
Cluster Leader: Imre Galambos, University of Cambridge/Zhejiang University and Michelle Wang, Georgetown University

The cluster “Multicultural Dunhuang: Manuscripts and Paintings” examines the connections between Dunhuang manuscripts and paintings, particularly during the tenth century. A central aim of the project is to bring together rising scholars of paintings and of manuscripts in order to develop methodologies applicable to both and to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration. An equally important aspect is to situate the relevant Dunhuang material in the wider cultural and religious currents of the silk road region.

Fieldwork will focus on the material kept in the major holding institutions in London (British Museum and British Library). The academic output of the cluster will include the production of scholarly work such as journal articles, dissertation theses, and seminar papers.


Workshop Report

Read 2021 online workshop report


Field Visit Report

Read 2022 field visit report

Read the 2023 field visit report


Cluster Publications

View BEAR Research Briefs—“Ritual objects at Dunhuang: A case study of a Buddhist paper banner”


Cluster Participants

Affiliated Researchers Associated Researchers
Berdin, Francesca (Inalco [Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales]) – 2023 Luo, Yanxi (University of Edinburgh) – 2023
Butterfield, James Julian Wilcox (Stanford University) – 2023 Meng, Xiaoqiang (Leiden University) – 2022
Carlton, Kelly (Princeton University) – 2022 Wong, So Ching (Durham University) – 2023
Chen, Xinshu (Universität Hamburg) – 2022
Chui, Bianca (University of British Columbia) – 2022
Du, Yalin (Princeton University) – 2022
Fan, Huajie (University of Virginia) – 2022
Hui, Wen (Ghent University) – 2023
Kim, Sinae (Princeton University) – 2022
Ma, Cho Wun (University of Virginia) – 2022
Norton, Michael (Harvard University) – 2022
Tay, Yuxuan ((UCLA) – 2023
Van Cutsem, Laurent (Ghent University) – 2022
Wong, Junfu (University of Cambridge) – 2022