來自 |
所屬 |
資歷 |
Research Interests
研究興趣 |
1. ANTOLINI Amelia
Italy/Netherlands |
Leiden University
萊頓大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
Buddhist art; grotto art; cave temples |
2. BOYER Laura
France |
法國社會科學高等研究院 |
PhD student
博士在讀 |
fangsheng, animals, Qing dynasty, charitable associations |
3. CAI Tiantian
Mainland China/USA |
The University of Wisconsin-Madison
威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校 |
PhD student
博士在讀 |
Buddhist philosophy, Yogācāra epistemology, prapañca, Tibetan Buddhism, comparison between Sanskrit and Chinese treatises, and concepts transmission |
4. CHAN Chu Kwan
Hong Kong/Germany |
University of Hamburg
漢堡大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
Tiantai Buddhism, Yinian Sanqian, Methodologies, Transformative experience, Religious experience |
5. CHEN Xinshu
Mainland China/Germany |
University of Hamburg
漢堡大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
Chinese Middle-aged Buddhist, Local society, Stone Sutras, Middle Asia Buddhism, old-Turkish language |
6. DU Jingting
Mainland China |
Peking University
北京大學 |
PhD student
博士在讀 |
佛教哲學;中古佛教史;三教關係 |
7. JAMES Jeremy
Canada |
University of British Columbia
英屬哥倫比亞大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
Traditional China, Religions, Philosophy, History |
8. JIAO Xuewei
Mainland China |
Beijing Normal University
北京師範大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
the language of Medieval Chinese Buddhist literature 中古漢文佛典語言, Siddham literature in East Asia 東亞悉曇文獻, Medieval Chinese phonology 中古漢語音系(6th-11th), the transformation and propagation of Vinaya scriptures in Medieval China 早期漢地戒律傳播與實踐 |
9. JIN Hai
金海 |
Norway/USA |
Harvard University
哈佛 |
PhD student
博士在讀 |
Pre-modern and modern, Eastern Asian Buddhism, Tantra and Shingon, Integration and Differentiation of Chan practice from Esoteric Buddhism, Globalization |

Germany |
University of Hamburg
漢堡大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
Kucha Caves, death, rituals, meditation, pretas, iconography, Yogalehrbuch, Mūlasarvāstivāda-vinaya, function of Buddhist caves. |
11. LI Junyi
Mainland China |
Tsinghua University
清華大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
魏晉南北朝,佛教,戒律,俗人 |
12. LI Wai Wing Angelina
Hong Kong |
The University of Hong Kong
香港大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
Early Chinese Buddhism, Silk Road, Buddhist art, Buddhist cave temples |
13. LI Yifan
Mainland China/Germany |
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
慕尼黑路德維希馬克西米利安大學 |
在職 |
Hell, Ghosts, Chinese Buddhism, Religious studies |
14. LIAN Haochen
廉皓晨 |
Mainland China |
Zhejiang University
浙江大學 |
PhD student
博士在讀 |
philology, bibliography, Buddhist historical books |
15. LIANG Yuchen
Mainland China/USA |
Emory University
埃默里大學 |
PhD student
博士在讀 |
Chan, Nothingness, Chan language, Kanhua, Comparative philosophy |
16. LIU Yaojie
劉耀洁 |
Mainland China/Hong Kong |
City University of Hong Kong
香港城市大學 |
在職 |
漢宋之爭、清代詩文集匯編、翁方綱年譜、復初齋年譜 |
17. LIU Mianheng
Mainland China/USA |
Arizona State University
亚利桑那州立大學 |
PhD student
博士在讀 |
南北朝 佛教 道教 佛道關係 民族意識 |
18. LIU Ziyang
Mainland China/Hong Kong |
Chinese University of Hong Kong
香港中文大學 |
在職 |
Tibten Buddhism in Mongolia; Mogolia religions and inner asian; Esoteric Buddhism and Tantra in Yuan-Ming-Qing China; Philosophy of Buddhism and comparative philosophy ( esp in philosophy of mind and action); Anthroplogy of religion in Mongolia; |
19. MA Xi
Mainland China |
Nankai University
南開大學 |
PhD student
博士在讀 |
中晚唐、思想史、教團與社會、菩薩戒、私寺與官寺 |
20. MA Zhujun
馬竹君 |
Mainland China/USA |
University of Colorado Boulder
科羅拉多大學博爾德分校 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
Chinese Religion; Gender; Ritual; Pilgrimage; Orality |
21. PEDRETTI Filippo
Italy |
University of Padua/Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
帕多瓦大學/Ca’ Foscari 威尼斯大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
Contemporary Rinzai Zen; Religious Syncretism; Zen intellectual History |
22. QIU Xiaoyun (Sherry)
Mainland China |
Peking University
北京大學 |
PhD student
博士在讀 |
Indian temple caves |
23. SHI Dabei
Mainland China |
Buddhist College of Minnan
閩南佛學院 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
中觀 龍樹 般若 禪修的實修探索 |
24. SHI Dangshi
