The Tianzhu Book Prize for Excellence in Chan Studies is awarded to a sole-authored, peer reviewed academic book, with a copyright in the past three years (2016, 2017, or 2018), on a topic related to any Chan tradition. The publication can be in any language. Dissertations and non-academic works are not eligible. The recipient will receive $5000 and be invited to UBC to deliver a lecture.
Nominations are now being accepted (including self-nominations).
To submit a nomination, please use this form: Tianzhu Book Prize Nomination Form
Include the title of the work, the author’s name, reason for nomination, and one sample chapter. For publications in languages other than English and Chinese, a summary in English must be included, along with the names of two additional co-nominators that are familiar with the work. If the work is selected shortlisted, a full copy of the publication may be requested.
The adjudication committee will be comprised of scholars with broad expertise in the area, who will consider the monograph’s potential for advancing scholarly understanding of new aspects of different traditions of Chan Buddhism.
The deadline to submit nominations has been extended to June 30, 2019.