Identity and Networks in Buddhism and East Asian Religions – Panelists

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1. Judit BAGI 芭九迪: Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences  匈牙利科學院 (

Ms Judit Bagi is a PhD student at the European Ethnology – Cultural Anthropology Program, Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, the University of Pécs, and Chinese reference librarian at the Oriental Collection of the Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Her major research interest includes Chinese medieval filial texts and their connection to contemporary rituals and oral tradition in China. Her philological research focuses on the related Dunhuang materials and their local textual versions, especially those from the places of the Maritime Silk Road, the Southwestern Silk Road and the Wutaishan area. She follows an interdisciplinary approach in her research methods.

2. BAI Bing 白冰: Northwest University 西北大學 (

3. BAI Zhaojie 白照傑: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences 上海社會科學院哲學研究所 (




Major Publication:



校译《中国历史与社会中的道教仪式》(by John Lagerwey; 齐鲁书社,2017);正在翻译《政治与般若》(Politics and Transcendent Wisdom by Charles D. Orzech )。


其人获邀成为多家研究机构外聘研究员,并参与多种国际合作项目,如受邀成为重大国际合作佛教项目 “From the Ground Up: Buddhism & East Religions” 正式成员等。

4. CHEN Dawei 陳大為: Shanghai Normal University 上海師範大學歷史系 (

5. CHEN Jin 陳進: Southwest University of Political Science & Law 西南政法大學哲學系 (


6. CHEN Jidong 陳繼東: Masahiro University 日本武藏野大學 (


陈继东,北京大学本科、硕士,东京大学文学博士。曾任北京大学哲学系讲师,现为青山学院大学国际政治经济系教授。著作有《清末佛教研究-以杨文会为中心》(山喜房,2003)、《小栗栖香顶清末中国体验 近代日中佛教交流之开端》(山喜房,2016)
7. CHEN Jinhua 陳金華: The University of British Columbia 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學 (

Jinhua Chen is Professor of East Asian intellectual history (particularly religions) at the University of British Columbia, where he also served as the Canada Research Chair in East Asian Buddhism (2001-2011). He additionally held short-term teaching positions at other universities including the University of Virginia (2000-2001), the University of Tokyo (2003-04), and Stanford University (2012).As recipient of research grants and fellowships from different sources including Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Canada Research Chairs (CRC) Program, Killam Foundation, Peter Wall Institute for the Advanced Studies, Society for the Promotion of Buddhism (Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai [BDK]), Japan Society for the Promotion of Social Sciences (JSPS), Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Max Plank Institute, the Academy of Korean Studies, and most recently, the National Humanities Center (USA), he has been engaged in research projects related to East Asian state-church relationships, monastic (hagio/)biographical literature, Buddhist sacred sites, relic veneration, Buddhism and technological innovation in medieval China, and Buddhist translations. In addition to publishing five monographs, including (1). Making and Remaking History (Tokyo, 1999), (2). Monks and Monarchs, Kinship and Kingship (Kyoto, 2002), (3). Philosopher, Practitioner, Politician: The Many Lives of Fazang [643-712] (Leiden, 2007), 4. Legend and Legitimation: The Formation of Tendai Esoteric Buddhism (Brussels, 2009), and (5). Crossfire: Shingon-Tendai strife as seen in two twelfth-century polemics (Tokyo, 2010), he has also co-edited five books. He is also the author of over fifty book chapters and journal articles, with major academic journals such as Asia Major,  Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African StudiesHarvard Journal of Asiatic Studies,  History of Religions,  Journal AsiatiqueJournal of Asian HistoryJournal of Chinese ReligionsJournal of the American Oriental SocietyJournal of the International Association of Buddhist StudiesJournal of the Royal Asiatic Society, and T’oung P’ao: Revue internationale de sinologie. Several of his forthcoming books include one on medieval Chinese monastic warfare, another on Buddhism and Daoism’s politico-economical roles in early eighth century, and finally an annotated English translation (with an extended Introduction) of the complete works of the 9-10th century Korean literary luminary Choe Chiwon 崔致遠.
8. Yujing CHEN 陳渝菁/Shi Dixuan 釋諦玄 (Grinnell College 美國格林內爾學院):

Dixuan Yujing Chen is an ordained Buddhist nun and visiting Assistant Professor of East Asian Religions at Grinnell College, Iowa, USA. She was trained at the Yuan Kuang Institute of Buddhist Studies and received her M.A. from the Religion Department of the National Cheng-Chi University in Taiwan. Her M.A. thesis surveyed the philosophy of the non-duality presented in the scriptures centered on Bodhisattva Manjusri.

