Treasures of Khotan – Panelists

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1 Jidong Chen, Aoyamagakuin University
PhD in Buddhist Studies from the University of Tokyo. Previous teaching at Beijing University and Musashino University in Tokyo before being appointed as a professor at Aoyamagakuin University, Tokyo. His research interests cover the history of Ming and Qing dynasty’s Chinese religions (in particular Buddhist history and folk religion), Modern Chinese intellectual history, and Sino-Japanese cultural interactions. He is the author of two mongraphs, Shin Matsu Bukyo No kenkyu: Yangwenhui wo Chushin Toshite 清末仏教の研究:楊文会を中心として (Sankibo, Tokyo, 2003) and Ogurusu Kocho no Shin Matsu Chugoku Taiken: Kindai Niichu Bukyo Koryu no Kaitan 小栗栖香頂の清末中国体験: 近代日中仏教交流の開端 (Sankibo, Tokyo, 2016), and numerous articles in Japanese, Chinese and English.


2 Jinhua Chen, UBC
Jinhua Chen is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and a professor of East Asian intellectual history (particularly religions) at the University of British Columbia, where he also served as the Canada Research Chair in East Asian Buddhism (2001–2011). He has received numerous grants and awards from major funding agencies for his work on East Asian state-church relationships, monastic (hagio-)biographical literature, Buddhist sacred sites, relic veneration, Buddhism and technological innovation in medieval China, and Buddhist translations. Dr. Chen has published six monographs, edited and co-edited over thirty books, and authored nearly eighty book chapters and journal articles.

加拿大皇家學會院士、英屬哥倫比亞大學東亞思想史講座教授,曾任加拿大國立東亞佛教講座教授(CRC)多年。研究領域涉及東亞政教關係,中古時期僧傳(聖傳)文學,佛教聖地,舍利崇拜,佛教與技術革新,以及佛教翻譯等領域。研究成果包括:已出版六部專著,合編十餘本書籍,發表七十多篇論文。這些成果曾獲眾多基金和獎項,包括日本學術振興會、加拿大國家社科基金和 Peter Wall 高級研究院、德國洪堡基金會和馬普研究所以及美國人文研究中心等機構的研究基金。目前領導一項為期多年的旨在重新建構佛學與東亞宗教重要面向的國際性與跨學科的龐大項目,由加拿大政府資助並得到國際上諸多名校與基金會的支持。

3 Juxia Chen, Shanghai University  陳菊霞,上海大學
Juxia Chen, a professor and doctoral supervisor in the Department of History in the College of Liberal Arts, Shanghai University, had previously worked in the Dunhuang Academy for many years and served successively as the deputy director of the Archaeological Institute and the director of the Textual Research Institute of the Academy. She once worked as a visiting scholar in the Department of Fine Art in Tokyo University of the Arts in Japan, the Center for Chinese Studies at Oxford in UK, and the Institute of East Asian Civilization in France. Mainly engaged in the research of Dunhuang documents and Dunhuang grotto arts, she has published a few monographs including Dunhuang Zhaishi yanjiu 敦煌翟氏研究 [A Study on the Dunhuang Zhai Family] and Shibo congshu: Dunhuang yu Sui Tang chengshi wenming 世博叢書:敦煌與隋唐城市文明 [World Expo Series: Dunhuang and the Sui-Tang City Civilizations] (co-authored), in addition to more than 40 academic articles. Moreover, she has undertaken different research projects respectively supported by National Social Science Fund and the Social Science Planning of Gansu Province as well as the Dunhuang Academy Institute-level projects. Currently, she is also a council member of Chinese Association of Dunhuang and Turfan Studies and Chinese Society for Historians of China’s Foreign Relations.


