9:20-9:35) LI Yicong 李怡淙 (Tsinghua 清華): The Gandharan Four-pointed Cape along the Silk Road: From Northwestern India to the East and the West 絲路沿線的四角披肩:從西北印度至東西方
3.2 (9:35-9:50) YANG Xiaojun 楊效俊(Shaanxi Museum of History 陝西曆史博物館): 武周時期的佛教神聖空間——從長安到敦煌、奈良 [Sacred Buddhist Space during the Wu-Zhou Period: From Chang’an, Dunhuang to Nara]
3.3 (9:50-10:05) WANG Xiang 王翔 (Beijing Normal University-Hong Kong Baptist University & United International College 北京師範大學—香港浸會大學聯合國際學院): From Samarkand to Dunhuang: Buddhist Manuscript Libraries along the Central Asian Silk Road 從撒馬爾罕到敦煌:絲路中亞段的佛教寫本圖書館
3.4 (10:05-10:20) Erika VOROS (Eötvös Loránd U 匈牙利羅蘭大學/ Seoul National University 韓國國立首爾大學): Searching for a Bodhisattva Land on Earth: Potalaka Faith in East Asia
3.5 (10:20-10:35) Sara WILSON (Oklahoma 美國俄克拉瑪大學): Buddhist Worldmaking in the American Midcentury: Japanese American Hybridizations and the Anglo American ‘Maker Ethos’
Comment 評議 (10:35-10:50) Eugene WANG 汪悅進 and Michael CAVAYERO 柯偉業
Discussion 討論 (10:50–11:20) Open Floor 開放討論

Day 2 第2日: August 15, 2021

6:00-7:30 Panel 4: “Pure-Land, Pure-Worlds” 淨土淨界 (1) (Chair 主持: WANG Xuemei 王雪梅)
4.1 (6:00-6:15) Sha Wutian 沙武田 (Shaaxi Normal University 陝西師範大學) and Li Zhijun 李志軍 (Shaaxi Normal University 陝西師範大學) : 從化生童子和海會菩薩看莫高窟西夏經變畫的簡化 [The Simplification of the Tangut Scriptural Transformation Images of Huasheng Boy and Haihui Bodhisattva in the Mogao Cave]
4.2 (6:15-6:30) HE Liqun 何利群 (Chinese academy of Social Sciences 中國社會科學院): 北朝晚期的末法思想與西方淨土圖像的構建 [The Doctrines of Mofa (The End of the Dharma) during the Late Northern Dynasties and the Construction of the Pictorial Representation of the Western Pure Land]
4.3 (6:30-6:45) ZHANG Ming 張銘 (Dunhuang Academy 敦煌研究院 & PekingU 北京大學): 墓窟結合、善惡有報——麥積山第127窟淨土世界的空間營造 [Spatial Construction of the Pure Land in the Cave 127 in Mount Maiji 麥積山]
Comment 評議 (6:45-7:00) HAMADA Tamami 濱田瑞美
7:00-7:30 Open Floor 開放討論
7:40–8:50 Panel 5: “Pure-Land, Pure-Worlds” 淨土淨界 (2) (Chair 主持: LI Xiaorong 李小榮)
5.1 (7:40-7:55) WANG Xuemei 王雪梅 (Northwest U 西北大學): 兜率內院——一個東亞佛教的想象性空間營造 The “Inner Court” of the Tuṣita Palace: A Case of Imaginative Construction of Space in East Asian Buddhism
5.2 (7:55-8:10) ZHANG Xuesong 張雪松 (Renmin U of China 中國人民大學): 他方淨土與隱逸地仙——中國文學對佛教淨土的想象與構建 Buddhist Pure Land and Daoist Immortals: Representation of Buddhist Pure Land in Chinese Literature
Comment 評議 (8:10-8:25) HE Liqun 何利群
Discussion 討論 (8:25-8:50) Open Floor 開放討論
9:00-11:10 Panel 6: One Temple, One World 一剎一娑婆 (Chair 主持: Chen Jinhua 陳金華)
6.1 (9:00-9:15) ZHAN Ru 湛如 (PekingU 北京大學): 西明寺的形制及其對日本寺院的影響 [The Monastic System of the Ximing Monastery 西明寺 and its Influences on Japanese Monasteries]
6.2 (9:15-9:30) ZHENG Jiajia 鄭佳佳 (Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics 浙江財經大學): 神僧萬回與唐代內道場的構建 [The Legendary Monk Wanghui 萬回 and the Palace Chapel]
6.3 (9:30-9:45) HUANG Bing 黃冰 (Providence 美國普維敦斯學院): The Famensi Xiangnang 香囊 and Buddhist Worldmaking
6.4 (9:45-10:00) WANG Yingxue 王映雪 (Harvard 美國哈佛大學): Killing Beetles for the Buddha?: Reconsidering the Tamamushi Shrine in Seventh-Century East Asia 從“玉蟲”看玉蟲厨子與七世紀東亞佛教
6.5 (10:00-10:15) George A. KEYWORTH ( U Saskatchewan 加拿大薩斯喀徹溫大學): On Bonshakuji as the Penultimate Buddhist Temple to Protect the State in Early Japanese History
Comment 評議 (10:15-10:30) CHEN Huaiyu 陳懷宇
Discussion 討論 (10:30-11:10) Open Floor 開放討論