She received her Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies from the Religion Department at the University of Florida. Her dissertation investigates how Chinese dominant social norms and assorted political reasons were interwoven with beliefs and practices centered on Medicine Master Buddha (Bhaisajyaguru Buddha), with a focus on the period from the Western Jin 西晉 (265-317) to the Tang 唐 (618-907) dynasty. She is currently exploring the development and transformation of Buddhism in Taiwan. Her main areas of teaching include East Asian Studies, Buddhist traditions, Women’s Studies, and the connection between religion and healing.

9. CHEN Zhiyuan 陳志遠: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 中國社科院歷史所 (

10. DA Wu 大悟: University of Hong Kong 香港大學 (

現於香港大學佛學研究中心就讀佛教研究博士學位Major Publications 主要寫作出版的學術文章:
1: An Inquiry to Sunyata Concept In Theravada Buddhism (2006, Sri Lanka, University of Kelaniya);
2: Buddhist Translators and Their Role in Chinese Buddhist History(148-598 C.E.)(Oct. 2013,University of Hong Kong);
3. An Inquiry Into the Nāgārjuna’s Thought of Suñyāta and Middle-Path on Madhyamika Philosophy (《龍樹中論的空性和中道思想之辨析》) (15th-17th Dec. 2017; Chaozhou, China, The First Academic Conference on Madhyamika philosophy thoughts in Chaozhou). This paper has been published as collected papers on the Madhyamika studies by Kaiyuan Monastery開元寺 of Chaozhou潮洲;
11. DONG Daxue 董大學: Shanghai Normal University 上海師範大學 (







12. Bernard FAURE 佛雷: Columbia University 美國哥倫比亞大學 ( Bernard Faure is since 2006 the Kao Professor of Japanese Religion in the Departments of Religion and East Asian Languages and Cultures at Columbia University. Before that, he was the George Edwin Burnell Professor of Religious Studies at Stanford University. He received in Ph.D. in Asian Literatures from the Institut National des Langues Orientales Vivantes (Paris) in 1984. He specializes in the Chinese and Japanese Buddhist Traditions. He is the author of a number of books in English and French, Including The Rhetoric of Immediacy, Chan Insights and Oversights, The Red Thread, The Power of Denial, Visions of Power, Unmasking Buddhism, and, more recently, the first two volumes of a series of works on the gods of medieval Japan, The Fluid Pantheon and Protectors and Predators, both published by the University of Hawai’i Press. He has also recently finished a book in French, The Thousand an One Lives of the Buddha – from ancient India to the modern Western novels and Science Fiction.
13. GAO Jixi 高繼習: Universityof Shandong 山東大學  (