4 Ming Chen, Peking University
CHEN Ming is currently a Professor and Head of the Department of South Asian Studies at Peking University. Since he was awarded a doctoral degree by Peking University in 1999, with a dissertation on Indian Medical Science, he has focused on the history of cultural communication between China and Central & South Asia in the Medieval Period, mainly but not exclusively in terms of medicine. His academic interests have also been extended to a study on Buddhist literature in Sanskrit-Chinese, and the influence of ancient South Asian literature on China. He has published six books all in Chinese as follows: (1) On the Sanskrit Medical Book Siddhasāra (2002, 2014); (2) Medical Manuscripts Discovered in Dunhuang and Western Regions: Foreign Medicine in Medieval China (2005); (3) A Study on Sanskrit Medical Text of Jīvaka-pustaka from Dunhuang (2005); (4) Foreign Medicine and Culture in Medieval China / (2013); (5) Texts and Languages: A Comparative Study on Some Manuscripts Unearthed from the Silk Road and Early Chinese Buddhist Canon/ (2013); (6) Indian Buddhist Mythology: Its Writing and Transmission (2016). Now he is also interested in comparative study of Buddhist literature and vocabulary in Sanskrit and Chinese, and the transmission of tales and related images in pre-modern Eurasia. He has two funded projects: A collection of illustrated texts of ancient Eastern literature and related studies, and Studies on exchanges of culture and literature between China and South Asia in pre-modern period.


5 Suyu Chen, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Suyu Chen, Associate Professor, Institute of World Religions, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2012 with a Ph.D. in Art History. Her areas of research include Buddhist art history and art exchange along the Silk Road. Published a monograph From Khotan to Dunhuang: Based on the Images Spreaded to the East during Tang and Song Dynasties (Publishing House of Local Records, 2014) and The Buddhist Art in the Desert: Buddhist Texts and Images on the Southern Route of the Xiyu in the Medieval Period. (The Commercial Press, 2024).

6 Matteo Compareti, Capital Normal University
Matteo Compareti graduated in Oriental Languages and Literature from the University of Venice “Ca’ Foscari” (1999) and defended his PhD in Iranian Studies at the University of Naples “L’Orientale” (2005). His main field of investigation is the study of the iconography of the Zoroastrian deities of Persia and Central Asia in the pre-Islamic era. He has held teaching courses in the United States of America (University of California, Berkeley) and in the People’s Republic of China (Renmin University of China, Shaanxi Normal University, and Capital Normal University). Among his most relevant publications in English, there are Samarkand the Center of the World. Proposals for Reading the Pictorial Cycle of Afrāsyāb, Costa Mesa CA, 2016 and The Elusive Persian Phoenix. Simurgh and Pseudo-Simurgh in Iranian Art, Bologna, 2021.
康馬泰於1999年畢業於威尼斯大學東方語言和文學專業,並於2005年在那不勒斯大學獲得伊朗學博士學位。其主要研究領域是前伊斯蘭時代波斯和中亞祆教神祇圖像學研究。曾在美國(加州大學伯克利分校)和中國(中國人民大學、陝西師範大學和首都師範大學)任教。其相關英文出版物有Samarkand the Center of the World. Proposals for Reading the Pictorial Cycle of Afrāsyāb(《撒馬爾罕:世界的中心——阿夫拉西阿卜壁畫解讀》, Costa Mesa CA, 2016)和The Elusive Persian Phoenix. Simurgh and Pseudo-Simurgh in Iranian Art(《神秘莫測的波斯不死鳥:伊朗藝術中的森莫夫和偽森莫夫》,Bologna, 2021)。
7 Daxue Dong, Shanghai Normal University

Daxue Dong is an Associate Professor in the School of Humanities, Shanghai Normal University, where he also supervises master’s degree candidates. Holding a PhD in History, his expertise lies primarily in Dunhuang studies and the history of the Sui, Tang, and Five Dynasties periods. In addition, he holds the position of Director within the Dunhuang and Turpan Studies Association in China. Dong Daxue has played a leading role in two projects funded by the National Social Science Fund and a Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science project. Moreover, he has contributed to several major projects under the same fund. His scholarly output includes over 20 academic papers that underscore his significant contributions to his fields of specialization.

8 Xiaoyang Fan, Capital Normal University

首都師範大學博士生,博論題目: 于闐佛教文獻與中古佛教史研究。出版有《唐朝統治于闐時期的漢寺經濟——以和田出土漢語文書為中心》(《首都師範大學學報(社會科學版)》,2024年4期)、《敦煌、吐魯番出土<勝天王般若波羅蜜多經>研究——兼論南朝所譯于闐傳入經律在河西、西域的流傳》(《西域研究》)等。

9 Hans Fellner, University of Vienna
Hannes A. Fellner (PhD, Harvard University) is a Professor of Digital Corpus Linguistics at the Department of Linguistics and the Department of European and Comparative Literature and Language Studies at the University of Vienna. He specializes in Indo-European historical-comparative linguistics, theories of language change, and digital humanities and humanism, with a strong focus on linguistic ecology and diversity, particularly along the ancient Silk Road.

