Siqi Gan was born in Shanghai, China. He received his bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Hohai University, China. He is now a postgraduate student of religion study in East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. His main academic interest is in Buddhist literature study, especially the Sanskrit and Tibetan textual research. Moreover, he is also interested in religion ritual research. The present research which he will conduct during his visiting in UBC is the textual research of a Sanskrit manuscript–Vajrāvāli. This is a tantric ritual compendium compiled by Abhayākaragupta, the famous abbot of the Vikramaśila monastery and centered on the mandala rituals in esoteric Buddhism. His research will make a critical edition of the Sanskrit version of Sutranavidhi and Rajahpatanavidhi, two of the rituals contained in the manuscript, and then translate them into Chinese.