高继习,山东大学考古学系博士毕业,现任山东大学文化遗产研究院副研究员。长期从事田野考古工作,主要研究方向为佛教考古、汉唐考古。佛教方面出版有《中国古代舍利地宫研究》(科学出版社)、《济南县西巷地宫及相关问题初步研究》(香港大学饶宗颐学术馆);发表《论当阳玉泉寺铁塔地宫铭文对弘景禅师研究的补史意义》(世界宗教研究)、《宋代埋藏佛教残损石造像群原因考——论“明道寺模式”》(《海岱考古》)、The Underground Chamber of The Famensi Pagoda: Its Date,Background, And Historical Significance(Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie)等。曾参与山东地区北朝摩崖石经中德合作调查等项目,目前在研国家社科基金项目“中国古代舍利地宫装饰艺术研究”。
14. GUO Lin 郭琳: Capital Normal University 首都師範大學 ( 北京師範大學博士生,專業為中國史,研究方向為歷史文獻學、佛教史籍。博士論文《中國古代編年體佛教通史研究》
15. Rey-Sheng HER 何日生 : Tzu-Chi University 台灣慈濟大學( Dr. Rey-Sheng Her is an Associate Professor of the Institute of Religion and Culture at College of Humanity and Social Science, Tzu Chi University; and the Spokesman and Director of Humanity Development of the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation, which runs the largest, faith-based NGO in the Chinese world. Dr. Her received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from Peking University. Master of Art on Communication Management, the Annenberg School for Communication of the University of Southern California.In 2010, Professor Her initiated the “Tzu Chi Forum”, and has been a co-organizer since.   The forum serves as a platform for all Buddhists and NGO scholars to discuss the topics of the philosophy of humanistic Buddhism and its applications to charity, environment and organizational management. For decades, Dr. Her has devoted to the researches in the fields of Buddhist philosophy, especially Humanistic Buddhism, both on theoretical and empirical perspectives, and the Management and Operations of RNGO (Faith-Based NGO).

In academia, Dr. Her’s publications include “From Altruism to Ultimate Awakening–The Altruistic Philosophy and Practices of Dharma Master Cheng Yen”, “The Philosophy and Practices of Buddhist Tzu Chi (Parts I and II),The Moment of Inspiration, and “Constructive Journalism”; edited “The Universal Value of Buddhism & the Dharma Path of Tzu Chi”, and “The Dialogue of Religion and Environment”, etc.

He teaches “Religion and NGO” and “Religion and Communication” at the graduate level at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences of Tzu Chi University.  His recent researches focus on the subjects of economic life of Humanistic Buddhism and the organizational transformation of Chinese Buddhist sangha.

16. HU Xiaozhong 胡孝忠: Universityof Shandong 山東大學 ( 胡孝忠,男,四川宜賓人,山東大學歷史學博士、文學博士後,香港大學博士後研究員(Post-Doctoral Fellow),主要研究地方志、佛教史和澳門史,現任山東大學歷史文化學院助理研究員,兼任澳門歷史宗教文化研究會副監事長。曾於2011-2014年在香港大學饒宗頤學術館工作,親炙國學大師饒宗頤先生。曾在《宗教學研究》(CSSCI)、《國學新視野》(香港)、Journal of Research in Developmental Disabilities(SSCI)等刊物發文20余篇,出版《饒宗頤教授著作目錄三編》(合編),已在法國、中國大陸及港澳台地區出席國際會議20余次,曾在澳門特區民政總署“嘉模講壇”主講方志與地域文化、佛教史等講座多次。曾獲山東省第三十次社會科學優秀成果獎二等獎、山東高等學校優秀科研成果獎三等獎各一次。曾主持香港大學科研項目兩項,中國博士後基金面上資助項目、山東大學人才引進項目各一項,目前主持山東省社科規劃年度項目、山東大學基本科研業務費資助項目(人文社科青年團隊)項目各一項。
17. JI Aimin 季愛民: Northeast Normal University 東北師範大學歷史文化學院 ( 2009年毕业于北京大学历史系,同年任职于东北师范大学历史文化学院。一直从事隋唐佛教社会史的研究,曾发表《隋唐长安佛教社会史》(中华书局,2016年)。目前致力于唐两京禅的社会史论题的研究。在搜集僧传以及西安、洛阳地区出土佛教石刻资料的基础上,加以解读,并关注禅与两京僧众社会生活的关系。不带“宗”的禅,是否存在于尘世?禅在居民的日常生活中处于什么样的位置,是我在思考的问题。
18. JI Yiwen 季怡雯 : National University of Singapore 新加坡國立大學 (