Fellner is a member of the Young Academy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and academic director of the Austrian Institute for China and Southeast Asia Studies. Fellner has published extensively on topics spanning linguistics, philosophy, Buddhist and China studies and serves as co-editor of the journals Die Sprache (Harrassowitz) and Tocharian and Indo-European Studies (De Gruyter Brill).

10 Imre Galambos, Zhejiang University/University of Cambridge

Imre Galambos is a specialist of Chinese manuscripts from Dunhuang and other Silk Road sites. He received his PhD in 2002 from the University of California, Berkeley, with a dissertation on the orthography of Chinese writing as evidenced in bamboo-slip manuscripts from the Warring States period. Immediately after graduation, he worked for the International Dunhuang Project (IPD) at the British Library, where his area of research gradually shifted to the Dunhuang manuscripts. In 2012, he left the library to take up a teaching position at the University of Cambridge, where he taught subjects related to premodern China. He retired from Cambridge in 2023, following which he moved to Hangzhou. He is now Qiushi Chair Professor at Zhejiang University. His books include Orthography of Early Chinese Writing (2006), Manuscripts and Travellers: The Sino-Tibetan Documents of a Tenth-century Buddhist Pilgrim (2012; co-authored with Sam van Schaik), Translating Chinese Tradition and Teaching Tangut Culture (2015), and Dunhuang Manuscript Culture: End of the First Millennium(2020).

高奕叡於2002年在加州大學伯克利分校獲得博士學位。畢業後,加入了大英圖書館國際敦煌項目(IDP)。在此期間,他的研究領域逐漸轉向敦煌寫本的研究。2012年,前往劍橋大學任教,教授與中國中古時代相關的課程。2023年,從劍橋大學退休,隨後擔任浙江大學求是講席教授。主要研究領域:敦煌學、中古寫本學、西夏學、中國與中亞交流史。著作包括《先秦漢字結構》(2006年)、《寫本與朝聖者:一位十世紀佛僧朝聖者的漢藏文獻》(2012年,與Sam van Schaik合著)、《漢文文獻的西夏譯本》(2015年)以及《敦煌寫本文化研究》(2020年)。

11 Imre Hamar, Eötvös Loránd University

Dr. Imre Hamar was born in Győr in 1967. He obtained his MA degree in Chinese and Tibetan at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in 1992 and started to work in 1993 at the Chinese and East Asian Department. In 1997 he earned his Ph.D. degree of the Hungarian Academy of Science (the title of his thesis is ’Modifications in Huayan tradition in 8-9th century – Chengguan’s life and his theory of the four dharma-dhātus’). In 2001 he became an associate professor and in 2008 full professor of Chinese studies at ELTE. He habilitated in 2004 and became a doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2016. He has been the head of the ELTE East Asian Department since 2002 (since 2008 it has been called ELTE Chinese Department) and since 2003 the director of the doctoral program in Chinese Studies of ELTE. Since 2006 Dr. Hamar has been the director of the ELTE Confucius Institute, since 2008 the director of the Institute of East Asian Studies, and since 2021 the director of ELTE Sejong Institute. Between 2006 and 2007 and 2015 and 2017 he was the vice dean of international affairs at the ELTE Faculty of Humanities, and since 2017 he has been the vice-rector of international affairs at ELTE and the president of Budapest University Athletics Club (BEAC).