Day 3 第3日: August 16, 2021

6:00-7:30 Panel 7: New Worlds Emerging from Religious Merging 異派交匯、新界迭出 (1) (Chair 主持: Eugene WANG 汪悅進)
7.1 (6:00-6:15) Barend TER HAAR 田海 ( Hamburg 德國漢堡大學): Lay imagination of the Pure Land in traditional China
7.2 (6:15-6:30) MI Defang 米德昉 (Academy of Dazu Rock Carvings 大足石刻研究院): 區域視覺傳統中的柳本尊佛教圖像體系——柳本尊與毗盧佛的交涉 [The Pictorial Representations of the Esoteric Buddhist Master, the Venerable Liu 柳本尊 in Eastern Sichuan: His Relationship with Vairocana]
7.3 (6:30-6:45) PENG Chunhui (San Jose State University 美國聖荷西州立大學): Agency and Alterity: Mediating Hybridity in The Journey to Find Previous Lives
Comment 評議 (6:45-7:00) ZHANG Xuesong 張雪松
Discussion 討論 (7:00-7:30) Open Floor 開放討論
7:40–9:10 Panel 8: New Worlds Emerging from Religious Merging 異派交匯、新界迭出 (2) (Chair 主持: PENG Chunhui)
8.1 (7:40-7:55) Michael CAVAYERO 柯偉業 (PekingU 北京大學): Examination of the Term Miaowu Ziran 妙悟自然 (Wonderous Enlightenment and Its Awakened State of Natural Being) and Its Appearance in Lidai Minghua Ji 歷代名畫記 [Records of Famous Paintings of Successive Dynasties]: The Influence of Buddhism and Daoism on Early Painting Theory in China
8.2 (7:55-8:10) XIE Yifeng 謝一峰 ( Hunan University 湖南大學): The Increasing and Decline of Buddhist Factors in the Sacred Axis of Capitals in Medieval China 中古都城神聖軸線中佛教因素的變遷與進退
8.3 (8:10-8:25) CHEN Huaiyu 陳懷宇 (Arizona State U 美國亞利桑那大學): Creating Four Mandalas and Making Four Buddhist Worlds: A Reading of Dunhuang Liturgical Manuscripts 敦煌結壇願文所見四種曼陀羅及其反映的四維世界
Comment 評議 (8:25-8:40) WANG Xiang 王翔
Discussion 討論 (8:40-9:10) Open Floor 開放討論
9:20-11:20 Panel 9: When the Partial Becomes the Whole: Sectarianism in Worldmaking 化零為整、出偏入全:宗派意識與世間營造 (Chair 主持: George A. KEYWORTH)
9.1 (9:20-9:35) LIN Weiyu 林威宇 (UBC 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學): Vairocana of the Avatasamsaka Sūtra: A Comparative Reflection on the Matter of Creator and Creation
9.2 (9:35-9:50) WANG Beier 王蓓兒 (Munich 德國慕尼黑大學): Conceptualization and “World-Making” from the Yogācāra Perspective
9.3 (9:50-10:05) WANG Jun 王珺 (China Jiliang U 中國計量大學): Research on the Possible Buddhist School Attribution of the Jamalgarhi Monastery in Mardan
9.4 (10:05-10:20) XU Caiyang 徐采揚 (Columbia 美國哥倫比亞大學): Mahayana Distinction: Mapping the Buddhist World in 20th-Century China 格乎大乘:20世紀中國佛教世界之畛域
Comment 評議 (10:20-10:35) Jeffrey KOTYK
Discussion 討論 (10:35-11:10) Open Floor 開放討論
11:10-11:30 Final Discussion & Concluding Remarks 最終討論並總結發言