19.George KEYWORTH 紀強: University of Saskatchewan 加拿大薩斯喀徹溫大學 (


George A. KEYWORTH, Assistant Professor with Tenure (Associate Professor in 2018), Department of History, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.Dr. Keyworth received his B.A. (Honors) in Chinese and Asian Studies and M.A. in Asian Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). He received his Ph.D. in Chinese Buddhist Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Dr. Keyworth was an Assistant Professor of East Asian Religions at the University of Colorado at Boulder (CU-Boulder) from 2001-2006, followed by three years as a researcher in Kyoto, Japan, from 2006-2009. In 2011, Dr. Keyworth joined the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada as an Assistant Professor of Buddhist Studies and East Asian Religions. After receiving tenure in 2017, Dr. Keyworth transferred to the Department of History, where he will teach courses in the areas of premodern Chinese and Japanese history, Asian Studies, the history of religion in East Asia, and comparative manuscript studies.

Dr. Keyworth has published several articles on topics ranging from Northern Song dynasty (960-1127) Chinese Chan Buddhism and the figure of Juefan Huihong 覺範惠洪 (1071-1128); Japanese pilgrims to Song China (e.g., Jōjin 成尋 [1011-1081]); apocryphal Chinese Buddhist scriptures and the particular case of the Shoulengyan jing 首楞嚴經 (*Śūraṃgama-sūtra, T no. 945) using Chinese and Khotanese Sanskrit sources from Dunhuang; esoteric Buddhism in Tang (618-907) and Song China; Zen Buddhism in Edo (1603-1868) Japan and the figures of Xinyue Xingchou 心越興儔 (Shin’etsu Kōchū, 1639-1696) and Kakumon Kantetsu 覚門貫徹 (d. 1730); and old Japanese manuscript Buddhist canons (issaikyō 一切経), especially from Nanatsudera 七寺  the Matsuo shrine 松尾社 canon kept at Myōrenji. He is currently working on two books, tentatively titled: Zen and the Literary Arts and Copying for the Kami: A Study and Catalog of the Matsuo Shrine Buddhist Canon. He has received grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada to support his research projects. He has also supervised M.A. students who wrote theses on topics ranging from modern religion in China and Japan to early modern Daoism.

20. KONG Yan 孔雁: Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港中文大學 ( 現為香港中文大學文化及宗教研究系博士候選人,博士論文的題目是《兩宋之際的曹洞宗與默照禪再探究》。曾在《世界宗教研究》、《西夏學》等刊物上發表學術論文數篇。
21. Carsten KRAUSE 康易清: Universität Hamburg 德國漢堡大學 (


Carsten Krause has specialized in the past and present of Chinese Buddhism since the early 1990s, maintaining an ongoing affiliation with the University of Hamburg. From 1991 to 2001, he studied in Passau, Nanjing, Hamburg, Chia-yi, and then Hamburg again, with the support of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (“Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes”). While at the Department of Chinese Studies at the University of Hamburg (Asien-Afrika-Institut) (漢堡大學亞非學院中文系), he participated in a two-year interdisciplinary working group on the “Ta-sheng ch’i-hsin lun” (大乘起信論) under the guidance of Professor Michael Friedrich and graduated with a master’s degree in 1997. His thesis focused on a work by Chi-tsang (吉藏).

From 1997 to 1998, Carsten Krause spent half a year at the Center for Religious Culture and Buddhist Studies (now the Institute of Religious Studies) of Nanhua University (南華大學) in Chia-yi, supported by a scholarship. He continued studying Chinese Buddhism at the University of Hamburg and completed his PhD with a dissertation entitled “Ch’eng-shih lun (成實論) – On the Reception and Influence of a Buddhist Text in Medieval China from Kumarajiva (344–413) to Chi-tsang (549–623)”. The dissertation was supervised by Professor Michael Friedrich and Professor Lambert Schmithausen and was graded “summa cum laude”.

During his subsequent work at the Senate Chancellery of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, where he was in charge of Chinese-German relations (2002–2006), Carsten Krause wrote an article entitled “Interdependencies between State and Buddhism in the People’s Republic of China” in 2005/06 which was published in one book and two journals.