郝清新博士 1967 年出生於 焦爾。他於 1992 年獲得羅蘭大學漢語和藏語專業碩士學位,1993 年開始在漢語和東亞系工作。1997 年,他獲得匈牙利科學院博士學位(論文題目為 “8-9 世紀華嚴宗的變遷–澄觀的生平及其四法論”)。2001 年,他成為羅蘭大學漢學系副教授,2008 年成為正教授。他於 2004 年獲得博士學位,並於 2016 年成為匈牙利科學院博士。自2002年起,他一直擔任羅蘭大學東亞系主任(2008年起改稱羅蘭大學中國系),並自2003年起擔任羅蘭大學中國研究博士項目主任。郝清新博士自2006年起擔任羅蘭大學孔子學院院長,自2008年起擔任東亞研究所所長,自2021年起擔任羅蘭大學世宗研究所所長。2006年至2007年、2015年至2017年期間,他擔任羅蘭大學人文學院國際事務副院長,2017年起擔任羅蘭大學國際事務副校長和布達佩斯大學田徑俱樂部(BEAC)主席。

12 Agnieszka Helman-Ważny, University of Hamburg

Agnieszka Helman-Ważny (Ph.D. 2007) is Professor of Book Studies at the University of Warsaw and researcher at the Division 4.5 – Analysis of Artefacts and Cultural Assets at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing in Berlin. She is also affiliated with the Cluster of Excellence ‘Understanding Written Artefacts’ at the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures at the University of Hamburg. Her publications include monographs and articles on the history of books and paper in Central Asia and the Himalayas, material culture of Tibet, codicology of Silk Road manuscripts and the history of Asian book collections, including The Archaeology of Tibetan Books (Brill, 2014), and The Mustang Archives: Analysis of handwritten documents via the study of papermaking traditions in Nepal (Brepols, 2021, co-authored with Charles Ramble).

13 Satomi Hiyama, International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies

Satomi Hiyama is an art historian specializing in the iconography of Central Asian Buddhist paintings. She had been a research fellow of the Asian Art Museum of Berlin for 2010 to 2016. After receiving Ph.D in Art History at the Freie Universität in Berlin in 2014, she was engaged as a postdoctoral researcher at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and Ryukoku University for 2015 to 2018, and worked as Assistant Professor at Kyoto University in 2018 to 2023. Currently she is a research fellow at the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies in Tokyo, as well as the external researcher of the research project “Buddhist Murals of Kucha on the Northern Silk Road” at Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig.

檜山智美是一位佛教美術史學者,專門研究中亞佛教繪畫的圖像學。她曾於 2010 年至 2016 年擔任柏林亞洲藝術博物館研究員。2014 年在柏林自由大學獲得藝術史博士學位後,2015 年至 2018 年在慕尼黑路德維希馬克西米利安大學和龍谷大學擔任博士後研究員,2018 年至 2023 年在京都大學擔任助理教授。目前,她是東京國際佛教研究生院的研究員,也是萊比錫薩克森科學院北方絲綢之路上的庫車佛教壁畫研究項目的外部研究員。

14 Lele Huang, Peking University


Huang Lele, the post doctor at School of Foreign Languages, Peking University, PhD in Buddhist Art History from Nehru University in India, and guest lecturer at the International Buddhist Research Institute at Mahachulalongkorn University in Thailand. My main research areas include the history of Indian Buddhist art, Southeast Asian Buddhist art, and South and Southeast Asian cultures. Currently, my research focuses on art of Indian grotto temples and South Indian Buddhist art.

15 Gen’ichiro Katsuki, Tokyo National Museum
16 Xiaonan Li, Peking University
李曉楠,北京大學外國語學院南亞系博士後。 2011年進入中央民族大學藏學研究院藏語零起點班學習藏語言文學;2016年進入北京大學攻讀印度語言文學,曾先後前往法國國立東方語言文化學院,劍橋大學短期訪學。2022年-2023年在國家留學基金委聯合培養博士項目的資助下,前往哈佛大學學習。2023年獲得北京大學印度語言文學博士學位。

Li Xiaonan is a postdoctoral fellow at the School of Foreign Languages, Peking University, specializing in Sanskrit-Tibetan grammar, Buddhist literature, and inscriptions in Xinjiang cave temples. She embarked on her academic journey by enrolling in the Zero Beginner Class for Tibetan Language and Literature at the Institute of Tibetan Studies, Minzu University, in 2011. In 2016, she pursued advanced studies in Indian Language and Literature at Peking University. During this time, she undertook short-term academic visits to prestigious institutions such as the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations in France and the University of Cambridge. Benefiting from the China Scholarship Council’s Joint Ph.D. Program, she conducted doctoral research at Harvard University from 2022 to 2023. In 2023, she was awarded a Ph.D. in Indian Language and Literature from Peking University.

