Second issue of Journal of Chan Buddhism
We are pleased to announce the release of the second issue of Journal of Chan Buddhism, edited by Jinhua Chen, George Keyworth, and Steffen Döll.Continue reading
We are pleased to announce the release of the second issue of Journal of Chan Buddhism, edited by Jinhua Chen, George Keyworth, and Steffen Döll.Continue reading
Fourth Volume of “Hualin Translation Series On Buddhist Studies” (Chinese). By Charles D. Orzech, translated by Bai Zhaojie, collated by Pei Changchun and Ji Yun.Continue reading
二零二二年一月四日, 魏道儒教授 (中国社会科学院大学). 网上直播, ZoomContinue reading
二零二一年十二月十二至十六日, 谈颖娴 (希伯来大学). 希伯来大学,布鲁姆菲尔德人文社会科学图书馆大厅Continue reading
December 11, 2021. Online, via ZoomContinue reading
October 12, 2021, with Rey-Sheng Her (Tzu Chi University). Online, via ZoomContinue reading
October 8-9, ONLINE with the Needham Research Institute (NRI), the Ancient India and Iran Trust (AIIT), and the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (FAMES) at Cambridge UniversityContinue reading
印证高端佛学讲座系列: 21世纪的佛教艺术
二零二一年九月二十二日, 汪悦进教授 (哈佛大学). 网上直播, ZoomContinue reading
New multi-university lecture series on Buddhism and Contemporary Society.Continue reading
Sixth Volume of “Famed Mountains and Great Monasteries” Series. Edited by Shi Ciguaun, Chen Jinhua, and Shi Xingding.Continue reading
Fifth volume of Brill Book Series: Studies on East Asian Religions. Edited by Ester Bianchi and Weirong ShenContinue reading
Third Volume of “Hualin Translation Series On Buddhist Studies” (Chinese). By James Benn, translated by Zhang Dewei, Li Jianxin, He Yongshan, and Chen Zhiyuan; collated by Zhang Dewei and Ji Yun.Continue reading