Since becoming the director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Hamburg in 2007, Carsten Krause has continued to focus on questions related to the revival of Chinese Buddhism in contemporary China. He organized a symposium entitled “Challenges for the Revival and Future Development of Chan-Buddhist Monasteries in China” at the Numata Center for Buddhist Studies of the University of Hamburg in 2015 where he has become a Research Fellow since 2017 ( He has also been offering lectures at the University of Hamburg on the topic of Buddhism in contemporary China, the history of the relation between state and Buddhism in China etc.


22. KWAK Roe 郭磊: Dongguk University 韓國東國大學佛教學術院 (

23. LI Haitao 李海濤: University of Shandong 山東大學 (

24. LI Jie 李傑: Sun Yat-sen University 中山大學 ( 2017年畢業於澳門大學中文系,獲文學博士學位。現為中山大學中文系博士後。主要研究方向:清初嶺南詩僧與詩歌文獻、明清遺民文學、河西寶卷與敦煌文學。曾主持廣州市級項目一項,曾擔任“中華先秦與諸子與古典學研究會”副理事長。
25. LI Meng 李猛: Renmin University of China 中國人民大學文學院 (

26. LI Yier 李一爾: Fujian Normal University 福建師範大學 (

27. LIN Pei-ying 林佩瑩: Fu-jen University, Taiwan 台灣 輔仁大學 (

LIN Pei-ying 林佩瑩, 台灣輔仁大學助理教授,研究領域為唐代佛教,側重文獻與思想的傳遞,涵蓋議題涉及禪宗、菩薩戒文獻、文化交流與認同等。她於台灣大學取得政治系國際關係組學士學位,於英國劍橋大學進修碩士學位,並於倫敦大學亞非學院獲得宗教學博士。加入輔仁大學宗教學系的教學團隊之前,她於加州伯克利從事中國佛教的博士後研究,以一套唐代中葉的菩薩戒戒本作研究主題,分析禪宗與密教在大乘戒律與禪修上的關聯性。
28. LIU Chunming 劉春明, Jilin University 吉林大學 (

29. PARK Jongmu 朴鐘茂 , Howon University 韓國湖原大學;

童話作家,評論家,文學博士; 2012年,四川大學文學博士學位; 博士論文題目:《韓半島法華信仰形成與發展研究》。








30. Amandine PERONNET 張夢潔, Università degli Studi di Perugia

Amandine PERONNET 張夢潔 is currently an anthropology PhD student at the Università degli Studi di Perugia in Italy, and the National Institute of Foreign Languages and Civilizations in Paris, France. Her main research interests are Chinese contemporary Buddhism, female monasticism, lay Buddhism and contemporary religious practices.
31. PU Xuanyi 蒲宣伊 , Renmin University of China 中國人民大學 (

32. RAO Xiao 饒驍: Stanford University 美國斯坦福大學 (

RAO Xiao 饒驍 is currently a PhD candidate in pre-modern Chinese literature at Stanford University. He received his MA from CU Boulder. His research interests include literary history, religion, and literati culture in medieval China. He has published translations and essays in ‘Renditions’ and ‘Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture.’ He is currently writing his dissertation in which he explores how humorous writing reflected and shaped new literary, religious, and political cultures in the Northern Song (960-1127) period. By examining playful poems, jokes, and other anecdotal entries preserved in the miscellany writing (biji) by scholar-officials, he demonstrates the significant roles humor played in the cultural innovations in eleventh century China.
33. Gil RAZ 李福: Dartmouth College 美國達特茅斯學院 (

Gil Raz specializes in Chinese Religion, with a particular interest in Daoism, and the interaction between Daoism, popular religious practices, and Buddhism. Between studies in History and Religious Studies in Hebrew University (B.A., 1992) and Chinese Religions in Indiana University (M.A., 1996; Ph.D., 2004), he spent several years in China and Taiwan, studying and working with Daoist priests. His recent book Emergence of Daoism: Creation of Tradition (Routledge, 2012) examines the formation of the Daoist religious tradition between the second and fifth centuries C.E. His research interests include Daoist ritual, both historical and contemporary, Daoist sacred geography and mythology, traditional divination systems, and concepts of the body and sexual practices in Chinese religions.
34. Ifqut SHAHEEN 薩隱: Allama Iqbal Open University 巴基斯坦阿拉瑪伊克拜爾開放大學 (

 Assistant Professor, Department of History, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, PakistanIfqut Shaheen has received her PhD in historiography of the archaeology of widely known Taxila from Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad. She is published in many academic journals and newspapers. She has also participated in national and international conferences on history and archaeology.  