17 Mingyu Lin, Komazawa University
林鳴宇,1972 年生,浙江樂清人。日本駒澤大學博士(佛教學)。專攻中國佛教,兼及中日佛教之天台學,中日佛教之戒律學。現為日本學習院大學東洋文化研究所研究員,日本曹洞宗正教師(瑞光寺)。主要著作有《宋代天台教學研究》(2003),《天台文類天台法數校釋》(2005),《大戒東漸》(2014),《肇論集解令模鈔校釋》(伊藤隆壽合著,2008),《華嚴經綱要校釋》(馬淵昌也合著,2017,獲 2017 年中國優秀古籍圖書二等獎),《亞洲佛教史》卷七(合著,2010),《東亞的靜坐傳統》(合著,2012)等 10 余種。在各類學術刊物上發表學術論文 70 余篇。
18 Yi Liu, Capital Normal University
Liu Yi, was born in Beijing in 1972. In 2000, he obtained his Ph.D. from the Department of History at Capital Normal University, where he subsequently took up a teaching position. Currently, he is a professor, doctoral supervisor, and dean at the School of History of Capital Normal University, as well as the vice president of the China Dunhuang and Turfan Society. His areas of expertise are Dunhuang studies and the religious history of medieval China. He has published over 160 academic papers, research book reviews, and translations in various domestic and international journals and anthologies. He has authored and edited eight monographs and collections of essays: “Reverence for Heaven and the Exaltation of the Dao: The Intellectual History Background of the Formation of Medieval Confucian and Daoist Thoughts” (2005), “Classics and History: A Collection of Studies on Daoist Scriptures from Dunhuang” (2011), “Divinity and Regionality: Studies on the Daoist Belief World between the Han and Tang Dynasties” (2011), “Daoist Scriptures of Dunhuang and Medieval Daoism” (2013), “Historical and Documentary Studies of Han and Tang Daoism: Selected Works of Liu Yi” (2015), “Introduction to the Study of Chinese Daoism History” (2017), “Historical Studies on the Lingbao Scriptures of the Six Dynasties” (2018), and “Longsha Lun Dao Ji” (2020). He has successfully completed two general projects and one key project funded by the National Social Science Fund, as well as one project supported by the Ministry of Education’s Humanities and Social Sciences.His research is characterized by the use of historical analysis to study the formation and ideological contexts of religious scriptures. From 1996 to 2016, his primary research focus was on Daoist history and scriptures. In terms of Daoist history, he has critically examined the historical model of the “Five Pecks of Rice Dao to Celestial Master Dao” lineage. Regarding Daoist scriptures, he has conducted specialized research on texts such as the “Taiping Jing,” “Laozi Xiang Er Zhu,” “Laozi Hua Hu Jing,” “Laozi Bian Hua Jing,” “Sheng Xuan Nei Jiao Jing,” “Tai Shang Miao Fa Ben Xiang Jing,” and the “Lingbao Scriptures” of the Six Dynasties. Since 2017, he has shifted his focus to the study of medieval Buddhism, with particular interest in the history of Buddhism in the Western Regions, overland Buddhist trade routes between China and India, the history and art of Buddhism’s initial transmission to China, and comparative studies on Indian Buddhist “Dharma decline” prophecies and East Asian Buddhist “end of the Dharma” concepts.



19 Ciro Lo Muzio, University of Rome

Ciro Lo Muzio is an Associate Professor of South Asian and Central Asian Archaeology and Art History at the Sapienza University of Rome. He has participated in archaeological expeditions to Nepal (Kathmandu) and Uzbekistan (Bukhara Oasis). His main research interests are the archaeology and art history of Central Asia, the Northwest of the Indian Subcontinent, and Xinjiang, with a focus on religious iconography, such as Buddhist wall paintings and sculpture, and the influence of South Asian traditions on Central Asian visual arts.