Mainland China |
Buddhist College of Minnan
閩南佛學院 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
25. SHI Daozhou
Mainland China |
Buddhist College of Minnan
閩南佛學院 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
yogacara-bhumi-sastra, samadhi, observation |
26. SHI Fachi
Mainland China |
Suzhou Śīlapatāka Buddhist Research Institute
蘇州戒幢佛學研究所 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
中觀,明句論,五蘊品,月稱 |
27. SHI Heyi
释合一  |
Mainland China |
Shanghai Buddhist College
上海佛學院 |
在職 |
如來藏,禪宗,戒律的總持,僧團在現代社會的發展,Buddhist philosophy, Yogācāra epistemology, English Buddhism |
28. SHI Miaohang
釋妙航 |
Mainland China |
Buddhist College of Minnan
閩南佛學院 |
Undergraduate student
本科在讀 |
彌陀疏鈔 |
29. SHI Nengshan
Mainland China |
Buddhist College of Minnan
閩南佛學院 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
佛教戒律研究 |
30. SHI Zhirui
釋知瑞 |
Taiwan |
Fo Guang Shan Monastery
佛光山寺 |
在職 |
編纂佛光山禪學大辭典 |
31. SOLOSTOVA Valeria |
Russia |
Kazan Federal University
喀山聯邦大學 |
Undergraduate student
本科在讀 |
Сontact linguistics, Hybrid Buddhist Chinese Language, Second language acquisition, Paramartha’s sutras translations |
32. TAY Yu Xuan
Singapore |
National University of Singapore
新加坡國立大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
Tang Buddhism, Political legitimation |
33. WEI Zhaoyuan
Mainland China |
University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
中國社會科學院大學 |
Undergraduate student
本科在讀 |
中古佛教史、佛教文獻學、中印佛教文化交流、北朝造像記研究 |
34. WERBIK Marcel
Poland |
Jagiellonian University
雅蓋隆大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
Chan Buddhism, Chinese Buddhist poetry, Chinese Esoteric Buddhism, Azhaliism |
35. YANG He
Mainland China |
Jiangsu Second Normal University
江蘇第二師範學院 |
Postdoctoral Fellow
博士後 |
佛教文學與文獻 |
36. YANG Jiuhong
Mainland China |
Nankai University
南開大學 |
PhD student
博士在讀 |
佛教文學 敦煌文學 敦煌願文 邈真讚 六朝佛教 |
37. YANG Qixin
Mainland China |
Zhejiang University
浙江大學 |
PhD student
博士在讀 |
唐代佛教;佛教宗派;社會結構;安史之亂;莊園制經濟 |
38. YAO Xingchen
Mainland China |
Peking University
北京大學 |
Undergraduate student
本科在讀 |
Early Buddhism, Indian mythology, Sanskrit epics 早期佛教,印度神話,梵語史詩 |
39. YUAN Jingyi
Mainland China/USA |
Harvard University
哈佛 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
Buddhism and popular culture, ritual and play, cosmology and cosmograms, karma and chance |
40. ZAPPULLI Davide

Italy/Canada |
University of British Columbia
英屬哥倫比亞大學 |
PhD student
博士在讀 |
Buddhist Metaphysics, Buddhist Philosophy of Language, and Philosophy of Religion |
41. ZHANG Huijie
张慧洁 |
Mainland China |
Shanghai Normal University
上海師範大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
佛教,佛寺,選址,人地關係 |
42. ZHANG Jie
Mainland China/USA |
University of Virginia
弗吉尼亞大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
Buddhist illustrated woodblock print, late imperial China |
43. ZHANG Longyu
Mainland China/Belgium |
Ghent University
根特大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
Mūlasarvāstivāda vinaya Saṃghabheda-vastu; Chinese translation; Yijing; Medieval Chinese |
44. ZHANG Xin
Singapore |
Buddhist College of Singapore
新加坡佛學院 |
在職 |
Nikaya, Meditation, Comparative Studies |
45. ZHAO Tun
Mainland China |
Sichuan University
四川大學 |
PhD student
博士在讀 |
Chinese Buddhist scriptures; White Lotus; Pilu Tripitaka Sutra; Buddhism in Yuan Dynasty |
46. ZHENG Yutong
Mainland China/Hong Kong |
Chinese University of Hong Kong
香港中文大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
Zen and Global Yijing in American Literature, Carl Jung, Comparative Studies of Buddhism and Taoism, Religious Phenomenology |
47. ZHONG Tiantian
Mainland China/Canada |
University of Calgary
卡爾加里大學 |
PhD student
博士在讀 |
Medieval Chinese Buddhism; Buddhist sculpture; Zen practice |
48. ZHOU Sitong
Mainland China/Belgium |
Ghent University
根特大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
Early Buddhism早期佛教, Bamboo Slips 出土竹簡, Dunhuang 敦煌, Philology 文獻學, the Book of Songs 詩經 |
49. ZHU Chenxi
Mainland China/Hong Kong |
Chinese University of Hong Kong
香港中文大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
彌勒信仰、儀式、中國戲曲、西域佛教 |
50. ZHU Xuanhui
朱軒慧 |
Mainland China/Germany |
University of Hamburg
漢堡大學 |
MA student
碩士在讀 |
Dasheng Qixin Lun, Faith in Buddhism, Mahāyāna Buddhism, Early Chinese Buddhism, Buddhist Practices |