Areas of Inquiry: 1. Historiography; 2. Popularization of science; 3. History of Indian archaeology.

35. SHENG Kai 聖凱: Tsinghua University 清華大學 (

Ven. Dr. Sheng Kai is a Professor in the Philosophy Department of Tsinghua University, the Executive director of the Buddhist Association of China, and a Graduate Teacher of Buddhist Academy of Putuo Mount, Zhejiang Province. In 2008, he was the Associate professor of Philosophy Department of Nanjing University.

He studied in the Buddhist Academy of China, Nanjing University, attained MPhil (Nanjing University) in 2002, PhD (Nanjing University) in 2005, and finished Postdoctoral study in Tsinghua University in 2007.

He is the author of following books: (1.)The Buddhist Ritual of China, (2) Study on the Confessional Ritual of Chinese Buddhism, (3) The Buddhist Confessional Thought, (4) Study on the School of Mahayana-samuparigraha-sastra. He specializes in Buddhist Confession, Buddhist Pure Land Thought, Yogacara Buddism and Tathagatagarbha Buddhism.

36. SHI Ying 石英: University of Sichuan 四川大學 (

37. Krill SOLONIN 索羅寧: ERC project Buddhist Road, Ruhr University, Bochum 德國波鴻大學


索羅甯教授 1969生, 求學於聖彼德堡國立大學(俄羅斯), 漢學家和佛學家。在聖彼德堡國立大學獲得這兩個高級學位、並在那裡和俄羅斯科學院的東方寫本研究院工作了幾年後,他移居臺灣,隨後工作於臺灣的幾所大學與研究所(包括輔仁大學),直至被任命為佛光大學東亞佛教的副教授。2013年起為中國人民大學國學院教授,主要從事佛學,西夏學,語言學研究,漢藏交流等。除了專著《教義之襲取: 西夏國的華嚴-禪佛教》 (Obretenie Uchenia: Tradicia Huayan-Chan v Buddhisme Tangutskogo Gosudarstva, Petersburg University, 2007)外,還撰有大量涉及中國和西夏佛教的文章。主要文章包括《Dīpaṃkara in the Tangut Context》, 1-2 (Acta Orientalia, 2016); 《Tangut Buddhist literature》收錄在J Silk et al. eds., Brill Encyclopedia of Buddhism,(2016), “Atiśa Satyadvayāvatāra in the Tangut Translation” (Journal of Indian Philosophy) 等數十篇文章。
38. SUN Guozhu 孫國柱: China University of Political Science and Law 中國政法大學人文學院哲學系 ( 哲學博士。現為中國政法大學人文學院哲學系講師。主要從事哲學、宗教學的教學科研工作,具體研究領域為三教關係(明清之際「逃禪」現象),儒家倫理,佛教哲學,中國哲學的現代詮釋(共生)。在博士期間,擔任北京大學哲學系《人文宗教研究》期刊助理編輯;由國家留學基金委資助至美國亞利桑那大學東亞系訪學一年。在《佛學研究》、《道德與文明》、《世界宗教文化》、《孔子研究》等期刊發表論文多篇。
39. Mingli SUN: Tsinghua University 清華大學