20 Chenye Lu, Fujian Normal University

Lu Chenye, born in 1988, Shanghai. B.A. in Chinese Language and Literature and M.A. in Comparative and World Literature from Shanghai Normal University, Ph.D. in History from Renmin University of China, Joint Ph.D. from the University of Vienna, Austria, and Post-doctoral fellowship from the National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Fudan University. She is now a lecturer and master’s tutor in the College of Chinese Language and Literature of Fujian Normal University. Main research interests: Sanskrit-Tibetan Buddhist literature, Sanskrit-Chinese Transcriptions, etc. She has published papers in the Fudan Journal, the Historical and Philological Studies of China’s Western Regions, the Northwest Ethnology Series, the Chinese Buddhist Studies, etc. Currently, she is in charge of the project of Youth Fund for Humanities and Social Sciences Research of the Ministry of Education (PRC), “The Tattvāvatāra: A Critical Edition, Annotated Translation and Study of the Tibetan Buddhist Mahāmudrā Literature”, and the youth project of the National Social Science Foundation (PRC), “The Subhāṣitasaṃgraha: A Critical Edition, Annotated Translation and Study of the Sanskrit Manuscript”.

21 Michiyo Mori, Waseda University
森 美智代,早稻田大學
22 Neil Schmid, Dunhuang Academy
自2018年以來,擔任敦煌研究院的信息與敦煌學中心以及絲綢之路與敦煌比較研究中心擔任研究員。同時也是德國波鴻魯爾大學“佛教之路”項目(BuddhistRoad Project)的合作夥伴。曾在維也納大學、北卡羅來納大學、杜克大學等美國多所大學任教。在巴黎高等研究學院獲得了哲學碩士學位,並在賓夕法尼亞大學取得了博士學位。研究領域包括敦煌研究和絲綢之路研究,涵蓋了佛教文獻在儀式和藝術中的角色、中世紀的經濟發展、密教、莫高窟的壁畫以及建築空間中的儀式美學等多個主題。目前進行的研究項目是調查11世紀的於闐與敦煌的關係,以及薩珊王朝的神聖王權觀念在於闐文化中的影響。
23 Shang Shi, Capital Normal University

SHI Shang, born in 1996, graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is currently a PhD student at Capital Normal University in Beijing. His research interests include wall paintings in grottoes and temples, religious art of the West-Region in the middle ancient period, aiming to explore the multi-origins of Chinese culture and art under the trans-cultural horizons of the Euro-Asia continent. There are three published papers/scholarly translations/book reviews by him, focusing on the polychromy of the Yungang Grottoes, central Asian metalworks in China, and the “Ambassador Hall” of Afrāsiāb, Samarkand.

24 Jianbo Tang, Nankai University


Tang Jianbo, a PhD student at School of Literature, Nankai University. Main research areas include Buddhism in the Western Regions, Buddhist art history and archaeology of grotto temples. The title of doctoral dissertation is “Research on Cakra Temple from the 3rd to the 8th Century”.

25 Stephen Teiser, Princeton University
Stephen F. Teiser is D. T. Suzuki Professor in Buddhist Studies and Professor of Religion at Princeton University. His work traces the interaction between cultures along the silk road using textual, artistic, and material remains. He is interested in the transformations of Buddhism throughout Asia and focuses on Chinese-language materials. His most recent book is a monograph on Buddhism and the study of ritual, Yili yu fojiao yanjiu  儀禮與佛教研究 (2022). Other books include an English translation of Chunwen Hao’s Dunhuang Manuscripts: An Introduction to Texts from the Silk Road (2020); Reinventing the Wheel: Paintings of Rebirth in Medieval Buddhist Temples (2006), awarded the Prix Stanislas Julien by the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, Institut de France; The Scripture on the Ten Kings and the Making of Purgatory in Medieval Chinese Buddhism (1994); The Ghost Festival in Medieval China (1988); and several edited volumes. In 2014 he received the Graduate Mentoring Award from Princeton’s McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning, and in 2022-23 he was Old Dominion Professor in Princeton’s Humanities Council.

