Prof. Wei-jen TENG currently teaches at Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, Taiwan. He completed his BA degree in Pali and Theravada Buddhism at University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, MA in Sanskrit at University of Poona, India. He then enrolled in another MA program in Religious Studies at University of Chicago, and lastly received his Ph.D. in Religious Studies at Harvard University. Prof. Teng’s research interests include Buddhist Theory of Mind and Meditation, Intellectual History of Chinese Buddhism, and more recently Buddhism and modernity. 鄧偉仁教授目前任教於台灣法鼓文理學院。他本科畢業於斯裡蘭卡肯那尼亞大學巴利文暨佛學系,碩士是印度普納大學的梵文學研究所,以及美國芝加哥大學神學院的宗教學研究,並且於2011年於哈佛大學宗教學研究取得博士學位。他的研究興趣包括宗教研究方法與理論、漢傳佛教思想史、佛教禪修理論、巴利文佛教、古典梵文文法以及當代佛教與現代性相關議題。