40. SUN Yinggang 孫英剛: University of Zhejiang 浙江大學 (

SUN Yinggang孫英剛,先后就讀於北京大學和普林斯頓大學,獲普林斯頓大學哲學博士學位(Ph.D.),浙江大學歷史系教授。長期從事中古史和佛教史的研究,先后出版《神文時代:讖緯、術數與中古政治研究》(上海古籍出版社2014年第一版﹔2015年5月第二版,精裝)和《隋唐五代史》(上海人民出版社,2014年),並與陳金華教授共同主編《神聖空間:中古宗教中的空間因素》論文集(復旦大學出版社,2015年),譯有《展望永恆帝國:戰國時代的中國政治思想》(上海古籍出版社,2013年);並圍繞中古知識、信仰與政治世界以及佛教對中古社會的影響等主題發表論文60余篇。並擔任“域外研究叢刊”叢書主編、Frontiers of History in ChinaStudies in Chinese Religions兩份學術期刊編委。研究方法上強調知識、信仰世界和政治、世俗世界的關聯性,強調從古人的知識邏輯和信仰結構出發,揭示政治起伏和日常生活的思想環境和知識邏輯。從更為具體的層面說,第一,強調宗教文獻尤其是浩瀚的佛教文獻對中國中古史的意義,挖掘被傳統正史選擇性“遺忘”的歷史細節,將佛教史納入中古政治史、城市生活史的語境內考察﹔第二,強調將佛教在亞洲大陸的興起和傳播視為一種“世界史”的脈絡,轉換角度而將中國中古史視為這個歷史脈絡的一部分,比如考察曾經對中古政治史產生重要影響的符號、概念、器物等的“域外根源”。通過方法的革新、史料的挖掘,和領域的拓展,重新認識中國中古文明和佛教史。目前主要圍繞四個方面進行佛教史的研究,第一,漢唐間的緯學思想和佛教的關系。之前佛教與本土文明的沖突與融合,多集中於儒家與佛教、道教與佛教,而忽略了佛教傳入之初,即面對一個強大的、復雜的陰陽讖緯的知識體系﹔第二, 佛教王權觀的研究。主要圍繞彌勒信仰、轉輪王(Cakravartin)的符號、概念及其政治意涵展開,探討佛教對中古政治理論和實踐的影響﹔第三,認為長安(也包括洛陽)帶有強烈的佛教性格,集中於探討隋唐時代都市佛教寺院的日常生活和政治空間﹔第四,希望能夠在力所能及的情況下梳理中亞文明和中國中古佛教的關係。
41. Elizaveta VANEIAN 薇蕊菴, Lomonosov Moscow State University 莫斯科國立大學(

Elizaveta VANEIAN received her Master’s degree in Art History from Lomonosov Moscow State University (2018) with a thesis on Japanese Buddhist sculpture (“Statue of the Bodhisattva Fugen from the State Museum of Oriental Art: Dimensions of Worship and Iconography”). In 2016-2017 she had an opportunity to research this topic in Japan while participating in the Japanese Language Program for Specialists in Cultural and Academic Fields (The Japan Foundation Japanese-Language Institute, Kansai). Elizaveta plans to enter a PhD program to pursue her studies in the topic of Japanese Buddhist sculpture. Her research interests include semantics of religious images, a connection between ideas of manifestation and image making, gender studies in relation to Buddhist art.
42. WANG Dawei 王大偉: University of Sichuan 四川大學(
43. WANG Ge 王格: Sun Yat-sen University 中山大學 (

44. WANG Hongwei 王宏偉: Nanking University 南京大學 (

南京大學東方哲學與宗教專業在讀博士生,主要研究方向為禪宗與儒釋道三教關系。曾參加2017-2018“佛教與東亞文化” 國際研修班。
45. WANG Kexin 汪珂欣: Nanking University 南京大學 (

四川大學美術學碩士、南京大學藝術學2018級博士生,主要研究方向為東亞藝術與宗教,致力於宋代巴蜀佛教石窟藝術、六朝畫學理論與美術考古等研究。曾參加2014北京大學美術史研究生論壇、第八屆全國高等院校美術史學年會、第四屆全國藝術學2017提名學者主題論壇、第十三屆全國高等院校藝術學年會、2018藝術史學科發展研討會等並宣讀論文。曾參與美國蓋提基金會 “民族志之眼”項目;2017-2018“佛教與東亞文化”國際研修班並獲青年學者論壇“優秀論文獎”。發表論文十余篇,有關佛教的如《安岳毗盧洞19號水月觀音研究》、《宋代巴蜀水月觀音造像樣式與供奉背景研究》。
46. Lucas WOLF 武霄陽: Arizona State University 美國亞利桑那州立大學 (

Lucas Wolf is a PhD. student pursuing his doctorate in East Asian Languages and Civilizations (Chinese) in the School of International Letters and Cultures at ASU.  His research interest lays in modes of practice of religious Daoism during the latter half of the first millennium of the Common Era.  His goal is to help untangle the complex connections between Daoist ritual practices in the Tang dynasy (618-907 CE) with their later expressions in the Northern and Southern Song dynasties (960-1279 CE).  In particular, he is concerned with the rise of a new class of practitioner, the “ritual masters of summoning and interrogation” (kaozhao fashi), itinerant ritual specialists who specialized in healing and exorcism through the mastery of a series of daemonifugic rites.  He is also interested in the expression of religious elements in the poetry and prose of the period, in particular how such works reinscribe and recreate earlier narratives to fit contemporary concerns.
47. WU Hua 吳華: University of Sichuan 四川大學 (

48. WU Shaowei 武紹衛: Zhejiang Normal University 浙江師範大學 ( 首都师范大学历史学博士,浙江师范大学人文学院讲师
49. YANG Qiling 楊奇霖: Fudan University  復旦大學 (

50. XU Hua 徐華, Zibo Normal College 淄博師範高等專科學校 (

51. YAO Teng 姚騰: Xinzhou Normal University 忻州師範學院 ( 姚腾,忻州师范学院外语系副教授,2003年起从事大学英语翻译教学与研究工作。2015年起研究方向转为佛典翻译史和五台山信仰,2016年UBC东亚佛教暑期文化研究班学员兼翻译。2017-2018年西北大学玄奘研究院访问学者,2018年9月起为西北大学历史学院佛教研究所博研究生(PHD. Candidate)。著有《五台山文化翻译研究》(Wutaishan Culture: An approach of Translation Studies吉林大学出版社,2017)。主要论文有History of Translating Chinese Tripitaka into English: Four Paradigms(汉传佛典英译的四个范式) (1st International Young Buddhist Scholars Conference,2017)等。
52. Jakub ZAMORSKI 孫亞柏: Jagiellonian University 波蘭亞捷隆大學 (

東亞語言文學碩士,哲學博士; 亞捷隆大學比較文明研究中心助理教授; 主要研究方向為東亞佛教思想史(中國和日本的近現代淨土思想,漢傳因明學)
53. ZHAI Xinglong 翟興龍: Capital Normal University 首都師範大學歷史學院 (

54. ZHANG Jia 張佳: Southeast University 東南大學(

Jia ZHANG is an Assistant Professor of Religious Studies in the Southeast University of China. She studied religious studies in Renmin University of China since 2004 and attained BA in 2008, MPhil in 2011. Then she finished Doctoral study in the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2014. She has been engaged in research projects related to Chinese Buddhism in modern times, and lay Buddhism. She published several related writings such as (1)“Lay Buddhist Communities in Modern China: A Study of the World Lay Buddhist Association in Shanghai” (MPhil thesis, 2011),(2)“ The Religious Lives of Shanghai’s Lay Buddhist Business Elites and the Modernization of Chinese Buddhism: A Case Study of Wang Yiting(1867-1938)”(PhD thesis, 2015),(3)“Lay Buddhism in Contemporary China: Social Engagements and Political Regulations”(with Prof.JI Zhe, in China Review, forthcoming).
55. ZHANG Shubin 張書彬: University of Zhejiang 浙江大學(

56. ZHAN Ru 湛如: Peking University 北京大學 (

Zhan Ru is a Professor in Peking University’s School of Foreign Languages. Additionally, he is a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee, Vice President of the Buddhist Association of China and Vice President of the Peking University Orientalism Research Institute.
His areas of research include: Buddhist and Buddhist literature, the Indian Ministry of Buddhism, Dunhuang Buddhism, Buddhist system