太史文擔任鈴木大拙佛學研究教授,也是普林斯頓大學宗教系的講座教授。他的領域是佛教與中國宗教,其研究運用文字材料、寫本、以及絲路遺留下來的藝術和物質資料,追溯文化之間的互動。他擔任普林斯頓跨院系東亞研究項目的主任。在2014年他榮獲普大 McGraw 教學中心頒發的人文學科研究生指導獎,他目前的研究重點是敦煌的儀禮寫本,并主編多種學術文集。

26 Jun Wang, China Jiliang University


Wang Jun,graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Jilin University, a master’s and doctoral degree from Nankai University, a post doctor from Peking University, and a visiting scholar from Cambridge University. Published multiple papers in journals such as World Religion Research, History Teaching, and Journal of Tianjin Normal University (Social Sciences Edition).

27 Shuai Wang, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
28 Weilin Wu, Sun Yat-sen University

Wu Weilin is an assistant professor in School of Foreign Languages, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou. She received her PhD in Indian languages and literatures (Sanskrit and Pāli literature) from Peking University, with a focus on a comparative study on the Pāli vinaya commentary Samantapāsādikā and its Chinese version. Her academic interest is Sanskrit and Pāli literature, Chinese-Indian cultural relations and Buddhology.

29 Nobuyoshi Yamabe, Waseda University

Nobuyoshi Yamabe 山部能宜 is a professor of Asian Philosophy at Waseda University 早稲田大學. Previous to this position, he served as a professor at Kyūshū Ryūkoku Junior College 九州龍谷短期大學 and professor of Bioethics and Foreign Languages at Tōkyō University of Agriculture 東京農業大學. He obtained his PhD degree from Yale in 1999 with a well-elaborated dissertation on the fifth century Chinese Buddhist apocryphon, Guanfo sanmei hai jing 觀佛三昧海經 [Sūtra on the Ocean-Like Samādhi of the Visualization of the Buddha]. His research interests primarily cover the following fields: Indian Yogācāra thoughts, and Buddhist meditation and visualization, particularly regarding Central Asian Buddhist texts and art. He has published prolifically on these subjects.

30 Baoyu Yang, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Baoyu Yang received Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts both from Peking University. She is a senior researcher in the Institute of Ancient History of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and is a professor and a doctoral supervisor in UCASS. She is a recipient of special government allowance from the State Council. Her major research focuses on Tunhuangology, and has authored several monographs, including The Relationship between Guiyijun Regime and the Central Government (Lead Author); Annotation and Research on the Buddhist Efficacy Stories from Dunhuang Manuscripts; Analysis of Dunhuang Manuscripts; History of Dunhuang Region and Dunhuang ArtsDunhuang Manuscripts in British Collections (Chinese texts other than Buddhist scripture), volumes 9-11,15Research on the Catalogues of the Dunhuang Manuscripts (Co-Author) and more than 100 other academic papers.

31 Jiuhong Yang, Nankai University  楊久紅,南開大學


Yang Jiuhong, a Ph.D candidate in the School of Humanities, Nankai University, with a primary research focus on Dunhuang literature, especially vow literature (fayuan wen 發願文) and miaozhen zan邈真讚.

32 Ru Zhan, Peking University
Zhan Ru is a professor in Peking University’s School of Foreign Languages. Additionally, he is Vice President of the Buddhist Association of China, and Vice President of the Peking University Orientalism Research Institute, Director of the Kuaijishan Institute for the Advanced Study of Buddhism, and the Director of the Central Steering Committee for the Glorisun Global Network for Buddhist Studies. His areas of research include: Buddhist and Buddhist literature, the Indian Ministry of Buddhism, Dunhuang Buddhism, Buddhist system. His Latest book, Encounter between Indian and Chinese Civilizations: Ximing Monastery of Tang Chang’an and the Silk Roads 西明東夏: 唐代長安西明寺與絲綢之路, has been newly selected as one of the “Top Ten Best Books” of 2023, by the esteemed Zhonghua Publishing House (Zhonghua shuju 中華書局).

湛如,北京大學外國語學院教授、博士生導師,北京大學東方學研究院副院長,北京大學佛教典籍與藝術研究中心主任,會稽山佛學高等研究院院長,與旭日全球佛學研究網絡核心指導委員會主任委員。兼任南開大學宗教與文化研究中心主任。同時擔任中國佛教協會副會長。研究領域包括佛教與佛教文獻、佛教律藏、敦煌佛教等。主持國家社會科學重點項目“唐代長安與絲綢之路”及國家社會科學重大項目“印度古代梵文文藝學經典翻譯與研究”等。其新著《西明東夏: 唐代長安西明寺與絲綢之路》最近被久負盛名的中華書局評選為2023年雙十佳圖書。

33 Huiming Zhang, China National Academy of Painting
法國高等實踐學院(EPHE)歷史語言與文獻學博士、中國國家畫院研究員、廣州美術學院美術學研究中心兼職研究員、中國敦煌吐魯番學會理事、法國亞洲學會(Société Asiatique)會員。主要研究方向:西域佛教藝術史與圖像學、新疆敦煌佛教圖像資料、俄羅斯考察隊在中國新疆敦煌等地的考古探險及所獲藝術品文物及其收藏以及絲綢之路中外美術傳播與交流等。曾先後在俄國聖彼得堡艾爾米塔什博物館、俄羅斯科學院東方文獻研究所和法國敦煌寫本與圖像資料研究中心/法國東亞文明研究中心(UMR 8583/ UMR 8155/ CRCAO)、德國柏林亞洲藝術博物館、法國吉美國立亞洲藝術博物館、意大利羅馬東方藝術博物館及意大利亞非研究所(Istituto Italiano per l’Africa e l’Oriente [IsIAO])等學術機構學習考察和研究,發表論著有:Iconographie de Mañjuśrī et du mont Wutai en Chine médiévale.  Une étude d’après les matériaux picturaux de Dunhuang du VIIe au Xe siècle(中古中國文殊五台山圖像學—根據公元7至10世紀敦煌繪畫資料的研究)(法文版)、A Study of the Story of the Penance and Elimination of Sins in the Golden Light Sūtra Illustration from the Bezeklik Caves (Focusing on Ty-575 Fragments of the Hermitage Collection)、《公元六至八世紀於闐佛教護法神系中的夜叉圖像—以達瑪溝佛寺遺址畫跡為中心的討論》、《公元6世紀末至8世紀初於闐〈大品般若經〉圖像考—和田達瑪溝托普魯克墩2號佛寺兩塊“千眼坐佛”木板畫的重新比定與釋讀》、《從那竭到於闐的早期大乘佛教護法鬼神圖像資料—— 哈達與和田出土的兩件龍王塑像札記》、《螺髻梵王還是編髮梵志?——雲岡石窟第1窟南壁窟門西側龕螺髻坐像圖像考釋》、《印度新德里國家博物館收藏的斯坦因敦煌所獲〈護諸童子曼荼羅〉紙本殘畫及其佛教護法獸首鬼神圖像》、《炳靈寺石窟第 169 窟北壁 10 號壁畫的般若主題與文殊師利法王子圖像初釋》以及《於闐佛教護法鬼神圖像:四臂獸首夜叉—女神與黎婆坻的文本與繪畫資料考》等。

Ph.D. in HTD from the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE), Research at the China National Academy of Painting, Adjunct Researcher at the Research Center for Art Studies of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Council Member of the Chinese Society for Dunhuang and Turfan Studies, China, and Member of the Société Asiatique, French. Primary Research Areas include: The history and iconography of Buddhist art in medieval western China (Xinjiang and Dunhuang), Materials from the Russian expedition’s archaeological expeditions to Xinjiang and Dunhuang and art objects and their collections, the dissemination and exchange of Chinese and foreign art along the Silk Road, etc. Main Publications include: Iconographie de Mañjuśrī et du mont Wutai en Chine médiévale: Une étude d’après les matériaux picturaux de Dunhuang du VIIe au Xe siècle 中古中國文殊五台山圖像學根據公元710世紀敦煌繪畫資料的研究 (Shanghai: Shanghai Chinese Classics Publishing House, 2018).

34 Jianyu Zhang, Renmin University of China

Jianyu Zhang, Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor at the School of Arts, Renmin University of China, and Deputy Director of the Buddhist Art Research Institute at Renmin University of China. He was also a Senior Visiting Scholar at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. His primary research focuses on the history of Buddhist art and artistic exchanges along the Silk Road. He has received several prestigious awards, including the 8th Hu Sheng Youth Academic Award, the 12th and 16th Beijing Outstanding Achievement Awards in Philosophy and Social Sciences, and the 9th Outstanding Achievement Award for Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions.